COMPOUND TUNES CHECK IF YOU KNOW THE WORDS. PRONOUNCE THEM CORRECTLY AND GIVE RUSSIAN EQUIVALENTS Perceive – [ pə’sɪ:v ] – осознавать, различать. Identify – [aɪ’dentɪfaɪ] – опознавать. Peculiarities – [ pɪˌkju:lɪˈærɪtɪz ] – особенности Resemblance – [ rɪ’zəmbləns] – сходство. A heterogeneous head – [ het(ə)rə(ʊ)ˈʤɪ:nɪəs] неоднородная гетерогенная шкала. Departure – [dɪpɑ:ʧə] – отклонение. GIVE ENGLISH EQUIVALENTS Гетерогенная шкала – a heterogeneous head. Сходство – resemblance Особенности – peculiarities Составной тональный контур – a compound tune Intonation groups having more than one kinetic tone are called compound tunes. Compound tunes (i.e. more than one kinetic tone in an intonation group) make speech more expressive. e.g. : Yes≀ ˈthat’s what I’m ‵doing Yes≀‵that’s what I’m ‵doing The character of the pitch-change in the prenuclear part of an intonation-group is perceived by the listener and identified as a kinetic tone. Yet, this intonation group is not split into smaller parts. E.g.: ˉGood ˊnight; ˌah no; the ˈhour is ‶ill. ‵Then it will ‶be good ‚night ˈHow can I ‵call the lone ˌnight good ˈBe it ˈnot ‶said „though ˈunderstood The ˈnight ‶is ˌgood - because my love ‵They ‚never ‶say good ˌnight So we can call a tune compound if: There are no pauses after the prenuclear kinetic tones; Non-final accents link closely within an intonation group. e.g. : And ‶men have ‶lost their reason. ˌYes ˆBrutus says he was ambitious. ˉAnd ˎgrievously hath ↘Ceasar ˆanswered it. Do compound tunes resemble you any other element of intonation structure ??? You ‵can’t be ‵taken ‵seriously. High Fall + High Fall Yes ‚Brutus ˈsays it was ˙am‵bitious. Low Rise + High Fall ’What a ’splendid ‵summer High Rise + High Rise HOWEVER In a Compound Tune the departure from a static pitch pattern of the prenuclear stress is rather more vivid than in a Head The expressive power of a Compound Tune is greater when kinetic tones are made emphatic. e.g. :‵What ‵awful ˎweather ! => ‶What ‶awful weather! ˈDid you go ’back and ’ask ? => "Did you go ”back and ask ? Compound Tunes – are intonation groups having more than one kinetic tone. They make speech more expressive. e.g.: It ‵saves me the ‚trouble of ˈlearning ˈforeign languages myˇself. A tune is compound of: There are no pauses after the prenuclear kinetic tones Non-final accents link closely within an intonation-group ’What a ’splendid ‵summer Fall + Fall Insistence (special & general • High Rise + High Rise ‶What ‶wonderful weather Typical for General Questions questions) Why ‶ever didn’t you ‶say so be\fore • • Dogmatism (statements) We must ‶tell him and ‶warn him im‵mediately • • Energy ( imperatives ) ‶Don’t ever ‶do that a‵gain e.g. ‵What ‵wonderful weather e.g. of surprise or incredulity) e.g. e.g. • e.g. Extra emphasis (exclamations) ‶What a ‶wonderful sur‵prise ! Aren’t you ready yet? (a feeling Compound Tunes e.g. Won’t you wait for your sister, ˙Kitty? (often used in questions to children) Fall + Fall -Rise Low Rise + Fa ll Mistification Gives special emphasis to some word earlier than the nucleus and puzzlment (questions) ‚Why didn’t he ‵wait ? Persuasiveness and expostulation e.g. A more apologetic note (esp. in statements) I ‵don’t think we \ought to be \‚angry Reproachfulness (imperatives) Well, ‵don’t make so much \‚fuss a˙bout it. Fall-Rise + Fall Conveys emphasis or contrast e.g. Will you try again? ‒ I’d ‘’rather ‵not. e.g. ˈMy ˙mistress when ‵she ‚walks ‵treads on the ‵ground e.g The ‵train I was going to ‚catch has been ‵cancelled (statements & imperatives) ‚ That’s the ‵answer. // ‚ Go and ‵see him. Wonderment (in exclamations) ‚ How an‶noying. e.g. e.g.