Manual SerDia2010 English Edition Diagnosis for DEUTZ Engines Manual SerDia2010 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Part-No. Version 1.0 Creation Date 0312 2024 de 7.1.1 19.03.2015 Note: This documentation is the property of DEUTZ AG. Any use or for distribution to third parties is only allowed with the express permission of the DEUTZ AG! Publisher DEUTZ AG Responsible for the content Application Engineering VE-SE2 Table of Content 1 Safety-Hints 1 2 Common Hints 3 ................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Start and Communication ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1.1 Serdia2010 License 4 .................................................................................................................................................. Ordering ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 2.1.2 Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 2.1.3 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................... 7 2.1.4 Minimum Configuration 7 .................................................................................................................................................. Hardware 7 .................................................................................................................................................. HS-Light 8 .................................................................................................................................................. DeCom 11 .................................................................................................................................................. PC/Notebook 12 .................................................................................................................................................. Diagnosis Plug and Jack 13 .................................................................................................................................................. CAN-Bus of ECU ......................................................................................................................................................... 14 2.1.5 Installing 14 .................................................................................................................................................. Install SerDia2010 ......................................................................................................................................................... 15 2.1.6 Windows Access rights ......................................................................................................................................................... 16 2.1.7 Users Competence Level ................................................................................................................................... 18 2.2 License Acquisition ......................................................................................................................................................... 18 2.2.1 Order ................................................................................................................................... 20 2.3 Disposability 3 Introduction 21 4 Error Hints (FAQ) 22 5 Connection establishment 27 6 Software handling 30 ................................................................................................................................... 30 6.1 Startup Window ................................................................................................................................... 32 6.2 Mainmenu - Topper ......................................................................................................................................................... 33 6.2.1 Topper elements ................................................................................................................................... 34 6.3 Status Bar - Footer 35 7 Global Programfunctionality ................................................................................................................................... 35 7.1 Dataset managment ................................................................................................................................... 40 7.2 Error memory ......................................................................................................................................................... 40 7.2.1 error memory 1 ......................................................................................................................................................... 41 7.2.2 error memory 2 ......................................................................................................................................................... 42 7.2.3 possible interactions ................................................................................................................................... 44 7.3 Graphical display 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.3.4 7.3.5 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG ......................................................................................................................................................... usage ......................................................................................................................................................... Graphical area ......................................................................................................................................................... Table area ......................................................................................................................................................... Print function ......................................................................................................................................................... Trigger 45 50 52 57 57 V.7.1.1 ......................................................................................................................................................... 57 7.3.6 dynamic measurement values ................................................................................................................................... 60 7.4 Program adjustments ......................................................................................................................................................... 62 7.4.1 language ......................................................................................................................................................... 63 7.4.2 access elevation ......................................................................................................................................................... 64 7.4.3 SpellAlphabet 8 UseCases EMR4 65 ................................................................................................................................... 66 8.1 engine settings ......................................................................................................................................................... 66 8.1.1 overview fuel system ......................................................................................................................................................... 67 8.1.2 exhaust gas recirculation flap ......................................................................................................................................................... 68 8.1.3 IQA-Code ......................................................................................................................................................... 70 8.1.4 injector switch off ......................................................................................................................................................... 72 8.1.5 Compressionstest ......................................................................................................................................................... 74 8.1.6 Oil change ................................................................................................................................... 75 8.2 adjustments engine speed - acceleration pedal ......................................................................................................................................................... 75 8.2.1 constant speed ......................................................................................................................................................... 77 8.2.2 Limp home speed ......................................................................................................................................................... 78 8.2.3 low idle speed ......................................................................................................................................................... 79 8.2.4 droop ......................................................................................................................................................... 81 8.2.5 accelerator pedal ................................................................................................................................... 85 8.3 exhaust after treatment ......................................................................................................................................................... 85 8.3.1 overview SCR² ......................................................................................................................................................... 86 8.3.2 filter maintanance ......................................................................................................................................................... 88 8.3.3 EGR-actuator reset ......................................................................................................................................................... 90 8.3.4 CRT - TIER4 interim .................................................................................................................................................. 90 mainpage CRT 91 .................................................................................................................................................. Serviceroutines CRT ......................................................................................................................................................... 95 8.3.5 DPF - Burner - TIER4 interim .................................................................................................................................................. 95 Overview page DPF Burner 96 .................................................................................................................................................. Serviceroutines DPF Burner .................................................................................................................................................. 98 supply modul DPF .................................................................................................................................................. 99 air pump DPF .................................................................................................................................................. 101 spark DPF ......................................................................................................................................................... 102 8.3.6 SCR - TIER4 interim .................................................................................................................................................. 103 SCR test functions 106 SCR End Of Line ......................................................................................................................................................... 108 8.3.7 SCRT - TIER4 final .................................................................................................................................................. 109 overview SCRT/CSF 110 EOL Test(Tier4F) .................................................................................................................................................. 111 SCR service routines .................................................................................................................................................. 113 DPF service routines .................................................................................................................................................. 114 Historical Data ................................................................................................................................... 124 8.4 Service Routines DPF (DOC/SCR) ................................................................................................................................... 124 8.5 Service-Cases ......................................................................................................................................................... 125 8.5.1 Input test A55 ......................................................................................................................................................... 126 8.5.2 NOx sensor change ......................................................................................................................................................... 128 8.5.3 EGR-Cooler change ................................................................................................................................... 131 8.6 Other ......................................................................................................................................................... 131 8.6.1 Counter and EEPROM ......................................................................................................................................................... 132 8.6.2 Sensors ......................................................................................................................................................... 133 8.6.3 Trip Recorder ......................................................................................................................................................... 138 8.6.4 Assembly Inspections and Initialisations Tests ......................................................................................................................................................... 139 8.6.5 Input Test ......................................................................................................................................................... 140 8.6.6 Output Test ................................................................................................................................... 141 8.7 HMI V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG ......................................................................................................................................................... 141 8.7.1 Display/CAN 9 UseCases EMR3 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 143 ................................................................................................................................... 143 Counter and EEPROM ................................................................................................................................... 144 Set Low Idle ................................................................................................................................... 145 change constant speed ................................................................................................................................... 146 graphic display EMR3 ................................................................................................................................... 149 accelerator pedal calibration ................................................................................................................................... 153 Limp Home Setting ................................................................................................................................... 154 Reset EEPROM Error ................................................................................................................................... 155 Fan Control EMR3 ......................................................................................................................................................... 157 9.8.1 Parameter ......................................................................................................................................................... 158 9.8.2 Curve ......................................................................................................................................................... 158 9.8.3 Map ................................................................................................................................... 159 9.9 Input Test 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 ................................................................................................................................... 160 Monitoring strategy 2012/2013 ................................................................................................................................... 160 Set Vehicle speed ................................................................................................................................... 161 Set Speed droop ................................................................................................................................... 162 Trip Recorder ................................................................................................................................... 167 Assembly Inspection and Initialisation Test 10 UseCases EMR2 169 ................................................................................................................................... 169 10.1 Startup Window ................................................................................................................................... 170 10.2 Service routines EMR2 11 Programm options 176 ................................................................................................................................... 176 11.1 Offline Viewer ................................................................................................................................... 181 11.2 DeCAN-Explorer ................................................................................................................................... 184 11.3 Key-Generator Index 185 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 foreword Our aim is to optimize the content of this document continuously, with practical experience of users which is a particularly valuable aid. If you therefore want changes, additions or improvements, please send a message (e-mail: [email protected]). We evaluate each message carefully and publish new editions of this document, once its contents have been changed. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Safety-Hints 1 1 Safety-Hints WARNING: The use of SerDia2010 can be dangerous! It is critical that you carefully read and follow the instructions and warnings below and in the associated installation manuals Serdia2010 enables a user to influence or control the electronic system in a vehicle or machine.SerDia2010 is specially designed for the exclusive use by personnel, who have special experience and training. Improper use or unskilled application may alter the machine performance or system performance in a manner, that results in death, serious personal injury or property damage. Do not use SerDia2010, if you do not have the proper experience and training. It is recommended, that in-vehicle use of SerDia2010 shall be conducted on enclosed test tracks, or ensured machine surroundings. Use of SerDia2010 on a public road should not occur unless the specific calibration and settings have been preciously tested and verified as safe. When using SerDia2010 with machine systems, that influence vehicle behaviour and can affect the safe operation of the machine, you have to ensure, that the machine can be transitioned to a safe condition, if a hazardous incident should occur. All legal requirements, including regulations and statutes regarding vehicles and machines must be strictly followed when using this product. If you fail to follow these instructions, there might be a risk of death, serious injury or property damage. Any data acquired through the use of SerDia2010 must be verified for reliability, quality and accuracy prior to use or distribution. This applies both to calibration and to measurements, that are used as a basis for calibration work. The DEUTZ AG and it's representatives, agents and affiliated companies shall not be liable for any damage or injury caused by improper use of SerDia2010. DEUTZ provides training regarding the proper use of SerDia2010. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 2 Manual SerDia2010 Before using SerDia2010 it is required to verify, that the software is up to date and all updates are installed. The DEUTZ AG and it's representatives deny any liability for any injury caused by the use of a non up to date software version of SerDia2010. If necessary the software can be updated from It is recommended to make an access to the ECU while engine is running only, if it is guaranteed, that a change of programming cannot lead to hazardous effects in engine behavior. If this is not ensured, a faulty programming can cause undefined engine reactions, that results in death, serious personal injury or property damage. A faulty programming of the ECU can activate a sleep mode of the ECU because of safety reasons. In this case the ECU is switched off, a communication to the ECU is not possible any more. A repair or reprogramming of the ECU is not possible.The ECU has to be replaced. If supply voltage of the ECU is switched off or the connection between the SerDia interface and the ECU is interrupted while changing parameters of the dataset, a sleep mode of the ECU, because of safety reasons, can be activated. In this case the ECU is switched off, a communication to the ECU is not possible any more. A repair or reprogramming of the ECU is not possible.The ECU has to be replaced.. If you cannot agree with these limitations, you are excluded from using SerDia2010. If you cannot agree with these limitations, you are excluded from using SerDia2010. In this case send an email to [email protected] including your interface serial number in order to disable your licence. The purchase price and the not used licence fee will be refunded within one month after receipt. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Common Hints 2 3 Common Hints Subject of the present documentation is the use of SerDia2010 at DEUTZ engines with electronic injection equipment. This document shows the functionality of SerDia2010 and it's use to communicate with and parameterize of DEUTZ ECU's. The information contained herein only correspond to the state of the art at the time of setting and are not subject to an immediate revision service. In case of problems with SerDia2010 please contact the DEUTZ AG via [email protected]. Before contacting please collect information about the individual circumstances of the problem you have, as much as possible. The following information has to be given as a minimum: · PC-hardware · Windows operating system · SerDia2010 version · Type of interface · DEUTZ ECU part number · Engine number To allow the access to the ECU it is recommended to install a diagnostic socket according DEUTZ wiring diagram for the respective engine. SerDia2010 will be delivered with access level 2 in general.The access level is not depending on the hardware interface level. If a different access level is needed, it is necessary to make a request per email to [email protected]. Within 5 working days you will get an email with confirmation / negation of the request. If confirmed the licence update has to be downloaded from and installed on the computer, in order to activate the new level. Following information has to be given in order to get a change of the access level: Complete details as name and address of applicant (if different to the licence user). Complete details as name, address and qualification of the prospective licence user. Detailed description because of the reasons for changing the access level. It is not permitted to resell or transfer the licence and within also the interface for SerDia2010D without knowledge and agreement of DEUTZ AG! Is a transfer needed, please apply via [email protected] to get a confirmation. Without a written confirmation (email feedback) from DEUTZ a resell or transfer is strictly forbidden! Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 4 2.1 Manual SerDia2010 Start and Communication SerDia2010 (Service-Diagnosis) is a PC software which works together with notebook and interface to communicate with the engine control unit. For the use of SerDia2010 it is recommended to take a special software training at the training center. The training center cologne provides such EMR4 training courses. · Training, registration: Tel. +49 2 21 / 8 22 - 26 85 · Hotline SerDia-Programm: [email protected] The data of the published and respectively valid technical documents, such as operating instructions, circuit diagrams, workshop manuals, repair and setting instructions, technical bulletins, service bulletins etc., are exclusively mandatory for operation, maintenance and repair. We refer especially to the valid edition of the "Installation Manual Electronic", which is available from the Application Engineering Dept. Electronic engine control units (ECU) are state of the art in modern engine technology. Target for these controllers is at first to replace the functions of mechanical governors (like speed governor) and secondly to increase the ability of new functions. To communicate with the DEUTZ-ECU's SerDia2010 is needed. Furthermore a) Interface (Dongle with wiring, diagnostic plug, serial number and authorization level) b) state of the art notebook or personal computer, optionally with printer are needed (see also Hardware). 2.1.1 Serdia2010 License To use SerDia2010 it is recommended to purchase a software licence for each interface used.Not before successful registration and confirmation of the licence (by DEUTZ) for the individual interface serial number, a communication between software, interface and ECU is possible in order to have a diagnostic access to the new DEUTZ engines. Second dealer stage: Responsible for delivery, assistance, maintenance and service of the second dealer distribution net is the service partner or OEM, who is directly connected to the DEUTZ service network. He is also responsible for classification of his sub dealers regarding access level. If interfaces are sold via second dealer stage the final user has to be mentioned directly while ordering, respectively, if reselling is later, it has to be communicated to and confirmed of DEUTZ AG via [email protected]. Ordering The licence can only be purchased through the official DEUTZ dealer net respectively the central OEM. Each licence is linked to one specific interface serial-no.To enable parallel diagnostics for e.g. 5 service technicians, five licences will be required.For ordering please use the DIWI-system only! It is currently not possible to place an order via SAP or file transfer. A physical dispatch of goods doesn't take place if no interface hardware is ordered. If only the software SerDia2010 is ordered the registration / release of the interface serial no. is completed usually within 5 working days. After tis delay the software can be downloaded from You can check the registration easily: All registered serial no. are mentioned in the licences overview file licence.txt also available on the website. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Common Hints 5 Procedere Allways enter the consignee (e.g.2nd dealer stage, OEM dealer, customer)! Ordering in DIWI Enter PN 1000 2785 (software-licence) and quantity. Enter interface pop-up window. Entering serial-no.(pop-up window) Release the order. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 6 Manual SerDia2010 Download of actual SerDia2010 – software 5 days after release of the order. Install SerDia2010 on all required PC's. 2.1.2 Overview 2.1.3 Introduction SerDia2010 is working with DEUTZ controller family EMR4 (EDC17XXXX)It is possible to use this software to communicate with different ECU's (XXXX = CV52 or CV54 or CV56) The software can be downloaded via the internet access If necessary,a new version of SerDia2010 is launched here. Also updates can be available, which have to be installed per hand by user. These updates will be included in the next SerDia2010 version, too. Changes in the ECU-software concerning adjustment, parameterization, calibration or deleting error memory are possible only with SerDia2010. The access to the several functions is depending on the access level of the user. SerDia2010is running with operating systems MS-Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista and Windows 7. During installation of SerDia 2010 you need Administrator Rights ! During installation of the software you can chose different languages. After installation it is also possible to change the language to another one. Functions are activated by clicking on command buttons on the screen. Following commands are available: Topper elements V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Common Hints 2.1.4 7 Minimum Configuration To communicate with a DEUTZ engine controller the following equipment is necessary: · PC or Notebook · DeCom or HS light II USB Interface · diagnostic plug correctly connected with the controller. Hardware Software SerDia2010 is able to work with Interface HS-Light II available from DEUTZ AG and DEUTZ Communicator DeCom available from DEUTZ AG. HS-Light SerDia2010 is executable with HS-Light II Interface. Once SerDia2010 is compatible to EMR3 ECU's the compatibility with HS-Light will not be enhanced any more. So HS-Light will not be provided in the far future any more! If a new interface is needed for communication with SerDia2010 it is recommended to order a Deutz Communicator DeCom as soon as available. The HS-Light II USB Interface is available from DEUTZ AG The licence for SerDia2010 has to be ordered separately via DIWI (see Licence purchasing). You can find the HS-Light serial number on the back side of the interface: Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 8 Manual SerDia2010 DeCom SerDia2010 is executable with DEUTZ Communicator (DeCom). Once SerDia2010 is compatible to EMR3 ECU's the compatibility with HS-Light will not be enhanced any more. Beginning at this time, only the DEUTZ Communicator will show full functionality (including compatibility to EMR3 with SerDia2010)! If a new interface is needed for communication with SerDia2010, it is recommended to order a Deutz Communicator DeCom as soon as available. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Common Hints 9 Features · · · · · · · · · · · · · · K-Line and L-Line interface according ISO 9141-2 and ISO 14230-4. Baudrate up to 500 Kbaud. 2 Full Can with max. 1 Mbit/s adjustable, according CAN-specification 2.0A und 2.0B USB 2.0 full-speed Galvanic isolation of inputs and to the PC Power supply from PC, current max. 250 mA LEDs for showing state of interface communication: working temperature range –20°C bis +60°C storing temperature range –40°C bis +85°C type of protection: IP50 Deutz standard diagnostic plug, 12 pole switchable termination resistor 1m wiring length: Interface <=> PC fixed on interface with bend protection and cord grip 2m wiring length: Interface <=> ECU fixed on interface with bend protection and cord grip power supply from PC voltage range: 8-32V EMC according DIN ISO 7637-2 DIN EN 61000-4-2, 61000-4-3, 61000-4-4, 61000-4-6, 61000-6-2, 61000-6-4 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 10 Manual SerDia2010 Pin assignment USB-Anschluß PIN 1 2 3 4 Signal VBUS D– D+ GND Beschreibung +5VDC Data – Data + Masse The licence can only be purchased through the official DEUTZ dealer net respectively the central OEM. For ordering please use the DIWI-system only! It is currently not possible to place an order via SAP or file transfer. The registration / release of the interface serial no. is completed usually within 5 working days. After tis delay the software can be downloaded from You can check the registration easily: All registered serial no. are mentioned in the licences overview file licence.txt also available on the website. Procedere V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Common Hints 11 Allways enter the consignee (e.g.2nd dealer stage, OEM dealer, customer)! Ordering via DIWI Enter PN 1000 xxxx (Hardware incl. software-licence) and quantity of Interfaces. Release the order. Download of actual SerDia2010 – software 5 days after release of the order. Install SerDia2010 on all required PC's. PC/Notebook Minimum hardware · Notebook or PC (IBM-AT compatible) · USB interface · graphic board VGA/SVGA with a resolution of 1024 x 768 Pixel · frequency = 1,5 GHz · main memory = 1 MB RAM · hard disk = 500 MB (free memory) · CD-driver · internet access for SerDia2010 updates · administrator status for installation Minimum software, operating system · operating system MS-Windows XP SP2, VISTA, Windows 7 (32bit or 64bit) Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 12 Manual SerDia2010 Diagnosis Plug and Jack A connection plug has to be installed in the machine to connect the engine ECU with the SerDia2010 hardware interface. The plug has to be easily accessible (for example in cabin). While doing the wiring of the plug and connecting it to the control unit, please use the right wiring diagram. The plug is available from DEUTZ: Diagnostic plug TN 0419 9615 9141 and SAE J1587 Signal Function CANH CANL CANH CANL K L J1708a J1708b Ubat CAN High Diagnostic CAN CAN Low Diagnostic CAN CAN High Customer CAN CAN Low Customer CAN K-Line L-Line J1708a J1708b Stromversorgung Serial according to ISO Norm ISO-9141 ISO-9141 J1708/J1587 J1708/J1587 Reserviert Pin Contact H G M F K L D E A C Gnd Bezugspotential Reserviert - B - J Pin assignment diagnosis jack: V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Common Hints 13 CAN-Bus of ECU Control Unit EMR4 Control Unit EMR3 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 14 Manual SerDia2010 EDC7UC31 D2.1:89 D2.1:52 D2.1:53 D2.1:34 D2.1:35 EDC16UC40 DEUTZ Diagnostic Plug D2.2 K25 Diagnostic ISO 9141 K-Line K G Diagnostic CAN L nicht benutzt H Diagnostic CAN H nicht benutzt D2.2 K61 D2.2 K62 Customer CAN L Customer CAN H F M Baudrate is checked by Serdia. Control Unit EMR2 EMR2 11 10 13 12 DEUTZ Diagnostic Plug Diagnostic ISO 9141 K - Line Diagnostic ISO 9141 L - Line Customer CAN L Customer CAN H K L Baudrate is checked by Serdia. 2.1.5 Installing Newest SerDia2010 setup files are available at: Before installation of the software, please download the new Setup data first. The new updates due to the change in control unit software, program extension and improvements, can always be found at above mentioned website. Please do not connect the SerDia2010 USB interface to the PC, until program installation is finished! To use SerDia2010 you need a released licence (see chapter Order procedure and Ordering DeCom). Release is done for each interface separately. Install SerDia2010 For all following actions admin rights are necessary! Chronological order of installation: · Download SerDia2010 from or start program-CD. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Common Hints 15 · Start installation of Setup.exe · The installation process is running automatically. Additionally a JAVA-runtime-system is installed. · Configuration of the HS-Light driver (if HS-Light interface shall be used). - connect HS-Light interfaces to USB - Start of "samPDU ConfigurationCenter" in Windows start menu at START => "Programs" => "samtec Diagnostic Tools" => "samPDU" Start screen samPDU DeCOM DeCom doesn´t need any driver adjustments and is installed with Installation file. · After installation SerDia2010 can be launched via SerDia2010 icon on the desktop. Desktop-Icon For all administrators who configure the PCs for other users: C:\Deutz\SerDia\*.* must be entirely accessible. The path Via internet , the so called "Bugfixes" can be provided also. This bug fixes are files the user can manually copy to SerDia-directory. These data can solve problems as a short time solution in the actual SerDia program. In the next SerDia version this will be automatically included. 2.1.6 Windows Access rights · For Installation you need ADMIN-Rights · All other users must get full access to the following directories: C:\Programme\DEUTZ\*.* C:\Programme\samtec\*.* C:\Programme\sontheim\*.* C:\DEUTZ\*.* Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 16 Manual SerDia2010 For all other languages this path must adjusted If the PC "hasn´t seen" any Serdia-Installation yet, the Windows-Registry will be free and you may use Serdia2010 for 2 weeks for free with Level 2. This should be enough time to order Serdia2010. 2.1.7 Users Competence Level SerDia2010 will be delivered with access Comptetence-level 2 in general. The access level is not depending on the hardware interface level. If a different access level is needed, it is necessary to make a request per email to Serdia. [email protected]. Within 5 working days you will get an email with confirmation / negation of the request. If confirmed the licence update has to be downloaded from and installed on the computer, in order to activate the new level. Control Unit EMR4: V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Common Hints 17 Control Unit EMR 3: Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 18 2.2 Manual SerDia2010 License Acquisition For the function of SerDia2010 is it prerequisite to the purchase a software license for each onset interface. Only after registration and activation of the interface serial number (by the DEUTZ AG), the communication between interface, control device and the diagnostic access to the new engine types, is guaranteed. Second Stage Dealer Responsible for the care, support and pursuit of a possibly existing downstream dealer network are directly connected to the DEUTZ AG Service Partner / OEMs, analogous to the spare parts business, in particular the classification of his subdealer qualified by competence level. If interfaces are sold through a dealer network further downstream the final user must be specified in the order or make known at a later sale on [email protected] to DEUTZ AG. 2.2.1 Order The license can be related only by the official DEUTZ dealer network or centrally by the respective OEM. Each license is bound to an interface serial number. For simultaneous Amenities for example five technicians needed five licenses! As ordering platform serves exclusively the DEUTZ-SAP DIWI system. Orders via SAP / File Transfer are currently not possible. If no interface ordered at the same time no physical parts delivery takes place. Instead the activation / registration of the interface serial number within of a maximum of 5 days will run in the background. An automatic notification is not provided. Procedure: V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Common Hints 19 Indication of the consignee (eg for second stage dealer, OEM dealer, end-user)! Order entry in DIWI Indication of Part number 1000 2785 (software license) and the desired number of licenses. Entering the interface serial number (s) from the pop-up window. Serial number input (pop-up window) Release of the order. Download the latest SerDia2010 - Software about 5 days of order and install on as many computers. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 20 2.3 Manual SerDia2010 Disposability SerDia201, Updates, documentation and hints are available via: Global SIS - Portal Website: V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Introduction 3 21 Introduction A new diagnosis software SerDia2010 has been introduced for the introduction of the new engine's generation from 01.01.2011 onwards, which fulfill the emission standards of EU Stage III B or US EPA TIER4i. All engines based on new emission standard include a new Engine Control Unit (EMR4), which has many new diagnosis opportunities because of its interface and programming language . For the engine diagnosis of Stage III/TIER4i one requires new diagnosis software, called SerDia2010. This description was compiled for User Competence Level III. If you own a lower User Competence Level you may not see or use some of the described functions. If you own a higher User Competence Level you may see or use some functions which are not defined in this description. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 22 4 Manual SerDia2010 Error Hints (FAQ) This page is not subject to DEUTZ-change service and is only updated with a new release of the manual. The previously common causes of problems in dealing with SerDia2010 are: · File corpses from previous Serdia installations · Power Management of the PC · Long low cost USB wire · Loose contacts in the diagnostic Serdia does not start after installation! Error Symptom Error Description Measure A) SerDia does not start after installation! In the folder C: \ DEUTZ \ Serdia \ lic \ ... double click on workaround2.reg and follow the system instructions. After that, the error should be corrected. B) SerDia does not Java Virtual Machine Launcher start after installation! To install the workarounds, please extract the zip file to C: \ DEUTZ \ Serdia \ Lic (rename from Z_in .ZIP) and rename R_file in . REG. By double clicking the REG file, the workaround installed. Program to executecould not be found Measure: Open the. reg file which can only be run on the target system. This is filed under C:\ \Windows\SysWOW64\ Missing link to DAPS file Measure: Start Registry Program for Workaround ( look problem 1). 1. problem: Serdia2010.daps and default .daps can not find a ECU or SW-version. Baud rate error is reported. Measure: Check terminators. Swap CAN high and CAN low. Take at different baud rates on the bus, a control unit with 250kBaud-DS or repair the bus. No valid license not found V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Error Hints (FAQ) 23 Measure: Appears when new license files have been replaced with older ones. Use newer license file! ZIP installation problem: Measure: (Firewall problem) Solving the problem a: get over IT department a "untreated" file or b: create a new FTP link with the same file, but a "safe" file extension. Device manager Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 24 Manual SerDia2010 Measure: V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Error Hints (FAQ) 25 Not a valid password Measure: Install latest SerDia version with the latest license file older databases contain old passwords. Decom Interface is not recognized by Windows Plug & Play function. Cause: Windows is missing the path to the driver of the Decom interfaces. If there is no path in Windows SerDia also can not find this. Measure: Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 26 Manual SerDia2010 Grundsätzlich werden alle Treiber bei der Installation von SerDia mit installiert.Für das Decom Interface ist der Treiber im folgenden Verzeichnis zu finden: Basically all of the drivers are installed during the installation of SerDia. For the Decom interface the driver be found in the following directory: C:\Programme\Sontheim\MT_Api\X.X.X\\Driver\CanKLine XXXX must be replaced by the driver version. e.g. is normally the folder name in the directory ~ \ MT_API \ Click on Start / Run or Windows Key + R, then type in the window that appears devmgmt.msc and confirm with pressing the Enter key. There is either under the headings "USB Controller" or "Unknown Device" to see a big yellow question mark, which indicates that a driver to correct run of the device is missing. Open the context menu with a right click and select properties at the bottom with one click. On the General tab, the button is "Reinstall Driver", click this.Within the Hardware Update Wizard, click the Next button while until they can choose your search and installation options. There "Search this source for the best driver" option, select "Include this location in the search" check the box in place and, finally, paste the above designed path with adjusted X.X.X.X and click on continue. If Windows issue a problem with non-certified software, simply ignore them. SerDia 2010 has a poor performance or does not work correctly under Windows 7 64bit Measure: Download under in the download area Java64Bit.reg file. Run this with a double as an administrator. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Connection establishment 5 27 Connection establishment By the use of SerDia2010, in order to communicate with a DEUTZ control unit, the following instructions during connection, are recommended: · Start the computer · Connect the interface to the Computer via USB Interface. USB2.0 and USB3.0 are acceptable. · Switch on power supply of the control unit. When working in the field, please pay attention to fact no ground loops. · Connect the interface to the diagnostic plug of control unit.. Check whether Diagnosis Plug and Jack have the relevant wiring to establishe the communication. · Start SerDia2010 on the Computer. Now the available interface for SerDia will be searched automatically and the connection will be created. The setting for the hard- and software of the ECU will be adjusted automatically. If a HS-light interface is connected, it can come to the following message. Following the instructions and do not interfere with the process. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 28 Manual SerDia2010 The launcher will automatically seek from all communication links connected Control devices. This process may take some time. You can shorten it if you directly on the corresponding button of the controller. The search is then terminated. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Connection establishment # Description 1 Connecting a 120 ohm resistor in Decom interface for verification of the resistance in Customer CAN 2 CLICK ==>Selection of available EMR4 controller systems 3 Detected controller 4 Communication OK = green 5 Serial number of the connected interfaces Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG 29 V.7.1.1 30 Manual SerDia2010 6 Software handling 6.1 Startup Window Information's onto the start screen On the start screen many information's give an overview about the system and the ECU. At "logistic data" you will find information about hard- and software of the ECU. Engine hours, counters, etc. is available at "ECU counters" From all screens in program you can go back to home while pressing in the button bar. Startup Window V.7.1.1 # Description 1 Mainmenu - Topper 2 Logistical data are information about the hardware and software of the control unit 3 A selection of a number of control units counters 4 Type of engine and exhaust system (is determined by the ECU software) 5 Identification number of the current dataset 6 The validity of Serdia license. The license is bound to the interface serial number. 7 A selection of measured values that is configured depending on the BSW. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Software handling # Description 8 Use-Cases Quick Access Toolbar 9 A summary of the OS that are enabled in this Serdia version. 10 Representation of EOL3 area. 11 Status Bar - Footer 31 Using button "Display for supported control unit software" a page with an overview regarding in SerDia2010 implemented software versions of ECU-software and assisted ECU hardware is shown.. A current list can be obtained only at the start of the current Serdia2010 version from this menu. This table is not subject to change control. . Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 32 6.2 Manual SerDia2010 Mainmenu - Topper Interactions on the Main menu bar-Topper Depending on the program state, the buttons are disabled for input, not to unterbrechen.Ansonsten an important process these fields are always available to meet the individual functions of Serdia2010 software. V.7.1.1 # Description 1 Establish new communications link 2 Return to previous page 3 Call the Startup window 4 Call error memory functions 5 Call dataset functions (flash) 6 Call Use-Cases selection 7 Call Service-Cases selection 8 Messwertaufzeichnung starten 9 Runtime setting for SerDia2010 10 Help function (calls current only this document) 11 Exit the program Serdia2010 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Software handling 6.2.1 33 Topper elements For navigation in SerDia2010 a button bar is used called main menu. This main menu is shown at all screens in program. Home Error memory Back to start screen Access to memory 1 Access to memory 2 Download - new operating SW Data set management - complete data set - partial data set Upload - complete data set UseCases configuration help program exit access to several measurement and parameterize functions in order to manage different adjust - language - access level elevation - setting folders for file storage Information regarding SerDia2010 exit SerDia2010 Depending on the mode of the program and the shown screen it is possible, that some of the shown buttons are different or not visible. If the cursor went's over the button, a short function description is shown as information. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 34 6.3 Manual SerDia2010 Status Bar - Footer # Description Reference 1 Status line for program operations dynamic texts to indicate to the operator that the program is working. 2 Interface serial number HS-Light: e.g. 134 987 DeCOM: e.g. D4000234 3 Status of the communication link Green = communication is running Red = communication is interrupted Time delays of the display are possible 4 depends on this level the Serdia functions are controlled. The higher the level is even more functions available to the user are available. Active competence class Each user gets when purchasing the license Serdia first competence class 2. For sale, can be decided whether the level is again lowered to Level 1. Level 3 can only be obtained on request from [email protected]. Level 4 is only for DEUTZ employees and production. 5 6 7 8 V.7.1.1 Current battery voltage Due to a reverse polarity protection in the control unit is different to the indicated voltage is about 0.6 V from downwardly from the actual battery voltage. Engine number The engine number that was stored in the control unit. It must match the name plate, otherwise the user risikiert a loss of warranty. ECU system There is a master system with one control unit. For eight-cylinder engines here two control units would (master-slave system) be display Meanwhile different versions of software are provided for a control unit to The OS that individually operate various motor devices and equipment applications. runs straight on Therefore, it is the responsibility of the user always to flash the appropriate the control unit OS (operating software) control unit. Failure to comply can result in destruction of the controller result. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Global Programfunctionality 7 Global Programfunctionality 7.1 Dataset managment 35 This feature is available only from competence class 2! With pressing button screen dataset management is available. Es erscheint folgender Bildschirm: Overview Dataset management # Describtion Reference 1 Flash Dataset "ECU -> PC" (Control Unit to PC) 2 Logistic Data (EOL3 area) Portions of this data may be used for controlling the flash data. 3 Name (and The records are encrypted and contain more information for controlling the possibly flash process. location) of the data set 4 File Status Show which portions get overwrite after the flash from the selected Hex file. 5 Load Hex file Open a window to select a Hex (dataset) file By pressing the left Button "Upload" (ECU -> PC) a disk drive of the computer. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG data of the control unit are stored on V.7.1.1 36 Manual SerDia2010 The following screen appears: The bar graph in the lower window shows the progress of the upload. By pressing the right Button "Load Hex file" order to program the control unit. hex data can be loaded from a disk in The following screen appears: V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Global Programfunctionality 37 After a hex-file is selected follows a compatibility check of the control unit and the new record After successful plausibility-check the button "Start file transfer into the control unit" can be operated and it starts programming of the controller. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 38 Manual SerDia2010 Prior is queried, what to do with the data accumulated so far (the counts in the EEPROM on the control unit). After that the "programming status" in the lower part of the data set management will be show. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Global Programfunctionality 39 After successful completion a pop-up with the message "Programming successful" appear. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 40 7.2 Manual SerDia2010 Error memory This function corresponds to the display in the status bar at the bottom (footer) where the number of active error messages will be displayed. By pressing you get access to the error memory 1. Users with higher competence class access from there to the second error memory, which is a reflection of the first error memory and thus also contains other information. 7.2.1 error memory 1 error memory 1 SerDia2010 is collecting all errors and it's environment data out of the ECU. The errors will be shown together with KWP-code, DTC-code, number of occurrence and a short error description. V.7.1.1 # Description Reference 1 Title Bar By clicking on the appropriate column activate sorting the data. 2 Error memory 2 accessible only to higher levels under certain conditions. 3 Create PDF file Opens a dialog in which the report type can be selected. (see possible interactions) 4 Update memory error Reads the error memory of the control unit again. Passive errors are removed after deleting from the table. 5 Clear error memory Clears the error memory 6 Error details This content is not yet complete, and are constantly updated. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Global Programfunctionality 41 # Description Reference 7 Show error environment data The data, when the error first appeared. Some "old" ECU software versions can not issue detailed data. Displays the user the most important measured values at the time of error occurrence. 8 View Reset History Indicates how often the controller has been disconnected from the power supply during operation. Error memory 2 is not shown in the competence class 1. This feature is available only from competence class 2! By pressing Button"Error memory 2" 7.2.2 Shows the screen of error memory 2. error memory 2 error memory 2 SerDia2010 is collecting all errors and it's environmental data out of the ECU. The errors will be shown together with KWP-code, DTC-code, number of occurrence and a short error description. # Description Reference 1 Title Bar By clicking on the appropriate column activate sorting the data. 2 Create PDF file Opens a dialog in which the report type can be selected. (see possible interactions) 3 Update memory error Reads the error memory of the control unit again. Passive errors are removed after deleting from the table. 4 Clear error memory Clears the error memory Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 42 7.2.3 Manual SerDia2010 # Description Reference 5 Error details This content is not yet complete, and are constantly updated. 6 Show error environment data The data, when the error first appeared. Some "old" ECU software versions can not issue detailed data. Displays the user the most important measured values at the time of error occurrence. possible interactions By pressing the button selected. # Description Reference 1 User name Comments and user data can be entered. 2 Cancel Close the dialog. 3 Brief Report Create short PDF report of how the error memory is constructed. 4 Detailed report Created listed a detailed PDF report in the environment, and notes. Button "Actualize error memory": Button "Clear error memory": too, but come up again directly. V.7.1.1 the following dialog appears in which the report scope can be Reads out the error memory out of the ECU. Delete of all passive errors. Active errors can be deleted, Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Global Programfunctionality 43 Button "Error details": Shows some details about the chosen error and some hints to solve it (available with SW ...580.. and higher). Additional error information Button "Error environment": occurrence. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Shows important measurements at time of error V.7.1.1 44 7.3 Manual SerDia2010 Graphical display After selecting UseCases leads to the bellowed display. Here you can get some pre-configured "experiments" and start the measurement record. Sometimes the pre-experiments do not contain the desired measurement values, so you could avoid "graphical display - dynamical" on the menu now. The general usage of the graphics display will be described below. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Global Programfunctionality 45 Summary page measurements 7.3.1 usage Several predefined measurements or graphical displays can be chosen by the user. running measurement Possible interactions: scaling y-axis: Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 46 Manual SerDia2010 double click onto the values of the axis. Above shown window will pop up and a new value can be given. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Global Programfunctionality 47 Buttons in graphical area: Button Function Description Start The measured data will be shown in the graph. The measurement can be saved local after stopping the of the measurement. Recording Before the measurement starts the path of the recording file have to be selected. Interrupt (Pause) The measurement gets interrupt until pressing the button again. After stoping of the measurement the button turns Stop into Open measurement where it can be saved. Opens a saved measurement. Delete measurement Save measurement The measurement gets save in a local file. A window opens where the path can be set. Correlation / Trigger config The configuration of the trigger and the correlation between signals can be set. Bosch-ID Shows the Bosch-IDs of the signals. By pressing the button again the standard signal names are shown. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 48 Manual SerDia2010 Opens a window where the backroundcolor can be chosen. Backgroundcolor V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Global Programfunctionality 49 Buttons in the table area: Button Function Description Show whole measurement The graphical area will be zoomed in so that the whole measurement will be show. This function is limited to 30 min. Scale-Y By pressing the button all Y-axis get scaled to the actual view. Selection of state It can be chosen which translation in state should be show (actual value, cursor 1, cursor 2). Deselect Deselect actual selected row. Zoom Pressing Plus/Minus Buttons the graph will be zoomed in/out by 5%. Interpolation The lines of the interpolation will be show/hide. Show/hide gridlines. Gridlines Correlation / Trigger config The configuration of the trigger and the correlation between signals can be set. Open a window with print configurations. Print Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG See Print function. V.7.1.1 50 Manual SerDia2010 The checkboxes "C1"/"C2" activate/deactivate Cursor 1 und Cursor 2. By activation of "Y-Axis Style" all singnals which are not on the selected Y-Axis are hide. Cursor and Y-Axis 7.3.2 Graphical area The following chapter describes the possible interaction in the graphical area. Cursor handling: Aktive Cursor By activating of the checkboxes C1/C2 the cursors are shown in the graphical area. Both cursors can be moved by drag and drop. Under the Cursors the actual time of there position and the difference time(D) is shown. Maximize of the graphical area: By holding the Shift-Key a area can be marked where it gets maximize. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Global Programfunctionality 51 mark area maximize area Set marker: By holding the CTRL-Key an pressing the left mouse button set marker or marks an area. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 52 Manual SerDia2010 Marker set By pressing again of the marker with holded CTRL-Key a "x" appears which delete the selected marker. 7.3.3 Table area The table area shows different information's of the displayed signal in the graph. Column ID Checkbox V.7.1.1 Description Numerical Id of the signal Activates/deactivates signal in graph Color Color of the signal in the graph Axis Y-Axis of the signal Graph Name Name of the signal C1 Value of Cursor 1 C2 Value of Cursor 2 Diff Difference between Cursor 1 and Cursor 2 Avg Average between Cursor 1 and Cursor 2 Min Min-Value between both Cursor Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Global Programfunctionality Max Max-Value between both Cursor State Translation of the state signals (under construction) ActV Actual value of the measurement UNIT Unit of the signal 53 Color of signals: by pressing the color a window appears where the color of the signal can be changed. Color Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 54 Manual SerDia2010 Hiding signals: The hook in the checkbox activate/deactivate a signal. With selection of "Y-Axis Style" all signals on the selected Y-Axis are shown. Hide signal Change Y-Axis of a signal: By pushing on the Y-Axis Cell the signal can be placed on another Y-Axis. Change Y-Axis Change signalname: Double clicking in the name cell activates the change function. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Global Programfunctionality 55 Changing names Changing the unit: Right clicking on a row activates a dropdown menu where Unit, Sampling and calculating of the signal can be chosen. Right click on row By selecting "Sampling" the sampling rate can be changed. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 56 Manual SerDia2010 Selecting "Calculate Units" opens following window. Hiding Columns: Right clicking on ID opens a dropdownlist where signals can be activated/deactivated. Right clicking on "ID" V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Global Programfunctionality 7.3.4 57 Print function After activating of the print button appears the following window: Graphen drucken With the checkboxes graphics can be hide/shown. 7.3.5 Trigger Under construction 7.3.6 dynamic measurement values With the help of dynamic measuring value display in the Use-Case Graphical display individual experiments can be generated. By selecting the measured values an individual experiment with up to a maximum of 20 dynamical measured values can be generated which can be very helpful for the diagnosis of engines of Deutz AG. As an example, you can bring measured values such as injection rate, speed, and air mass flow easier in correlation. First, the distribution of measured values is explained, in order to understand better the importance of Scroll-Buttons: Each control unit has a huge number of measured values obtained by so-called "acronyms" (these are the variables names). This number can not be simultaneously in Serdia2010. Therefore, the following classification is made (see memory schematic). Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 58 V.7.1.1 Manual SerDia2010 # Description Reference 1 Measurement-Block orange Content is dependent on the current operating software of the control unit, which may contain up to 40000 measurements 2 forwarding Measurement-Block green Up to 10 different ODX-files containing a description for 3000 measurements 3 forwarding Measurement-Block purple Up to 10 different pages that contain a description of 300 measurements 4 Scrollbar Measurement- Using Slider now the continuous display for the above 300 Block blue measured values in the window (1) 5 Show the loaded experiment file 6 Store in table 1 selected Navigation to the desired measurement value as described in 2, measuring value in table 3, 4 3 7 Take individual Selection of a single value by clicking in the table 2 measured value of table 2 in table 3. 8 Take all measurements from table 2 in table 3 MWA-files = experiments can be manually converted from INCA experiments. The contents of the MWA file is displayed in table 2. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Global Programfunctionality # Description Reference 9 Open mwa-file The MWA file should not contain more than 20 measured values. 10 Remove individual Selection of a single value by clicking in the table 3 measurement value from the table 11 Remove all measurements from table 3 12 Save selection on hard drive 13 Start measurement recording 59 Open the dynamic display If more than 20 measurements are transferred to the selection window, then the following error message appears Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 60 Manual SerDia2010 Notwithstanding the pre-defined display the Dynamic Display has an additional button (red arrow), with which the configuration is saved with the following values: Stored measured values Scaling of the Y-axes Assignment tasks of the signals to the axes Graphical Display 7.4 Program adjustments Program settings like language, setting folders for file storage and access level elevation can be configured by pressing V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Global Programfunctionality 61 # Description Reference 1 Saving the settings On leaving the page everything is set back to the old settings. 2 Selecting the language The maintenance of speech databases is extremely ornately. Therefore, it may happen that still view some languages in English, although another was chosen. 3 Setting the documentation path The documentation path is currently not yet in use. There, but all reports are saved in the future. 4 Influence the Dataset Management functions These functions should not be changed and only be operated by trained personnel. 5 Display and activation of the current competence class 6 Generating an alphanumeric code to enable a service level. Use for voice transmission the below mentioned SpellAlphabet. IMPORTANT: Do not leave Serdia2010 during the entire procedure. 7 Only downgrade of competence levels possible Simulate another level to simulate the visibility and accessibility. 8 20-digit activation code, corresponding to The DEUTZ customer service is pleased the field (6). to present a special prearranged access to Serdia2010 functions available that you would not achieve with your present level. The code has an expiration date and can be combined with one or more engine numbers. The list of "service events" will not be published. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 62 Manual SerDia2010 the actual setting can be saved by pressing 7.4.1 . language To set a language the equal flag have to be selected an confirmed my pressing V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Global Programfunctionality 7.4.2 63 access elevation This function is used to unlock a Serdia2010 function temporarily for the user which can not reach a function with its current level. Only a Level4-user is able to unlock these features. The activation process is running according to the following scheme: User on site with Level 1, 2 or 3 Action User Level 4 Start Serdia2010 and call the menu "Settings". In no case may the process be disturbed by Windows Screensaver or other programs. Call the program "KeyGen". In no case may the process be disturbed by Windows Screensaver or other programs. The Level 4-user needs at this time access to the network folder P: \ Projects \ SERDIA \*.*. User connects to the phone with the Level4 users. User connects to the phone with the Level 1,2,3-users. User creates a SEED code Announcement in box (6) s of the SEED code on phone User types KEY code in KeyGen and activates the special function. Announcement s of the KEY code on phone User types SEED code in KeyGen and specifies further restrictions User creates KEY code User can now use the extended access after the predefined restrictions. The corresponding use case might changed his look and displays additional buttons. Link to Key-Generator Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 64 7.4.3 Manual SerDia2010 SpellAlphabet Letter and Code A - ALFA B - BRAVO C - CHARLIE D - DELTA E - ECHO F - FOXTROT G - GOLF H - HOTEL I - INDIA J - JULIETT K - KILO L - LIMA M - MIKE N - NOVEMBER O - OSCAR P - PAPA Q - QUEBEC R - ROMEO S - SIERRA T - TANGO U - UNIFORM V - VICTOR W - WHISKEY X - XRAY Y - YANKEE Z - ZULU Numbers one two three - speak without th (say tree) four - say something like fower five six seven eight nine - spoken niner one zero Buchstabe und Code A Ä B C Ch D E F G H I J K L M N O V.7.1.1 Anton Ö Ärger P Berta Q Cäsar R Charlotte S Dora Sch Emil ß Friedrich T Gustav U Heinrich Ü Ida V Julius W Kaufmann X Ludwig Y Martha Z Nordpol Otto Ökonom Paula Quelle Richard Samuel Schule EssZet Theodor Ulrich Übermut Viktor Wilhelm Xanthippe Ypsilon Zacharias nummern eins zwo drei vier fünf sechs sieben acht neun zehn 28 = zwo acht Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 8 65 UseCases EMR4 The menu tree of "existing use cases" is programmed dynamically, it depends on - the connected control devices or - of the running controller software or - the data set parameterization if some use cases do not appear. # Describtion Reference 1 List of UseCases anwählen 2 Activation of the function jump to function In the menu tree to individual use cases are divided into the areas of engine settings, adjustments engine speed- acceleration pedal, exhaust after treatment and others. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 66 Manual SerDia2010 8.1 engine settings 8.1.1 overview fuel system Overview of all relevant values of the fuel system. Use Case Overview fuel system # Describtion Reference 1 Table Table with engine parameter 2 IQA Code jump to Use-Case IQA-Code 3 Counter & EEPROM jump to Use-Case Counter and EEPROM 4 Measuring Data jump to Use-Case Measuring Data Acquisition Acquisition If the detection of the fuel system fail, a message appear where the system can be selected manually. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 8.1.2 67 exhaust gas recirculation flap The UseCase for analyze and diagnose exhaust gas recirculation and throttle is only available with engines, who are equipped with this features. UseCase EGR, throttle An overview of important measured values is given with this UseCase. Also following test procedures are possible: Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 68 Manual SerDia2010 Automatic throttle testing: After click of the test button on the left upper side of the screen, the throttle will once be opened and closed. Testing time is round about 10 seconds. The user can identify the function by following charge air pressure value. Automatic EGR test: After click of the test button bottom right side of the screen, the EGR valve will once be opened and closed. Testing time is round about 10 seconds. The user can hear the valve moving during test, if engine is not running. Automatic tests are possible at standstill or engine running. The manual tests are possible at standstill or engine running. This function is available at level 2! 8.1.3 IQA-Code For the exchange of injectors in engines with an injection system of 2000 bar it is necessary to compensate finishing tolerances as otherwise defects on parts and engines can occur. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 69 The Calibration of injectors is only allowed for injectors of a the 2000 bar injection system. Screen: IMA-Code The adjustment of IMA-Codes is done as follows: 1. After exchange of injectors it is necessary in SerDia to set the small hook for the respective cylinder where the injector was changed. The change of an IMA-Code has only to be done for the cylinder, which got a changed injector. Counting numbers of cylinders start at flywheel side. This means cylinder 1 is the first one on flywheel side, and so on. 2. The respective IMA-Codes have to be entered in the respective field. ATTENTION: The Codes have to be entered corresponding to installation situation. Mistakes have to be avoid! Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 70 Manual SerDia2010 3. The new characteristic maps for the ECU will be calculated by means of the entered IMA-codes. Press on The given values will be verified. Following notice will appear if the values are incorrect: 4. After correct verification the calculated values can be transfered into the ECU. Press on 5. The ECU will be programmed with the new values. An hourglass is shown on the display to indicate, that programming is going on. This function is available at level 2. 8.1.4 injector switch off The switch off of injectors is used to identify defective injectors. This test can only be used to show, that a problem with a injector is existing. The reason for the problem has to be analyzed after that. The engine has to be in a save condition during the test to guarantee safety for machine and human being. This means for example that it can not move and movable parts of the machine will not be set in motion. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 71 Screen: injector switch off Possible Interactions: . By activating the buttons"automatic test" or "manual test" it can be switched between both possibilities. 1. manual test: Conditions for the switch off: (date: 16.06.2011): - Range of engine speed has to be kept: 500<n<1200 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 72 Manual SerDia2010 - Coolant temperature> 10°C After choosing "manual test" a box will appear under each cylinder number. Activating the box will switch off the concerned Injektor. Always only one injector can be switched off! The order of cylinders is chronological – from flywheel to fan. The Injector remains off until the selection is cancelled: à 2. automatic test (Date 15.11.2010) The injectors will be switched off in chronological order. Included are breaks, each of 5 s. A complete check lasts one minute for an engine with 6 cylinders. After a successful test, the injectors, which are probably affected, are marked red. 8.1.5 Compressionstest The compression test is used to find out, which cylinders might be damaged. While testing the engine speed is determined, which will be influenced while cranking through slowdown by each cylinder. Through various mathematical calculations a coefficient will be determined that is used as an indicator for the compression for each cylinder. This test can only be used to show, that a problem is existing. The reason for the problem has to be analyzed after that. The machine has to be in a save condition during the test to guarantee safety for machine and human being. This means for example that it can not move and movable parts of the machine will not be set in motion. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 73 Screen: Compression testing The compression testing is an automatic test that is started by pressing: During the test the injection will be deactivated. To get a plausible result 5 single tests have to be done. At the beginning the user is asked to apply the starter. After beginning of measuring the user will be asked to stop cranking. Afterwards the next of 5 tests begins. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 74 Manual SerDia2010 The compression testing can always be cancelled with this button: After 5 successful tests following button appears: After pressing the symbol the 5 measurements will be sorted. The cylinder with lowest value is put into a red setting at the top. For each measurement the same cylinder must be marked. This can be a reference to find an affected cylinder. The result can be saved in a Log-file: 8.1.6 Oil change After each oil change, the process must be communicated to the control unit. Otherwise an error is stored in the control unit. Use Case Oil change V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 # Description Reference 1 Delete Oil Change Counter A window appears in which to reset the oil change counter must be confirmed 2 Status window Displays the status of the reset operation 8.2 adjustments engine speed - acceleration pedal 8.2.1 constant speed 75 To use this function, the engine has to be in fixspeed mode or the setting allows to activate the fixspeed mode. Screen change constant speed The actual setting for the fixspeed values are shown on the left upper part of the screen. The setting of the switch is marked, too Additionally the actual engine speed and the speed setpoint is shown as value and tachometer on the right side inclusive hysteresis to have a qualitative feedback. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 76 Manual SerDia2010 Button "read from ECU": The original stored values of the ECU were refreshed on the screen. Changes of the values are deleted. Button "write values to ECU": Values shown on the screen for fixspeed 2 (first intermediate speed) and fixspeed 3 (2. intermediate speed) are flashed to the ECU. If the engine is still running while activation of this procedure, SerDia will ask to stop engine automatically. The values for fixspeed 1 (low idle) and fixspeed 4 (high idle) cannot be changed free, because they are linked to low, respectively high idle. Textbox "Constant Speed 2","Constant Speed 3": Changes in these textboxes have to be confirmed with ENTER. After confirmation the new value will get active, if switched on (see marking point at fixspeed). It is not possible to install a speed below fixspeed one or above fixspeed four. The fixspeeds 1 and 4 are not changeable in this screen (see hints above). V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 8.2.2 77 Limp home speed In case of failure of the accelerator pedal or the CAN bus the limp home speed intervenes to ensure that the engine is in a constant state. Limp home speed adjustment This limp home speed can be specified in the left input window. The following options are possible: · Save a new limp home speed by entering the speed and pressures of: · Retrieve a stored in the control unit limp home speed by: The limp home speed is limited to a speed range from low idle to 1200 rpm! Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 78 8.2.3 Manual SerDia2010 low idle speed It is provided for using this function, that the engine is operating in min-/max-governor or allspeed-governor mode (f.e. not fixspeed). Screen: idling control SerDia reads out the actual values of idle run and copies them into the labels in the sub array on the left hand side. This values will be saved further, too. In parallel a tachometer operates on the right hand. The actual setpoint value and the actual rotating speed are shown, each as a decimal value below the tachometer and also with indicator and hysteresis region. Button "read data from ECU": went back to previous value of idling speed, which was acquired at the start of the UseCase. Button"store in ECU": writes all variables for idle speed back into the ECU. If the engine is still running, SerDia will offer to stop the engine automatically, so that the programming of the ECU can take place. text box "new value": V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 79 An input into this text box has to be confirmed by ENTER. After that, SerDia changes all variables for idle speed and switches over to working page, so all changes will be activated in realtime. The input is limited for a speed range of 600 – 1200 1/min. 8.2.4 droop It is provided for using this function, that the engine is operating in min-/max-governor or allspeed-governor mode (f.e. not fixspeed). Screen: Droop adjustment SerDia reads out the actual characteristic lines for Droop and copies both values into the upper chart. Additional the values will be saved. In parallel the tachometer operates on the right hand. The actual setpoint value and the actual rotating speed are shown, each as a decimal value below the tachometer and also with indicator and hysteresis region. Possible interactions: Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 80 Manual SerDia2010 Button "read data from ECU": went back to previous value of droop, which was acquired at the start of the UseCase. Button"store in ECU": writes all variables for the droop back into the ECU. If the engine is still running, SerDia will offer to stop the engine automatically, so that the programming of the ECU can take place. text box "input percentage": An input into this text box has to be confirmed by ENTER. After that, SerDia changes all variables for droop and switches over to working page, so all changes will be activated in realtime. The input is limited from 0 to 20 % . CheckBox "follow droop switch": If the user want to changes the droop lines autonomous of the droop switch, the checkbox must be deactivated. After that, the user can change the selector "state of droop switch" manually . Selector "state of droop switch": V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 8.2.5 81 accelerator pedal The engine must be in the variable speed governor or volume regulator on the accelerator pedal. The number of the connected pedals should match the record as parameters in the pedals. Setpoint window SerDia2010 reads first from the control unit the configuration of the accelerator pedal and judges whether the accelerator pedal and / or the manual throttle is shown. Second SerDia2010 reads the pedal characteristic curve and the error limits from the control unit. The current percentage of the accelerator pedal and hand throttle are parallel in the top right corner represented and the ,by the controller, resulting calculated setpoint in percent (depending on the functionality, usually the maximum value of both pedals). Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 82 Manual SerDia2010 Button "Auto Adjust": Selection "Auto Adjust" By pressing the button "Auto Adjust" starts the automatic mode. After the first click the radio button will be yellow. On the left the minimum, maximum and current values are also shown in order to give the user visual feedback. Ending "Auto Adjust" A second click stops the automatic mode and the button returns to its initial state. Then the pedal characteristic curve and the error limits are determined. Error limits are set to halfway between the limits of 0 V and 5 V and the values of the pedal characteristic. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 83 Verify "Auto Adjust" Then SerDia2010 check the values determined by security policy. The warning limits must have a distance of 200 mV to the limits of 0V and 5V, the pedal characteristic curve must cover a range of at least 1V. In case of violation of the security policy of the user will be notified and the corresponding field marked in red. Procedure for the automatic calibration By repeatedly up and down movement of the pedals SerDia2010 recognizes the pedal value limits independently and calculates the necessary pedal characteristic curve and the error limits. The user must ensure that the accelerator pedal in the calibration really reaches the block values. The Manual mode should be used only by experienced users. After the throttle setting the user remains the option to flash the changes in the control unit or discard. The user is obliged to check the plausibility of the determined values and consider. The responsibility for the parameter change are borne by the user. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 84 Manual SerDia2010 Button "Manual calibration": manual calibration When you first click on the button SerDia2010 copies the current values in the tables / text fields and leaves it to the user to make changes there. The button inverts its colors when it was activated. Ending "Manual calibration" The second click SerDia2010 checks the entered values by security policies. The warning limits must have a distance of 200 mV to the limits of 0V and 5V and the pedal characteristic curve must cover a range of at least 1V. In case of violation of the security policy of the user will be notified V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 85 and the corresponding field marked in red. The button returns to the initial state. Button "read from ECU": Discards new values. Button "write on ECU": Write new values in the ECU and save them on the flash storage. It is recommended to calibrate the accelerator pedal automatically. During manual calibration the user has to identify the required values by himself. This function is available at level 2! 8.3 exhaust after treatment 8.3.1 overview SCR² Overview of all relevant parameter of the EAT-System SCR². Use Case Overview SCR² Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 86 Manual SerDia2010 # Description Reference 1 Overview Overview of the system with relevant parameters 2 System table Engine parameter and System status display 3 EAT-Table Status parameter of the system 4 Measuring Data Wechseln zum Use-Case Messdatenerfassung Acquisition 8.3.2 filter maintanance This UseCase gives the possibility to reset the counters of the control unit. Szenariao 1: Exchange filter because of high ash load Therefore its necessary to note the serial number of the filter. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 87 Szenariao 2: Force the reset of the soot-load-counter Therefore its necessary to note the result. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 88 Manual SerDia2010 8.3.3 EGR-actuator reset The Button P_802_680_640_005. does not appear with The software This test is designed for the if the EGR actuator motor has been replaced, the end position of the EGR actuator easy and simple can be calibrated and stored in the ECU. To run the EGR actuator reset open the corresponding use case in SerDia2010 as shown in the lower Image. UseCase SerDia 2010 Once the Use-Case has started the test can be started directly by clicking on the Button "EGR actuator reset" (pictured purple highlighted). V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 89 Mainpage of the EGR-Actuator UseCases If the EGR reset is active, next to the selected button (in the lower purple marks) a rotating icon appear. Active EGR-Actuator Reset If the EGR controller reset was successful, SerDia shows the message below. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 90 Manual SerDia2010 Message This function is available at Competence Class 2. 8.3.4 CRT - TIER4 interim mainpage CRT In this part of the documentation the exhaust aftertreatment CRT (Continuous Regeneration Trap) and the corresponding use case is to be brought closer. Emphasis is placed on the air path, described by means of EGR mass, position of the throttle and EGR valve. The air path forms the basis for the exhaust gas temperature and mass flow, leading to regeneration. # V.7.1.1 Description Reference 1 System real-time (see 6), measured values were grouped for measurements clarity 2 Engine system, real-time measurements Summary of some measured values Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 # Description Reference 3 EAT system, real-time measurements Summary of some measured values 4 Activate Graph function Here specific, selected readings are displayed Serviceroutines CRT 5 Tool-Tips When crossing the surfaces with the mouse cursor, a tooltip is displayed that describes the measured value shown here or his name. The associated BOSCH acronyms for readings you can get out with the additional functions of the "OFFLINE-Viewer". 91 Serviceroutines CRT In addition to the main page of the user's options for action are explicitly named on the service routine page. Basically a lot of functionality on dialogs (Windows new window) has been outsourced, the user can virtually go along on any other site on Serdia itself. # Describtion Reference 1 Start regeneration Start of a Stand-Still-Regeneration 2 Stop regeneration Interrupt the regeneration progress 3 AGS-Sensor Burn Off Request for Burning off the AGS-Sensor (see below) 4 Plausibility Open plausibility dialog (see below) 5 Switch Open switch dialog (see below) 6 Status display Table with informations of the regeneration status Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 92 Manual SerDia2010 # Describtion Reference 7 Overview Overview of the EAT-System 8 System table Table with relevant engine parameter 9 EAT-Table Table with relevant EAT parameter 10 Measuring Data Acquisition Jump to UseCase Measuring Data Acquisition 11 Statistics Jump to UseCase statistics 12 Compile report documents Compiles a report document of the regeneration progress · Stopping the service regeneration Table shows results: - Saving the results as an CSV file over the printer button - Delete table with “X“ · AGS Sensor Burn Off The AGS sensor consists of two actively heated temperature-resistance pads which measure the exhaust gas temperature and mass flow. These pads are exposed to constant soot entry which leads, by increasing pollution, to measurement uncertainty and destruction of the sensor. As a last resort to "save" a pre-damaged sensor for this function is provided. At a request the sensor switches its heating and burns the soot at a temperature of > 600 ° C. The dialogue records the time of the activated heating and the achieved necessary temperature. It shows if the heater is working and whether the sensor operates plausible. · Plausibility of the exhaust temperatures during regeneration For a better understanding of the regeneration this dialog has been introduced. During regeneration, the control unit controls the temperature after DOC by the post-injection. The setpoints are implemented respectively in the scaling of the display and shows the actual values in it. By presenting itself to the user opens up the relation between the temperature difference and the post-injection. In addition the temperature curve provides information on the progress and quality of regeneration so that the user can make after regeneration a statement of the working V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 93 properly of all components. · Represent switch states For easy testing of the switch, this dialog was created. · Start the service regeneration with hints and optional overload of the stationary switch warning: Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 94 Manual SerDia2010 Übersteuerung des Stationärschalters V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 8.3.5 DPF - Burner - TIER4 interim Overview page DPF Burner 95 On the DPF main page, the whole DPF-system is shown graphically in an exemplary situation at the engine. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 96 Manual SerDia2010 DPF-System overview # Description Reference 1 DPF Jump to Use-Case DPF serviceroutines Serviceroutines 2 Measured Data Jump to Use-Case Measured Data Acquisition Acquisition 3 Supply Module Jump to Use-Case Supply Module 4 Airpump Jump to Use-Case airpump Serviceroutines DPF Burner The EOL (End of line) Test is available with software P_802_592_XXX or higher. The tests are running fully automatic. At the end a result for the complete test is shown (Test successful / not successful). The individual test functions can be activated only above a minimum coolant temperature of 70°C. DPF EOL-Test By clicking on The function for vent the fuel lines should be activated before the DPF system goes in operation for the first time or after drain lines. All fuel lines of the DPF-system will be vented because of this function. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 97 a short EOL-test can be started. Depending on engine temperature this test will run for round about 15 minutes. If a filter regeneration was not possible for an extended period, a service regeneration is required. A click on this button will start the service regeneration. The button burner test will start burner functionality. At the end of the test a result is displayed, whether the burner has started successfully. The airpump get a setpoint and Serdia2010 compares it with the actual value in this test. Starts the burner. The temperature of the burner have to increase. Starts a normal regeneration by increasing the soot load. The device can be used normally. By the window "Measuring Data Acquisition DPF" will open (see Values DPF). By clicking the user gets to the Supply Module. By clicking the user gets to the overview of the airpump. By clicking opens the dialog sparkplug. By clicking Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 98 Manual SerDia2010 the results of the individual EOL-tests will be stored (with added information about engine type, machine type, etc.). For documentation issues a unencrypted and an encrypted file will be generated. Additional information for documentation of DPF EOL-test supply modul DPF The overview page allows to control each valve for fuel injection of the burner and for HC-injection. Supply Module V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 99 # Description Reference 1 Pressure test Deposited in the diagram the measured pressures in Red (pressure too low, too high or not plausible) or green (pressure OK) 2 Shut off valve The shut off valve opens and closes 4 times. 3 Dosing valve 1 The valve activates. HC injection for 20 seconds. 4 Dosing valve 2 The valve activates. Burner injection for 20 seconds. On the left side the component view of the supply module is placed, on the right side a simplified representation of the circuit is shown. Above a functional area is available. It contains control elements, which, if activated, indicate actual values like pressure or temperatures directly into the simplified representation circuit. Additionally the position of each component will be shown by a color labeling in the component view. The test works only when engine is stopped. The opening degree of each valve can be viewed in the simplified representation in addition to the valve. During test running, the lamp lights up in red next to the name of the window. air pump DPF The system component air pump is described on the overview page as well. Air pump For the air pump functional test, a setpoint can be given manually. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 100 Manual SerDia2010 With the linear regulator an air mass flow can be chosen for setpoint of the air pump. The label above the linear regulator shows the actual setpoint. After that the setpoint has to be confirmed by pressing the button “set air pump setpoint“. For finishing the test the "Stop Button" can be used. The user can also start a automatic test Clicking sets the set value of the Air mass of the aitpump to 360 g/min. The actual value should be in the green area of the pressure bar after 20 sec. There is no automatic test result! V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 101 Following values will be shown in the left picture above the air pump: At the top on the left: At the top in the middle: In the middle: At the bottom on the right: Air pump rotation speed Air mass flow(reference value) Air mass flow (actual value) Air pump pressure spark DPF The spark plug system component is displayed on a pop-up summary page. Activat spark plug The spark plug is actuated by checking the box next to the explanation "activate spark plug". Click again on the hook the spark plug is switched off again. Please note the follow-up time of the system! The activation of the spark plug may cause injuries or cause damage to equipment. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 102 Manual SerDia2010 All safety regulations have to be checked first. Stay ready to press the emergency stop button of your equipment. 8.3.6 SCR - TIER4 interim Provided for a correct use of the UseCases is an engine, equipped with a system of SCR exhaust aftertreatment. SCR-overview This overview page provides a quick overview about values of different sensors and the whole EAT system. Push on opens the page of measurements for the SCR-System.(see also Measurements). V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 103 Page of measurement SCR By pressing Der Button Test). the user gets to SCR-Testfunctions (available at level 3). startet den SCR-End Of Line Test (siehe Beschreibung SCR End Of Line SCR test functions For correct use an engine equipped with an SCR exhaust after treatment system is required. The UseCase SCR-EOL is oppened from UseCase "SCR-Overview" by pressing Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG button. V.7.1.1 104 Manual SerDia2010 All SCR Relevant values are listed in the graphical display on the right half of the window (see also graphic display EMR3). In the upper left part of the SCR test functions, the SCR Supply Module can be manually turned on for test purposes. The following conditions must be met for the test: The engine have to be turned off! The ignition key turned on Environmental temperature higher than 10°C! When operating correctly, the LED on the right panel glows green / red off. The test of manual pressure build-up can only be stopped by switching ignition off! After the pressure build-up of the SCR Supply Module has tbeen performed, may also be a manual dosing in place. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 105 By setting the hook the injection quantity is selected. The controller can be set and confirmed with the button . When operating correctly both LEDs in the right field light green / off red. The following conditions must be met for the test: The engine have to be turned off while testing! The dosing valve needs to be expanded to dose DEF in a container for the test. Connector, DEF and cooling water pipes must stay connected at metering! In the lower left part of the window an SCR catalyst-free burn can be turned on in order to achieve reduction of DEF deposits in the SCR system. For this purpose the system at high exhaust gas temperatures and low DEF dosing must be operated. Start / Stop the test is done by putting the hook next to the red glowing lamp. When operating correctly, the LED on the right panel glows green / red off. In the lower part of the window a bar graph is given, which indicates the current progress of the burn off. The following conditions must be met for the test: The test can be started only if the percentage utilization of the engine lies over 90% and the exhaust gas temperature is at least 350°C. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 106 Manual SerDia2010 It is recommended operation at MD-Max. This condition should be observed for 45 minutes! This function is available at a higher Competence Class than Level 3. SCR End Of Line For correct use an engine equipped with an SCR exhaust after treatment system is required. The UseCase SCR-EOL is oppened from UseCase "SCR-Overview" by pressing button. SCR EOL-test Test is running as follows: Step 1 - Start with click to V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 107 - During whole test a stop is possible with activate In order to run the test correct, following preferences have to be fulfilled: No active error in ECU! Engine speed is higher than 1500 rpm! The used engine torque is more than 50% of the available torque! If one of these three conditions is not met for more than 5 seconds, the test is automatically aborted. Step 2 – Trigger: temperatur prior oxi-catalyst >= 180°C After step 1 is over, temerature is >180°C and all start conditions are met, a timer starts counting for 20 seconds (you can follow the timer, viewing the progress bar below the status window). Progress bar If the pressure of the SCR-pump will not reach more than 8,5 bar within the timer is running, the test will stop. Step 3 – Trigger: temperatur prior oxi-catalyst >= 250°C After step 2 is finished successfully and temperature is more than 250°C , a timer starts counting for 5 minutes (you can follow the timer, viewing the progress bar below the status window) Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 108 Manual SerDia2010 Test will stop, if AdBlue injection mass ist still lower than 10mg or NOX-value (prior catalyst) is higher than 10ppm within 5 minutes testing time. Step 4 –Trigger: AdBlue amount >10mg, NOX-value (prior CAT) > 10ppm For 10sec. an averaging of NOX values prior and after oxidation catalyst takes place. The decrease of NOX concentration is measured meanwhile by collecting the min- and max-values of NOX concentration. If, while averaging process takes place, the concentration gradient > 50ppm/10sec, averaging will stop and start again (in order to guarantee a stationary measuring point). After 5 repetitions without reaching a stationary operating point, the test is stopped completely. Test is successful if converting rate is higher than 30%. The test result is shown in an overview screen : The result can be saved in a Log-file: 8.3.7 SCRT - TIER4 final General: DEF = diesel exhaust fluid and is used instead of "AdBlue" With the introduction of new emission stage Tier4F SerDia provides for ECUs from the corresponding OS version P_1204_080_xxx_xxx a new use case for the exhaust aftertreatment. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 109 overview SCRT/CSF Overview of all relevant EAT-Measurements. # Description Reference 1 Graphical Display Jumps to Use-Case Graphical Display 2 EOL-Test Tier4final Jumps to Use-Case EOL-Test Tier4final 3 SCR-Serviceroutines Jumps to Use-Case SCR-Serviceroutines 4 Statistic Jumps to Use-Case Statistic 5 DPF-Serviceroutines Jumps to Use-Case DPF-Serviceroutines Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 110 Manual SerDia2010 EOL Test(Tier4F) EOL-Test The EOL test (end of line) is required to ensure the EAT functionality. Conditions for the start of the EOL-test: Engine coolant temperature > 70 °C Exhaust gas temperature after DOC (before SCR if CSF System) < 300°C DEF tank filled to minimum level (>15%)The stationary condition must be met. After the requirement of the test it must be confirmed with the release button (HW / CAN) on the instrument side. Test Procedure: • Testing of system components (sensors, actuators, wiring, ECU) There must be no active faults of the EAT system present • Leak check, visual inspection In normal operation, a pressure of 9 bar in the pressure line is built up in the dosing. In this case should be no leakage at the lines and their connections. Functional verification • During the EOL tests, the machine must be parked and it must be ensured that no additional functions can be activated to disrupt the process. • During the regeneration the plausibility of the measured values of the individual sensors is checked. • The temperature sensors before and after DOC are checked for the correct driving position (interchangeability). • The functionality of the SCR system is on the evaluation of the NOx conversion rate. The NOx values are compared before and after the SCR catalyst. When setting a difference between the values after the DEF dosing, the functionality is confirmed. • The total EOL test is deemed passed when the temperature sensors before / after DOC are installed correctly, a NOx conversion rate reaches> 50% and no error is set during regeneration. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 # Description Reference 1 Start Test Starts the EOL-test, duration of the test is about 5 minutes 2 Stop Test Abort the test 3 Info Opens an information box 111 SCR service routines 1. Pressure test While pressure test with a stopped engine the DEF pump is regulated at 9 bar. The test is used to check the pump components to their function. The test involves no automatic evaluation and must be actively terminated. It is to verify that the system controls on 9 bar and this pressure is retain. 2. Injection Test At the start of injection testing first the DEF pressure is built up. Then a definite amount DEF is injected. The test is used to check both, the pump module and the function of the dosing module. The dosing module must be removed for this test. 3. The service "empty lines" must be accomplished after a service routine is completed, that the DEF lines can be emptied after ignition change. (This is not necessary for the EOL-test or the service regeneration) Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 112 Manual SerDia2010 SCR-Heater relay activate Setting of the individual heating relay to check the customer's wiring. - DEF Heater Main-relay - DEF Heater Suction line - DEF Heater Pressure line - DEF Heater Back flow - electrical heater - Supply Modul - tank heater relays (coolant water) After changing the SCR Catalyst the service "SCR Cat changed" must be set. inducement counter reset The exhaust legislature requires that emission-related defects, provided they bear a permanently,enable a power reduction. Current derating must be reset after repairing/troubleshooting by the service tool. The button appears only in Serdia2010 when the power reduction is active. After the counter has been reset, the button disappears. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 113 DPF service routines # Description Reference 1 Service Regeneration Requesting the regeneration of the DPF filter 2 System table Engine parameter and System state display 3 Overview Overview of the EAT-System 4 Heat Mode 1 Requesting Heat Mode 1 5 Heat Mode 2 Requesting Heat Mode 2 6 EGR-Test Requesting of a EGR Test 7 EAT-Table Table with EAT-Parameters 8 Measuring data acquisition Jump to Use-Case graphical display 9 Report Creates a report document of the table 10 EOL-Test Jumps to Use-Case EOL 11 Overview SCRT Jumps to Use-Case Overview SCRT 12 SCR Service routines Jumps to Use-Case SCR service routines 13 Statistic Jumps to Use-Case Statistic If the soot load is too high, a service regeneration must be started by the customer service via the service tool (SERDIA, or other). The prerequisite is that a service technician is on site, because the regeneration can not be performed by the operator. The end of the service regeneration is also called "standstill regeneration". At a standstill regeneration, the engine speed is set to a predefined value and the combustion settings are changed accordingly. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 114 Manual SerDia2010 For security must be guaranteed, that this mode of operation in no case caused hazards. This must be ensured by the machine and the operator side through various signals: A continuous signal of the machine with which the safe state of the machine is confirmed. If this signal is not available the regeneration is interrupted immediately and can not even be started. An enable signal by the operator (by pressing a button), confirmed with the operator taking note of the forthcoming regeneration process. The engine must be at idle when starting the regeneration. During the current standstill regeneration may be activated no function. Prerequisite for the start of the standstill regeneration is that the engine is warmed up and the regeneration is not forbidden by system error. If the engine has been operated for a certain time at a standstill mode, an early oil change must be carried out due to the oil dilution. 5 Stand Still within 50 engine hour 20 Stand Still within 500 engine hours The total time is considered in which the engine is in standstill mode. It also includes incomplete Standstill processes. The call for oil change is indicated by an error message. IF oil change was done it needs to be confirmed by Serdia2010. Historical Data The use case "Historical Data" shows all data from engine and exhaust system. Depending on the data set used, the number of the displayed data is different. All standstill and heat mode information is hidden in case of not installed EAT system. To display remain general engine information and various records from the trip recorder, these are dynamic and vary in the different data sets. In the following, the more detailed structure and operation of the use case will be explained on the basis of tables, descriptions and illustrations. 1. Online and Offline Modus If one is online connected to the ECU, so all available data is written to an XML file by calling the use case (Figure 1). V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 115 Figure 1: Data transport to Xml-File This process allows the stored data display in offline mode. For this, a dialog box opens in which the desired file can be selected (Figure 2). Figure 2: Selection window offline mode The file name (see Figure 2) is composed as follows: # Description Hint 1 Engine number Related engine number of recorded data. 2 Date Date is displayed in the form YearMonthDay. 3 Time Time is displayed in the form HourMinuteSecond. Figure 3: Composition file name Later on data is read from the selected file, that means far away from the engine, data can be displayed graphically. 2. Tree and Textfield On the left side of the use case among themselves Tree and Textfield are arranged. The tree is dynamically programmed and always displays only those nodes, that contain available measurement. Information are graded according to content and technical affiliations. Thus, for example, Information belonging to the oil system, is compact (after selection in the tree) displayed on a page. Advanced information about the currently selected page is in the text field below displayed, when needed. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 116 Manual SerDia2010 Figure 4: Tree and Textfield 3. Load spectrum, Oil pressure trip record, Boost pressure trip record The Load spectrum, the Oil pressure trip record and the Boost pressure trip record are 3D graphs, whose axes are as follows parameterize: 1.) Load spectrum X-axis: Engine speed [rpm] Y-axis: Engine load [%] Z-axis: Zeit [h] 2.) Oil pressure trip record X-axis: Engine speed [rpm] V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 117 Y-axis: Oil pressure [hPa] Z-axis: Zeit [h] 3.) Boost pressure trip record X-axis: Boost pressure [hPa] Y-axis: Engine speed [rpm] Z-axis. Time [h] The three recordings can be viewed in form of a 3D graph (Figure 5) and in form of a table (Figure 6). They can be found among the tree nodes Engine, Oil system, and Air path. The -button allows thereby replacing both view forms. Figure 5: Load spectrum (3D graph view) Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 118 Manual SerDia2010 Figure 6: Load spectrum (Table view) 4. 2D graph There are a number of different 2D graphs, which are implemented in the use case, these vary with the different parameterization. The various recordings can be viewed in the form of a 2D graph (Figure 7) and in the form of a table (Figure 8). The -button allows thereby replacing both view forms. The manual shows the residence time of the coolant temperature in the different temperature ranges over time, using the example of the coolant temperature recording (Figure 7/8). Figure 7: 2D graph coolant temperature Figure 8: Table view coolant temperature Depending on the parameterization other 2D graphs can found among the tree V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 119 nodes Air path, Electrical System, Injection system, DPF and SCR. 5. EAT 5.1 Standstill If a EAT system is built in, so you get under the tree node "Overview Standstill" (see Figure 3), a temperature histogram over the last 5 Standstill regenerations (Figure 9). The last performed Standstill always occupies the index 1, if a new Standstill is performed it gets on its position (FIFO >> First In First Out). The former last Standstill then occupied index. 2 Figure 9: Overview Standstill If more information about the last five standstill is needed, so they can be viewed at the desired standstill among the tree nodes 1. Stst to 5. Stst (see Figure 10). Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 120 Manual SerDia2010 Figure 10: Third Standstill (with all information currently available) In Figure 10, below there is the possibility by actuating button to switch to table view. Above important information is added to the selected standstill. 5.2 Heatmode More information about the last five Heat modes can be obtained through 1. HM to 5. HM analogous to the Standstill information. In this case in line 2 is clearly (Figure 11), whether the selected heat mode has been requested Heat Mode 1 or Heat Mode 2. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 121 Figure 11: Third heat mode (with all information currently available) Figure 12 shows the temperature process of the last Heat Mode 1 regeneration. Earlier Heat Mode 1 regenerations are overwritten and are therefore no longer visible. With button actuation a switch to table view and back again is possible. Figure 12: Heat Mode 1 Similarly, there is a temperature histogram for the Heat Mode 2 regeneration with slightly different temperature ranges. 6. Systemreactions Systemreactions allow for up to 15 different measurements, the number and the time in front of a predefined range of values. Which systemreactions are displayed, is located on the parameterization. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 122 Manual SerDia2010 In Figure 13 left (Event Timer), the time in each state is displayed, for example: · · · Coolant temperature in certain temperature range Boost temperature in certain temperature range etc. In Figure 13 right (Event Counters) the number in each state is displayed, for example: · · · Coolant temperature in certain temperature range Boost temperature in certain temperature range etc. Figure 13: Systemreaction (Timer/Counter) 7. Display of additional measurement If available on some tree nodes, important measurements is output in table form. The example of the engine side is as follows: Figure 14: General Engine information 8. Information for the use of the use case Graphics can be increased with the scroll wheel of the mouse. If you press the right mouse button on the selected graph, it can be moved. Furthermore, graphics can be rotated while holding the left mouse button. When using a laptop, the operation is analogous to using the touchpad. This function is only available for EMR 4! V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG 123 V.7.1.1 124 8.4 Manual SerDia2010 Service Routines DPF (DOC/SCR) Analog the Use-Case DPF service routines this Use Case developed. By clicking the Button an starts SCR Refresh that increase the konversation ratio of the SCR Cataclyst. Testing the EGR-Throttle clap by clicking With the Buttons the user gets information about testing conditions. For security must be guaranteed, that this mode of operation in no case caused hazards. This must be ensured by the machine and the operator side through various signals: A continuous signal of the machine with which the safe state of the machine is confirmed. If this signal is not available the regeneration is interrupted immediately and can not even be started. An enable signal by the operator (by pressing a button), confirmed with the operator taking note of the forthcoming regeneration process. 8.5 Service-Cases With the new Serdia 2010 Release 4.0. Cases are Service-Cases listed to assist the user of Deutz engines, after replacing of parts such as sensors, integrating them simple and straightforward in the software of the ECU. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 125 Each sensor has a specific characteristic, which implementation is very complicated to the ECU without Serdia. The button 8.5.1 starts the application and the following window will appear: Input test A55 Especially for testing the control unit hardware part of this program was introduced. Despite various hardware fuses in the controller itself, it may happen that an output of the control unit through an improperly connected Component (e.g., a tank heater valve) destroys. With this test can be made an examination of the destroyed output "A55". The test is not 100% reliable, you should make another test to check the result. After selecting and executing the Service Test Case Input A55 the following message appears on the screen, which can be confirmed with the green arrow. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 126 Manual SerDia2010 If a test condition is not met, the process will be aborted with this message. This function is available at Competence Class Level 3. 8.5.2 NOx sensor change Especially for the exchange of NOx sensors of this service Case was introduced in Serdia. In the next image the reason why new generation of NOx sensors was introduced at Deutz. After selecting and executing the Service-Case NOx sensor replacement the following message appears on the screen, which can be confirmed with the green arrow. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 127 Step 1 - NOX Sensor change If a test condition is not met, the process will be aborted with this message. In the next step Serdia will prompt you to select the old part number from the removed NOx sensor. Step 2 - NOX Sensor change Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 128 Manual SerDia2010 Since there is only a limited selection of published Deutz NOx sensors, equivalent numbers can be selected in a drop-down window. Step 3 - NOX Sensor change After the routine of the Service-Cases with all necessary data for a successful NOx sensor exchange. This function is available at a higher Competence Class than Level 3. 8.5.3 EGR-Cooler change Handling in service in the case of an exchange of the EGR cooler to the engine of the BR 2.9 and 3.6 T4i DOConly. By replacing the EGR cooler through the service, also the moment (hours of operation) of exchange must be stored in the engine control unit to reinitialize the term-dependent aging function of the EGR cooler. For initialization the Service Case EGR cooler exchange must be performed after the EGR cooler exchange by SERDIA2010. This can be found in the section service cases: V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 129 Press Button Current operating hours are taken and written as the date of the cooler exchange into the control unit Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 130 Manual SerDia2010 Operation completed Consequence when the term-dependent aging function of the EGR cooler is not initialized or initialized at the wrong time: EGR cooler is changed without runtime adjustment in the control unit - EGR correction is not active - High smoke values - Particulate emissions are exceeded - If necessary, lack of power EGR cooler is not changed and term-dependent aging function is still activated - EGR correction is active - High NOx emissions (the limit is exceeded) V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 8.6 Other 8.6.1 Counter and EEPROM 131 Serdia reads the actual Counters from the ECU and shows them. These counters are: · Engine hours · Pressure relief valve counter · Engine number Display Counters At the right upper corner of the window following changes can be set: · set engine hours Within the first 50 hours it can be set to zero. After that they can only be increased! The value is set by pressing the Enter key. · pressure relief valve counter The value is set by pressing the Enter key. · Reset Injector Correction Valves (ZFL) · EEPROM-Data handling In the lower right corner, the EEPROM can be secured. The data is stored in Serdia folder on the hard disk of the PC. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 132 Manual SerDia2010 This function is available at higher software version than P_xxx_592_xxx_xxx verfügbar! This function is available at Competence Class Level 2. 8.6.2 Sensors The use case of the sensors provides an overview of various readings. For 4 of these measured values, the upper and lower boundary shown with corresponding measured value in a bar graph. Window Sensors The following measured values can be viewed in so far as they are sent: · Boost Pressure · Ambient Air Pressure · Fuel Low Pressure · Engine Oil Pressure · Boost Air Temperature · Environmental Air Temperature · Coolant Temperature · Battery Voltage · Vehicle Speed V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 8.6.3 133 Trip Recorder The trip recorder holds the record for the measured values given in SerDia2010 and counts them. It also includes load spectrum. Window Trip Recorder There are 3 different types of counters in the trip recorder: 1. Counting stage 1, an X / Y / Z or 3D chart 2. Counter stage 2 is an X / Y-value table 3. Counter stage 3/4 counts up the number of states spent only for the specific measurement.. "Confirm selection" by pressing the button of the corresponding counter is stored locally. Counter Stage 1: 1.Load Spectrum X-Axis: Engine Speed [1/min] Y-Axis: Engine Load [%] Z-Axis. Time [h] The structure of the bottom of the window measurement is shown as follows: Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 134 Manual SerDia2010 By pressing the V.7.1.1 Button a 3D-Graph is shown Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 135 3D Graph # Description Reference 1 Save Opens a window where the Graph can be saved as a picture. 2 Exit Close the window. 2.) Oil pressure trip recorder (analogous to 1) X-Axis: Engine Speed [1/min] Y-Axis: Engine Load [%] Z-Axis. Time [h] 3.) Boost pressure trip recorder (analogous to 1) X-Axis: Engine Speed [1/min] Y-Axis: Engine Load [%] Z-Axis. Time [h] Counter State 2: Counter stage 2.2 records the coolant temperature over the engine over the time (hours of operation). Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 136 Manual SerDia2010 In the lower window following table is shown: X-Value is the time [h] (upper row) Y-Value the coolant temperature (CT) [°C] (lower row) The counter-Level 2 diagrams are to read as follows: -30 °C < CT < 70 °C 0,0 Hours 70 °C < CT < 85 °C 0,0 Hours 85 °C < CT < 100 °C 0 Hours --> 100 °C < CT < 115 °C 0,45 Hours --> 115 °C < CT < 130 °C 0,0 Hours --> The following collections may vary with the connected motor / EAT System !! Counter stage 2.2 records the boost temperature over the time. Counter stage 2.3 records the coolant temperature over the time. Counter stage 2.4 records the SCR-Pump pressure over the time. Counter stage 2.5 records the injection pressure over the time. Counter stage 2.6 records the ambient air pressure over the time. Counter Stage 3: For the measured values displayed in the lower window will display the time in the respective states in seconds. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 137 Counter State 4: For the measured values displayed in the lower window will display the time in the respective states in seconds, for example: · · · Coolant temperature over limit Boost temperature over limit etc. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 138 Manual SerDia2010 This function is available at Competence Class Level 2. 8.6.4 Assembly Inspections and Initialisations Tests After installation and commissioning of a device the warning lights and warning limits can be checked by the simulation on this page. In this case the engine parameters can be set to the default values in the window. # Description Reference 1 Setpoint, here analog Simulation value 2 Activation of the function 3 Display of actual actual value value 4 Display of actual here digital value 5 Setpoint, here digital Simulation value without hook = Sensor value, with hook = registered setpoint Observe the sequence of the input!!! 1. Type in the respective parameter. 2: Set the hook, otherwise there is a Risk of uncontrolled engine shutdown! In the input field, individual parameters can be specified on the motor reacts to verify warnings / V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 139 limits. After the parameter has been entered in the box, the hook is set next to the name to the specified value to confirm. This will be displayed next to the input field. In the lower part of the window it is possible to check the switch for the cooling water level and the switch for water in fuel. By setting the hook the respective warning systems can be checked. The engine get boundary conditions specified. 8.6.5 Input Test Window input test SerDia2010 reads from the controller the current switch states and displays them as bright or off LED. The active switch state (high or low potential, depending on the input configuration) is represented as LED. So the user is able to check if the inputs are wired correctly and modify the hardware switching state. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 140 8.6.6 Manual SerDia2010 Output Test Window Output test Serdia displays the current states of the control unit outputs. The user can control certain outputs himself. Checkbox "blink lamps": By selecting this checkbox, the corresponding light flashes at intervals of one second. Except Starter Output: The starter output remains indefinitely switched on until the user turns off the engine or it has reached starter release speed of 350U / min. This function is available at Competence Class 2. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR4 8.7 141 HMI In the future Usecases containing functions regarding the interface between ECU and vehicle should be centralized at this place. 8.7.1 Display/CAN CAN Oil Change Request Serdia reads the current state of the oil change request from the CAN message "DPF Test Monitor". The state is displayed by LED and by status field. An active oil change request is send via CAN message "DPF Test Monitor" if the checkbox is activated. Status EAT Override Serdia reads the current state of the EAT Override switch from the CAN message "EAT Control Receive message". The state is displayed by LED and by status field. Standstill Stationary Signal If all necessary conditions for a non-moving vehicle (Precondition for standstill function) are fulfilled the LED will be activated. Standstill Request If a standstill request is active the LED will be activated. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 142 Manual SerDia2010 Display DEF-Level The current level is read from the software and displayed. A new level can be set by the slider or by the edit field. The new value will be transmitted to the ECU after activating the checkbox. Ash-Level The current level is read from the software and displayed. A new level can be set by the slider or by the edit field. The new value will be transmitted only via CAN from the ECU after activating the checkbox. The internal value of the ECU won't be changed at the moment. This function is meant for communication tests between the ECU and the corresponding display/dashboard for the ash-level in the vehicle. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR3 9 UseCases EMR3 9.1 Counter and EEPROM Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG 143 V.7.1.1 144 9.2 Manual SerDia2010 Set Low Idle It is provided for using this function, that the engine is operating in min-/max-governor or allspeed-governor mode (f.e. not fixspeed). Screen: idling control SerDia reads out the actual values of idle run and copies them into the labels in the sub array on the left hand side. This values will be saved further, too. In parallel a tachometer operates on the right hand. The actual setpoint value and the actual rotating speed are shown, each as a decimal value below the tachometer and also with indicator and hysteresis region. Button "read data from ECU": went back to previous value of idling speed, which was acquired at the start of the UseCase. Button"store in ECU": writes all variables for idle speed back into the ECU. If the engine is still running, SerDia will offer to stop the engine automatically, so that the programming of the ECU can take place. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR3 145 text box "new value": An input into this text box has to be confirmed by ENTER. After that, SerDia changes all variables for idle speed and switches over to working page, so all changes will be activated in realtime. The input is limited for a speed range of 600 – 1200 1/min. 9.3 change constant speed To use this function, the engine has to be in fixspeed mode or the setting allows to activate the fixspeed mode. Screen change constant speed The actual setting for the fixspeed values are shown on the left upper part of the screen. The setting of the switch is marked, too Additionally the actual engine speed and the speed setpoint is shown as value and tachometer on the right side inclusive hysteresis to have a qualitative feedback. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 146 Manual SerDia2010 Button "read from ECU": The original stored values of the ECU were refreshed on the screen. Changes of the values are deleted. Button "write values to ECU": Values shown on the screen for fixspeed 2 (first intermediate speed) and fixspeed 3 (2. intermediate speed) are flashed to the ECU. If the engine is still running while activation of this procedure, SerDia will ask to stop engine automatically. The values for fixspeed 1 (low idle) and fixspeed 4 (high idle) cannot be changed free, because they are linked to low, respectively high idle. Textbox "Constant Speed 2","Constant Speed 3": Changes in these textboxes have to be confirmed with ENTER. After confirmation the new value will get active, if switched on (see marking point at fixspeed). It is not possible to install a speed below fixspeed one or above fixspeed four. The fixspeeds 1 and 4 are not changeable in this screen (see hints above). 9.4 graphic display EMR3 On the summary page, shown below are the possible experiments, and use cases represented. From here the user can select pre-configured experiments. On the right side there is a favorites list, in which the experiments can be selected directly. In the adjacent tree structure, all experiments are visible. By selecting a branch and pressing the OK button, the experiment is opened. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR3 With the located to the right of the tree setting buttons on the can be edited. It opens a window to edit the favorites list: 147 Favorites list, right page The Favorites list can only consist of 10 favorites! Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 148 Manual SerDia2010 Use the horizontal buttons favorites can be taken from the list and added. The vertical arrows are used to sort favorites in the list. By pressing save the settings of the favorites list and leave. Possible interactions in all subsequent experiments: Select readings: In this dialog the user can select a range of signals to be displayed. By default, all signals are activated. Vary depending on the experiment, the measured values of graphical display. Scaling the Y-axis: By double clicking on the maximum and minimum value of the corresponding Y-axis the Y-axis value can be changed. Setting the background color: After pressing the button, a dialog background color appears in the can be selected. The default is black. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR3 149 Functions of the graph => Start of measurement record (before starting measurement a file name for storing data has to be defined). => Start of measurement. => Stop of measurement. => Interrupt measurement (pause) => delete measurement => spreadsheet window separating / docking for placing on the screen => switch to bosch acronyms instead of normal parameter labels 9.5 accelerator pedal calibration The engine must be in the variable speed governor or volume regulator on the accelerator pedal. The number of the connected pedals should match the record as parameters in the pedals. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 150 Manual SerDia2010 Setpoint window SerDia2010 reads first from the control unit the configuration of the accelerator pedal and judges whether the accelerator pedal and / or the manual throttle is shown. Second SerDia2010 reads the pedal characteristic curve and the error limits from the control unit. The current percentage of the accelerator pedal and hand throttle are parallel in the top right corner represented and the ,by the controller, resulting calculated setpoint in percent (depending on the functionality, usually the maximum value of both pedals). Button "Auto Adjust": V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR3 151 Ending "Auto Adjust" By pressing the button "Auto Adjust" starts the automatic mode. After the first click the radio button will be yellow. On the left the minimum, maximum and current values are also shown in order to give the user visual feedback. A second click stops the automatic mode and the button returns to its initial state. Then the pedal characteristic curve and the error limits are determined. Error limits are set to halfway between the limits of 0 V and 5 V and the values of the pedal characteristic. Verify "Auto Adjust" Then SerDia2010 check the values determined by security policy. The warning limits must have a distance of 200 mV to the limits of 0V and 5V, the pedal characteristic curve must cover a range of Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 152 Manual SerDia2010 at least 1V. In case of violation of the security policy of the user will be notified and the corresponding field marked in red. Procedure for the automatic calibration By repeatedly up and down movement of the pedals SerDia2010 recognizes the pedal value limits independently and calculates the necessary pedal characteristic curve and the error limits. The user must ensure that the accelerator pedal in the calibration really reaches the block values. The Manual mode should be used only by experienced users. After the throttle setting the user remains the option to flash the changes in the control unit or discard. The user is obliged to check the plausibility of the determined values and consider. The responsibility for the parameter change are borne by the user. Button "Manual calibration": manual calibration When you first click on the button SerDia2010 copies the current values in the tables / text fields and leaves it to the user to make changes there. The button inverts its colors when it was activated. The second click SerDia2010 checks the entered values by security policies. The warning limits must have a distance of 200 mV to the limits of 0V and 5V and the pedal characteristic curve must cover a range of at least 1V. In case of violation of the security policy of the user will be notified and the corresponding field marked in red. The button returns to the initial state. Button "read from ECU": V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR3 153 Discards new values. Button "write on ECU": Write new values in the ECU and save them on the flash storage. It is recommended to calibrate the accelerator pedal automatically. During manual calibration the user has to identify the required values by himself. This function is available at level 2! 9.6 Limp Home Setting Upon failure of the accelerator pedal or of the CAN bus the Limp Home engages so that the engine is in a constant state. Window Limp Home Settings This Limp Home Speed can be specified in the left input window. The following options are possible: Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 154 Manual SerDia2010 · Save a new Limp Home Speed by entering the speed by pressing: · Retrieving a in the control unit stored Limp Home Speed by: The Limp Home Speed limited to a speed range from low idle to 1200 rpm! 9.7 Reset EEPROM Error Window Reset EEPROM Error The EEPROM errors can be saved by pressing the following button: The LED next to the button indicates whether the system is ready or not. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR3 9.8 155 Fan Control EMR3 The UseCase the fan control basically consists of the adjustment variables 1. Parameter 2. Curve 3. Map This in turn consist of several sub-points. Window Fan Control The left side shows an overview of the possible adjustment variables. On the right is a graphical display to various fan parameters. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 156 Manual SerDia2010 Below the graphical display there are the buttons: to store the data in the control unit and to reset to default values. If a parameter is selected from the index, so appear current and default values below the graphical display. Window Current and Default Values Confirm current and default values with the button . V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR3 157 By default the settings, such as in Chapter Graphische Anzeige described, are possible with the exception of the background color. Scaliing the Y-Axis: By double clicking on the maximum and minimum value of the corresponding Y-axis, the Y-axis value can be changed. Functions of the graph => Start of measurement record (before starting measurement a file name for storing data has to be defined). => Start of measurement. => Stop of measurement. => Interrupt measurement (pause) => delete measurement => spreadsheet window separating / docking for placing on the screen => switch to bosch acronyms instead of normal parameter labels 9.8.1 Parameter Current and Default values are shown below the graphical display and can be changed directly in the window. Window Current and Default Values Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 158 Manual SerDia2010 Confirm current and default values and write it to the RAM by pressing . Following values can be changed: · Fan Speed D-part gain · Fan Speed enhanced application for coolant temperature slope · Fan Speed I-part gain for sector · Fan Speed I-part gain for sector · Fan Speed I-part for signals under lower limit · Fan Speed I-part for signals over upper limit · Fan Speed P-part for signals over upper limit · Fan Speed extension of the coolant temperature P-part · Fan Speed P-part for signals under lower limit · Fan Speed P-part for signals over upper limit 9.8.2 Curve Current and Default values are shown below the graphical display in tabular form with the X value and the respective FNC Window Curve Confirm current and default values and write it to the RAM by pressing 9.8.3 . Map Current and Default values are shown below the graphical display and can be changed directly in the window. Window current and default values V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR3 159 The fan speed is divided into five speeds. X (horizontal Axis) is the Engine Speedl [rpm], Y (vertical Axis) is the Fan Speed [rpm]. Double-click on the FNC-value of the speed of this can be changed. Confirm current and default values and write it to the RAM by pressing 9.9 . Input Test In the Input Test security systems such as switches, warning lights in the left third of the window can be checked. The middle part of the input test includes current engine values. In the right part is speed, injection mass and rail pressure is shown. Window Input Test Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 160 Manual SerDia2010 9.10 Monitoring strategy 2012/2013 9.11 Set Vehicle speed V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR3 9.12 161 Set Speed droop It is provided for using this function, that the engine is operating in min-/max-governor or allspeed-governor mode (f.e. not fixspeed). Screen: Droop adjustment SerDia reads out the actual characteristic lines for Droop and copies both values into the upper chart. Additional the values will be saved. In parallel the tachometer operates on the right hand. The actual setpoint value and the actual rotating speed are shown, each as a decimal value below the tachometer and also with indicator and hysteresis region. Possible interactions: Button "read data from ECU": went back to previous value of droop, which was acquired at the start of the UseCase. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 162 Manual SerDia2010 Button"store in ECU": writes all variables for the droop back into the ECU. If the engine is still running, SerDia will offer to stop the engine automatically, so that the programming of the ECU can take place. text box "Speed Droop 1 set" or "Speed Droop 2 set": An input into this text box has to be confirmed by ENTER. After that, SerDia changes all variables for droop and switches over to working page, so all changes will be activated in realtime. The input is limited from 0 to 20 % . 9.13 Trip Recorder The trip recorder holds the record for the measured values given in SerDia2010 and counts them. It also includes load spectrum. Window Trip Recorder There are 3 different types of counters in the trip recorder: 1. 2D Timer an X / Y / Z or 3D chart 2. 1D Timer is an X / Y-value table V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR3 163 3. Single Range/Event Timer counts up the number of states spent only for the specific measurement.. "Confirm selection" by pressing the button of the corresponding counter is stored locally. 2D Timer: 1.Load Spectrum X-Axis: Engine Speed [1/min] Y-Axis: Engine Load [%] Z-Axis. Time [h] The structure of the bottom of the window measurement is shown as follows: By pressing the Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Button a 3D-Graph is shown V.7.1.1 164 Manual SerDia2010 3D Graph # Description Reference 1 Save Opens a window where the Graph can be saved as a picture. 2 Exit Close the window. 2.) Oil pressure trip recorder (analogous to 1) X-Axis: Engine Speed [1/min] Y-Axis: Engine Load [%] Z-Axis. Time [h] 3.) Boost pressure trip recorder (analogous to 1) X-Axis: Engine Speed [1/min] Y-Axis: Engine Load [%] Z-Axis. Time [h] 1D Timer: 1D Timer records the coolant temperature over the engine over the time (hours of operation). V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR3 165 In the lower window following table is shown: X-Value is the time [h] (upper row) Y-Value the coolant temperature (CT) [°C] (lower row) The counter-Level 2 diagrams are to read as follows: -30 °C < CT < 70 °C 0,0 Hours 70 °C < CT < 85 °C 0,0 Hours 85 °C < CT < 100 °C 0 Hours --> 100 °C < CT < 115 °C 0,45 Hours --> 115 °C < CT < 130 °C 0,0 Hours --> Single Range Timer: For the measured values displayed in the lower window will display the time in the respective states in seconds. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 166 Manual SerDia2010 Event Timer: For the measured values displayed in the lower window will display the time in the respective states in seconds, for example: · · · Coolant temperature over limit Boost temperature over limit etc. This function is available at Competence Class Level 2. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR3 9.14 167 Assembly Inspection and Initialisation Test The UseCase is used to change Parameters (also over boundaries). Figure 1: Overview Usecase Example for entering the coolant temperature: 1. Step: Enter the desired value into the red marked field in red Figure 2: Input parameters (step 1) 2. Step: Click on the checkbox, value is transferred to the red labeled box. Figure 3: Input parameters (step 2) Similarly, the value must be changed manually also at the oil pressure-, charge Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 168 Manual SerDia2010 air temperature-, fuel temperature- and boost pressure-control. Furthermore, for example, the respective functions can be disable by clicking the checkbox "Air filter differential pressure switch monitoring", and re-enable it, when needed. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR2 10 169 UseCases EMR2 Enter topic text here. 10.1 Startup Window Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 170 10.2 Manual SerDia2010 Service routines EMR2 Die einzelnen Usecases werden in dieser Handbuch-Release nur aufgelistet und sind größtenteils selbsterklärend. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR2 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG 171 V.7.1.1 172 V.7.1.1 Manual SerDia2010 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR2 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG 173 V.7.1.1 174 V.7.1.1 Manual SerDia2010 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG UseCases EMR2 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG 175 V.7.1.1 176 Manual SerDia2010 11 Programm options 11.1 Offline Viewer The Offline Viewer has an own icon on the desktop. With the Offline Viewer is it "only" possible to view measurements without starting SerDia. Press 3 times OK if interface is not connected. Start display Offline Viewer V.7.1.1 # Description Reference 1 Print function Screenshot with comments 2 Weitere Offline-Funktionen 3 Anzeige einer TRIP-Rekorder Datei Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Programm options # Description Reference 4 Scale Area change and allocation in connection with field 10 5 Display the recorded data Background can be changed with box 11 6 Panel of the Offline Viewer As appears only here, some buttons are deactivated. 7 Decoupling of the field 10 as a separate window 8 Show whole measurement 9 Zoom panel 10 Available display values 11 Change the background color in field 5 12 Slider for measuring time selection 13 Clipboard for measured values 177 Zoom panel Print function The print function should only be performed if the representation is optimal, because only a screen copy is performed embedded in a form. After entering the measurement-specific description data of the print to any printer can be done. It has been shown that a PDF printer in the field is very helpful for the documentation. Here a example setting: Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 178 Manual SerDia2010 Here the print result: V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Programm options 179 Control panel for file reading Im offline viewer werden nur die Felder 2, 3, 4, 5 verwendet. # Description Reference 2 Open file Load *.REC-File to show. 3 Empty display remove shown display 4 Extract on max Shows display in Fullscreen 5 Measured value window Dislay measured value of the Offline Viewer window seperatly. Further OFFLINE-Functions Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 180 Manual SerDia2010 # Description Reference 1 Actual Level Level of the connected Interfaces 2 Entry for queried level Enter desired level => Result(only smaller levels then the "Active IF-Level" will be displayed 3 Entry for Plain text Entry for reading parameters that appeared in Serdia. 4 Result from database Display as the plaintext entry as entered in the database. There can be multiple entries. Showing a TRIP-Recorder-File V.7.1.1 # Description Reference 1 Trip recorder content Selection of a single counter possible to display it worth moderately or excessively graphic. 2 Load Trip recorder File The files are typically generated from the "Dataset management" out. They can be viewed here. 3 Open File Select a file and let Show. 4 Display the matrix The selected data is hereby presented graphically in a graph 6 Result from data base Show the contents of the loaded file. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Programm options 11.2 181 DeCAN-Explorer The DeCAN-Explorer works only with a DeCOM Interface! For a correct use of the DeCAN-Explorer, you must solder between the pin's M and F of the diagnostic connector a 120 ohm termination resistor. After installation a new icon which has the same image as the SerDia2010 icon named as DECAN appear on the desktop of your PC. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 182 Manual SerDia2010 New Desktop Icon after installation Behind it lies a tool with which the messages are sent to and from the control unit via the CAN bus. By default settings CAN2 bus is selected and a baud rate of 250kbit / s. These settings can be selected. Default settings of the DeCAN-Explorer In the picture below the basic structure of the working window of the DeCAN-Explorer is shown. In the top line are the read CAN messages which are sent from the control unit are shown. Whereas the lower line is used to send CAN messages to the control device. It should be noted that the ECU needs to know the message itself or indeed a message on the CAN bus is sent in the ECU and nothing happens. To start or stop the respective measurements click the purple highlighted play and stop buttons (see Fig. Below). V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Programm options 183 Mainview of the DeCAN-Explorer When the DeCAN-Explorer is active the main window looks like on the picture below. On the left side of the DeCAN-Explorers are the controls (purple marks). With the first symbol (arrow) the user creates a CAN Transmit message, the second icon to edit the selected CAN message, the third to load a saved configuration, the fourth to save the actual configuration, the fifth to erase a single CAN message and the last to delete all CAN messages. To operate following should be noted, if a cycle time of 0 ms is entered this CAN message is sent only once. Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG V.7.1.1 184 Manual SerDia2010 Active DeCAN-Explorer When you insert CAN Transmit messages there are several ways: Firstly a own CAN message could be produced. In addition there is also the possibility of three variants of CAN messages that are found in the EMR4 CAN-Bus Specification of Deutz such as the message speed setting by the TSC1 message. Choices of CAN-Messages 11.3 Key-Generator Only for Level 4 -User. V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Index Index DEUTZ Communicator 7, 8 DEUTZ Händlernetz 4 Diagnosebuchse 3, 7, 12 Diagnoseübersicht 30 Dieselpartikelfilter DPF 95 Distributionswege 20 DIWI 7 DIWI-System 4 DOC 95 Dokumente 20 Dokumentenpfad 60 Dosierventile 98 DPF Control Receive 141 DPF EOL-Test 96 DPF-Hauptseite 95 DPF-Komponenten 95 DPF-System 95, 96 DTC Code 40 -332bit 11 -664bit 11 -AAbgasnachbehandlungssystem 102 Abgastemperatur 95 abgesichertes Maschinenumfeld 1 Absperrventil 98 AdBlue 106 AdBlue -Ablagerungen 103 Administratoren 14 Änderung der Hintergrundfarbe 176 Anschlußbuchse 12 Assembly Inspection and Initialisation Test Auswahlknopf 33 automatische Kalibrierung 149 -BBaumstruktur 146 Benutzersprache 6 Bestellplattform 4 Betriebssystem 11 Betriebssystemen 6 Brenner 95 Brenner Test 96 Brenner-Luftmassenstrom Buchse 12 -CCAN 141 -DDatenparametrierung 1 Datensatzmanagement 35 DeCom 7, 8 Demo-Modus SCR 106 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG 185 -E- 167 EEPROM Fehler 154 Einbaurichtlinie für Elektroniksysteme Einbaurichtlinien 1 Eingabetest 159 Einschränkungen 1 Einstellen der Hintergrundfarbe 146 Einstellungen 33 EMR3 143 EMR4-Schulungen 4 EOL-Test 96, 106 Erfahrung 1 EU Stufe III B 21 Experimente 146 4 -F95 Fahrpedal 149 Fahrpedaleinstellung 149 Fahrpedalkonfiguration 149 FAQ 22 Fehler Details 40 Fehlergrenzen 149 fehlerhafte Nutzung 1 Fehlerkurzbeschreibung 40 Fehlerspeicher 33, 40 Fehlerspeicher aktualisieren 40 Fehlerumgebungsdaten 40 Festdrehzahl 145 V.7.1.1 186 Manual SerDia2010 Festdrehzahlreglermodus 145 File Transfer 4 Filterbeladung 96 Filterregeneration 96 Freischaltung/Registrierung 4 Funktionsblock 95 -Ggeführte Fehlersuche 33 geschultes Fachpersonal 1 Gesetze 1 Global SIS - Portal 20 -N7 -IInformationen 20 Informationsfenster 27 Installation 14 Interface Level 15 Interface-Seriennummer Internet 14 4, 7 Kombisensor 98 Kompetenzlevel 15 Konvertierungsrate 106 KWP Code 40 -L- V.7.1.1 nachgeschaltetes Händlernetz 4 Nachlaufzeit 101 Notaus- oder Notlaufbetrieb 1 Notebook 7 Notlaufdrehzahl 153 NOX-Konzentration 106 NOX-Wert 106 -O- -K- Leerlaufdrehzahlwert -Mmanuelles Eindosieren 103 Massenstrom 99 Menübuttons 33 Messdaten 30 Messwerte 146 Mindestausstattung Hardware 11 Mittelung der NOX-Werte 106 Motornummer 33 MS-Windows XP 6 -HHaftung 1 Handgas 149 Händlernetz 4 Hilfe 33 Hinweise 1 Historical Data 114 home 30 Hotline 4 HS light II 14 HS light II USB 15 HS light II USB Interface HS-Light 7 HS-Light Interface 7 Leerlaufeinstellung 144 Leitungsentlüftung 96 Lizenz 1, 3, 4, 7 Lizenzdatei 15 logistische Daten 30 Lüftergeschwindigkeit 158 Lüfterregelung 155 Luftpumpe 95, 99 Luftpumpendrehzahl 99 Luftpumpendruck 99 144 Offline Viewer 176 Öffnen einer Messung Ölwechsel 141 Oxidationskatalysator Oxi-Kat 106 176 95 -PParameter-Zugriffslevel 21 Parametrierung von Steuergeräten Partikelfilter 95 PC 7 Pedalkennlinie 149 physischer Teileversand 4 1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG Index Problemen 3 Programm beenden 33 Programmbedienung 30 Programmeinstellungen 60 Programmieren 33, 35 Programminstallation 14 Programmstart 27 Stufenschalter 145 Subhändler 4 Supply Modul 98 Supply-Modul 95 -TTN 1000 2785 4 Training-Center-Köln 4 Trainings 1 Trainingsprogramm 4 Treiber 14 -RRegeneration 95 Registrierung 4 Reparatur 1 Report 40 Report Dokumente 33 Reset-Beladung 96 -UÜbersicht 6 Übersichtsseite 30, 146 unsachgemäße Bedienung Updates 20 US EPA TIER 4i 21 USB-Interface 14 UseCases 33 UseCases EMR4 108 UseCase-Übersicht 108 -SSAP 4 Schaltpläne 4 SCR End Of Line Test 106 SCR EOL-Test 106 SCR Testfunktionen 103 SCR-Abgasnachbehandlungssystem SCR-End Of Line Test 102 SCR-Katalysator-freibrennen 103 SCR-Pumpendruck 106 SCR-System 102 SCR-Testfunktionen 102 SCR-Vorfördermodul 103 [email protected] 3 SerDia2010 3, 4, 6, 14, 21 Serdia-Setup 14 Seriennummer Interface 30 Service-Regeneration 96 Setup-Dateien 14 Skalieren der Y-Achsen 146 Skizze 6 Software-Lizenz 4 Softwareversionen 30 Sprachauswahl 60 Startbildschirm 30 Status des DPF-Systems 95 Statusanzeige des Brenners 95 Steuergerät 27 Steuergeräte 6 Steuergeräte-Software 30 Steuergerätetyp 33 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG 187 102 1 -Vveräußern von Lizenzen 3 Verbindungsanzeige 30 Verbindungsaufbau 27 VISTA 11 Vorschriften und Gesetze 1 -WWarenempfänger 4 Wilbär Best.-Nr. 15 Wilhelm Bäcker GmbH & Co. KG Windows 7 6, 11 Windows VISTA 6 Windows XP 11 3, 20 7 -ZZoom Funktion 176 Zugriffsberechtigungen Zugriffslevel 33 Zugriffslevel 2 3 15 V.7.1.1 188 Manual SerDia2010 Zugriffsleveländerung 3 Zugriffssteuerung 60 Zündkerze 95, 101 zweite Händlerstufe 4 V.7.1.1 Copyright © 2015 Deutz AG DEUTZ AG Application Engineering Ottostr. 1 51149 KÖLN Phone: +49 (0) 2 21 - 822 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 2 21 - 822 - 5358 Internet: Email: [email protected] Printed in Germany All rights reserved 7. Edition 12/2014 Part-No. 0312 2024 de