(Extra) Listening Extra Miles Craven 2004 (+ Audio-2CD)

Full CD’s, if not noted otherwise (number of tracks
mentioned) - Volledige CD’s, tenzij anders
aangegeven (aantal tracks wordt vermeld).
US releases, if not noted otherwise - pr = promo
0230 Rex Allen Western Movie Singing Stars
Simitar 55672 98 12tr Zz
0231 ~ The Last of the Great Singing Cowboys Bloodshot/Soundies 4101
22tr Zz
0232 ~ Lonesome Letter Blues
Collectables 5703 96 12tr Zz
0233 ~ & Rex Allen Jr The Singing Cowboys
WB 45935 95 10tr Ss
0234 The Allisons Are You Sure
Diamond 515\It 90 18tr Zz
0235 ~ All the Hits Plus More
Prestige Elite 0525\UK 00 27tr Zz
0236 Allman Brothers Band Dreams, Disc 1 - Allman Joys, Hour Glass, 31st of
February, Second Coming, Duane Allman, ABB Polydor 839424\EU 89 17tr Zz
0237 ~ Dreams, Disc 2 - Allman Bros Band
Polydor 839425\EU 89 10tr Zz
0238 ~ Dreams, Disc 3 - ABB, Gregg Allman, Dickey Betts Pol 839426\EU 89 12tr Zz
0239 ~ Dreams, Disc 4 - Allman & Woman, D Betts Band Pol 839427\EU 89 16tr Zz
0240 Phil Alvin County Fair 2000 + Blasters, Billy Boy Arnold, James Intveld, Faultline
Syncopators, Dirty Dozen Brass Band, J&M Franklin HighTone 8056 94 15tr Zz
0241 Alycea & the X Isles Thirteen Moons - singer-sw
(d) 5th World 12 13tr Zz
0242 Carissa Amberly Letters (signed) - country singer
Grandpa’s Star 06 9 tr Zz
0243 An American Christmas - Norman & Nancy Blake, Vassar Clements, Roy Huskey
Jr & Friends + Ronnie McCoury, James Bryan
Winter Harvest 3306 95 14tr Zz’
2035 Joyce Andersen & Harvey Reid Great Sad River Woodpecker 115 01 13tr Zz
0244 David Anderson Country Gospel + Kelley Edwards
17tr Zz
0245 ~ Most Requested - country songs + K Edwards female vocals CD-R
13tr Zz
0246 Tom Anderson & the Deep Valley Boys | Al Rogers & his Rocky Mountain
Boys Two Short-Lived Hillbilly Careers
Cattle 319\D 06 24tr Zz
0247 Andi & the Browns Loving Ctry + R Hicks, B Spicher DoorKnob 1017 90 10tr Zz
0248 Bobby Angelo Baby Sittin’ with
Combo 5230\EU pr CD-R
16tr Zz
0249 Darol Anger & Mike Marshall The Duo
Rounder 0168 05 11tr Zz’
0250 ~ & Emy Phelps Music of Our People: Songs of the Roaring 60s (fc)
11tr Zz
0251 Annita What Good’ll It Do Me - country/rockabilly singer CRS 001\NL 02 19tr Zz
0252 Appalachian Bluegrass Legacy - Jim Greer, Jack Casey, Log Cabin Boys, Earl
Taylor, Ernie & Mack, Red Smiley, Red White
Rural Rhythm 330 09 25tr Zz’
0253 Appalachian Stomp Bg Classics - B Monroe > A Krauss Rhino 71870 95 18tr Zz
0254 Appalachian Wedding Gifts - acoustic instrumentals
CGM 1020 01 15tr Zz’
0255 Area Code 615 (2on1) AC615 -1969|Trip in the Ctry -1970 Koch 8109 00 23tr Zz
0256 Yoshihiro Arita Whale Dance + Matt Glaser, Ray Legere, Roger Williams,
John McGann, Howie Tarnower, Cyd Smith, Jim Whitney SCR 28\NL 92 13tr Zz
0257 Tom Armstrong Wine Stained Heart - country singer
(d) Carswell 11 13tr Zz
0258 ~ Sings Heart Songs
Carswell/Shoeshine 012\UK 03 12tr Zz
0259 ~ Songs That Make the Juke Box Play
Carswell/Shoeshine 013\UK 03 13tr Zz
0260 Eddy Arnold The Rockin’ Country Side of - 1948-59
32tr Zz
0261 ~ Cattle Call - Thereby Hangs a Tale
Bear Family 15441\D 90 25tr Zz
0262 ~ Tears Broke Out on Me
(d) Bear Family 17205\D 00 33tr Zz
0263 Davey Arthur & Co Celtic Side Saddle
Park 26\UK 94 13tr Zz
0264 Ernie Ashworth Early Years (signed) - Dot, MGM, Hickory HillTopper 01 30tr Zz
0265 ~ Early Treasures, vol 1
32tr Zz
0266 ~ Greatest Hits
Curb 77463 91 12tr Zz
0267 ~ The Gospel Side of
20tr Zz
0268 ~ Songs of Faith
B&E 99 11tr Zz
0269 ~ Grand Ole Opry 35th Anniversary Collection
B&E 99 14tr Zz
0270 ~ & Friends + Little Roy Wiggins, Jay Lee Webb, Don Powell
B&E 99 17tr Zz
0271 ~ Sing Out for the Children’s Rights Council
KMA 01 12tr Zz
1054 Svend Asmussen & David Grisman Svingin’ with Svend Zebra42108 88 8 tr Zz
0272 Bobby Atkins We Do It for You | It Wouldn’t Be the Same TB 4488 03 16tr Zz
0273 ~ & the Nashville Cats 100% Country
(sc) Thunderbolt 1921 09 14tr Zz
MINIMUM BOD = € 5.00 / US$ 6.00 = MINIMUM BID
I do not sell illegal copies, only record company or artist releases. Some small labels
and many artists produce & copy their limited editions as CD-Rs. I will identify
such CD’s as CD-Rs (with sealed CD’s I do not always know).
Ik verkoop geen illegale kopieën, alleen uitgaven van platenmaatschappijen of artiesten.
Sommige kleine labels en veel artiesten produceren hun kleine oplagen als CD-Rs.
Achter zulke CD’s staat CD-R (bij verzegelde CD’s is het niet altijd duidelijk).
Regular jewel box, except: (d) = digipac | (sc/fc) = single/folded cardboard sleeve
(t) = thin jewel box
| = enhanced CD: digital photos/info/videos
The grading is for CD’s and inlays etc., not for jewel boxes, as they can easily be
replaced - plastic CD doosjes tellen niet mee voor de aangegeven conditie
0201 Tim Aaron Read My Heart - country singer
Aspirion 0022 05 10tr Zz
0202 Abbott Records Hillbilly - Rudy Grayzell, Johnny Horton, Hillbilly Barton, Carolyn
Bradshaw, Herb Henson, Myrna Lorrie, Curtis Kirk
Cactus CD-R
31tr Zz
0203 Mack Abernathy Different Situations + Tom Brumley steel
CMI 8 88 10tr Zz
0204 ~ Fire on the Line - Texas Driven Music
TDM/Hombre 07 11tr Zz
0205 Rod Abernethy The Man I’m Supposed to Be - s-sw/guitar player - vocal+instr CD
+ mandolin, fiddle, clawh banjo, steel, cello
(d) SFDS 1101 2CD 18 19tr Zz
0206 Amanda Abizaid Walking in Twos + Stephen Stills
(sc) AP 007 17 7 tr Zz
0207 Karen Abrahams For the Love of the Song + fid/bjo BabyHead CD-R 00 12tr Zz
0208 ~ & Reckless Abandon Still Feeling Blue - country
Mozo City 73 97 12tr Zz
0209 Carl Acuff Jr You’re in Love with the Wrong Man - ctry Caprice CD-R 00 11tr Zz
0210 Billy Adams Legacy - rockabilly
Screen Door 0200 00 17tr Zz
0211 ~ Rockin’ Thru the Years 1955-2002: Rock Pretty Mama Castle581\UK 02 27tr Zz
0212 ~ Rock Me Baby: The Sun Years, Plus
(d) Bear Family 17116\D 13 31tr Zz
0213 Albion Band Featuring Ashley Hutchings Albion Sunrise: The HTD Recordings
1994-99 - British folk band
Castle 843\UK 2CD 04 32tr Zz
0214 Pat Alger Seeds + Garth Brooks, Tim O’Brien
Sugar Hill 1041 93 13tr Zz
0215 ~ True Love & Other Short Stories +Mary Black, Kathy Mattea SH1029 91 12tr Zz’
0216 ~ Notes and Grace Notes - producer Jim Rooney
Liberty 29053 94 10tr Zz
0217 The All Night Gang Bluegrass from Nashville
Rebel 1693 91 12tr Zz
0218 Gary Allan Alright Guy
MCA Nashville 170201 01 11tr Zz
0219 ~ See If I Care + Willie Nelson
MCA 00111 03 11tr Zz’
0220 ~ Tough All Over
MCA 03711 05 12tr Zz
0221 ~ Get Off on the Pain
MCA 13362 10 10tr Ss
0222 ~ Used Heart for Sale
Decca 11482 96 10tr Zz
0223 ~ It Would Be You
Decca 70012 98 11tr Zz
0224 ~ Smoke Rings in the Dark
MCA 170101 99 12tr Zz’
0225 Nolan Bruce Allen New York’s King of Western Swing Salutes the Bob Wills Era,
vol 1 + Tom Morrell, Rich O’Brien, Snuffy Elmore
Glad Music 7033 02 22tr Zz
0226 Rex Allen Voice of the West
Bear Family 15284\D 86 16tr Zz
0227 ~ The Versatile
Jasmine 673\UK 2CD 10 60tr Zz
0228 ~ Riding All Day: Life of a Cowboy + Bonnie Allen Jasmine 3506\UK 00 26tr Zz
0229 ~ Cowboy Under the Western Sky
Jasmine 3591\UK 09 26tr Zz
In 1993-2010 Dee-Jay Schallplatten in Germany released the Buffalo Bop/Dee-Jay Jamboree CD series,
with a lot of rock & roll and rockabilly recordings from the 1950s, with little known artists mostly on obscure
labels. App. 30 tracks on each CD; good quality sound + artwork, with photos of some of the artists.
–more in future auctions--------------------------------------------------------------------------meer in volgende auctions-In 1993-2010 bracht Dee-Jay Schallplatten in Duitsland de Buffalo Bop/DJ Jamboree CD serie uit, met
heel veel rock & roll en rockabilly opnamen uit de jaren ‘50, van onbekende artiesten veelal op obscure
labels. Plm. 30 tracks per CD; goede kwaliteit geluid en uitvoering, met foto’s van sommige artiesten.
0151 Bb 55003
0152 Bb 55004
0153 Bb 55005
0154 Bb 55006
0155 Bb 55007
0156 Bb 55008
0157 Bb 55009
0158 Bb 55010
0159 Bb 55011
0160 Bb 55012
0161 Bb 55013
0162 Bb 55014
0163 Bb 55015
0164 Bb 55016
0165 Bb 55017
0166 Bb 55018
0167 Bb 55019
0168 DJ 55021
0169 DJ 55022
0170 DJ 55023
0171 DJ 55024
0172 Bb 55026
0173 Bb 55027
0174 Bb 55028
0175 DJ 55029
0176 DJ 55030
0177 DJ 55031
0178 DJ 55032
0179 DJ 55033
0180 DJ 55034
0181 Bb 55035
0182 Bb 55036
0183 Bb 55037
0184 DJ 55038
0185 DJ 55039
0186 DJ 55040
0187 DJ 55041
Bad Boy
Mickey Hawks, Night Raiders, Sonny Deckelman, Jimmy Patton, Rod Bernard... ...Benton, Profile, Renown, Stylo, Lucky, Gulfsteam, Flash
Rock ‘n Roll Riot
Stoltz Bros, Alan Barnicoat, Carl Cherry, Ethan Giant, Dennis Puckett... ...Spangle, Rodeo, Coda, Seminole, Dixie, Gaity, Excel, Emerald
Hot Rod Gang
Walt Benton, Howie Stange, Eddie Ringo, Jan & Arnie... ...Doc Holiday, MCM, Twinstar, Dreem, Arwin, Central, Playback, King, Dub, Cort
Cool and the Crazy
Bill Sherrell, Nat Couty, Malcolm Parker, TK Hulin, Al Davis... ...Abbott, Bart, Poor Boy, MMC, Diane, Probe, Manco, Doke, Vi-Kings, Fox
A Ball Tonight
Larry Donn, Darryl Vincent, Curley Coldiron, Reggie Perkins, Elroy Dietzel, Hasil Adkins... ...Murco, Vaden, Polly, Van-Deck, K-Ark, Jody
Motorcycle Gang
Crestones, Jackie Gotroe, Johnny Roane, Terry Daly, Dwight Pullen... ...Carlton, Winston, Vortex, Markie, Musitron, Radio, Mask, Jerico
Hang Loose
Lloyd Arnolds, Donn Williams, George Weston, Carpenter Bros, Rudy Owen, Tommy Spurlin... ...Katche, Rookie, Tally, Bandera, Andex
Teenage Doll (female/vrl) Sara Lee, Judy Layne, Sandy Lee, Jane Bowman, Suzy Q Scott, Sylvia Hogan...
...Rebel, Wren, SantaFe, Sand, Fabor, Jewel, Frankie
Carl Phillips, Bobby Tidwell, Tony Douglas, Chris Homer, Billy Bayou, Tommy Downs... ...Boppin, Skippy, LJV, Fireball, Delta, Jaro, Colt45
Hobo Bop
Tommy Nelson, Franklin Stewart, Hank Spurling, Wayne Busbice, Miller Bros... ...Dixie, Snag, MGM, Rambler, Coulee, New-Rank, Sarg
Monster Bop
Jackie Morningstar, Tommy Roe, Randy Luck, Carl Bonafede... ...Sandy, Brunswick, Tek, Bea&Baby, Contender, Atlantic, Coral, Spinning
Horror Hop
Tommy King, Revels, Ben Colder, Kip Taylor, Sonny Day, Billy Sills... ...Clarmont, Pride, Tower, Roulette, Felco, Challenge, Nasco, Swan
Teenage Favorites
R-Dells, David Box, Steve Lawrence, Bobby Doyle, Barker Bros, Donnie Owens... ...Reserve, ABC, 20th Fox, Big Top, Lancer, Alcar, Epic
Rompin’ Stompin’
Grady Lewis, Doug Clayton, Marcus Bros, Chavis Bros, Bill Carter...
...Rem, Catalina, Tone, Pure Gold, Reject, Topic, White Rock, Jan
Young and Wild
Al Hendrix, Nite Caps, Bob Callaway, Bill Flagg, Claude King, Smith Bros......Lagree, Ken-H, Cassel, Trail, Stardale, Orange, Dolton, Fame
High School Caesar
Night Hawks, Bob Callaway, Melvin Blake, Charlie Gore... ... Raynote, Cuca, Scottie, Cherokee, Rodney, Valiant, Gateway, C&W, Andex
It’s Rock ‘n Roll
Webb Foley, Donnie Bowshier, Gene Sisco, Ray Whisnant...
...Jaywing, Cinch, Damon, Belmont, Flagship, Testa, Trail, Dess, Dottie
Explosive DooWop 1
4 Kings, Inspirations, Coronets, Glowtones, Unique Teens... ...CanAm, Arliss, Sultan, Acme, Mercury, Ivy, Mint, Band Box, Mohawk, Mode
Explosive DooWop 2
Visuals, Del Rays, Richie Cordell, Jiving Juniors, Cupids, Jay & the Deltas... ...Poplar, WB, Al-Brite, Atco, East Coast, Recorte, Gee, Hunt
Explosive DooWop 3
Nicky St Clair, Cubs, Frankie Rossi & the Dreams, Acorns, T-Birds... ...Edison Int, Savoy, UA, Cameo, Soma, Donna, Parkway, Dot, Vegas
Explosive DooWop 4
Derbys, Team Mates, El Capris, Beatles, Richard Lanham, Del-Airs... ...Kapp, Arrawak, Pilgrim, Guyden, Raven, Okeh, Arrow, Carousel
Mean Mean Daddy
Paul Carnes, Bobby Edwards, Ralph Hodges, Curley Griffin... ...Ozark, Sundown, 4Star, Log Cabin, Mississippi, Stardust, Val Hill, Mecca
Teenage WolfPack
Ross Minimi, Hank Mizell, Bill Woods, Sonny Fisher, Dennis Volk...
...Gulf Stream, Blue Hen, Pike, Ranger, Igloo, Acetate, Bakersfield
Date Bait
Ron Haydock, Don Winters, Lou Millet, LaVerne Stovall, Tom King...
...Raynote, NuSound, Republic, Florentine, Smash, Baton, Brass
Explosive DooWop 5
Spirals, Tokays, Stratfords, Squires, Blue Sonnets, Donnie & the Dreamers... ...Bonnie, Columbia, Capitol, Aladdin, Jamie,Ember, Taba
Explosive DooWop 6
Pretenders, Kaptions, Velvet Keys, Billy Porto, Runaways, Ralph de Marco... ...Rello, Bethlehem, Decca, Express, Fresh, Cuppy, Crimson
Explosive DooWop 7
Stagehands, Note-Torials, Classic IV, Invictas, Rivieras, Tremonts...
...Blast, Pat Riccio, Pelham, Antler, Tigre, Mink, Moon, Record Fair
Explosive DooWop 8
5 Trojans, Buddy Roberts, Jo-Ann, Episodes, Don Dell, Julito & Latin Lads... ...Tender, Bonanza, Whale, Bomarc, Gilmar, Rico-Vox, Amy
Explosive DooWop 9
Monorays, Larks, Diadems, Blen-Dells, Windsors, Ronnie Matthews... ...Tammy, EastWest, Bella, WigWag, Star-X, Goldisc, Elmont, Chess
Explosive DooWop 10 Hi-Fives, Altairs, Del Vikings, Rich & the Keens, Del Cades... ...Southern Sound, Mr Big, Crossroads, Kismet, Jubilee, Lucky 4, Marquee
Alley Cat
Bob Taylor, Al Barkle, Ricky Ryal, Carl Miller, George Fleming... ...Yucca, Zip, Wolf-Tex, Jan, Astro, Square Deal, Wildcat, Frantic, Sage
Juvenile Jungle
Tony Casanova, Herbie Duncan, Chuck Barr, Derrell Felts, Ronnie Allen...
...Doré, Keen, Big Howdy, Mar-Vel, Sand, Elsan, Dixie, Elvis
Carlos Diaz, Wes Buchanan, Break-a-Ways, Dale Davis, Earl Scott, Al Terry... ...Triangle, Pep, Majestic, Tempus, Playboy, Hickory, Jolt
Philadelphia’s DooWop Sound: Swan Masters, vol 1 - Encounters, Lee Andrews, Royal Teens, Modern Redcaps, Ginger & the Snaps, Barry Petri...
Philadelphia’s DooWop Sound: Swan Masters, vol 2 - Vespers, Frankie Grier Qt, Dreamlovers, Madisons, Swans, Johnny Jack, Ronnie Dawson, Styles...
Brooklyn’s DooWop Sound: Al Browne’s Aljon Masters, vol 1 - Ben White, Jive Chords, Decoys, Donnie & Chapells... ...Aljon, Vintage, Bim Bam Boom, Maria, Rose
Brooklyn’s DooWop Sound: Al Browne’s Aljon Masters, vol 2 - Roulettes, Del Counts, Eddie & Starlites, Lincolns, Fultons, Nuggets... ...Vintage, A&G, Scepter, Moon
0274 Bobby Atkins & the Countrymen There Is a Time TB 92864 CD-R 17 17tr Zz
0275 ~ I’m Tired of Being Blue - Featuring Dara White Thunderbolt CD-R 17 22tr Zz
0276 ~ Other Half of Me - Introducing Songwriter Roger Waynick TB 11002 99 13tr Zz
0277 ~ & Margie Lynn Crimes of the Heart
Richway Int 1003
17tr Zz
0278 ~ & Mark Atkins & Robin Renee Country Classics
TB 9602 00 27tr Zz
0279 ~ | True Brothers Back to Back - Duets: Bluegrass Gospel TB 74491 04 16tr Zz
0280 Atomic Platters Cold War Music from the Golden Age of Homeland Security Wanda Jackson, Connie Francis, Louvin Bros (d) BearFamily 17342\D 14 32tr Zz
0281 Mike Auldridge (2on1) Dobro | Blues & Bluegrass
Takoma 72824 87 22tr Zz
0282 ~ & Richard Bennett & Jimmy Gaudreau This Old Town Rebel 1758 99 14tr Zz
0283 ~ Blue Lonesome Wind
Rebel 1768 01 14tr Zz’
0284 Greg Austen Fresh Air Don’t Pay the Bills - ctry singer Redwood 011 95 14tr Zz
0285 Stephen David Austin A Bakersfield Dozen - country s-sw
11tr Zz
0286 Australian Rock & Roll 50 Years of
Rhino\Aus 3CD 07 66tr Zz
0287 Gene Autry Private Buckaroo
Bronco Buster 9009\D
20tr Zz
0288 ~ Yodeling - The Life of Jimmie Rodgers
Bronco Buster 9017\D
20tr Zz
0289 ~ The Early Yodeling Days of
Cattle 242\D 01 24tr Zz
0290 ~ The Golden Age of
Cattle 243\D 01 24tr Zz
0823 Don Edwards My Hero Gene Autry + Peter Rowan Shanachie 6032 98 15tr Zz
0291 Azalea Records Vol 1 - 1950s - Musical Buddies, Gibbs Sisters, Adrian Roland,
James O’Gwynn, Dixie Drifters
Hillbilly Researcher 044\UK CD-R
28tr Zz
0351 Bud & Joe Billings (= Carson Robison & Frank Luther) Singing Pals
from Kansas
Cattle 207\D 98 21tr Zz
0352 Bill Hilly Band All Day Every Day
(d) Borealis 145\Can 02 14tr Ss
0353 Bonnie Lou Bishop New Beginnings - country Fame & Fortune 1005 96 10tr Zz
0354 Justin Black Family Tradition
(pre-release) CD-R
13tr Zz
0355 Mary Black The Collection
Dara 046\Irl 92 14tr Zz
0356 ~ Circus
Curb 77832 96 12tr Zz
0357 ~ Speaking with the Angel
Koch 324800\EU 00 12tr Zz
0358 ~ Best of - 1991-2001 | Hidden Harvest
Koch 340030\EU 2CD 01 30tr Zz
0359 ~ Shine
Curb 77888 97 11tr Zz
0360 Norman Blake (2on1) Live at McCabe’s | Durections Takoma 72826 87 20tr Zz
0361 ~ Far Away, Down on a Georgia Farm
Shanachie 6045 99 18tr Zz
0362 ~ Flower from the Fields of Alabama
Shanachie 6053 01 16tr Zz
0363 ~ & Rich O’Brien Be Ready Boys: Appalachia to Abilene Shan 6043 99 16tr Zz
0364 ~ & Tony Rice 2 + Doc Watson
Rounder 0266 90 13tr Zz
0365 Blockbuster Bluegrass - C Seckler, J Tottle, McPeak Bros, K Kallick, J Leva,
J Reischman, B&L Hicks, M Traunham
Copper Creek 6002 2CD 06 50tr Zz
0366 Bloodshot Records 5 Years: Down to the Promised Land - R Fulks, Bare Jr,
Caitlin Cary, Meat Purveyors, Riptones, Waco Br (d) Bloodsh 060 2CD 00 40tr Zz
0367 Blue & Lonesome Some Old Day - bg - Ed Neff, Paul Shelasky (d) 09 15tr Zz
0368 Blue Moon Rising One Lonely Shadow - bg (fc) Lonesome Day 012 08 13tr Zz
0369 Blue Ridge Side by Side - bluegrass
Sugar Hill 3981 04 13tr Zz
0370 ~ Common Ground
Sugar Hill 3895 99 12tr Zz
0371 Blue Sky Boys On Radio, vol 1 - 1946-47
Copper Creek 0120 93 29tr Zz
0372 ~ On Radio, vol 2
Copper Creek 0121 93 30tr Zz
0373 ~ On Radio, vol 3
Copper Creek 0145 97 31tr Zz
0374 ~ On Radio, vol 4
Copper Creek 0146 97 31tr Zz
0375 ~ Farm & Fun Time Favorites, vol 1 - 1949
Copper Creek 0125 94 22tr Zz
0376 ~ Farm & Fun Time Favorites, vol 2
Copper Creek 0126 94 22tr Zz
0377 Bluegrass Brothers The Old Crooked Trail
Hay Holler 1370 04 14tr Zz
0378 ~ Memories of the Blue Ridge
Hay Holler 1362 02 15tr Zz’
0379 Bluegrass Intentions Old as Dirt
Native & Fine 906 02 13tr Zz
0380 Bluegrass ‘97 - instrumentals
Pinecastle 1067 97 12tr Zz
0381 Bluegrass ‘99
Pinecastle 1089 99 12tr Zz
0382 Bluegrass 2000
Pinecastle 1097 00 12tr Zz
0383 Bluegrass 2001
Pinecastle 1112 01 13tr Zz
0384 Bluegrass Suspects - Tony Rice, Peter Rowan, Don Reno, Frank Wakefield,
Maria Muldaur, Tom Stern, Kathy Kallick, John Reischman
Kal 37 90 12tr Zz
0385 Bluegrass Unlimited 50th Anniversary Sampler #7 (sc) Rebel 0030 16 16tr Ss
0386 The Bluejays A Hundred Songs
Hithouse 06 14tr Zz
0387 The Bluerunners To the Country - Louisiana roots r&r Rounder 6073 98 15tr Zz
0388 Noel Boggs Very Best: Shasta Masters - steelguitar Varese Sar 6138 00 16tr Zz
0389 Eric Bogle Small Miracles - singer-sw
Greentrax 130\UK 97 17tr Zz
0390 ~ Plain and Simple
Greentrax 147\UK 97 11tr Zz
0391 Ray Boltz Seasons Change
Word 81632 92 10tr Zz
0392 Gary US Bonds (2on1) Quarter to 3 | Twist Up Calypso Ace 692\UK 98 24tr Zz
0393 The Boomers Seasons - bluegrass
Round Mountain CD-R
12tr Zz
0394 Tony Booth Old School + W Nelson, B Flores Heart of Texas 4664
12tr Zz
0395 ~ Is This All There Is to a Honky Tonk
Heart of Texas 4130 08 12tr Zz
0396 ~ The Other Side of Love
Heart of Texas 4152
12tr Zz
1967 ~ & Curtis Potter & Darrell McCall Survivors
Heart of Texas 4149
12tr Zz
0397 Sarah Borges & the Broken Singles Stars Are Out Sugar Hill 4046 09 10tr Zz’
0398 ~ Diamonds in the Dark - singer-sw
Sugar Hill 4028 07 12tr Zz’
0399 Bothy Band Live in Concert: BBC Radio 1 - Irish Green Linnet 3111 96 16tr Zz’
0400 Roger Bourque Newfie Girl
Rosedale 401\Can CD-R
16tr Zz
1533 Jimmy Bowen & Buddy Knox Compl Roulette Rec Seq 278\UK 2CD 96 61tr Zz
0401 Bill Boyd & his Cowboy Ramblers The Eyes of Texas Cattle 205\D
20tr Zz
0402 ~ The Golden Age of
Cattle 229\D 00 24tr Zz
0403 ~ Swing with
Cattle 234\D 00 24tr Zz
0404 ~ Master of Cowboy Swing
Bronco Buster 9002\D
16tr Zz
0405 ~ Vol 1: Saturday Night Rag, 1934-36
Acrobat 132\UK 03 16tr Zz
0406 ~ Vol 2: Lone Star Rag, 1937-49
Acrobat 145\UK 04 15tr Zz
2357 ~ | Milton Brown Under the Double Eagle (9 tracks each) RCA 2101 90 18tr Zz
1341 Chris Boyne & Lynn Jackson Acoustic Sessions (d) Busted 076\Can 13 13tr Ss
0407 Jack Bradshaw Saturday Night Special
(d) Bear Family 17272\D 12 22tr Zz
0408 British Country Showcase Vol 1 - Mike & Emily Lane, Tony Goodacre, Jeff
Southern, Kickin’ the Dust, Bob King, Brian Young
ICMA 1002\UK 92 20tr Zz
0409 David Broadley Baby Blue + Sarah Jory steel Twangmeister 006\UK
12tr Zz
0410 Ann & Terry Brock One Heart, One Mind -s-sw+ac ins Matrix 321020 00 10tr Zz
0411 Summer Brooke & Mt Faith Band Small Town Life -bg (fc)Trav70908 17 11tr Zz
0412 Brooklyn Cowboys Doin’ Time on Planet Earth - Walter Egan, Buddy Cage,
Joy Lynn White + Vassar Clements, Redd Volkaert
Leaps 1101 99 13tr Zz’
0413 ~ The Other Man in Black: Ballad of Dale Earnhardt
Leap 1102 01 5 tr Zz
0414 Donnie Brooks Hits & Rarities
Teen Sound 59631\Can 94 35tr Zz
0415 ~ The Happiest... - 1961
Globe 105/18 93 30tr Zz
0416 Jon Brooks Delicate Cages - singer-sw
(fc) Borealis 220\Can 11 11tr Zz
0417 ~ Ours and the Shepherds
(d) Exile\Can 07 13tr Zz
0418 ~ The Smiling & the Beautiful Countryside
(fc) Borealis 231\Can 14 10tr Zz
0419 Alison Brown Best of the Vanguard Years
Vanguard 79709\EU 02 17tr Zz
0420 ~ Fair Weather + Sam Bush, Tim O’Brien, Tony Rice Compass 4292 00 12tr Zz
0421 ~ The Company You Keep
(fc) Compass 4482 08 10tr Zz
0422 ~ The Song of the Banjo
(fc) Compass 4658 15 13tr Zz
0423 ~ Quartet Evergreen + Joe Craven - Christmas
(fc) Compass 4470 08 10tr Zz
0424 Greg Brown The Evening Call
(d) Red House 198 06 12tr Zz
0425 ~ Dream City: Essential Recordings, vol 2 - 1997-2006 RH 218 2CD 09 20tr Zz
0426 ~ & Pete Heitzman, Garnet Rogers & Karen Savóca Live at the Black
Alcove 31503 03 13tr Zz
2357 Milton Brown | Bill Boyd Under the DoubleEagle (9tr each) RCA2101 90 18tr Zz
0427 Zac Brown Band Uncaged
(fc) Southern Ground/Atlantic 87668 12 11tr Zz
0428 ~ You Get What You Give
(fc) SG/Atlantic 525615 10 16tr Zz
0429 ~ Greatest Hits So Far...
(fc) SG/Atlantic 86710 14 14tr Zz
0430 ~ The Foundation
(fc) HomeGrown/Big Picture/Atl 516931 08 12tr Zz
0431 ~ & Friends Pass the Jar - Live from the Fabulous Fox Theatre in Atlanta + Angie
Aparo, Joey & Rory, Sonia Leigh (fc) SG/Atlantic 523726 2CD+DVD 10 24tr Zz
1441 Bob Brozman & Led Kaapana In the Saddle
Dancing Cat 38051 01 13tr Zz
0432 Stephen Bruton What It Is
Dos 7002 93 11tr Zz
0433 ~ Right on Time
Dos 7013 95 11tr Zz
0434 ~ From the Five
Blue Rose 0376\D 05 12tr Zz
0435 Art Buchanan Honkt Tonk Ctry (no original artwork) StopHunger 1101 91 12tr Z0436 ~ Art Ontario (1957-62) as Art Buchanan (1991-93) Lost Gold 1820 97 25tr Zz
0292 Back Beat Records Rock & Roll Party - Ronnie Dee, Marty Marker, Catalinas,
Tony Spade, Bobby Doyle, Johnny Spain, Lorin Dean
Lesley CD-R
31tr Zz
0293 Back Roads to Cold Mountain - Doc Watson, Ora Dell Graham, Tommy Jarrell,
Joe Patterson, EC & Orna Ball
Smithsonian-Folkways 40149 04 27tr Zz’
0294 Backbounders Knuterwaark - Gronings trio met eigen liedjes + guitar,
mandolin, banjo, accordeon
NL 93 15tr Zz
0295 Backroad & Friends Countrymusic Just for You
LC 8007\D CD-R 98 12tr Zz
0296 ~ This Time Ain’t the Same - vocals + acoustic instruments BR 201\D
12tr Zz
0297 Joan Baez The Debut Album Plus! + Songs from Folksingers ‘Round Harvard
Chrome 5063\UK 11 23tr Zz
2412 Taylor Baker, Frank Wakefield & Friends - bg
(d) Patuxent 247 13 16tr Zz
0298 Bakersfield The Other Side of: 1950s & 60s Boppers & Rockers from ‘Nashville
West’, vol 1 - Billy Barton, Al Coker, B Owens (d) Bear Family 16946\D 14 31tr Zz
0299 ~ Vol 2 - F Husky, D Frazier, Joe Carson, Billy Bledsoe (d) BF 17353\D 14 31tr Zz
0863 Butch Baldassari Evergreen: MandolinMusic for Christmas CMH3922 97 12tr Zz
0300 Marcia Ball Live! Down the Road
Alligator 4903 05 14tr Zz’
0301 ~ Let Me Play with Your Poodle
Rounder-CRS 3151\NL 97 13tr Zz
0302 ~ & Angela Strehli & Lou Ann Barton Dreams Come True Ant0014 90 12tr Zz
0303 ~ & Irma Thomas & Tracy Nelson Sing It!
Rounder-CRS 2152\NL 98 13tr Zz
0304 Bill Barnes Oregon Trail - country singer
10tr Zz
0305 Blake & Kendall Barnes Welcome to Barnes Country - producer Justin Trevino +
Dicky Overbey, Reggie Rueffer, Amber Digby
BCR 0111
13tr Zz
0306 Dick Barnes Good Ol’ Country
Hot Star
10tr Zz
0307 Battering Ram Irish Rebel Songs +fiddle, mand, banjo EasyDisc 9012 98 14tr Zz
0308 Mary Battiata & Little Pink The Heart, Regardless - singer-sw + Mike Munford,
Dudley Connell, Patrick McAvinue, Willem Elsevier
(fc) NW 14
14tr Zz
0309 Battlefield Band Dookin’ - Scottish/Irish folk
Temple 2100\UK
13tr Zz
0310 ~ Line-Up
(fc) Temple 2104\UK
13tr Zz
0311 Beach Boys (2on1) Surfin’ Safari | Surfin’ USA
Capitol 31517\EU 01 27tr Zz
0312 ~ (2on1) Little Deuce Coupe | All Summer Long
Capitol 31516\EU 01 28tr Zz
0313 ~ (2on1) Surfer Girl | Shut Down, vol 2
Capitol 31515\EU 01 27tr Zz
0314 ~ Stars & Stripes, vol 1 +Lorrie Morgan, James House, Jr Brown, Doug Supernaw,
Willie Nelson, Collin Raye, Kathy Troccoli
(d) River North 1205 96 12tr Ss
0315 Bearfoot American Story - bluegrass
(fc) Compass 4566 11 10tr Zz
0316 ~ Doors & Windows
(fc) Compass 4504 09 11tr Zz
0317 Beat Farmers Tales of the New West
Demon 39\UK 90 16tr Zz
0318 ~ Loud and Plowed and... Live!
Curb 471771\Aus 90 21tr Zz
0319 Beausoleil La Danse de la Vie - Michael Doucet Forward 71221\EU 93 13tr Zz
0320 ~ Cajun Conja
RNA 70525 91 12tr Zz
0321 ~ L’Amour ou la Folie
Rhino 72622 97 14tr Zz
0322 ~ L’Écho
Forward 71808 94 15tr Zz
0323 ~ Alligator Purse
(fc) YepRoc 2185 09 13tr ZZ
0324 Bell Sisters Bermuda Girls: Orig Hits & Lots More Jasm 634\UK 2CD 03 57tr Zz
0325 Gary Bennett My Ol’ Guitar
(d) Raucus 254\EU 10 14tr Zz
0326 ~ Human Condition + Marty Stuart, Lloyd Green (d) Landslide 1032 05 12tr Zz
0327 Richard Bennett A Long Lonesome Time - bluegrass + Jimmy Gaudreau, Bobby
Hicks, Ronnie McCoury, Scott Vestal, Dean Osborne
Rebel 1748 98 12tr Zz’
0282 ~ & Mike Auldridge & Jimmy Gaudreau This Old Town Rebel 1758 99 14tr Zz
0283 ~ Blue Lonesome Wind
Rebel 1768 01 14tr Zz’
0328 Richard Bennett Themes from a Rainy Decade - gtr Moderne Shellac 04 12tr Zz
0329 Kristin Scott Benson Second Season - bluegrass Pinecastle 6514 08 12tr Zz’
0330 Benyaro One Step Ahead of Your Past - funky Americana
(sc) 17 13tr Zz
0331 Pete Benz Hold Your Horses + Gary Morse steel Sonic Sorbet 0202 01 11tr Zz
0332 ~ Hang On Cowboy + Kim Carnes
Sonic Sorbet 0201 99 7 tr Zz
0333 ~ Mexico Moon + Hank Singer, Gary Morse
Sonic Sorbet 0203 03 11tr Zz
0334 David Anthony Berg I’ll Teach the Angels Some Sad Country Songs - country ssw + fiddle, drums, guitars, mandolin, piano, steel
(sc) 14 13tr Zz
0335 Benny Berry Bugle Ann
14tr Zz
0336 ~ Things I Want to Sing About
Acoustic Revival 9901 99 10tr Zz
0337 ~ Breaking Ground + Mike Douchette, Hank Singer
Balmur 0013 96 12tr Zz
0338 ~ Give Me a Good Country Song
Bob Grady 9514 95 12tr Zz
0339 ~ When the Trains Still Ran Through Dixie
Hawk 197 93 10tr Zz
0340 ~ Mama’s Rocking Chair
Hawk 175 92 12tr Zz
0341 ~ Some Things Never Change +Herbie Wallace, Ron Knuth Hawk 171 91 10tr Zz
0342 ~ Old Fashioned Girl
Hawk 170 90 4 tr Zz
0343 ~ Standing Here Alone + Herbie Wallace, Hank Singer
Hawk 139
10tr Zz
0344 ~ & Roger Cooper The Good Life
Country Discovery 1054 CD-R
10tr Zz
0345 Best of Country Yodel Vol 1: Yodelling Mad! - Frank Marvin, Goebel Reeves,
Polly Jenkins, Kenny Roberts, Hank Snow, Slim Clark
Jas3552\UK 02 21tr Zz
0346 ~ Vol 2: I Love to Yodel! - Wilf Carter, Slim Dusty
Jasmine 3554\UK 04 25tr Zz
0347 ~ Vol 3: ChimeBells - Elton Britt, Alberta Slim, Bonnie Lou Jas3566\UK 08 27tr Zz
0348 Robin Bienemann Songs About Lessons Learnt - singer-sw
(d) 16 13tr Zz
0349 Big D Jamboree Guys & Gals - Helen Hall, Sherry Davis, Lovett Sisters, Charline
Arthur, Frankie Miller, Orville Couch (fc) Rollercoaster 3049\UK 2CD 02 62tr Zz
0350 ~ Live, vol 2 - J Cash, M Torok, W Jackson, L Payne (fc) Rc 3043\UK 00 25tr Zz
0437 Jimmy Buffett Banana Wind
MCA 11451\EU 96 12tr Zz
0438 ~ License to Chill + N Griffith, G Strait, M McBride (d) Mailboat 2009 04 16tr Zz
0439 ~ Beach House on the Moon
Island 524660 99 13tr Zz
0440 ~ Don’t Stop the Carnival
(d) Island 524485 98 20tr Zz
0441 ~ Back to Back: Last Mango in Paris | Volcano MCA 31755\Aus 2CD
20tr Zz
0442 ~ Christmas Island
MCA 11489 96 10tr Zz
0443 ~ Live from Las Vegas 2011
Mailboat 2135 CD+DVD 12 30tr Zz
0444 ~ Live at Fenway Park
(d) Mailboat 2115 2CD+DVD 05 31tr Zz
0445 ~ Buffett Live: Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays
(fc) Mailboat 2000 99 15tr Zz
0446 ~ Feeding Frenzy
MCA 10022 90 16tr Zz
1715 ~ & Others Margaritaville Cafe: Late Night Menu
MCA 10824 93 20tr Zz
0447 Billy Don Burns The Berlin Tapes
Rockin’ H 002 08 12tr Zz
0448 ~ Train Called Lonesome
01 10tr Zz
0449 ~ Long Lost Highway
Moreno Valley 1918 94 10tr Zz
0450 ~ Heroes, Friends & Other Troubled Souls + Tanya Tucker IndieMafia 04 14tr Zz
0451 ~ Nights When I’m Sober: Portrait of a Honky Tonk Singer (d) RKM018 12 12tr Zz
0452 ~ Graveyard in Montgomery
(d) Rusty Knuckles 041 16 11tr Zz
0453 Sam Bush Glamour & Grits
Sugar Hill 3849 96 12tr Zz’
0454 ~ Howlin’ at the Moon
Sugar Hill 3876 98 14tr Zz’
0455 ~ Ice Caps: Peaks of Telluride
Sugar Hill 3917 00 16tr Zz
0456 ~ & David Grisman Hold On, We’re Strummin’
Acoustic Disc 54 03 16tr Zz’
0457 Larry Butler Goodbye Comes Hard for Me
BSW 3130 03 10tr Zz
0458 ~ Just Follow the Roses
BSW 003\D 02 10tr Zz
0459 ~ Only the Dead Are Free + Willie Nelson
BSW 8815\D 97 10tr Zz
0460 ~ & Willie Nelson Memories of Hank Williams Sr
BSW 001\D 00 10tr Zz
0461 ~ Memories of Hank Williams Sr, vol 2
BSW 002\D 00 10tr Zz
0514 Johnny Cash The EP Collection... Plus
See for Miles 719\UK 00 30tr Ss
0515 ~ Out Among the Stars
(fc) Col/Legacy 18182 14 13tr Ss
0516 ~ (2on1) Is Coming to Town | Boom Chicka Boom
Mercury 170283 03 20tr Zz
0517 ~ Ultimate Gospel
Col/Legacy 07392 07 24tr Ss
0518 ~ The Storyteller
Col 469433\Aus 85 16tr Zz
0519 ~ Water from the Wells of Home + Everly Bros, Emmylou Harris, Roy Acuff,
Tom T Hall, Waylon Jennings, Paul McCartney
Mercury 170321 03 11tr Zz
0520 ~ At Madison Square Garden - 1969
Col/Legacy 86808 02 26tr Zz
0521 ~ In Prague Live
Sony 69582 16 12tr Ss
0522 ~ Live Recordings from the Louisiana Hayride
Scena 270506 03 17tr Zz
0523 ~ Bootleg, vol I: Personal File
Col/Legacy 83015 2CD 11 49tr Ss
0524 ~ Bootleg, vol II: From Memphis to Hollywood Col/Legacy 60051 2CD 11 57tr Zz
0525 ~ Bootleg, vol III: Live Around the World
Col/Legacy 30332 2CD 11 53tr Zz
0526 ~ Bootleg, vol IV: The Soul of Truth
Col/Legacy 85382 2CD 12 51tr Zz
1631 Johnny Cash’s Bitter Tears Revisited: Look Again to the Wind - Gillian Welch,
E Harris, S Earle, N&N Blake, K Pattengale, R Giddens Sony 06067 14 11tr Zz’
2551 Bob Wootton The Man Behind the Man in Black
10tr Zz
0527 Laura Cash Awake But Dreaming + Lloyd Green
(d) Cash House
12tr Zz
0528 Rosanne Cash Black Cadillac
| Capitol 49738 06 13tr Zz’
0529 ~ Rules of Travel + J Cash, S Earle, S Crow
(adv) Capitol 37757 03 11tr Zz
0530 ~ The List +B Springsteen, E Costello, R Wainwright Manhattan96576 09 12tr Zz
0531 ~ 10 Song Demo
Capitol 32390 96 11tr Zz
0532 ~ Seven Year Ache - 1981 - prod Rodney Crowell
Columbia 36965
10tr Zz
0533 ~ Somewhere in the Stars - 1982
Columbia 37570
10tr Zg
0534 ~ Rhythm & Romance
Columbia 39463 85 10tr Zz
0535 ~ King’s Record Shop
Columbia 40777 87 10tr Zz
0536 ~ Right or Wrong - 1979
Columbia 36155
10tr Zz
0537 ~ Hits, 1979-89
Columbia 45054 89 12tr Zz
0538 ~ Interiors
Columbia 46079 90 10tr Zz
0539 ~ The Wheel
Columbia 52729 93 11tr Zz’
0540 ~ Roseanne Cash: What Kinda Girl - Live 1988 Traditional Lines 1354 95 11tr Zz
1204 The Castaleers (9tr) | The Hi-Lites (12tr) Meet -ca 1960 Rhythm1002
21tr Zz
0541 Cattle Call Early Cowboy Music & Its Roots
Rounder 1101 96 14tr Zz
0542 Travis Caudell Treat Me Like a Dog
Pigeon Roost 0321 01 9 tr Zz
0543 Frank Cavitt Is the Honky Tonk Doctor In?
(d) Thinking Time 1001 13 12tr Zz
0544 Stevie Cee Lucky in Love + Mike Headrick
Country Discovery
13tr Zz
0545 ~ I Heard My Father’s Voice - country gospel
Country Discovery
15tr Zz
0546 ~ Storm in Search of Thunder + Tommy Thompson - steel
10tr Zz
0547 ~ & Deb Present: Love & Laughter + J Carevlee fiddle Ctry Discovery
13tr Zz
0548 Mickey Champion Bam-a-Lam: R&B Rec 1950-62
Ace 1192\UK 08 24tr Zz
0549 Jeff Chance Picture on the Wall + W Myrick, R Hajacos Merc 846615 91 10tr Zz
0550 ~ Walk Softly on the Bridges + Buddy Emmons
Mercury 512274 92 10tr Zz’
0551 ~ Back Again + Jody Cameron, Johnny Bush
Music Master 105 08 10tr Zz
0552 ~ Between the Sheets + Johnny Bush, Jeff Woolsey
MM 108 CD-R 13 12tr Zz
0553 Charm City Junction - bluegrass
(d) Patuxent 276 15 14tr Zz
0554 Chatham County Line Autumn - bluegrassy
(fc) YepRoc 2482 16 11tr Zz
0555 ~ Speed of the Whippoorwill
YepRoc 2113 06 14tr Zz
0556 ~ Route 23
YepRoc pr 05 14tr Zz
0557 ~ IV
(d) YepRoc 2157 08 13tr Zz
0558 Cherryholmes - bluegrass
Skaggs Family 2014 05 14tr Zz
0559 ~ II: Black and White
Skaggs Family 2018 07 14tr Zz
0560 The Chieftains Long Black Veil + Sting, Van Morrison, Mark Knopfler, Ry Cooder,
Marianne Faithful, Sinead O’Connor, Rolling Stones RCA 25167\EU 95 13tr Zz
0561 ~ Another Country + C Atkins, E Harris, R Skaggs, NGDB RCA 60939 92 12tr Zz
0562 ~ Down the Old Plank Road: Nashville Sessions + Gillian Welch, Del McCoury,
Alison Krauss, Bela Fleck, Earl Scruggs, B&J Miller
RCA 63971 02 14tr Zz
0563 ~ Live from Dublin - Tribute to Derek Bell
RCA 67137 05 15tr Zz
0564 ~ The Wide World Over: A 40 Year Celebration + Corrs, R Skaggs, Joni Mitchell,
Diana Krall & Art Garfunkel, Linda Ronstadt & los Lobos RCA 63917 02 19tr Zz
0565 Christmas on the Border Texas Blues, Hot Country & Mexican Salsa - Greg
Gordon, Gary Chapman, JK Mulkey, Johnny Neal
Regency 20022 94 10tr Zz
0566 Christmas on the Lam - Dale Watson, Wailin’ Jennys, Robin & Linda Williams,
John Gorka, Bill Kirchen, Suzzy Roche, the Pines (fc) Red House 290 16 12tr Zz
0567 The Cicadas - Rodney Crowell band
WB 46498\EU 97 10tr Zz
0568 Colin Clark Best of - country singer
Comstock 1020 96 12tr Zz
0569 ~ & the Ghost Riders Trucking Back + Danish ctry musicians
DK 02 13tr Zz
0570 Gene Clark Flying High
A&M 540725\UK 2CD 98 41tr Zz
0571 ~ FireByrd
Hudson Canyon 8649 94 9 tr Zz
0572 ~ & Carla Olson So Rebellious a Lover
Razor & Tie 1992 92 14tr Zz
0573 Sanford Clark The Fool - 1950s
Bear Family 15549\D 92 34tr Zz
0574 ~ Shades - 1960s
Bear Family 15731\D 93 27tr Zz
0575 Clearfork Brand New Man - bluegrass gospel
Crosscut 1127 01 12tr Ss
0576 Slaid Cleaves Unsung
Rounder 3245\NL 06 13tr Zz’
0577 ~ Wishbones
Philo-CRS 1238\NL 04 11tr Zz’
0578 ~ Broke Down
Philo-CRS 1225\NL 00 10tr Zz
0579 ~ No Angel Knows
Philo 1201 97 11tr Zz
0580 ~ Life’s Other Side
Rock Bottom 12 92 14tr Zz
0581 ~ Holiday Sampler
Philo 1236 01 5 tr Zz
1154 Sharon Haynes A Musical Memory, vol 1: A Tribute to Patsy Cline
10tr Zz
0582 The Coal Porters Find the One - bluegrassy
| (d) Prima 025\UK 12 12tr Zz
0583 ~ Durango - Sid Griffin band
| (d) Prima 023\UK pr 10 13tr Ss
0584 ~ No 6
(d) Prima 027\UK 16 10tr Zz
1046 Sid Griffin Little Victories
Prima 007\UK 97 12tr Ss
0585 Eddie Cochran Rock & Roll TV Show - From UK TV Show Boy Meets Girls +
Gene Vincent, Marty Wilde +interview w/Buddy Holly Carlton01212\UK 97 22tr Zz
0586 ~ I’m Ready - Eddie as vocalist & instrumentalist with Chuck Foreman, Don Deal,
Hank Hammer, Cochran Bros, Jess Willard
Stampede 5002\UK 08 32tr Zz
0587 Cold Mountain Music from the Motion Picture DMZ/Col 515119\EU 03 19tr Zz
0293 Back Roads to Cold Mountain
Smithsonian-Folkways 40149 04 27tr Zz’
0588 Andrew Collins Cats and Dogs
(d) Syte 1113\Can
11tr Ss
0589 ~ Trio And It Was Good - ac mandolin, mandola, gtr, fiddle (fc) Can 16 8 tr Zz
0590 Dorothy Collins Get Happy!
Jasmine 668\UK 2CD 10 59tr Zz
0591 ~ Baby Can Rock: Coral Sessions + - 1954-58 Coral 71001\UK CD-R 05 31tr Zz
0592 Commander Cody & Lost Planet Airmen Gr Hits Live! KBFR 40002 03 13tr Zz
0593 Johnny Compton Sailing ‘Round the World
VMC 98 11tr Zz
0594 Kathy Compton Recovering Humans - singer-sw
Frosty Orange 01 11tr Zz
0595 Kimberly Connolly +Bobby Flores, Tommy Detamore Stockville 7209 07 10tr Zz
0596 Amy Cook The Sky Observer’s Guide
(sc) Root House pr 07 10tr Zz
0597 Elizabeth Cook + Dan Dugmore steel
Bro ‘n Sis
10tr Zz
0598 ~ Balls + Nanci Griffith, Rodney Crowell, B Bare Jr (d) CSC 1051\NL 09 11tr Zz
0462 Craig Byrne If Only - country singer
Southland 691\Aus
11tr Zz
0463 ~ Concrete Canyon Cowboy + banjo, steel, fiddle Windsong 001\Aus
10tr Zz
0464 Chris Cagle Play It Loud
| Capitol 34170 01 12tr Ss
0465 ~ Chris Cagle
| Capitol 40516 03 11tr Zz
0466 ~ Anywhere But Here
Capitol 77381 pr 05 11tr Zz
0467 ~ My Life’s Been a Country Song
Capitol 88106 08 11tr Zz
0468 The Sidekicks Wanted - Pickin’ on Chris Cagle: A Bluegrass Tribute - Tim Crouch,
Randy Kohrs, Larry Richardson, Jim Hoke & Jay Weaver CMH 9105 05 12tr Zz
0469 Calasaig Making for the Shore - Scottish ac folk
Lazymist 103\UK 00 14tr Zz
0470 Callahan Brothers In Memory of - 1930s
Cattle 267\D 02 25tr Zz
0471 ~ More Memories of
Cattle 277\D 03 20tr Zz
0472 Capitol Hillbilly Vol 1 - 1940/50s - E Kirk, R Acuff
Cactus CD-R
34tr Zz
0473 ~ Vol 2 - T Faile, Louvins, S McDonald, Farmer Boys
Cactus CD-R
33tr Zz
0474 ~ Vol 3 - Lee Bonds, Joe Carson, Rod Morris, J Work
Cactus CD-R
32tr Zz
0475 ~ Vol 4 - C Butler, W Fairburn, Ann Jones, Al Rogers
Cactus CD-R
32tr Zz
0476 ~ Vol 5 - Hylo Brown, Leon Payne, Red Hayes, J Reed Cactus CD-R
30tr Zz
0477 ~ Vol 6 - J Shepard, Joe Allison, M Travis, Amber Sisters Cactus CD-R
32tr Zz
0478 ~ Vol 7 - Deuce Spriggins, Leon Chappel, J Skinner
Cactus CD-R
32tr Zz
0479 ~ Vol 8 - Jack Guthrie, Boots & Idaho, Tommy Collins Cactus CD-R
32tr Zz
0480 Cars Original Soundtrack - Sheryl Crow, Chuck Berry, James Taylor, Chords,
Hank Williams, John Mayer, Brad Paisley
Disney Pixar 61349 06 20tr Zz
0481 Joe Carson Hillbilly Band from Mars - 1950/60s Bear Family 15757\D 02 33tr Zz
0482 Kendel Carson Rearview Mirror Tears
Train Wreck 026\EU 2CD 07 13tr Zz
0483 Kim Carson Tonkabilly
Banks Street 02 98 12tr Zz
0484 ~ Enough Heart Left to Break + Bobby Flores
(d) BSR 10 14 12tr Zz
0485 ~ Calle de Orleans + Mike Daly steel, Ollie O’Shea fiddle
BSR 03 01 11tr Zz
0486 ~ & the Casualties Live at Tipitina’s
BSR 04
14tr Zz
0487 Anita Carter Yesterday + J Cash, C Atkins
House of Cash 1000
12tr Zz
0488 ~ Songbird + Waylon Jennings, Hank Snow, Johnny Cash Omni 123 09 28tr Zz
0489 Deana Carter I’m Just a Girl + Dan Dugmore, D Yoakam Arista 51339 03 13tr Zz
0490 ~ Father Christmas - songs + just guitar
Rounder 0496 01 10tr Zz’
0491 ~ Everything’s Gonna Be Alright
Capitol 21142\EU 99 13tr Zz
0492 ~ The Story of My Life
(advance) Vanguard 874 05 11tr Zz
0493 ~ Did I Shave My Legs for This?
Capitol 37514 96 11tr Zz
0494 Helen Carter Collection + Anita Carter & Friends
OH 4019 CD-R 99 23tr Zz
0495 Janette & Joe Carter Last of Their Kind
DualTone 01186 04 12tr Ss’
0496 John Cody Carter Don’t You Think It’s Time - ctry singer Yell 0016 04 14tr Zz
0497 Nathan Carter The Live Show - Irish & country songs, incl Buck Owens medley,
Beatles medley, Irish medley + steel, banjo, accordion Sharpe 01\Irl
18tr Zz
0498 Norwood Carter Lonesome Memories - incl “Trib to R Acuff” Mesquite
12tr Zz
0499 Scott Carter Greatest Hits Album
Stop Hunger 1101 91 10tr Zz
0500 Tim Carter Bang Bang - banjo + Alison Brown, Tim O’Brien, Casey Driessen, Matt
Flinner, Jim Hurst, Rob Ickes & Tim Stafford
Little King 07 10tr Zz
0501 Valerie Carter The Way It Is
Countdown/Unity 77737 96 10tr Zz
0502 ~ Just a Stone’s Throw Away - 1977 + Linda Ronstadt, Herb Pedersen, Lowell
George, John Sebastian, Jackson Browne Columbia/Legacy 57688
9 tr Zz
0503 Martin Carthy Signs of Life + Eliza Carthy
Topic 503\UK 98 13tr Ss
0504 ~ A Collection - 1965-70
Topic 750\UK 99 12tr Zz
2426 Waterson Carthy Broken Ground - Norma Waterson... Topic 509\UK 99 11tr Zz
2427 ~ Common Tongue - ...Eliza & Martin Carthy
Topic 488\UK 97 13tr Zz
0505 Patti Casey Under Different Skies - folk/bluegrass
Long Shot 002 00 11tr Zz
0506 ~ Edge of Grace + Taylor Armerding, Moondi Klein
Long Shot 004 05 13tr Zz
0507 Cash Brothers How Was Tomorrow
Zoë-CRS 1019\NL 01 11tr Zz
0508 Joanne Cash Yates I’ll Always Have Jesus to Talk To AngelToo 0395
10tr Zz
0509 Johnny Cash Personal Christmas Collection
Col/Legacy 64154 94 12tr Zz
0510 ~ Christmas with
Col/Legacy 90701 03 12tr Zz
0511 ~ Classic Christmas
Sony Sp Prod 20726 91 10tr Ss
0512 ~ Christmas as I Knew It
Columbia 84909\D 06 14tr Ss
0513 ~ Original Sun Singles Collection, 1955-59
Green Line/Sun 502\It 90 28tr Zz
0599 Elizabeth Cook This Side of the Moon
(d) Hog County 04 13tr Zz
0600 ~ Hey Y’all + Darrell Scott, Dan Dugmore
WB 48289 02 12tr Zz
0601 ~ Welder + Tony Paoletta, Matt Combs, Tim Carroll (fc) 31Tigers 3102 10 14tr Zz
0602 ~ Gospel Plow
(fc) 31 Tigers 12 7 tr Zz
0603 Spade Cooley 1941-47 Rare Radio Transcriptions
RFD 23\UK 00 34tr Zz
0604 ~ 1945-46 Live at Santa Monica Pier & Riverside Rancho RFD 30\UK 01 26tr Zz
0605 ~ Big Band 1950-52
Harlequin 144\UK 99 33tr Zz
0606 ~ & Western Swing Dance Gang Shame on You Soundies/BS 802
25tr Zz
0607 Loretta Cooper & Iron Horse New Generation - ctry Reba 1004\Can 00 12tr Zz
0608 Peter Cooper Mission Door + T Snider, N Griffith
(d) Red Beet 006 08 12tr Zz
0609 ~ Cautionary Tales + Lloyd Green
CoraZong 255101\EU 07 12tr Zz
0610 ~ Opening Day + Thomm Jutz, Eric Brace, L Green (d) Red Beet 016 13 11tr Zz
0611 ~ & Lloyd Green The Lloyd Green Album
(d) Red Beet 012 10 12tr Zz
0612 Roger Cooper Better Off a Memory - country singer
Hawk 191 94 11tr Zz
0613 ~ Songs in My Heart
Hawk 195 95 11tr Zz
0344 ~ & Benny Berry The Good Life
Country Discovery 1054 CD-R
10tr Zz
0614 Easton Corbin + Larry Franklin, Paul Franklin
Mercury 13644 10 11tr Zz
0615 ~ All Over the Road
Mercury 16705 12 11tr Zz
0616 ~ About to Get Real
Mercury 86370 15 12tr Zz
0617 Corn Sisters (Neko Case&Carolyn Mark) Other Women (d)Mt042\Can 98 15tr Zz
0618 Peter Corry Irish Night - Irish singer
16tr Zz
0619 ~ The Heart Goes On
Mobius 1002\UK 98 14tr Zz
0620 Darcy Cotten Love’s Journey - folk singer + ac instruments
(d) 09 13tr Zz
0621 ~ Remember Me - country/folk album
(d) 07 15tr Zz
0622 Country Duets - bluegrass - K Chiavola & Jim Stack, Andrea Zonn & T Eldredge,
A Krauss & B Osborne, DA Bradley & Russell Moore Pinecastle 8006 99 14tr Zz
0623 Country Gentlemen 25 Years - bluegrass
Rebel 1102 86 24tr Ss
0624 ~ Folk Session Inside
Mercury 238\Jap
12tr Zz
0625 ~ (2on1) Ctry Gentlemen | Remembrances & Forecasts VCD79711\EU 02 24tr Zz
0626 ~ Sugar Hill Collection
Sugar Hill 2207 95 20tr Zz’
0627 Country Hop A Great Western Roundup - Howard Crockett, JD Pepper, Devvy
Davenport, Dub Dickerson, Jimmy Hart, Eddie Bentley Zingo 2217\CH
30tr Zz
0628 Cowboy Country Shadows on the Trail - Johnny Bond, Carolina Cotton, Ed
McCurdy, Cass County Boys, Tex Ritter, Rex Allen Jasmine 3508\UK 00 24tr Zz
1551 Cox Family & Alison Krauss I Know Who Holds Tomorrow Rndr0307 94 12tr Zz
0629 Riley Crabtree Rare Radio Sessions - 1950s Bronco Buster 9061\D 07 26tr Zz
0630 ~ When Hank Williams Met Jimmie Rodgers
Cattle 317\D 06 28tr Zz
0631 Jeremy Crady Smoke Wagon Serenade + Bruce Bouton (fc) Vector 09 13tr Zz
0632 ~ One New Standard & Eleven Other Songs +Lloyd Maines Starwagon 03 12tr Zz
0633 Anthony Crawford - country singer-sw
Little Dog 93001 93 10tr Zz’
0634 ~ Five Is Red
(sc) 09 10tr Zz
0635 David Crawford Coast n’ Country + S Garrish, R Hajacos
12tr Zz
0636 Sugar Boy Crawford 30 New Orleans Classics
Bayou 1001 CD-R
30tr Zz
0637 ~ Chronological, 1953-54 - Blues & Rhythm Series Classics 5143\F 05 24tr Zz
0638 Johnny Crawford Best of - early 60s Del-Fi recordings Ace 429\UK 92 24tr Zz
0639 Roy Crawford Over the Moon
Country Discovery 09 10tr Zz
0640 Cross Canadian Ragweed
Universal 64414 02 12tr Zz
0641 ~ Carney
Broken 0008 98 12tr Zz
0642 ~ Highway 377
Underground 0377
12tr Zz’
0643 ~ Garage
Universal South 03818 CD+DVD 05 14tr Zz’
0644 ~ Happiness & All the Other Things - 15th Anniversary Deluxe Limited Edition
+ video download, poster
(fc) Universal 13231 09 15tr Ss
0645 Rodney Crowell Collection
WB 25965 89 12tr Ss
0646 ~ Life Is Messy
Columbia 47985 92 10tr Zz’
0647 ~ Let the Picture Paint Itself
MCA 11042 94 10tr Zz
0648 ~ Sex & Gasoline
(d) YepRoc 2187
11tr Zz’
0649 ~ Diamonds and Dirt
CBS 460873\EU 88 10tr Zz
0650 ~ Street Language
Columbia 40116 86 10tr Zz
0651 ~ Greatest Hits
Columbia 57580 93 12tr Zz
0652 ~ Jewel of the South
MCA 11223 95 11tr Zz’
0653 ~ Fate’s Right Hand
(d) DMZ/Epic 89082 03 11tr Zz
0654 ~ Keys to the Highway
Columbia 45242 89 12tr Zz
0655 ~ Soul Searchin’
Sony Sp Prod 24278 94 10tr Zz
0656 ~ The Outsider
(d) Columbia 94470 05 11tr Zz
0657 ~ The Houston Kid
Sugar Hill 1065 01 11tr Zz
0658 ~ I Walk the Line (Revisited) (& Johnny Cash) - 1 song from # 0657 +
Billy Bob Thornton & Rodney Crowell interview
Sugar Hill 1065 01
0567 The Cicadas - Rodney Crowell band
WB 46498\EU 97 10tr Zz
1502 KIN Songs by Mary Karr & Rodney Crowell
Vanguard 78210 12 10tr Zz
0659 Cris Cuddy Come Along Carmelita
VC 44\Can 02 10tr Zz
0660 ~ Keep the Change | Nowhere Town + Albert Lee
VC 55\Can 2CD 03 28tr Zz
0661 Justin Curtis Talk Talk Talk
Lazy J 0518 CD-R 04 11tr Zz
0662 ~ Living Room Confessions + banjo, mandolin, fiddle, dobro LJ 0708 03 11tr Zz
0663 ~ & Sally-Jo Hillbilly Favorites
Lazy J 0126 06 10tr Zz
0664 ~ Shoulda Known Better
Lazy J 0115 09 14tr Zz
0665 Chuck Cusimano Broken Hearts & Honky Tonks - ctry s-sw + fd, steel 16 12tr Zz
0666 Cutaway Crossing This Exit - country
08 11tr Zz
0667 Elisabeth Cutler Hurricane of Change - singer-sw Inbetweens 012\NL 02 11tr Zz
0675 Hank Davis One Way Track
(d) Bear Family 17319\D 12 38tr Zz
0676 ~ Blue Highway - 1959-94
Relaxed Rabbit 428\Can
31tr Zz
0677 Davis Sisters (Skeeter & Betty Jack) Memories Bear F 15722\D 2CD 93 60tr Zz
0678 Stephanie Davis Crocus in the Snow + Lloyd Maines, Bobby Flores, Paul Glasse,
Garrison Keillor, Doug Green, Ray Benson
Recluse 47182
12tr Zz
0679 ~ I’m Pullin’ Through
Recluse 35102
11tr Zz
0680 ~ Western Bliss + Rich O’Brien, Cindy Cashdollar
(d) Recluse
11tr Zz
0681 ~ Western Bling
(d) Recluse
11tr Zz
0682 ~ River of No Return
Recluse 96 10tr Zz
0683 ~ Stephanie Davis + Doyle Grisham, Sam Bush
Asylum 61546 93 10tr Zz
0684 Jimmy Day (2on1) Steel & Strings|Golden St Gtr Hits BearF 15583\D 92 24tr Zz
0685 Dead Man Walking Music from & Inspired by the Motion Picture - B Springsteen,
J Cash, MC Carpenter, Steve Earle (d) Col/Legacy 83655 CD+DVD 06 25tr Zz
0686 Don Deal Early Recordings, 1956-58
Rockstar 028\UK 06 35tr Zz
0687 ~ From Time to Time
DonJim 1223 01 10tr Zz
0688 ~ Something Old Something New + Mike Headrick
DonJim 1224
13tr Zz
0689 ~ Straight Ahead
DonJim 1217 98 12tr Zz
0690 Honi Deaton & Dream Promise to a Soldier - bluegrass CMG 0141 05 12tr Zz
0691 ~ What Should Have Been
CMG 0121 03 12tr Zz
0692 Joey Dee & the Starlighters Starbright - The Complete Roulette and Jubilee
Singles A’s & B’s Plus!
WestSide 219\UK 99 46tr Zz
0693 Deep River of Song Black Texicans: Balladeers & Songsters of the Texas
Alan Lomax Collection - Rounder 1821 99 29tr Zz
0694 Bryan Deere Too Hot to Handle - country singer + Tommy Auldridge, Nate Laeth,
Dede Wyland, Tom Mindte, Brennen Ernst
(d) Patuxent 252 14 13tr Zz
0695 Definitive Cuban 75 Orig Havana Classics (d) NotNow 042\UK 3CD 10 75tr Zz
0696 Delmore Brothers Sand Mountain Blues
County 110
18tr Zz
0697 ~ Good Time Saturday Night
Cattle 299\D 04 25tr Zz
0698 ~ Fifty Miles to Travel - King & Deluxe Acetate Series
Ace 1074\UK 05 24tr Zz
0699 ~ Blues Stay Away from Me + W Raney, L Glosson Jasmine 3588\UK 08 24tr Zz
0700 ~ Freight Train Boogie - King recordings
Ace 455\UK 93 20tr Zz
0701 Iris DeMent Infamous Angel + Emmylou Harris
WB 45238\EU 92 11tr Zz
0702 ~ My Life
WB 45493 94 10tr Zz
0703 ~ The Way I Should
WB 46188 96 11tr Zz
0704 The Derailers Live! From Texas
Varese Sarabande 7042 10 15tr Zz
0705 ~ Genuine
Lucky Dog 86873 03 12tr Zz
0706 ~ Under the Influence of Buck (Owens)
(d) Palo Duro 1203 07 13tr Zz
0707 ~ Soldiers of Love
(d) Palo Duro 1201 06 14tr Zz
0708 ~ Guaranteed to Satisfy!
(d) Palo Duro 1204 08 12tr Zz
0709 ~ Jackpot
Watermelon 1051 96 12tr Zz
0710 Stefan Dettl Summer of Love
RCA 96156\D 12 13tr Zz
0711 The Deuce Coupes Hotrodders’ Choice
Del-Fi 70243 94 12tr Zz
0712 Douglas Dillard Banjo Album, Extended Edition + Bernie Leadon, Gene Clark,
John Hartford, Byron Berline & V Clements Floating World 6124\UK 12 17tr Ss
0713 Rodney Dillard I Wish Life Was Like Mayberry
Rural Rhythm 1068 10 14tr Zz
0714 ~ Don’t Wait for the Hearse to Take You to Church Rural Rhythm 2010 11 14tr Zz’
0715 The Dillards Let It Fly
Vanguard 79460 90 12tr Zz
0716 ~ (2on1) Back Porch Bluegrass | Live! Almost!
Elektra 73562\D 01 28tr Zz
0717 ~ Mountain Rock
TelDec 26534\D 87 11tr Zz
0718 ~ (2on1) Roots & Branches | Trib to the American Duck BGO 306\UK 96 20tr Zz
Dim Lights, Thick Smoke & Hillbilly Music: C&W Hit Parade
Bear Family\D Zz
From 2008 to 2013, Bear Family released this series of 26 classic country music. Each CD has between 25 and 30 tracks and is
packaged in a hard cover, well illustrated booklet, with 72 pages
of artist & song information. | In de periode 2008-13 bracht BF
deze serie van 26 CD’s uit met klassieke country op-namen. Elke
CD heeft 25 à 30 tracks en is verpakt in een gebon-den en rijk
geïllustreerd boekje met 72 pagina’s informatie.
0727 1953 BCD 16958
0736 1962 BCD 16967
0719 1945 BCD 16950
0728 1954 BCD 16959
0737 1963 BCD 16968
0720 1946 BCD 16951
0729 1955 BCD 16960
0738 1964 BCD 16969
0721 1947 BCD 16952
0730 1956 BCD 16961
0739 1965 BCD 16970
0722 1948 BCD 16953
0731 1957 BCD 16962
0740 1966 BCD 17261
0723 1949 BCD 16954
0732 1958 BCD 16963
0741 1967 BCD 17262
0724 1950 BCD 16955
0733 1959 BCD 16964
0742 1968 BCD 17263
0725 1951 BCD 16956
0734 1960 BCD 16965
0743 1969 BCD 17264
0726 1952 BCD 16957
0735 1961 BCD 16966
0744 1970 BCD 17265
0745 Dirty Laundry The Soul of Black Country - Ella Washington, Bobby Powell,
Roscoe Shelton, Otis Williams, Stoney Edwards
(d) Trikont 0333\D 04 24tr Zz
0746 ~ More - OB McClinton, Bobby Womack, Clyde McPhatter, Ike & Tina Turner,
Andre Williams, Solomon Burke, Ruth Brown
(d) Trikont 0367\D 08 24tr Zz
0747 Dixie Hit Parade Vol 1 - Earl Aycock, Sleepy LaBeef, Benny Barnes, Leon Payne,
Eddie Noack, Half Brothers, Country Johnny Mathis
Dixie CD-R
25tr Zz
0748 Diyet (van Lieshout) When You Were King - s-sw (fc) WFR1307\Can 13 10tr Ss
0749 Bill J Dobkins Favorite Songs, Friends & Memories Ctry Disc CD-R 07 12tr Zz
0750 DobBroMan
Obermain 010318\D 18 17tr Zz
0751 Dr Fry’s Texas Medicine Band River Bolt of Lightning
10tr Zz
0752 ~ Texas Medicine
Texas Twister Radio 2020 01 16tr Zz
0753 Domino Kings Life & 20
Slewfoot 801 00 14tr Zz’
0754 ~ The Back of Your Mind
Slewfoot 810 02 12tr Zz
0755 ~ Some Kind of Sign
HighTone 8181 05 11tr Zz
0756 Len Doolin Once in a Lifetime - country singer
Sunbird 5551 01 12tr Zz
0757 Dottsy Meet Me in Texas + Justin Trevino
Heart of Texas 4154
12tr Zz
0758 ~ Texas Sensation
(d) Heart of Texas 7344 16 12tr Zz
0759 Jerry Douglas The Best Kept Secret
Koch 9847 05 11tr Zz
0760 ~ Restless on the Farm
Sugar Hill 3875 98 11tr Zg’
0761 ~ Everything Is Gonna Work Out Fine
Rounder 11535 87 19tr Zz
0762 ~ Lookout for Hope
Sugar Hill 3938 02 11tr Zz
0763 ~ & Russ Barenberg & Edgar Meyer Skip, Hop & Wobble SH 3817 93 11tr Zz
0764 ~ & Peter Rowan Yonder
Sugar Hill 3847 96 12tr Zz’
0765 Gurbe Douwstra Dizze Stoarm + Stroatklinkers
Marista 6010
13tr Zz
0766 Rod Dowsett Rhyme or Reason + banjo, dobro, lap steel RD 003\Aus 07 12tr Zz
0767 Downtown County Band - Kentucky bluegrass band
(d) 10 12tr Ss
0768 Downtown Ramblers - Swedish bluegrass band
DTR 001\S 08 11tr Zz
0769 ~ On the Other Side of the City
DTR 002\S
11tr Zz
0770 Pete Drake & His Taling Steel Guitar: For Pete’s Sake
King 6111 00 20tr Zz
0771 Rick Drost Turning the World - singer-sw
(d) 17 12tr Zz
0668 Mikki Daniel Cowgirl Swing
Musikode 1011 14 14tr Zz
0669 Bobby Darin Early - Decca & Atco recordings
El Toro 1018\E 08 17tr Zz
0670 ~ (2on1) You’re the Reason | 18 Yellow Roses
Collectables 2915 06 24tr Zz
0671 ~ Bobby Darin - 1958 LP + 18 bonus tracks
Globe 102/18 93 30tr Zz
0672 ~ Splish Splash
Back Biter 61040\D 94 20tr Zz
0673 ~ Bobby Rocks
(d) Bear Family 16310\D 08 36tr Zz
0674 ~ as Roberto Cassotto Rare, Rockin’ & Unreleased
ROS 1001\It 97 30tr Zz
0772 Dubliners Collection
Chyme 1011\UK 2CD 93 34tr Zz
0773 ~ 30 Years a-Greying + Hothouse Flowers, Billy Connolly, DeDanann, the
Pogues, Rory Gallagher, Martin O’Connor
Vertigo 514770\UK 2CD 92 30tr Zz
0774 ~ Spirit of the Irish + the Pogues
Sanctuary 003\UK 03 20tr Zz
0775 Dave Dudley Cowboy Boots
Pilz 441623\D 91 18tr Zz
0776 ~ Christmas
Prima 0505\D 93 12tr Zz
0777 ~ Truck Drivin’ Son of a Gun: Merc Hit Singles 1963-73 Wesa 922\UK 04 24tr Zz
0778 Due West These Boots - bluegrass
Native & Fine 906 03 12tr Zz
0779 Dueling Banjos from Deliverance - bluegrass instrumentals - Eric Weissberg &
Marshall Brickman, Steve Mandell
WB 2683
18tr Zz
0780 Johnny Duhan Family Album - singer-sw
Round Tower 16\Irl 90 10tr Zz
0781 Hope Dunbar Three Black Crows - singer-sw
12tr Zz
0782 Tommy Duncan Texas Moon
Bear Family 15907\D 96 26tr Zz
0783 ~ Beneath a Neon Star in a Honky Tonk
Bear Family 15957\D 96 28tr Zz
0784 ~ Dog House Blues + Bob Wills, Billy Jack Wills
Jasmine 3585\UK 08 24tr Zz
0785 Lincoln Durham The Shovel vs the Howling Bones - singer-sw +
Ray Wylie Hubbard
(fc) Blue Rose 0584\D 12 11tr Zz
0786 Dwayne & TexMeXplosion In San Antonio + Flaco Jimenez T2\NL 10 16tr Zz
0787 Bob Dylan Time Out of Mind
Columbia 486936\EU 97 11tr Zz
0788 ~ Nashville Skyline + Johnny Cash - 1969
CBS 63601\NL
10tr Zz
0789 ~ Constructing the Legend: His First LP & the Songs It Was Built On - Jesse
Fuller, Stanley Bros, Bukka White, Clancy Bros, Roy Acuff BDA 106
26tr Zz
0790 ~ & the Band The Basement Tapes - 1975
Col 466137\EU 2CD
24tr Zz
0791 Dick Dyson
Hillbilly Researcher 025\UK CD-R
25tr Zz
0792 Dziuks Küche Hauptsache Wind
Ulftone 027\D 01 15tr Zz
0849 Danny Epps Rumors of the Truth - ctry s-sw +fiddle, slide gtr StarPlay 05 11tr Zz
0850 Mark Erelli For a Song + Charlie Rose banjo, steel
(fc) 16 11tr Zz
0851 ~ Hillbilly Pilgrim + steel, fiddle
Signature Sounds 1281 02 11tr Zz
0852 ~ Delivered - original songs
(d) Signature Sounds 2014 08 11tr Zz
0853 ~ Hope & Other Casualties
Signature Sounds 1296 06 11tr Zz’
0854 ~ & Jeffrey Foucault Seven Curses: A Killer Selection of Americana Murder
(d) Continental Song City 1060\NL 10 12tr Zz
1203 Jack Eubanks | Dean Hightower (2on1) - 50-60s Norf*k Coast CD-R 04 25tr Zz
0855 Bill Evans Plays Banjo + Rob Ickes, John Reischman, Darol Anger, Don Rigsby,
Mike Compton, Missy Raines, Jim Nunally
Mighty Fine 3 01 13tr Zz
0856 ~ Native & Fine + Mike Compton, David Grier
Rounder 0295 95 12tr Zz
0857 ~ In Good Company + Infamous Stringdusters, Tim O’Brien (fc) N&F 9 12 12tr Ss
0858 ~ & Megan Lynch Let’s Do Something...
(d) N&F 8 09 11tr Zz
0859 Bill Evans Other Side of Something - saxophone player/singer + Bela Fleck,
Sam Bush, Ryan Cavanaugh, Victor Wooten
(d) Intuition 3416 07 11tr Zz
0860 Terry Evans Fire in the Feeling
(d) Crosscut 11086\D 05 11tr Zz
0861 ~ Mississippi Magic
AudioQuest 1057 00 10tr Zz
0862 ~ Walk That Walk
Telarc Blues 83486\EU 00 9 tr Zz
0863 Evergreen Mandolin Music for Christmas -Butch Baldassari CMH3922 97 12tr Zz
0864 Everly Brothers
Mercury 822431\D
10tr Zz
0865 ~ Sing Great Ctry Hits | Gone Gone Gone + 11 bonus tr WB75830\EU 05 35tr Zz
0866 ~ Stories We Could Tell - The RCA Recordings Camden 432552\EU 96 20tr Zz
0867 Henry Eye Back Home in My Country
Dabbelju 242152\D 03 15tr Zz
0868 Shelley Fabares (2on1) Vol 1: Shelley | The Things We Did Last Summer
- 1962
TNT Laser 426/431 92 23tr Zz
0869 Fable Records Best of - Ramblin’ Everett, Carolyn Waits, Larry Drake, Jodie
Decker, Hasil Adkins, Tim Dinkins, Ray McCoy - 1950s Fab 500 CD-R
35tr Zz
0870 Gary Fairburn The Collection 1974-2001 Rosedale 439\Can CD-R
22tr Zz
0871 Barbara Fairchild Stories
Chapel 25305 95 10tr Zz
0872 ~ Rocky Top
Nashville Clan 204823\D 99 16tr Zz
0873 ~ The Light
Benson 2722 91 10tr Zz
0874 Falling from Grace Motion Picture Soundtrack - Nanci Griffith, Dwight Yoakam,
John Prine, John Mellencamp, Janis Ian, Lisa Germano Merc 512004 92 13tr Zz’
0875 Family Jewels Saturday Night
Delinore 0001
15tr Zz
0876 Farewell Blues Hot String Bands, 1936-41
Krazy Kat 30\UK 03 25tr Zz
0877 Farmer’s Daughter This Is the Life - female trio
UM 81096\Can 98 12tr Zz
0878 ~ Girls Will Be Girls
MCA 81028 93 11tr Ss
0879 Fast Folk A Community of Singers & Songwriters - Jack Hardy, Rod McDonald,
J Gorka, S Colvin, DV Ronk, S Vega (d) Smithsonian-Fw 40135 2CD 02 34tr Zz
0880 ‘Jimmie Lee’ Fautheree (of Jimmy & Johnny / Jimmy Lee & Wayne Walker)
I Found the Door Knob + Deke Dickerson & the Ecco-Fonics EF 002
16tr Zz
1590 ~ as Jimmy Lee Knocking on Your Front Door Bear Family 16375\D 01 20tr Zz
0881 Feature Hillbilly Vol 1 - Bill Hutto, Jimmy Newman, Al Montgomery, Burl Lynn, Don
Ray, Lynn Howard, Smokey Stover Hillbilly Researcher 028\UK CD-R
25tr Zz
0882 Joey Feek (of Joey & Rory) If Not for You
(d) Gaither 9334 17 12tr Zz
0883 The Felsons One Step Ahead of the Posse - country
TMC 9607 96 13tr Zz
0884 Leyla Fences Liars Cheats & Fools + Milo Deering fiddle, steel
(d) 10 13tr Zz
0885 ~ Itty Bitty Twang Twang
(d) 12 15tr Zz
0886 Fifty Fingers Dancing to the Change - bluegrass
16tr Zz
0887 55 Miles from Mexico Tucson Arizona Sampler - Caitlin Von Schmidt, Gila Bend,
Eye Pennies, Stefan George, Broken Horse, Woodcocks EFA06187\D 93 18tr Zz
0888 Fireside Collective Life Between the Lines - prog bluegrass
(d) 17 12tr Zz
0889 Sonny Fisher Texas Rockabilly
Big Beat 7930722\F 89 27tr Zz
0890 The Flatlanders (Ely-Gilmore-Hancock) Now Again BlueRose 0282\D 02 14tr Zz
0999 ~ Unplugged
Sun 7011 95 12tr Zz
0891 Flatt & Scruggs Blue Ridge Cabin Home - 1950s
County 102 90 15tr Zz
0892 ~ At Carnegie Hall! The Complete Concert
Koch 7929 98 32tr Zz
0893 Fleadh The Pacock’s Feather - Irish folk group
(fc) D 15 13tr Zz
0894 Bobby Flores Just for the Record (signed)
Yellow Rose 0001 03 14tr Zz
0895 ~ Direct from Blanco County
Yellow Rose 014 06 14tr Ss
0896 Danny Flowers Forbidden Fruits & Vegetables
GrooveTone 003 00 15tr Zz
0897 Floyd Flowers I Ain’t Much But I’m All I Got
Hologram 06 14tr Zz
0898 Guitars, Heartaches, and Honky Tonk Nights
Hologram 04 12tr Zz
0899 Libby Floyd - ctry singer + fiddle, steel + Tammy Rogers Empire 2002 98 10tr Zz
0900 John Flynn Two Wolves
Metta Four 00342 06 12tr Zz
0901 ~ Dragon
Metta Four 00341 03 12tr Zz
0902 Dan Fogelberg Live: Greetings from the West Epic 469056\EU 2CD 91 22tr Zz
0903 ~ Souvenirs - 1974
Epic 33137
11tr Zz
0904 ~ High Country Snows
Epic 26274\UK 85 11tr Zz
0905 ~ Definitive Collection
Epic 480557\NL 2CD 95 23tr Zz
0906 Folkways A Vision Revisited - Pete Seeger, Woody Guthrie, Leadbelly - The
Original Performances
Buda 82454\F
18tr Ss
0907 Buck Ford Where I Wanna Be - ctry sngr + Joe Spivey, Mike Johnson 16 11tr Zz
0908 Jacqueline Ford Country, My Way - singer-sw
CD-R 01 11tr Zz
0909 Jimmy Fortune Feels Like Christmas - country singer
FFR 5531 06 10tr Zz
0910 ~ When One Door Closes
Audium 8179 03 11tr Zz’
0911 ~ Windows + Joe Spivey, Mike Johnson, Bob Angelo
(d) 09 12tr Zz
0912 ~ Sings the Classics + Ricky Skaggs, the Isaacs
(d) Gaither 9323 17 14tr Zz
0913 Foster Martin Band Moonshine n’ Moonlight
PBM 340\Can
10tr Zz
0914 ~ Ragtop Chevy
TNG 350\Can 96 10tr Zz
0915 ~ Willy’s Bar & Grill
SA 93380\Can
10tr Zz
0916 ~ On a Roller Coaster Ride
Can 04 11tr Zz
0917 Jeffrey Foucault Stripping Cane - singer-sw Signature Sounds 1286 04 12tr Zz
0918 ~ Horse Latitudes
(d) Signature Sounds 2037\NL 11 10tr Zz
0919 ~ Sings the Songs of John Prine - Shoot the Moon Right Between the Eyes:
A Collection
(d) CSC 1053\NL 09 13tr Zz
0920 ~ Cold Satellite
(d) CSC 1078\NL 11 12tr Zz
0921 ~ Ghost Repeater
(d) Signature Sounds 1298\NL 06 11tr Zz
0854 ~ & Mark Erelli Seven Curses: Am Murder Ballads (d) CSC 1060\NL 10 12tr Zz
0922 Four Aces Saturday Swing Out - 1950-60
Teen-Life 97440\Can 97 28tr Zz
0923 ~ The Four Aces
20tr Zz
0924 ~ The Hits... and More
Jasmine 504\UK 2CD 10 49tr Zz
0925 ~ 1946-55
Flyright 62\UK 99 26tr Zz
0926 4 Legends of Rock ‘n’ Roll - Warren Smith, Buddy Knox, Charlie Feathers & Jack
Scott, Recorded at the Rainbow Theatre 1977 (d) BearFamily 17328\D 13 30tr Zz
0927 Kevin Fowler Coming to a Honky Tonk Near You
(d) KFR 88489 16 8 tr Zz
0928 ~ How Country Are Ya? + Amy Rankin, Max Baca
(d) KFR 95535 13 15tr Zz
0929 ~ Live at Billy Bob’s Texas
Smith 5019 03 18tr Zz
0793 Eagles Desperado - 1973
Asylum 5068
11tr Zz
0794 ~ Hell Freezes Over
Geffen 24725 94 15tr Zz
0795 Common Thread The Songs of the Eagles - Travis Tritt, Alan Jackson, Vince
Gill, Suzy Bogguss, Trisha Yearwood, Tanya Tucker
Giant 24531 93 13tr Zz
0796 The Eagles | The Kestrels Smash Hits! - two British rock bands 1959-64 recordings + Lonnie Donegan
Sequel 296\UK 2CD 98 60tr Zz
0797 Earl Brothers - bluegrass
(d) 0004 10 11tr Zz
0798 ~ MoonShine
(d) 00003 08 12tr Zz
0799 ~ Outlaw Hillbilly
(d) 5 12 9 tr Zz
0800 Justin Townes Earle Yuma
6 tr Zz
0801 ~ The Good Life
(d) Bloodshot 151 08 10tr Zz
0802 Steve Earle I Feel Alright + Lucinda Williams
WB 46201\EU 96 12tr Zz
0803 ~ Transcendental Blues
E-Squared/Artemis 498074\EU 2CD 00 19tr Zz
0804 ~ Copperhead Road + the Pogues, Telluride, John Cowan
UNI 7 88 10tr Zz
0805 ~ El Corazon + Emmylou Harris, Del McCoury Band
WB 46789\EU 97 12tr Zz
0806 ~ I’ll Never Get Out of This World Alive
(fc) New West 6195 11 11tr Zz
0807 ~ Washington Square Serenade
(d) New West/Blue Rose 6128\D 07 12tr Zz
0808 ~ Early Tracks
Epic 39226 87 10tr Zz’
0809 ~ Train a Comin’ + P Rowan, N Blake, E Harris Winter Harvest 3302 95 13tr Zz
0810 ~ & the Dukes The Hard Way
MCA 57236 90 13tr Zz
0811 ~ & the Del McCoury Band The Mountain
Glitterhouse 453\D 99 14tr Zz
0812 Early Country Rock from Nashville (Spar Records) - Bobby Russell, Clayton
Ford, Gene Snipes, Jake & Josh, Steve Bess - 1960s T-Bird 011\UK 10 24tr Zz
0813 East Coast Bluegrass Band Life’s Mysteries
Copper Creek 0160 98 12tr Zz
0814 Easton Stagger Phillips Resolution Road
(fc) Blue Rose 0633\D 14 10tr Zz
0815 Jimmy Eaves Sings Pure Country
Pureco 97 10tr Zz
0816 ~ Bringing Back Memories
JLE 10 99 10tr Zz
0817 ~ & Jenny Eaves Listening to the Bluebirds Sing + J Trevino Pureco
11tr Zz
1761 ~ & Frankie Miller Singing Gospel Music the Country Way
Pureco 01 10tr Zz
0818 Bobby Edwards You’re the Reason
Chart/Gusto 2235 11 11tr Zz
0819 Don Edwards Chant of the Wanderer - cowboy sngr Sevenshoux 104
15tr Zz
0820 ~ Songs of the Trail
Warner Western 26933 92 15tr Zz
0821 ~ Goin’ Back to Texas
Warner Western 45323 93 11tr Zz’
0822 ~ West of Yesterday
Warner Western 46187 96 12tr Zz
0823 ~ My Hero Gene Autry - A Tribute + Peter Rowan
Shanachie 6032 98 15tr Zz
0824 ~ Best of
Warner Western 46892 98 12tr Zz’
0825 ~ Moonlight and Skies
DualTone 01214 06 13tr Zz
0826 ~ Saddle Songs II: Last of the Troubadours (d) Shanachie 6062 2CD 03 36tr Zz
0827 ~ & Waddie Mitchell Bard & Balladeer, Live from Cowtown WW45783 94 14tr Zz
0828 ~ Prairie Portrait + Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra Shanachie 6046 00 16tr Zz
2122 ~ & Peter Rowan High Lonesome Cowboy +T Rice, N Blake Sh 6058 02 11tr Zz
0829 Jonathan Edwards My Love Will Keep
(fc) Appleseed 1126 11 12tr Zz
0830 ~ Rollin’ Along - Live in Holland
(d) SCR 68\NL 09 20tr Zz
0831 ~ Tomorrow’s Child + Alison Krauss, D Powell, D Scott (fc) Rising 207
11tr Zz
0832 Eleven Hundred Springs Eight the Hard Way - country Smith 7147
10tr Zz
0833 ~ Midway - original songs + steel, dobro, fiddle, guitar, drums, bass
12 11tr Zz
0834 ~ BandWagon
(d) Palo Duro 1101 06 14tr Zz
0835 ~ Country Jam, Made in Texas
(d) Palo Duro 1103 08 12tr Zz
0836 ELP Return of the Manticore, Disc 1
Victory 480029 93 12tr Zz
0837 ~ Disc 2 (Emerson, Lake & Palmer)
Victory 480030 93 7 tr Zz
0838 ~ Disc 3
Victory 480031 93 11tr Zz
0839 ~ Disc 4
Victory 480032 93 10tr Zz
0840 Emerald Rae Fiddler & Folksinger
(fc) 18 10tr Zz
0841 Bill Emerson Eclipse - bluegrass banjo
Rural Rhythm 1079 11 14tr Zz
0842 ~ & Sweet Dixie Southern
Rural Rhythm 1053 10 12tr Zz’
0843 ~ & Wayne Taylor Appaloosa + M Auldridge, Tony Rice Webco 0146 94 13tr Zz
0844 ~ & Mark Newton A Foot in the Past...
Pinecastle 1074 97 12tr Zz
0845 Tommy Emmanuel The Mystery
(d) Fav Nations Acoustic 5130 06 12tr Zz
0846 Scott Engel Hits & Rarities, vol 1 - 1963-64
Ring of Stars 1002\It 97 32tr Zz
0847 ~ Hits & Rarities, vol 2
ROS 1003\It 97 32tr Zz
0848 ~ as Scott Walker (of the Walker Bros) Early Years Acrobat 4214\UK 05 18tr Zz
1011 Pete Goble When I’m Knee Deep in Bluegrass
FireHeart 7349 05 14tr Zz
1012 Going Wild! Music City Rock ‘n’ Roll - Gaylarks, Sonny Raye, Dialtones, 5 Crystels,
PW Kingsley, Roy Burk, Jimmy Cicero - 1957-61
Ace 1372\UK 13 24tr Zz
1013 Andrew Gold Never Let Her Slip Away
Elektra 31615\EU
14tr Zz
1014 ~ Thank You for Being a Friend - Best of
Elektra 73511 97 20tr Zz’
1015 Joe Goldmark All Hat - No Cattle - steelguitar
HMG 3009 99 13tr Ss
1016 ~ Blue Steel: Hot Instrumentals, Cool Guest Vocals
Lo-Ball 011 18 13tr Zz
1017 Monte Good A Texas Honky Tonk + Randy Kohrs, Eddie Lange (d)
12tr Zz
1018 Goodbye Girls Snowy Side of the Mountain - bluegrass
(fc) 16 13tr Zz
1019 Michael Monroe Goodman The Flag, the Bible & Bill Monroe - country/
bluegrass singer-sw
(d) MammerJam 1776 15 13tr Zz
1020 Rosco Gordon Rosco’s Rhythm
Charly 8162\UK 96 27tr Zz
1021 Al Gore Honky Tonk Nights + Jim Baker st/dobro Concert 0001 CD-R
12tr Zz
1022 John Gorka Between Five and Seven
High Street10351 96 12tr Zz
1023 ~ After Yesterday
Red House 121 98 12tr Zg’
1024 ~ Out of the Valley + Kathy Mattea, Tim O’Brien
High Street 10325 94 12tr Zz
1025 ~ Writing in the Margins + Nanci Griffith, L Kaplansky Red House 194 06 12tr Zz’
1026 ~ So Dark You See
Red House 223 09 16tr Zz
1027 Gosdin Brothers (Vern & Rex) Sounds of Goodbye - their Capitol LP plus +
the Byrds, Clarence White, Bakersfield International Big Beat 235\UK 03 24tr Zz
1028 The Gourds Noble Creatures
YepRoc 2153 07 14tr Zz
1029 ~ GoGitChyerShineBox - incl 5 tr live at Melkweg Watermelon 10071 98 8 tr Zz’
1030 ~ Stadium Blitzer
Watermelon 11071 97 16tr Zz
1031 Gráda Natural Angle + Tim O’Brien, Alison Brown (fc) Compass 4528 10 12tr Zz
1032 Billy Grammer Gotta Travel On - Very Best of
Collectables 5896 98 21tr Zz
1033 Al Grant I Love You Because - ctry singer + Isla Grant CMR 0029\UK
15tr Zz
1034 ~ Heartbeat Moments: Songs of Love & Friendship
CMR 1103\UK
14tr Zz
1035 Claude Gray Great Country Roads
Sunrise 07951 95 15tr Zz
1036 ~ Best of, vol 1
Sunrise CD-R
15tr Zz
1037 Great Big Sea Great Big DVD & CD
Zoë 1059 CD+DVD 04 20tr Zz
1038 Lloyd Green Master of the Steel Strings: Little Darlin’Sound Koch9801 04 20tr Zz
0611 Peter Cooper The Lloyd Green Album
(d) Red Beet 012 10 12tr Zz
1039 Travis Green A Little Too Late
(d) 16 10tr Ss
1040 David Greenberg & Harpeth Rising End of the World - acoustic (d) 12 10tr Zz
1041 Ellie Greenwich Be My Baby - 1958-85
Brill Tone 444\D 2CD 95 56tr Zz
1042 Virginia Grey Cowboy Shakes + drums, el gtr, banjo, mandolin, fiddle
10tr Zz
1043 Greyhound Soul Freaks
Line 9.01365\D 00 13tr Zz
1044 ~ Down
Line 9.01385\D 02 13tr Zz
1045 ~ Alma de Galco
Line 9.01382\D 01 10tr Zz
1046 Sid Griffin Little Victories
Prima 007\UK 97 12tr Ss
1047 Israel Nash Gripka New York Town
(fc) 09 11tr Zz
1048 ~ From the Other Side of the Barn - Europe 2012
(fc) CD-R 12 5 tr Zz
1049 ~ Barn Doors & Concrete Floors
(d) Blue Rose 0559\D 11 11tr Zz
1050 ~ 2011 Barn Doors Spring Tour, Live in Holland (fc) Blue Rose 0560\D 11 10tr Zz
1051 David Grisman Mondo Mando - 1981
Zebra Acoustic 42248
8 tr Zz’
1052 ~ Quintet Dawgnation
ACD 49 02 13tr Zz’
1053 ~ Dawganova
ACD 17 95 9 tr Zz
1054 ~ & Svend Asmussen Svingin’ with Svend
Zebra Acoustic 42108 88 8 tr Zz
0456 ~ & Sam Bush Hold On, We’re Strummin’
ACD 54 03 16tr Zz’
0965 ~ & Jerry Garcia
Acoustic Disc 2 91 9 tr Zz
0966 ~ Grateful Dawg - Soundtrack + Bill Monroe, Ewan MacColl ACD 46 01 15tr Zz
0967 ~ Shady Grove
ACD 21 96 13tr Zz
1055 ~ Not for Kids Only
ACD 9 93 12tr Zz
1056 ~ & Daniel Kobialka Common Chord
Cymekob 803 95 13tr Zz
1057 ~ & Tony Rice Tone Poems
ACD 10 94 16tr Zz
1058 ~ & Martin Taylor Tone Poems II
ACD 18 95 19tr Zz
2434 ~ & Doc Watson Doc & Dawg
Acoustic Disc 25 97 14tr Zz
2040 Stefan Grossman & John Renbourn Keeper of the Vine Shan97028 99 15tr Zz
1059 Chris Guenther Ten Sides - country singer
Red Arrow CD-R 06 10tr Zz
1060 ~ Destinations Unknown + fiddle, steel
Red Arrow 6203 05 10tr Zz
1061 ~ & the Honky Tonk Drifters Honky Tonk Livin’
(sc) 00 10tr Zz
1062 Jenny Gunn One Thousand Words - singer-sw
JGN 01\Can
10tr Zz
1063 Dennis Gurwell Always - country singer-sw
(sc) Toothpik 12 10tr Zz
2564 Wylie Gustafson Christmas for Cowboys
Two Medicine 1107 07 10tr Zz
2565 ~ Glory Trail: Cowboy & Traditional Gospel Songs
(d) WG 9840 96 14tr Zz
1064 Arlo Guthrie Alice’s Restaurant
Rising Son 0010 96 7 tr Zz
1065 ~ (2on1) Outlasting the Blues | Power of Love
Koch 7956 00 21tr Zz
1066 ~ Amigo
Koch 7954 98 11tr Zz
1067 ~ Tales of ‘69
(d) Rising Son 1128 09 9 tr Zz
1068 Bruce Guthro The Drive Tour
RecArt 60151\EU 09 4 tr Zz
1069 ~ Beautiful Life - singer-sw
(d) Big Lake/RecArt 471037\EU 07 13tr Zz
1070 Gwendolyn Lower Mill Road - folksinger-sw (fc) Whispersquish 007 07 9 tr Zz
0930 Fragment One of These Days - bluegrass
SK 98 13tr Zz
0931 ~ The Way to Your Heart
13tr Ss
0932 Connie Francis Sings Buddy (Holly)
Castle Pie 262\UK 01 14tr Zz
0933 ~ Heartaches by the Number
Rotation 589632\NL 02 18tr Zz
0934 ~ Lipstick on Your Collar
Rotation 549332\NL 00 18tr Zz
0935 ~ & Hank Williams Jr Sing Great Ctry Favorites Bear Family 15737\D 93 14tr Zz
0936 Freddy Jones Band
Capricorn 42029 94 11tr Zz
0937 ~ North Ave Wake Up Call
Capricorn 42040 95 14tr Zz
0938 Friedemann Indian Summer - guitar player
Biber 66301\D 98 12tr Zz
0939 ~ Passion & Pride
Biber 76671\D 99 10tr Zz
0940 ~ Aquamarin
Biber 66431\D 90 11tr Zz
0941 ~ On a Personal Note + Bonnie Dobson, Anne Haigis Biber 66651\D 97 15tr Zz
0942 ~ Saitensprung
Biber 76811\D 07 11tr Zz
0943 ~ Legends of Light: Music for the Ancient Land of Belenos B 66611\D 95 10tr Zz
0944 Kinky Friedman Bi-Polar Tour: Live from Woodstock
CoCo 3007 13 13tr Zz
0945 Pearls in the Snow Songs of Kinky Friedman - W Nelson, D Yoakam, L Lovett,
M Stuart, Guy Clark, Asleep atWheel, Tompall Glaser Kinkajou122717 99 17tr Zz
0946 Allen Frizzell A Piece of My Heart
CMS 920104\NL
12tr Zz
0947 ~ I’m Just a Nobody - country gospel
FHM 60000-9 06 10tr Zz
0948 ~ A Little Bit of Lefty Left in Me
FHM 80000-1 08 12tr Zz
0949 ~ Classic Hymns - Unplugged
FHM 60000-9 08 10tr Zz
0950 ~ About My Father’s Business
FHM 1600001
10tr Zz
0951 From Missouri to Nashville From Rock to Country - Rod Brown, Lloyd Arnold,
Eddie Noack, Larry Haeberlin, Onie Wheeler, Jim Kandy K-Ark CD-R
31tr Zz
0952 Front Range The New Frontier - bluegrass
Sugar Hill 3801 92 13tr Zz’
0953 ~ Silent Ground
Sugar Hill 3914 00 13tr Zz’
0954 Johnny Fuller West Coast R&B & Blues Legend, vol 1 Official 3278
22tr Zz
0955 ~ West Coast R&B & Blues Legend, vol 2
Official 3279
23tr Zz
0956 Gunter Gabriel Mein Anderes Ich
(d) Bear Family 17130\D 11 18tr Zz
0957 Amy Gallatin The Long Way Home
(d) HAR 3 98 13tr Zz
0958 ~ Northern Girl - bluegrass/acoustic country singer
HAR 1 93 12tr Zz
0959 ~ & Stillwaters Sweet Gatherings
HAR 2 95 13tr Zz
0960 ~ Live In Europe
HAR 4 01 14tr Zz
0961 ~ Everything I Wanted Love to Be
(d) HAR 9 14 15tr Zz
0962 ~ Phoenix
(d) HAR 7 07 13tr Zz
0963 ~ & Roger Williams Something ‘Bout You
(d) HAR 6 07 14tr Zz
1249 The Hot Flashes Eponymous - Amy Gallatin, Peggy Harvey & Gail Wade + the
Men-o-pause: Roger Williams, JD Williams & John Urbanik (d) HAR10 16 14tr Ss
0964 Randy Gambill Warm Red Wine & Smooth Talking Women Rosebud 96 10tr Zz
0965 Jerry Garcia & David Grisman
Acoustic Disc 2 91 9 tr Zz
0966 ~ Grateful Dawg - Soundtrack + Bill Monroe, Ewan MacColl ACD 46 01 15tr Zz
0967 ~ Shady Grove
ACD 21 96 13tr Zz
1055 ~ Not for Kids Only
ACD 9 93 12tr Zz
1701 Jesse McReynolds & Friends Songs of the Grateful Dead - A Tribute to Jerry
Garcia & Robert Hunter + David Nelson, Stu Allen
Woodstock 33 10 13tr Zz
0968 Case Garrett Aurora +Michael Douchette, Kevin Post (d) Suitcase001 17 8 tr Zz
0969 Red Garrett’s Complete Hillbilly Collection - 1953-56
Cattle 331\D 07 18tr Zz
0970 Armando Garzón & Quinteto Oriente Boleros
(adv) Corason 131 96 14tr Zz
0282 Jimmy Gaudreau, M Auldridge & R Bennett This Old TownReb1758 99 14tr Zz
0283 ~ Blue Lonesome Wind
Rebel 1768 01 14tr Zz’
0971 Mary Gauthier Mercy Now
Lost Highway 03570 05 10tr Zz
0972 ~ Drag Queens in Limousines + Austin Lounge Liz In the Black 41962 99 10tr Zz
0973 ~ Between Daylight and Dark
Lost Highway 08965 07 10tr Zz’
0974 Genre Peak Preternatural +Mick Karn, Tara C Taylor (d) In-Code 0608 08 13tr Ss
0975 Sonny George Truckin’ Country + Fats Kaplin steel
Spin 009 98 14tr Zz
0976 ~ Rockin’ C&W Roundup, vol 1
Hermitage 007 95 14tr Zz
0977 ~ Live at the Tennessee State Prison for Women Midnight Sun 93777 01 14tr Zz
0978 Gibson Brothers Ring the Bell - bluegrass
(fc) Compass 4506 09 12tr Zz
0979 ~ Help My Brother
(fc) Compass 4549 11 12tr Zz
0980 ~ Bona Fide
Sugar Hill 3965 03 13tr Zz
0981 ~ Long Way Back Home
Sugar Hill 3986 04 13tr Zz’
0982 ~ Red Letter Day
Sugar Hill 4002 05 15tr Zz
1877 Roy Orbison (2on1) Vol 4: Sings Don Gibson | Great Songs
TNT 91 21tr Zz
0983 Steve Gibson’s Red Caps Boogie Woogie on a Saturday Night +
Damita Jo - 1950-52
Bear Family 15490\D 90 28tr Zz
0984 Eliza Gilkyson The Nocturne Diaries
Red House 264 14 12tr Zz
0985 ~ Roses at the End of Time
(d) Red House 238 11 10tr Zz
0986 ~ Paradise Hotel
(d) Red House 187 05 10tr Zz
0987 ~ Beautiful World
(d) Red House 212 08 11tr Zz
0988 ~ Land of Milk and Honey
Red House 174 04 10tr Zz
0989 Les Gilliam Western Country
Maverick 10001
11tr Zz
0990 ~ My Special Memories: Oklahoma Balladeer - songs by LG, comments by G Autry,
R Acuff, PW King, H Williams, J Reeves, L Frizzell
Rockin’ S 3021
25tr Zz
0991 ~ Classics & Creations
Studio Seven 501
10tr Zz
0992 Jimmie Dale Gilmore Come On Back
Rounder 3193 05 13tr Zz
0993 ~ Braver New World
Elektra 61836\EU 96 11tr Zz
0994 ~ Don’t Look for a Heartache
HighTone 8166 04 15tr Zz
0995 ~ After Awhile + Tish Hinojosa
Elektra Nonesuch 61148 91 12tr Zz
0996 ~ One Endless Night
Rounder-CRS 3173\NL 00 12tr Zz
0997 ~ Spinning Around the Sun + Lucinda Williams
Elektra 61502 93 12tr Zz
0998 ~ (2on1) Fair & Square | Jimmie Dale Gilmore FloatingWorld 6147\EU 12 20tr Zz
1101 ~ & Butch Hancock Two Roads - Live in Australia
Virgin 2036 90 15tr Zz
0999 ~ & the Flatlanders Unplugged
Sun 7011 95 12tr Zz
0890 ~ Now Again
Blue Rose 0282\D 02 14tr Zz
1000 Gin Palace Jesters Honkytonk Fools
Rhythm Bomb 5616\D
15tr Zz
1001 Give Us Your Poor 17 New Recordings to Help End Homelessness - Keb’ Mo’,
Pete Seeger, B Springsteen, Dan Zanes, Bonnie Raitt Appleseed1103 07 19tr Zz
1002 Tompall Glaser The Rogue
Bear Family 15596\D 92 22tr Zz
1003 ~ The Outlaw
Bear Family 15605\D 92 21tr Zz
1004 ~ Hillbilly Central #1: My Notorious Yout
Bear Family 16187\D 05 23tr Zz
1005 ~ Hillbilly Central #2: Another Log on the Fire
Bear Family 16520\D 05 24tr Zz
1006 ~ Outlaw to the Cross - country gospel songs
Miller 101 06 11tr Zz
1007 Dave Gleason’s Wasted Days Midnight, California
Well Worn 03 04 12tr Zz
1008 ~ Just Fall to Pieces + Albert Lee, Joe Goldmark
Well Worn 07 07 13tr Zz
1009 Clay Glover ScrapBook, vol 1 (signed) - Tooter Boatman Zebra Int 00 16tr Zz
1010 Gob Iron Death Songs for the Living (d) Transmit Sound/Leg 02047 06 19tr Zz
1235 Josh Goforth & David Holt Cutting Loose - live
High Windy 1262 09 16tr Zz
1071 Hacienda Brothers
(d) Proper 020\UK 05 14tr Zz
1072 ~ What’s Wrong with Right
(d) Proper 004 06 13tr Zz
1073 ~ Arizona Motel
HB 002 08 14tr Zz
1074 Sandy Haddon The Holly & the Ivy - Christmas Carols
(sc) 10 10tr Zz
1075 The Haden Triplets - female trio + Ry Cooder, R Skaggs (d) TMR 209
13tr Zz
1076 Jerry Haggard Let It Ride (signed) - country singer
99 10tr Zz
1077 Merle Haggard Working in Tennessee (adv) Vanguard 78208 CD-R 11 11tr Zz
1078 ~ Chill Factor
Epic 40986 87 11tr Zz
1079 ~ Classic Radio Broadcast 1984: Swingin’ Doors
Laser 503
12tr Zz
1080 ~ (2on1) Hit Albums: Okie from Muskogee | Fightin’ Side
Disky\NL 95 26tr Zz
1081 ~ (2on1) 30th Album | Working Man Can’t Get Nowhere BGO 640\UK 04 21tr Ss
1082 ~ (2on1) Someday We’ll Look Back | I Love Dixie Blues BGO 596\UK 04 26tr Zz
1801 ~ & Willie Nelson Django & Jimmie
(fc) Legacy 93782 15 14tr Zz
2494 ~ & Leona Williams Old Loves Never Die
Bear Family 16411\D 01 28tr Zz
1172 Kevin Henderson Fly, Fly Away
13tr Zz
1173 ~ Kentucky Bound
Zyx 20041\D 05 12tr Zz
1174 Henpecked Daddies Fussin’ an’ Fightin’ - Rocky Bill Ford, Skeets Bennett, Glenn
Owens, Lulu Belle & Scotty, Jimmie Osborne
Jasmine 3579\UK 08 24tr Zz
1175 Chris Henry Monroe Approved - bluegrass mandolin Arrandem 180 06 12tr Zz
1176 The Henry Girls December Moon - Irish singer-sw trio + ac instr (fc) Irl 11 14tr Zz
1177 ~ Far Beyond the Stars
(fc) BU 076\D 17 13tr Zz
1178 ~ Sketches EP
(sc) Irl 16 4 tr Zz
1179 ~ Louder Than Words
(d) BU 045\D 14 10tr Zz
1180 Hep Cats from Big Spring Texas R&R from the 50s & 60s - Ben Hall, Orville Fox,
Sammy Lara, Bobby Allison, Bob Osburn
Roller Coaster 3003\UK 91 20tr Zz
1181 Ty Herndon Steam + Glen Duncan, Dan Dugmore
Epic 69899 99 10tr Zz’
1182 ~ What Mattered Most + Joe Diffie, Patty Loveless
Epic 66397 95 10tr Zz
1183 ~ Living in a Moment + Bruce Bouton, Larry Franklin
Epic 67564 96 10tr Zz
1184 ~ Big Hopes + Paul Franklin, Aubrey Haynie
Epic 68167 98 11tr Zz’
1185 Bennie Hess Wild Hog Hop...! Texas Rockabilly & Ctry Hydra27129\D 06 30tr Zz
1186 Bobby Hicks Fiddle Patch - bluegrass + Del McCoury Band, R Skaggs, M Stuart,
Craig Smith, B Spicher, Bryan Sutton, Ch Cushman
Rounder 0416 98 13tr Zz
1187 Dan Hicks & his Hot Licks
Sony Sp Prod 75053 91 11tr Zz
1188 Pete Hicks Home Is You - country singer, original songs PHHIY\Can 07 12tr Zz
1189 J D Higgins Mr Country Gold Sings Pure Country
10tr Zz
1190 ~ Mr Country Gold Sings Gospel Favorites
10tr Zz
1191 High Lonesome Story of Bluegrass Music (Soundtrack) CMH 8007 94 15tr Zz
High on the Hog: Honky-Tonk & Hillbilly Bop Cactus CD-R Zz
This series contains small label recordings from the 1950-60s by
little known artists. Each CD has app. 30 tracks, with no extra
information, except label & number of the original release.
Deze serie bevat opnamen van weinig bekende artiesten op kleine
labels uit de jaren 1950-60s. Elke CD heeft plm. 30 tracks, zonder
nadere informatie, behalve label/nummer van de originele uitgave.
...from labels
1192 1 1958-68 ...Walker, Rascal, Ark, Kasko, Flat Git It, Riggle, York, Breeze, Lavon
1193 2 1958-68
...Spotlight, Dunmar, Savoy, Pee Dee, Ekko, Rodeo, Bayou, Sage
1194 3 1958-68 ...Ozark, Aparton, Shenandoah, Kord, Blue Moon, KaHi, Vaca, Summit
1195 4 Truckin’ Special
...Starday, Tornado, Cuca, Bonnie, Willex, Ramey, Lawson
1196 5 1958-68 ...Owl, Ford, Justice, Frolic, Tri-State, Acorn, Brave, Manco, Longhorn
1197 6 1953-66 ...Periman, Winston, Blue Mt, Stardust, Rem, Lanier, Wagon, Fabor
1198 7 1953-66...Eko, Downbeat, Pioneer, ElRio, Cowtown, Karl, Joyce, Excello, Reno
1199 8 1958-68
...Marlee, Redskin, Tally, Tiffany, Evana, Dixie, Seminole, K-Ark
1200 9 1953-68...Corby, Hu-Se-Co, Southfield, SantaFe, Stardale, Cash, Fable, Yucca
1201 10 1958-68 ...TNT, Blue Ridge, Carma, Razorback, New England, Bel Aire, Dot
1202 11 1952-66 ...Belle, Accent, Poor Boy, Fortune, Airway, Blue Hen, Esta, Freeman
1203 Dean Hightower Guitar: Twang with a Beat | Jack Eubanks Guitar Sounds
of the South (2on1) - 1950-60s
Norf*k Coast CD-R 04 25tr Zz
1204 The Hi-Lites (12tr) | The Castaleers (9tr) Meet -ca 1960 Rhythm1002
21tr Zz
1205 Hill City Slickers Classic Tracks - old style country
HCS 334
16tr Zz
1206 Jerry Hill One More Memory
Real American Music 98 10tr Zz
1207 ~ Keep It Country
(sc) RAM
12tr Zz
1208 ~ Country Time! + Tommy Overstreet
12tr Zz
1209 The Hillbenders Can You Hear Me? - bluegrass (fc) Compass 4585 12 12tr Zz
1210 Hillbilly Deluxe More Bang for the Buck (d) Artist Station 331307\D 13 12tr Zz
1211 Hillbilly Gospel 1948-58 - Calvary Qt, Caudill Family, Peanut Faircloth, Ernest
Martin, Alton Delmore, Campbell Trio, Blue Ridge Qt Flyright 64\UK 01 24tr Zz
1212 Hillbilly Hot Rod & Automobile Songs - Tillman Franks, Paul Tutmark, Johnny
Rector, George Stogner, Luke McDaniel, Bill Haley Jasmine 3575\UK 06 24tr Zz
1213 Hillbilly Rock 20 Rare Tracks from the Hickory Vaults - Al Terry, Jack Turner, Joe
Melson, McCormick Bros, Melvin Endsley, B Carlisle Magnum 034\UK 91 20tr Zz
1214 Hillfolk Noir Junkerpunch ‘modern hillbilly band’
(sc) CD-R
17tr Zz
1215 Chris Hillman Clear Sailin’ - 1977
Elektra 61163
10tr Zz’
1216 ~ Slippin’ Away - 1976
Elektra 61162
10tr Zz’
1217 ~ Like a Hurricane
Sugar Hill 3878 98 12tr Zz’
1218 ~ & Herb Pedersen Bakersfield Bound
Sugar Hill 3850 96 13tr Zz’
1219 ~ At Edwards Barn
Rounder 0652 pr 10 15tr Zz
1220 Donal Hinely Giants + Will Kimbrough
Scuffletown 1082 05 12tr Zz
1221 ~ We Built a Fire + Kim Richey, Mindy Smith
Scuffletown 1080 02 13tr Zz
1222 Hiss Zeugen des Verfalls
D 08 14tr Zz
1223 Hit & Run Bluegrass Beauty Fades
HRB 01 04 12tr Zz
1224 Kari Hlavinka This Is It - country singer 7 Misty Mountains 12 CD-R 05 10tr Zz
1225 Charlie Hoagland Last Dozen Roses - country singer
Crest 8603 98 10tr Zz
1226 Adolph Hofner South Texas Swing
Arhoolie 7029 94 26tr Zz
1227 Malcolm Holcombe Not Forgotten - singer-sw
Munich 285\NL 07 12tr Zz
1228 ~ For the Mission Baby + Tim O’Brien, Jared Tyler (d) Echo Mountain 09 12tr Zz
1229 ~ Another Wisdom + Stuart Duncan, Darrell Scott
Purple Girl 03 11tr Zz
1230 ~ Down the River + Emmylou Harris, Tammy Rogers (d) Purple Girl 11 11tr Zz
1231 Buddy Holly - 1958 album
MCA 25239
12tr Zz
1232 ~ Gotta Roll! Early Recordings 1949-55 - Buddy & Bob Montgomery, Sonny
Curtis, Jack Neal, Ben Hall
Rev-Ola 174\UK 06 26tr Zz
0932 Connie Francis Sings Buddy (Holly)
Castle Pie 262\UK 01 14tr Zz
1233 David Holt Let It Slide - oldtimey
High Windy 1259 05 13tr Zz
1234 ~ & the Lightning Bolts + L Boosinger, J Goforth High Windy 1260 06 15tr Zz
1235 ~ & Josh Goforth Cutting Loose - live
High Windy 1262 09 16tr Zz
1236 Honky Tonk Heroes Kris, Billy Joe, Willie & Waylon
SPV 29982\D 99 10tr Zz
1237 Hooked on Strings - acoustic oldtime-jazzy-celtic songs & tunes
D 01 13tr Zz
1238 ~ Hooked Again - Christian Rose & Robert Hasleder
(d) D 05 16tr Zz
1239 Al Hooper & Ray McGraw Whiekey Bent & Crazy - ctry TWA 01\Can 94 15tr Zz
1240 ~ & Brenda Hooper In Our Senior Years
TWA 073\Can 04 18tr Zz
1241 ~ Classic Country: I Must Be a Baby Boomer
TWA 068\Can CD-R 03 19tr Zz
1242 Linda Hopkins Rock&Roll Blues: Early Years of ‘the Kid’ Shout 45\UK 08 20tr Zz
2182 Bruce Hornsby & Ricky Skaggs
Legacy 06686 07 11tr Zz
1243 The Horse Flies Until the Ocean
(d) Pest Control 0010 08 11tr Zz
1244 ~ Human Fly - Richie Stearns, Judy Hyman
Munich 140\NL 88 9 tr Zz
1245 ~ Gravity Dance
MCA 10435\D 91 13tr Zz
1246 Horton Brothers Heave Ho - rockabilly
Texas Jamboree 0064 00 14tr Zz
1247 ~ Roll Back the Rug, It’s...
Texas Jamboree 0069 98 14tr Zz
1248 ~ Tempo for Two
Texas Jamboree 0062 05 11tr Zz
1249 The Hot Flashes Eponymous - Amy Gallatin, Peggy Harvey & Gail Wade + the
Men-o-pause: Roger Williams, JD Williams & John Urbanik (d) HAR10 16 14tr Ss
1250 Hot Rize Take It Home - bluegrass
Sugar Hill 3784 90 13tr Zz
1251 ~ So Long of a Journey
Sugar Hill 3943 02 20tr Zz
1113 Billy Hardwick Jr The Day Merle Haggard Died
(sc) CD-R 16 10tr Zz
1083 Tulare Dust A Songwriters’ Tribute to Merle Haggard - Iris DeMent, D Yoakam,
Steve Young, Rosie Flores, Dave Alvin, BJ Shaver
HighTone 8058 94 15tr Zz
1084 Alan Spencer Hale Kiss and Tell - country singer
Mystic-Venture 99 12tr Zz
1085 ~ Once in a Lifetime
96 12tr Zz
1086 Arch Hall Jr & the Archers Wild Guitar!
Norton 307 05 48tr Zz
1087 Scott Hall Goin’ Up - country singer
TexLand 1089 95 12tr Zz
1088 ~ Back to Texas | Jake Jern + Milo Deering
LCM 3606 CD-R 03 21tr Zz
1089 Tom T Hall (2on1) 100 Children | I Witness Life Bear Family 15658\D 92 22tr Zz
1090 ~ (2on1) Ballad of Forty Dollars | Homecoming Bear Family 15631\D 92 23tr Zz
1091 Jenee Halstead The River Grace | Hollow Bones
CSC 1067\NL 10 15tr Zz
1092 Stuart Hamblen I Gotta Feeling
Roots of Country 211011 2CD 01 28tr Zz
1093 Roy Hamilton Rockin’ and Boppin’
Gold Dust 931\It 93 27tr Zz
1094 ~ The Definitive ‘50s Singles Collection
Jasmine 558\UK 2CD 10 52tr Zz
1095 Hammond Brothers Best of - country
HB 01
10tr Zz
1096 R W Hampton Always in My Heart
Real West 6003 01 14tr Zz
1097 ~ The Last Cowboy - His Journey
Cimarron Sounds 99 22tr Zz
1098 ~ The One That I Never Could Ride
Adobe 1006 92 14tr Zz
1099 Butch Hancock War and Peace
Two Roads 2006 06 13tr Zz
1100 ~ You Coulda Walked Around the World
Rainlight 37 97 13tr Zz
1101 ~ & Jimmie Dale Gilmore Two Roads - Live in Australia Virgin 2036 90 15tr Zz
1102 ~ & Marce Lacouture Yella Rose
Rainlight 1137 98 9 tr Zz
1103 Hands Across the Water Benefit for the Children of the Tsunami - Altan & V Gill,
Paul Brady & R Crowell, John Cowan & Brock McGuire, Tim O’Brien & Lunasa,
J Prine & Dermot Byrne, J Douglas & Ciaran Tourish Compass 4411 06 16tr Zz’
1104 Spook Handy Pete, Woody & Me 1: Keep theFlame Alive(d)SNH0005 16 12tr Zz
1105 Hank, Pattie & the Current - bluegrass
(d) Robust 011 16 14tr Zz
1106 ~ Hold Your Head Up High
(d) Robust 013 17 12tr Zz
1107 Geary Hanley The Comeback Trail - country singer
RGO 2012 08 20tr Zz
1108 ~ I Need Lovin’ in My Life to Stay Alive + Ray SandersRGO2026 CD-R 10 24tr Zz
1109 Slavek Hanzlik Fall of My Dreams
Sierra-Hollywood 67011 97 11tr Zz’
1110 ~ Spring in the Old Country + B Fleck, S Duncan, M Schatz FF 70582 91 12tr Zz’
1111 Harden Trio (2on1) Tippy Toeing | Sing Me Back Home Collect 7409 02 22tr Zz
1112 Billy Hardwick Jr Too Country + W Myrick, B Spicher
JRS 35804 92 10tr Zz
1113 ~ The Day Merle Haggard Died
(sc) CD-R 16 10tr Zz
1114 Jack Hardy Noir + Tom Duval, Kate McLeod
Great Divide 4170 07 12tr Zz
1115 ~ Bandolier + Mike Laureanno, Steve Sadler
Great Divide 4698 02 15tr Zz
1116 ~ Coin of the Realm: Songs for the New American Century GD 4235 04 11tr Zz
1117 ~ Rye Grass + Abbie Gardner, Laurie MacAllister | Great Divide 1809 09 11tr Zz
1118 Bull Harman Bull’s Eye - bluegrass + A Krauss, Rh Vincent MM34878
13tr Zz
1119 ~ Rosewood, Spruce & Ebony + Valerie Smith
Bull’s Eye 36437
14tr Zz
1120 ~ & Bull’s Eye Aiming to Please
(d) BE 0426
14tr Zz
1121 Harpeth Rising Shifted - female trio + acoustic instruments
(d) 15 12tr Zz
1122 ~ Against All Tides
(d) 17 11tr Zz
1040 ~ & David Greenberg End of the World
(d) 12 10tr Zz
1123 D B Harris Can I Return These Flowers? - s-sw + steel, fd, accordian 02 11tr Zz
1124 ~ & his Men of Action Contagious Heartache
Nighttime 004
11tr Zz
1125 Emmylou Harris Bluebird
Reprise 925776\D 88 10tr Zz
1126 ~ Quarter Moon in a Ten Cent Town - 1978
WB 927345\D
10tr Zz
1127 ~ Elite Hotel - 1975
Reprise 254060\D
12tr Zz
1128 ~ Angel Band
WB 925585\D 87 12tr Zz
1129 ~ White Shoes - 1983
WB 23961
10tr Zz
1130 ~ Cowgirl’s Prayer
Asylum 61541 93 11tr Zz
1131 ~ Wrecking Ball
Asylum 61854 95 12tr Zz
1132 ~ & the Hot Band & Ricky Skaggs Live in 1978 - radio
AAC 0117 13 20tr Zz
1133 Peppermint Harris Sittin’ in with
Mainstream 907\UK 91 15tr Zz
1134 ~ I Got Loaded: 30 Blues Classics
Blue City 815 CD-R
30tr Zz
1135 Joel Harrison So Long 2nd Street - Free Country II (d) ACT 9431\D 04 12tr Zz
1136 Dave & Emma Hart Hold On - bluegrass/americana (d) Out of Town
6 tr Ss
1137 Freddie Hart Juke Joint Boogie - 1950s
Bear Family 16727\D 04 33tr Zz
1138 ~ (2on1) Hit Albums: Easy Loving | My Hang-Up
Disky 860542\NL 95 20tr Zz
1139 Robert Hasleder Sideman Serenade - Songs & Tunes
D CD-R 02 21tr Zz
1140 ~ Vol 2 - country & folk songs & tunes
D CD-R 05 22tr Zz
1141 ~ Vol 3 + acoustic instruments
D CD-R 07 16tr Zz
1237 Hooked on Strings (Christian Rose & Robert Hasleder)
D 01 13tr Zz
1238 ~ Hooked Again - acoustic oldtime-jazzy-celtic songs & tunes
(d) D 05 16tr Zz
1142 Carrie Hassler & Hard Rain - bluegrass
Rural Rhythm 1028 06 11tr Zz’
1143 ~ CHHR 2 + Jim Van Cleve, Andy Hall, Steve Gulley Rural Rh 1037 08 13tr Zz’
1144 The Havalinas
Elektra 60938 90 11tr Zz
1145 Hawaiian Slack Key Christmas - Ozzie Kotani, Led Kaapana, George Kuo,
Cindy Combs, Bob Brozman, Leonard Kwan
Dancing Cat 38044
14tr Zz
1146 Ronnie Hawkins The Folk Ballads of - 1960
Edsel 386\UK 94 12tr Zz
1147 ~ Sings the Songs of Hank Williams - 1962
Edsel 387\UK 94 12tr Zz
1148 ~ (2on1) R&R Resurrection | Giant of R&R
One Way 26610 96 21tr Zz
1149 ~ The Ballads of
(d) Bear Family 16229\D
30tr Zz
1150 Colin Hay Transcendental Highway
(fc) Compass 4505 09 13tr Zz
1151 Rodney Hayden Down the Road + B Flores, T Detamore Palomino 07 11tr Zz
1152 ~ Real Thing + Bobby Flores, Marty Muse, R Scruggs Rosetta 2004 01 11tr Zz
1153 ~ Living the Good Life + Mike Auldridge, Earl Poole Ball Audium 8185 03 11tr Zz
1154 Sharon Haynes & Jordanaires Musical Memory 1: Tribute to Patsy Cline 10tr Zz
1155 Hayseed Dixie Very Best of - Golden Shower of Hits CV 470\UK pr 09 18tr Zz
1156 ~ Let There Be Rockgrass -Reno Bros & Barley Scotch CV 314\UK pr 04 15tr Zz
1157 ~ Weapons of Grass Destruction
Cooking Vinyl 403\UK 07 17tr Zz
1158 ~ A Hillbilly Tribute to AC/DC
Western Beat 1104 01 10tr Zz
1159 ~ A Hot Piece of Grass
(t) CV 343\UK pr CD-R 05 16tr Zz
1160 ~ No Covers
Cooking Vinyl 454\UK pr 08 14tr Zz
1161 ~ Killer Grass
Cooking Vinyl 515\UK pr CD+DVD 10 13tr Zz
2041 Reno Brothers Drawing from the Well - bluegrass
Webco 0153 96 12tr Zz’
1162 Bill Hearne’s Roadhouse Revue Heartaches & HonkyTonks (d)Frogv 07 14tr Zz
1163 ~ & Bonnie Hearne Diamonds in the Rough Warner Western 46514 97 13tr Zz
1164 ~ Watching Life Through a Windshield
Back Porch 49623 00 13tr Zz
1165 ~ Most Requested (Plus)
Poor David’s 1040 93 17tr Zz
1166 Heart of Texas Country - J Tubb, K Spinks, F Torres, D Kirby, Bennie Deeds,
J Trevino, Tony Douglas, Bill Lister, JP Nichols Neon Nightmare 1002 98 21tr Zz
1167 Heavy Motion Picture Soundt -Rosie Flores,Ben Vaughn Cinerama\EU 96 17tr Zz
1168 Heino Schwarz Blüht der Enzian
Starwatch-Sony 03162\D 14 13tr Zz
1169 Levon Helm - 1978
9 tr Zz
1170 ~ & the RCO All-Stars - 1977
10tr Zz
1171 Kevin Henderson Lights of Heaven
Gnoth 110003\D 95 12tr Zz
1252 Hot Rize When I’m Free
(d) Ten in Hand 9001 14 12tr Zz
1253 ~ as Red Knuckles & the Trailblazers Shades of the Past SH 3767 88 13tr Zz
1254 Hot Tuna Steady as She Goes - Barry Mitterhoff (d) Red House 241 11 12tr Zz
1255 ~ Very Best of: Keep on Truckin’ - J Kaukonen, J Casady RCA 80564 06 14tr Zz
1256 Tracey K Houston Just the Way I Am - country singer Songbird 0801 08 12tr Zz
1257 ~ Rockin’ Little Angel
(d) Songbird 1001 10 14tr Zz
1258 ~ I’m Not the Same Girl
Songbird 1 CD-R 00 10tr Zz
1259 ~ Falling for You
Songbird 2 CD-R 06 10tr Zz
1260 ~ Salute to Loretta Lynn
Songbird 07-01 CD-R 06 10tr Zz
1261 Howard & Skye Milkweed - male/female acoustic duo
(d) 16 11tr Zz
1262 Ray Wylie Hubbard Growl + B Miller, M Gauthier Philo-CRS 1237\NL 03 11tr Zz
1263 ~ Delirium Tremolos + Slaid Cleaves, Eliza Gilkyson
Philo 1244\NL 05 10tr Zz
1264 ~ Eternal & Lowdown - prod Gurf Morlix
Philo-CRS 1222\NL 01 11tr Zz
1265 ~ Live at the Cibolo Creek Country Club
Misery Loves Co 0003 98 10tr Zz
1266 ~ Crusades of the Restless Knights
Philo-CSC 1009\NL 99 10tr Zz
1267 ~ Loco Gringo’s Lament - prod Lloyd Maines
DejaDisc 3213 94 12tr Zz’
1268 ~ Dangerous Spirits + Tish Hinojosa, Jimmy LaFave
CSC 1004\NL 97 10tr Zz
1269 Hudson Harding Sampler Happy Holidays, vol 1 - Christmas - Chris Rosser, Brad
Colerick, Zoe Mulford, Erik Balkey, Amy Speace, Bernice Lewis (sc) 06 16tr Zz
1270 ~ Vol 2 - Susan Levine, Emily Kurn, Ruthie & the Wranglers
(sc) 07 16tr Zz
1271 ~ Vol 3 - David Glaser, Jud Caswell, Janet Bates, Pat Wictor
(sc) 08 17tr Zz
1272 ~ Vol 4 - Dala, Carla Ulbrich, Abbie Gardner, Loretta Hagen
(sc) 09 15tr Zz
1273 ~ Vol 6 - Brad Yoder, Joe Crookston, Gina Holsopple, Terry Holder(sc) 11 16tr Zz
1274 ~ Vol 7 - Justin Roth, Sandy Cash, Elly Wininger, Terence Martin (sc) 12 16tr Zz
1275 ~ Vol 8 - Noel P Stookey, Mark Stepakoff, Cal Scott, Tom Kimmel (sc) 13 13tr Zz
1276 ~ Vol 9 - Edie Carey, Lizanne Knott, Robyn Landis, Cheryl Branz (sc) 14 12tr Zz
1277 T K Hulin I’m Not a Fool Anymore: Crazy Cajun Rec
Edsel 631\UK 99 18tr Zz
1278 Sierra Hull Secrets - bluegrass
Rounder 0601 08 13tr Zz
1279 The Hummingbirds - male/female acoustic singer-sw duo
(sc) 14 13tr Zz
1280 Hungrytown - oldtimey/folk
(d) Listen Here! 501 07 12tr Zz
1281 ~ Any Forgotten Thing
(d) Listen Here! 502 11 12tr Zz
1282 ~ Further West
(d) Listen Here! 503 15 12tr Zz
1283 Ivory Joe Hunter Since I Met You Baby: Best of
Razor & Tie 2052 94 25tr Zz
1284 ~ Blues, Ballads & Rock ‘n’ Roll
Ace 747\UK 00 28tr Zz
1285 ~ (2on1) Ivory Joe Hunter | Old & New - 1957/58
Collectables 6234 99 26tr Zz
1286 ~ Woo Wee! - King & Deluxe Acetate Series
Ace 1092\UK 06 26tr Zz
1287 ~ Gray Light of Port Arthur + Big Sambo & House Wr P-Vine 2507\Jap 89 21tr Zz
1288 Tommy Hunter Timeless Country Treasures
Edith 006\Can
21tr Zz
1289 Zachary Hunter - country singer-sw + steel, fiddle
Wolf 95 11tr Zz
1290 ~ In Your Dreams + Stuart Duncan, Wanda Vick
Wolf 0036 06 13tr Zz
1291 Billy Hurt Fiddlin’ - oldtime/bluegrass
(d) Patuxent 260 14 18tr Zz
1292 Mississippi John Hurt Legend
Rounder 1100 97 14tr Zz’
1293 Kenni Huskey Tribute to My Second Dad... Buck Owens
Recall 06 11tr Zz
1294 Vernon Huskey - country singer
Air Wave 98 10tr Zz
1295 Randy Huston Keepin’ the New West Wild + Bruce Bouton OC 425 92 12tr Zz
1296 ~ There’s a Hole in Daddy’s Rope - cowboy songs Outside Circle 472 04 14tr Zz
1297 Ashley Hutchings Big Beat Combo, Twangin’ n’ a-Traddin’, featuring
Richard Thompson
Wild Cat 9218 95 13tr Zz
1298 ~ Street Cries: A Collection of Dark Traditional Songs Re-Set in the Present Day Nesreen Shah, Pete Morton, June Tabor,Judy Dunlop Topic 535\UK 01 12tr Zz
0213 Albion Band ft Ashley Hutchings Albion Sunrise Castle843\UK 2CD 04 32tr Zz
1299 Loney Hutchins My Tennessee Hills - singer-sw
(d) ARC 005 09 13tr Zz
1300 Brian Hyland Hits & Rarities
Birchmount 7054\Can 01 32tr Zz
1301 ~ (2on1) Bashful Blond | Let Me Belong to You
BGO 607\UK 03 24tr Zz
1327 Iron Bridge Band Against the Grain
(d) 16 12tr Zz
1328 Chuck Irvin Little Mountain Church House
Can CD-R 08 14tr Zz
1329 ~ I’ve Got Precious Memories
Showboy 00005\Can 96 10tr Zz
1330 Kenny Isaacs Alone + Charlie Louvin
10tr Zz
1331 Sonya Isaacs + D Parton, V Gill, J Diffie, S Wariner
Lyric St 65004 00 12tr Zz
1332 Dennis Ivey Something Old, Nothing New + A Digby, J Trevino IMG
12tr Zz
1333 Izak & West All Fired Up! - female country duo
Wild Range 03 11tr Zz
1334 Alan Jackson Greatest Hits Collection
Arista 18801\EU 95 20tr Ss
1335 ~ Greatest Hits, vol 2 + Some Other Stuff
Arista 54396\EU 2CD 03 26tr Zz
1336 ~ Good Time
Arista 19943\EU 08 17tr Zz
1337 ~ Like Red on a Rose
Arista 81722\EU 06 13tr Zz
1338 ~ Precious Memories
Arista 80281\EU 05 15tr Zz
1339 ~ Drive
Arista 67039\EU 02 13tr Zz
1340 Jade Jackson Gilded - singer-sw
Anti- 7435\NL 17 11tr Zz
1341 Lynn Jackson & Chris Boyne Acoustic Sessions (d) Busted 076\Can 13 13tr Ss
1342 Ricky Lee Jackson The Other Side + Russ Hicks Door Knob 1018 90 10tr Zz
2467 Terry White Sings Wanda Jackson
Rarity 192525\NL 96 20tr Zz
1343 Jalapeño Compadres The Ride
(d) D 10 15tr Zz
1344 Jim James Country Now & Then
CMC 623095\S 04 19tr Zz
1345 Kevin James Generations
CQK 00 12tr Zz
1346 Ray Dean James w/Wylie &Roadrunners I Love the Music Cmst994 92 14tr Zz
1347 ~ Christmas at Forest Hills
(t) Comstock 1015 95 13tr Zz
1348 ~ The Perfect Love Song
(t) Comstock 1003 94 13tr Zz
1349 Jan & Kjeld Banjo Boy
Bear Family 15923\D 96 30tr Zz
1350 ~ Tiger Rag
Bear Family 15924\D 96 23tr Zz
1351 ~ Tingelingeling, My Banjo Sings
Bear Family 15941\D 96 24tr Zz
1352 Frank Jansen Lolene
Country Discovery 0201 99 10tr Zz
1353 ~ You’re a Phone Call That I Need to Make Pink/Bob Grady 012\NL 98 12tr Zz
1354 ~ Sings the Hits of Marty Robbins
Starsound 45916\NL 05 14tr Zz
1355 ~ My Way or the Highway
Pink 004\NL 99 11tr Zz
1356 Bobby Jay Nobody’s Child - Rare & Unreleased Rock ‘n’ Roll, Swamp Pop &
Gulf Coast Soul, 1958-75
Night Train 7087 98 18tr Zz
1357 Jerry Jaye My Girl Josephine - 1966-75
Hi 122\F 92 15tr Zz
1358 ~ My Girl Josephine - 1967-76
Hi 32038\It 94 28tr Zz
1359 Jeff & Vida One Horse Town - male/female singer-sw duo + ac instr 00 12tr Zz
1360 ~ The Simplest Plans
Squirrel/Binky 1032 02 12tr Zz
1361 ~ Loaded + el guitar, lap steel, dobro, banjo, fiddle, drums
04 12tr Zz
1362 ~ Selma Chalk - all acoustic again
(fc) Rosebank 09 13tr Zz
1363 Snuffy Jenkins Pioneer of the Bluegrass Banjo
Arhoolie 9027 98 18tr Zz
1364 John Jennings Buddy
Vanguard 79496 97 10tr Ss
1365 ~ I Belong to You
Vanguard 79515 98 14tr Ss
1366 Kyle Jennings Long Black Cadillac - country singer
Dark Horse 07 16tr Zz
1367 Tommy Jennings Hey Waylon! Eagle’s Last Flight - A Family Tribute to
Waylon Jennings + Waylon himself!
Heroes-n-Legends 05 12tr Zz
1368 Waylon Jennings Restless Kid, Live at JD’s
Bear Family 16385\D 00 27tr Zz
1369 ~ (2on1) Music Man | Black on Black
Camden Deluxe 11392\EU 03 20tr Zz
1370 ~ This Time | Ramblin’ Man | Dreaming My Dreams - 3 albums + 8 bonus
Camden Deluxe 22372\EU 2CD 00 39tr Zz
1371 ~ Right for the Time
Transatlantic/Justice 236 96 13tr Zz
1372 ~ Ol’ Waylon Sings Ol’ Hank (Williams)
WJ 1001 92 12tr Zz
1373 I’ve Always Been Crazy A Tribute to Waylon Jennings - Stargunn, Kid Rock,
Alison Krauss, James Hetfield, Hank Williams Jr
RCA 54395 03 15tr Zz
1374 Kris Jensen Torture + 31 Originals
Sparkletone 99013\D 95 32tr Zz
1375 Jerry & the Ruf-Nex Oh! Lonesome Me
Hacienda 7320 93 10tr Zz
1376 ~ Bring Back My Heart
Hacienda 7468 98 10tr Zz
1377 Jerrycan Stony Man Mountain - bluegrass - 1982
SCR 76\NL 15 15tr Zz
1378 Buddy Jewell
Columbia 90131 03 11tr Zz
1379 ~ One in a Row (signed)
MLJM 0101 02 12tr Zz
1380 ~ Takes of the New West
Corey 02 12tr Zz
1381 ~ Times Like These
Columbia 92873 05 11tr Zz
1382 ~ My Father’s Country
(fc) Lamon 15 10tr Zz
1383 ~ Country Enough
MLJM 0103 08 13tr Zz
1384 ~ I Surrender All
(d) MLJM 0104 11 10tr Zz
1385 Santiago Jimenez Jr Corridos de la Frontera
Watermelon 1066 98 10tr Zz
1386 ~ Corazon de Piedra
Watermelon 1010 92 22tr Zz’
1387 ~ Viva Seguin - 1961
SCR 42\NL 95 12tr Zz
1388 Joey & Rory His and Hers + R Kohrs, B Sutton
(d) Sugar Hill 4079 12 12tr Zz
1389 ~ Country Classics: Tapestry of Our Musical Heritage (d) Gaither 8979 14 12tr Zz
1390 ~ The Life of a Song + Aubrey Haynie, Carl Jackson Sugar Hill 4050 08 12tr Zz
1391 ~ Album #2 + Zac Brown Band - prod Carl Jackson (d) Sugar Hill 4060 10 12tr Zz
1392 ~ A Farmhouse Christmas + Merle Haggard
(d) Sugar Hill 4067 11 12tr Zz
1393 ~ Hymns That Are Important to Us
(d) Gaither 9134 16 13tr Zz
1394 ~ Inspired: Songs of Faith & Family
(d) Gaither 8776 13 12tr Zz
1395 ~ Made to Last
(d) Farmhouse 8002 13 12tr Zz
2326 ~ To Joey, with Love - Movie Soundtrack + Iris DeMent (d) Prov 0214 16 10tr Ss
0882 Joey Feek (of Joey & Rory) If Not for You
(d) Gaither 9334 17 12tr Zz
1396 Johnnie & Jack with Kitty Wells The Tennessee Mountain Boys
at KWKH + Paul Warren
Bear Family 15808\D 94 19tr Zz
1397 Sarah Johns Big Love in a Small Town - country singer BNA 09636 07 11tr Zz
1398 Curtis Johnson Let’s Do a Little Rockin’
14tr Zz
1399 Don Johnson Ain’t Nothing Like a Juke Box - ctry sngr Hawk 201\UK 96 12tr Zz
1400 Johnson Family Singers Sunday Morning in Dixie
Cattle 244\D 01 26tr Zz
1401 Kathy Johnson Small Town Girl - singer-sw
Singing Bridge 0525 98 14tr Zz
1402 ~ Way Out West: A Collection of Cowboy Songs Singing Bridge 0526 00 12tr Zz
1403 Merl Johnson Better Man - bluegrass
(d) Patuxent 229 11 14tr Zz
1404 Johnson Mountain Boys Favorites - bluegrass
Rounder 11509 87 18tr Zz
1405 ~ Blue Diamond
Rounder 0293 93 14tr Zz
1406 Red Johnson My Collection
Count 005
16tr Zz
1407 ~ A Good Ol’ Country Song
(t) Count 011 CD-R 01 12tr Zz
1408 ~ United We Stand + Marlene Nord
(t) Count 0012 CD-R 02 11tr Zz
1409 The Jokers Vol 1: Best of - 1960s guitar band
Rarity 192497\NL 95 20tr Zz
1410 ~ Vol 2: Best of
Rarity 192499\NL 95 20tr Zz
1411 ~ Vol 3: Rarities
Rarity 192500\NL 95 25tr Zz
1412 ~ Vol 4: Rare Recordings
Rarity 192532\NL 96 31tr Zz
1413 Christopher Mark Jones Incantations - guitar player (d) Small Batch 17 13tr Zz
1414 David Lynn Jones Wood, Wind & Stone
Mercury 836951 90 10tr Zz’
1415 ~ Mixed Emotions + Robbie Springfield steel
Liberty 97251 92 10tr Zz
1416 ~ Play by Ear
Liberty 99159 94 10tr Zz
1302 I Like It Better Here Music from Home: New & Exclusive Tracks by Jackson
Browne, Bob Cheevers, Amy Raasch, Joel Rafael
(sc) Hemifran pr 10 17tr Zz
1303 I See Hawks in LA Mystery Drug
(d) Blue Rose 0611\D 13 13tr Zz
1304 ~ Shoulda Been Gold, 2001-09 + Carla Olsaon
(d) Am Beat 7028 09 16tr Zz
1305 ~ New Kind of Lonely
(d) Blue Rose 0568\D 12 13tr Zz
1306 ~ Hallowed Ground
(d) Big Book 14 08 14tr Zz
1307 Janis Ian Souvenirs - Best of, 1972-81
Cooking Vinyl 308 pr 04 18tr Zz
1308 Rob Ickes Slide City - bluegrass dobro
Rounder 0452 99 10tr Zz
1309 ~ Hard Times
Rounder 0402 97 12tr Zz
1310 Frank Ifield Yodelling Cowboy Years - 1950s
Jasmine 443\UK 06 31tr Zz
1311 ~ Sings Country & Classics - 1950s
EMI Gold 41734\EU 02 30tr Zz
1312 Imperial Hillbilly Vol 1 - Earl Songer, Dub Dickerson, Billy Briggs, Merle Kilgore,
Ed Camp, Jimmie Heap, Curley Sanders, Billy Starr
Cactus CD-R
32tr Zz
1313 ~ Vol 2 - Gene Henslee, Van Howard, Charlie Adams Cactus CD-R
32tr Zz
1314 Imperial Rock & Roll Party - Jimmie Haskell, Burnette Bros, Bobby Jay, Sonny
Anderson, Freddie Fender, Roy Brown, Slick Slavin
Lesley CD-R
32tr Zz
1315 Imperial Rockabillies Vol 2 - Lew Williams, Al Casey, Cliff Gleaves, Jay Blue, Bob
Luman, Johnny Burnette, Nick Venet, the Strikes
Big Tone 5709 93 30tr Ss
1316 Jørgen Ingmann Apache:Det Bedste af det Bedste Harlekin97319\DK 99 25tr Zz
1317 Louie Innis & the String Busters Hop Skip & Boogie
28tr Zz
1318 ~ & the String Dusters Skip, Hop & Jump Country Style BB 9035\D
23tr Zz
1319 Inside Llewyn Davis Soundtrack (T-Bone Burnett, Coen Bros) - Oscar Isaac,
John Cohen, Punch Bros, Down Hill Strugglers, Nancy Blake, Bob Dylan, Dave
Van Ronk, Justin Timberlake, Marcus Mumford (fc) Nonesuch 534867 13 14tr Zz
1320 The Insiders Live at the Finish Line - Texas country
CWR 03 13tr Zz
1321 ~ Me & My Heart & My Shoes
CWR 04 13tr Zz
1322 Mark Insley Tucson - country singer
Rustic 106 01 10tr Zz
1323 ~ Good Country Junk
Country Town 1004 96 10tr Zz
1324 ~ Supermodel + Clare Muldaur, Greg Leisz
Rustic 03 9 tr Zz’
1325 James Intveld Somewhere Down the Road
Me&My 1013\NL 02 12tr Zz
1326 Irish Showbands Get Down with It - Dickie Rock, Freshmen, Carousels, Ohio
Showband, Blue Aces, Shea Cribben, Debonaires
Sequel 261\UK 93 25tr Zz
1417 George Jones The Race Is On
Razor & Tie 2070 95 12tr Zz
1418 ~ Heartbreak Hotel - Starday & Mercury rec (d) Bear Family 16858\D 11 35tr Zz
1419 ~ Live Recordings from the Louisiana Hayride
Scena 271900\Can 04 16tr Zz
1420 ~ Crown Prince of Country Music | Sings White Lightning & Other Favorites +
Bonus Tracks - Starday & Mercury rec
Hoodoo 263517 15 30tr Zz
1421 ~ Just One More - The Legend Begins - Stardayt CtryStars 55538\EU 07 23tr Zz
1422 ~ & Gene Pitney
Bear Family 15790\D 94 31tr Zz
2056 Don Rich Sings George Jones + Buck Owens
Omnivore 50 13 14tr Zz
1423 Georgette Jones A Slightly Used Woman
Heart of Texas 4151
12tr Zz
1424 ~ Strong Enough to Cry + steel, fiddle
Heart of Texas 4165 11 12tr Zz
1425 ~ Till I Can Make It on My Own +J Trevino, A Digby, T Booth HoT4701
13tr Zz
1426 Harmony Jones I Never Knew What Love Was
(t) KMA 98 12tr Zz
1427 Larry Lee Jones One Song at a Time + Scott Sanders st Saturn 9006 95 12tr Zz
1428 Norah Jones Come Away with Me
Blue Note 32088 02 14tr Zz
1429 ~ Feels Like Home + Handsome Band, Dolly Parton Blue Note 90952 04 13tr Zz
1430 Will Jones Western Fringe
MME 70013 00 10tr Zz
1431 Zona Jones Harleys & Horses + Sonny Garrish, Rob Hajacos D 9002 03 13tr Zz
1432 ~ Prove Me Right
AGR Television 22049\EU 09 12tr Zz
1433 Homer Joy Someday It’ll Be Country + Milo Deering First Stone 1950 07 12tr Zz
1434 Joy Kills Sorrow This Unknown Science
(fc) Sign Sounds 2041 11 11tr Zz
1435 ~ Darkness Sure Becomes This City - bluegrass (d) Sign Sounds 2027 10 11tr Zz
1436 Juke Box Pearls Meet the Pearls - M Singleton, J Shepard, Janis Martin, R Maddox, Myrna Lorrie, Davis Sisters, Anita Carter (d) BearFam 17117\D 12 25tr Zz
1437 Juke Joint Boogie Country & Rockabilly Classics - J Seay, B Barnes, Ch Arthur,
G Glenn, J Skinner, J Guthrie, T Collins, J Bond Bear Family 17030\D 08 33tr Zz
1438 Just One Angel Christine Lavin Presents - Christmas songs - J Ian, Uncle Bonsai,
Erik Balkey, Hilary Field, Sue Matsuki, Julie Gold (d) YellowTail 10026 10 22tr Zz
1439 Just Plain Folks Country Songs of the Old Folks at Home - Bud Billings, Smoky
Dawson, Clyde Moody, Mattie O’Neal, Salty Holmes Jasmine 3587\UK 07 27tr Zz
1440 Thomm Jutz Crazy If You Let It - singer-sw + acoustic instruments + Sierra Hull,
Justin Moses, Andrea Zonn, Eric Brace
(fc) Mountain Fever 1006 17 12tr Zz
1441 Led Kaapana & Bob Brozman In the Saddle
Dancing Cat 38051 01 13tr Zz
1442 Kalahari Roses Tales from Botswana -musicians from Europe & Bw D 13 14tr Ss
1443 Connie Kaldor Gentle of Heart - folksinger-sw
CTE 884163\D 89 13tr Zz
1444 ~ Wood River: Home Is Where the Heart Is...
Coyote 1010\Can 92 14tr Zz
1445 ~ Small Café
Philo 1205 97 12tr Zz
1446 ~ Out of the Blue
Coyote 1015\Can
10tr Zz
1447 Barbara Jo Kammer One Song at a Time - singer + dobro, banjo, steel, drums,
bass, ac & el guitar, fiddle, mandolin + Sally Van Meter (d) BJK 001
10tr Zz
1448 Ted Russell Kamp Poor Man’s Paradise
(advance) (sc) CD-R 07 11tr Zz
1449 ~ Get Back to the Land - singer-sw
(fc) PoMo 1530 11 13tr Zz
1450 ~ Night Owl
(fc) PoMo 08012 12 14tr Zz
1451 Kieran Kane Find My Way Home
Atlantic 82547\EU 93 10tr Zz
1452 ~ Dead Rekoning +E Harris, Lucinda Williams DeadReckoning 001\UK 95 11tr Zz
1453 ~ Somewhere Beyond the Roses
(fc) Compass 4518 09 11tr Zz
1454 ~ & K Welch & F Kaplin Lost John Dean (adv) Compass 4429 CD-R 06 11tr Zz
1455 Calle Karlsson Monterey Shoreline
(sc) Paraply 024 18 5 tr Zz
1456 Jorma Kaukonen River of Time
(d) Red House 217 09 13tr Zz
1457 ~ Blue Country Heart +Sam Bush, J Douglas, B Fleck Columbia 86394 02 13tr Zz’
1458 ~ Stars in My Crown + S Van Meter, B Mitterhoff (d) Red House 202 07 14tr Zz
1254 Hot Tuna Steady as She Goes -Jorma Kaukonen (d) Red House 241 11 12tr Zz
1255 ~ Very Best of: Keep on Truckin’ - Jack Casady
RCA 80564 06 14tr Zz
1459 Peter Keane Rural Electrification - vocals + el guitar
(fc) Little Hat 15 12tr Zz
1460 Seán Keane Turn a Phrase - folk singer
IND 001\Irl
11tr Zz
1461 ~ All Heart No Roses
CBM 007\Irl 93 11tr Zz
1462 ~ A Portrait - Best of 1993-2003
CR 004\Irl 04 18tr Zz
1463 ~ The Man That I Am
Koch 324866\EU
12tr Zz
1464 John Keaton Take Me as I Am -Mike Johnson, Jonathan Yudkin KEM
12tr Zz
1465 James Keelaghan Home + Oliver Schroer Jericho Beach 0201\Can 01 10tr Zz
1466 ~ Road + Stephen Fearing, Al Brisco
Jericho Beach 9901\Can 99 10tr Zz
1467 Keeva Springtime - Irish folk group
(d) 12 10tr Zz
1468 Toby Keith Blue Moon
A&M 531192 96 11tr Zz
1469 ~ Dream Walkin’
Mercury 534836 97 11tr Zz
1470 ~ That Don’t Make Me a Bad Guy
Showdog Nashville 022 08 11tr Zz
1471 ~ How Do You Like Me Now?
DreamWorks 50209 99 12tr Zz
1472 ~ Pull My Chain
DreamWorks 50297 01 13tr Zz
1473 ~ Bullets in the Gun | Clancy’s Tavern - Deluxe Edition Univ19883 2CD 14 29tr Zz
1474 ~ Classic Christmas, vol 1
Show Dog Nashville 016 07 10tr Zz
1475 ~ Classic Christmas, vol 2
Show Dog Nashville 017 07 10tr Zz
1476 Ransom Kelley - country singer + dobro, steel, fiddle
95 10tr Zz
1477 Bob ‘Git It’ Kelly 1954/59 Rockabilly - Original Recordings Libra 1202
24tr Zz
1478 Geoffrey Kelly Gringo Star - folk s-sw/instrumentalist Basecamp 8091 01 10tr Zz
1479 Wayne Kemp One Song at a Time
BSW 2275 05 10tr Zz
1480 ~ The Alcohall of Fame
CMC 623040\S 01 10tr Zz
1481 Wayne Kennemer San Antonio Rose: Caliente Sound WG tex013\NL 99 12tr Zz
1482 Kentucky Hellbenders Straightni’ the Curves, Flattnin’ the Hills (fc) 13 12tr Zz
1483 Lee Kernaghan Three Chain Road
ABC Country 03077\Aus 93 12tr Zz
1484 ~ 1959
ABC Country 98092\Aus 95 12tr Zz
1485 ~ Hat Town
ABC Country 93846\Aus 98 12tr Zz
1486 ~ The New Bush
ABC Country 77787\Aus 06 13tr Zz
1487 ~ Electric Rodeo
ABC Country 13082\Aus 2CD 02 23tr Zz
1488 ~ Spirit of the Anzacs + Lisa McCune, Sara Storer
ABC 72938\Aus 15 16tr Zz
1489 Doug Kershaw Crazy Cajun Recordings
Edsel 584\UK 98 21tr Zz
1490 ~ Anthology: Rare Masters 1958-69
(fc) Goldenlane 0109 2CD 16 52tr Zz
1491 ~ Hot-Diggidy-Doug + Hank Williams Jr, Fats Domino BGM 011589 89 12tr Zz
1492 Rusty Kershaw Now & Then
Domino 8002 92 13tr Zz
1493 Rusty & Doug Kershaw Louisiana Man
Sundown 022\UK 92 12tr Zz
1494 ~ with Wiley Barkdull
Kangaroo 001\Aus 95 33tr Zz
1495 Larry Keyes + JD Maness - prod Cliffie Stone
Showdown 1112 93 11tr Zz
1496 The Keynotes In the Evening
Relic/Apollo 7123 96 20tr Zz
1497 The Kickstands Black Boots & Bikes - 1964
Sundazed 6244 06 11tr Zz
1498 Greg Kihn Band Kihnest Hits
Beserkley/Silenz 269548\NL 91 20tr Zz
1499 Kilima Hawaiians The Story of
Arcade 7820\NL 92 25tr Zz
1500 ~ Rhythm of the Islands & Hawaii Tattoo
CBS 462641\NL 88 28tr Zz
1501 Dan Kimmel These Four Walls - ctry sngr + steel, fiddle BSW 51019 99 10tr Zz
1502 KIN Songs by Mary Karr & Rodney Crowell - Norah Jones, V Gill, L Williams,
LeeAnn Womack, Rosanne Cash, Emmylou Harris Vanguard 78210 12 10tr Zz
1503 King Rock ‘n’ Roll - Ronnie Speeks, Wes Voigt, Fuller Todd, Moon Mullican, Bob
Temple, Rusty York, Kenny Martin, Hardrock Gunter
Ace 975\UK 03 24tr Zz
1504 King Rockabilly - Charlie Feathers, Ronny Wade, Dave Dudley, Delbert Barker,
Bob & Lucille, Cecil McNabb, Hank Mizell, Charlie Gore Ace 777\UK 01 24tr Zz
1505 Jill King Rain on Fire
(d) Foundher 35746 10 13tr Zz
1506 ~ Jillbilly
Blue Diamond 1513 03 11tr Zz
1507 ~ Somebody New + Mike Johnson, Larry Franklin Blue Diamond 7518 08 14tr Zz
1508 King Sisters Imagination - Blend & Elegance Jasmine 183\UK 2CD 12 71tr Zz
1509 Kings of Zydeco Swamp Music, vol 3 - Boozoo Chavis, John Delafose,
Lawtell Playboys, Wilfried Chavis, Carriere Bros EFA-Trikont 00158\D 89 16tr Zz
1510 Kinks To the Bone
Guardian-Konk 37303 2CD 96 29tr Zz
1511 Dave Kirby Is Anybody Going to San Antone?
Heart of Texas 107
10tr Zz
1512 Bill Kirchen King of Dieselbilly
HighTone 8186 05 9 tr Zz’
1513 ~ Word to the Wise + E Costello, M Muldaur, D Hicks Proper 053\EU 10 11tr Zz
1514 ~ Tied to the Wheel
HighTone 8138 01 12tr Zz’
1515 ~ Raise a Ruckus
HighTone 8100 99 14tr Zz’
1516 ~ Hot Rod Lincoln Live!
HighTone 8085 97 12tr Zz’
1517 ~ Have Love, Will Travel
Black Top 1130
14tr Zz’
1518 ~ & Too Much Fun Tombstone Every Mile
Demon 725\UK 93 15tr Zz
1519 Jess Klein Behind a Veil - singer-sw
(fc) Blue Rose 0619\D 13 10tr Ss
1520 ~ Bound to Love + Kim DesChamps steel, S Cleaves (d) UFO 1019 09 12tr Zz
1521 ~ Learning Faith
(fc) Blue Rose 0637\D 14 10tr Zz
1522 Baker Knight Story (Singer-Songwriter)
America 5001\E 06 30tr Zz
1523 ~ Bippin’ & Boppin’ - The Early Years - 1956-62
Jasmine 976\UK 17 29tr Zz
1524 Chris Knight + Glen Duncan, Buddy Miller, T Rogers | Decca 70007 98 12tr Zz’
1525 ~ A Pretty Good Guy + Tammy Rogers, Rusty Young DualTone 01111 01 11tr Zz’
1526 ~ Jealous Kind + Dan Dugmore, Matraca Berg | Blue Rose 0307\D 03 11tr Zz
1527 ~ Enough Rope + Ashley Cleveland, D Dugmore (d) BlueRose 0406\D 06 13tr Zz
1528 ~ Trailer II
(fc) Drifter’s Church 0012 09 12tr Ss
1529 Buddy Knox Greatest Hits
Point 16255 95 35tr Zz
1530 ~ Party Doll - 1979-82 + Dave Travis
Rockstar 004\UK 93 32tr Zz
1531 ~ Country Days & Rockin’ Ways - 1964-74
Hula 20733 17 31tr Zz
1532 ~ She’s Gone - The Liberty Years - 1960-64
Connoisseur 101\UK 01 23tr Zz
1533 ~ & Jimmy Bowen & the Rhythm Orchids The Complete Roulette Recordings - 1957-60
Sequel 278\UK 2CD 96 61tr Zz
1056 Daniel Kobialka & David Grisman Common Chord
Cymekob 803 95 13tr Zz
1534 Libby Koch Just Move On - country singer-sw
(d) Berkalin 16 11tr Zz
1535 Randy Kohrs Old Photograph - bg s-sw/dobro player Rural Rh 1030 07 12tr Ss
1536 ~ I’m Torn - bg + Dolly Parton, Don Rigsby
Lonesome Day 005 04 11tr Zz
1537 ~ & the Reel Deal Sing & Play Ctry Music: Now It’s Empty
LOC 03 10tr Zz
1538 Dennis Kolen Hard Road / Muddy Track - ctry s-sw Wyatt 20302\NL 08 14tr Zz
1539 Hannah Köpf Stories Untold - singer-sw (d) Double Moon 71084\D 10 10tr Zz
1540 ~ Flying Free
(d) GLM 166\D 12 9 tr Ss
1541 ~ Lonely Dancer
(d) GLM 189\D 14 10tr Zz.
1542 Harald Kramer & Boris Gorbatschov Irische Harfe & Alte Russische Balalaika Verkehrt Saiten
Alex Penn\D 02 15tr Zz
1543 Alison Krauss Forget About It
Rounder-Decca 6104652\EU 99 11tr Zz
1544 ~ I’ve Got That Old Feeling
Rounder 0275 90 12tr Zz
1545 ~ Now That I’ve Found You: A Collection + Union Station, Cox Family,
Tony Furtado, Jerry Douglas - incl prev unreleased tr Rounder 0325 95 12tr Zz
1546 ~ A Hundred Miles or More: A Collection + James Taylor, Brad Paisley,
John Waite - incl previously unreleased tracks
Rounder 0555 07 16tr Zz
1547 ~ & Union Station So Long So Wrong
Rounder 0365 97 14tr Zz
1548 ~ Lonely Runs Both Ways
Rounder 0525 04 15tr Zz
1549 ~ New Favorite
Rounder-CRS 0495\NL 01 13tr Zz
1550 ~ Live
Rounder-CRS 0515\NL 2CD 02 25tr Zz
1551 ~ & the Cox Family I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
Rounder 0307 94 12tr Zz
1959 ~ & Robert Plant Raising Sand
(d) Rounder-Decca 9382 07 13tr Zz
1552 Anne Kristin Friends Forever - Wild Mountain Callin’ - Norwegian country singer original songs, incl “I Remember Patsy Cline”
AKP\N CD-R 03 22tr Zz
1553 Krüger Brothers Forever and a Day - bg/oldtime DoubleTime 020\CH 10 12tr Zz
1554 Paul Kuhn Trio Play It Again Paul - jazz & swing + Greetje Kauffeld, Toots
(d) In+Out 77040\D 00 16tr Zz
1555 Lenny Lacour Walkin’ the Bullfrog - Rare & Unreleased Outsider R&R etc. from the
Vaults of Academy, Lucky 4 & Magic Touch -1956-79 NightTrain 7160 08 25tr Zz
1102 Marce Lacouture & Butch Hancock Yella Rose
Rainlight 1137 98 9 tr Zz
1556 Ladysmith Black Mambazo & Friends + Paul Simon, Dolly Parton, Lou Rawls,
Emmylou Harris, Taj Mahal, Sarah McLachlan Inakustik 9111\D 2CD 12 30tr Zz
1557 Ladytown (Sarah Arslanian) Darling - singer-sw
(sc) 09 7 tr Zz
1558 Barbara Lamb Blue on Dakota
Lots of Coffee 00 11tr Zz
1559 ~ Fiddle Piggy + Tim O’Brien, Jeff Autry, Charlie Cushman LoCoffee 03 11tr Zz
2174 Jerry Landis aka Paul Simon Work in Progress, vol 1 Bonus 777\D 95 34tr Zz
2175 ~ Work in Progress, vol 2 - early 1960s demos
Bonus 778\D 94 34tr Zz
2176 ~ Work in Progress, vol 3 + Art Garfunkel
Bonus 779\D 94 33tr Zz
1560 Wade Benson Landry Swingin’ Cajun Style, vol 1
12tr Zz
1561 ~ Swingin’ Cajun Style, vol 2
10tr Zz
1562 Rusty Lane Country from the Heart
(t) Gypsy Heart 96 10tr Zz
1563 ~ Dedicated to Carolyn
Trend 005 97 12tr Zz
1564 ~ Dedicated to Cyndy
Trend 003 97 10tr Zz
1565 Rusty Lane Mystical Memories - r&b, soul
Crystal Ball 1122 11 23tr Zz
1566 Stoney LaRue Aviator
Blue Rose 0648\D 14 14tr Zz
1567 ~ Us Time
(d) EOM 9488 15 11tr Zz
1568 Last Real Texas Blues Band Featuring Doug Sahm Antone’s 0036 94 16tr Zz’
1569 Ken Lattimore Sings: (Give Me a) Ì Bypass & Every Other Kind of Country,
Gospel & Western Song + Al Petty & the Steelguitorchestra
Love 94 14tr Zz
1570 ~ Here to Worship Jesus + Al Petty & the Steelguitorchestra
L 713
10tr Zz
1571 Laurel Canyon Ramblers Blue Rambler 2 - bluegrass SugarHill 3852 96 14tr Zz’
1572 ~ Back on the Street Again - Herb Pedersen, BR Lathum
SH 3881 98 13tr Zz’
1573 John & Michele Law Estimated Time of Revival -vc+gtr-mnd JML\Can 00 10tr Zz
1574 ~ The Laws: Two + lap steel, piano, drums, pedal steel
AML\Can 02 10tr Zz
1575 Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver Kept & Protected
Sugar Hill 3867 97 14tr Zz’
1576 ~ Gospel Radio Gems
Sugar Hill 3879 98 14tr Zz’
1577 Lazy Ike & the Daredevils Someday
Treble Hook CD-R 02 8 tr Zz
1578 Phil Leadbetter Philibuster! - bluegrass dobro
Rounder 0459 99 10tr Zz
1579 ~ & Friends Sing & Slide: Slide Effects
Pinecastle 1143 05 12tr Zz
1580 Nate Leath & Friends - Volume 2 - bluegrass
(d) Patuxent 244 14 16tr Zz
1581 Christine LeDoux Dust ‘n’ Branches: Songs from a Wanderer - singer-sw
+ Eliza Gilkyson, Mark Hallman
(d) 08 11tr Zz
1582 Ned LeDoux Sagebrush + Russ Pahl steel
(fc) Powder River 001 17 12tr Zz
1583 Albert Lee Heartbreak Hill
Sugar Hill 3977 03 10tr Zz’
1584 ~ Road Runner
Sugar Hill 4011 06 10tr Zz’
1585 ~ That’s All Right Mama: Ctry Fever/Black Claw Sessions Cast800\UK 03 27tr Zz
2468 Terry White Sings Brenda Lee
Rarity 192546\NL 98 20tr Zz
1586 Dickey Lee Greatest Hits
Black Tulip 38722\EU
30tr Zz
1587 ~ Memories Never Grow Old
Radio Archives 436506\EU 96 29tr Zz
1588 Elizabeth Lee Texas Bound - singer-sw
Part 617001\EU 95 12tr Zz
1589 Ernie Lee & the Southerners Kentucky Balladeer Bronco B 9021\D
20tr Zz
1590 Jimmy Lee Knocking on Your Front Door
Bear Family 16375\D 01 20tr Zz
1591 Mike Lee First Class Fool + Hank Singer, Scotty Sanders
05 10tr Zz
1592 Left on Lonely One Life Stand - ctry band + Joe Goldmark st (fc) SP 13 14tr Zz
1593 Leftover Salmon Euphoria
Mt Division/Hollywood 62095 97 11tr Zz
1594 ~ Bridges to Bert: Polyethnic Cajun Slamgrass
Whirled Beets 92 13tr Zz
1595 ~ Nashville Sessions + Sam Bush, John Cowan, Jerry Douglas, Bela Fleck, Waylon
Jennings, Del McCoury, Earl Scruggs, Sally V Meter Hollywood 62142 99 13tr Zz
1596 Phyllis Leonard Looking Back at Life
Grey Dog 11162 99 11tr Zz
1597 LeRoi Brothers Crown Royale
Rounder 9031 92 12tr Zz
1598 ~ Kings of the Catnap
Rounder 9037 00 13tr Zz’
1599 Vivian Leva Time Is Everything - singer-sw
(d) Free Dirt 0085 18 10tr Zz
1600 Bobby Lewis Tossin’ & Turnin’ - early 60s r&r artist
Relic 7041
17tr Zz
1601 Bobby Lewis Then & Now: New Recordings - ctry singer HOT 4163 11 12tr Zz
1602 ~ Here I Am Again! Country Variety Pack
Heart of Texas 6997 13 12tr Zz
1603 Jerry Lee Lewis 1980 Caribou Ranch Session 1
18tr Zz
1604 ~ 1980 Caribou Ranch Session 2
18tr Zz
1605 ~ Ivory Tears - Unreleased Studio Out-Takes
Sunstroke 001 94 30tr Zz
1606 ~ Honky Tonk Rock ‘n’ Roll Piano Man + Pete Drake
Ace 332\UK 91 15tr Zz
1607 ~ Old Time Religion - 1971
(d) Bear Family 16685\D 11 20tr Zz
1608 ~ The Real Thing: Rare and Unreleased
Dynamite 2775\EU 08 26tr Zz
1609 ~ Comw Sundown
Rebel 682979\EU
22tr Zz
1610 Linda Gail Lewis The Early Sides of + Jerry Lee
Smash 67119 97 30tr Zz
1611 ~ Hard Rockin’ Woman!
(d) Lanark 096 15 12tr Zz
1612 Liederjan Mit der Torte ducrh die Tür
Pläne 88849\D 00 11tr Zz
1613 ~ Ach, Du Meine Goethe! - German folk + fiddle, banjo Pläne 88857\D 00 21tr Zz
1614 ~ Loses zum Fest: Weihnachtslieder - Christmas
Pläne 88822\D 99 14tr Zz
1615 Linda Lou Ice Cold Beer - Italian country band Obermain 010117\D 17 11tr Zz
1616 Kathy Linden That’s What Love Is - 1958
Golden Sandy 90127 94 34tr Zz
1617 Lisa & her Kin Chicken Shack
07 12tr Zz
1618 ~ Two Weeks in Texas
KR 1 02 11tr Zz
1619 Los Lobos Kiko
Slash-London 828298\EU 92 16tr Zz
1620 ~ Colossal Head
(fc) WB 46172 96 11tr Zz
1621 ~ This Time
Hollywood 62185 99 11tr Zz
1622 ~ By the Light of the Moon
Slash-Metronome 828033\D 87 11tr Zz
1623 ~ The Neighborhood
Slash-WB 26131 90 13tr Zz
1624 The Alan Lomax Collection Sampler + 70p booklet Rounder 1700 97 38tr Zz
1625 Bobby Long Ode to Thinking - singer-sw
(fc) Compass 4054 15 11tr Zz
1626 Rebekah Long Here I Am - bluegrass + Donna Ulisse
LUK 1001 16 13tr Zz
1627 ~ Run Away + Scott Vestal, Cody Kilby, Rick Stanley
LUK 1002 17 12tr Zz
1628 Longview - bluegrass
Rounder 0386 97 14tr Zz’
1629 ~ Lessons in Stone
Rebel 1780 02 12tr Zz’
1630 ~ High Lonesome
Rounder 0434 99 14tr Zz’
1631 Look Again to the Wind Johnny Cash’s Bitter Tears Revisited - Gillian Welch,
Emmylou Harris, Steve Earle, Norman & Nancy Blake, Kris Kristofferson, Rhiannon
Giddens, Bill Miller, Sam Bush, Kenneth Pattengale
Sony 06067 14 11tr Zz’
1632 Trini Lopez Teenage Love Songs
Sparkletone 99009\D 95 30tr Zz
1633 Bobby Lord Everybody’s Rockin’ But Me
(d) Bear Family 16524\D 11 24tr Zz
1634 Lost Immigrants ...Waiting on Judgement Day
(d) Shiner 0303 06 12tr Zz
1635 Lost ‘60s Recordings - Glen Campbell, the Trophies, Jerry Fuller, the Fleas,
Dave Burgess & the Chimes - 1959-62
Varese Sarabande 6447 03 18tr Zz
1636 The Lost Trailers
BNA 81560 06 11tr Zz’
1637 ~ Welcome to the Woods
Republic-Universal 02072 04 14tr Zz’
1638 ~ Holler Back
BNA 09259 08 10tr Zz
1639 Louie & the Lovers Complete Recordings (d) Bear Family 16394\D 09 27tr Zz
1640 Louisiana Hayride Classic Country Radio KWKH, vol 2 - J Reeves, F Young,
M Robbins, R Sovine, L Lynn, TT Tyler, J Cash, G Jones MME 70016 00 10tr Zz’
1641 ~ Vol 4 - H Snow, Wilburns, R Price, H Hawkins, R Foley MME 70018 00 10tr Zz’
1642 Gigi Love National Parks Centennial Songs - singer-sw
(fc) 16 11tr Zz
1643 Love on Drugs Solder
(sc) Paraply 025\S 18 9 tr Zz
1644 ~ I Think I’m Alone Now
(sc) Paraply 017\S 16 8 tr Zz
1645 Lovin’ Spoonful Greatest Hits
RCA-Buddha 99716\EU 00 26tr Zz
1646 ~ Daydream - 1966 LP + bonus tracks Kama Sutra-Buddha 99731\EU 02 17tr Zz
1647 ~ Do You Believe in Magic
Kama Sutra-Buddha 99730\EU 02 17tr Zz
1648 Luckenbach! Compadres! - Lost Gonzo Band, Tommy Alverson, Walt Wilkins,
Ed Burleson, McKay Bros, Jimmy LaFave
(d) Palo Duro 4201 06 15tr Zz
1649 Lucky Buck & the Winners The Uncomplicated Mind of
(sc) 08 13tr Zz
1650 Lulu Belle & Scotty Sweethearts of Country Music
Starday 206 91 14tr Zz
1651 ~ Down Memory Lane
Starday 285 91 12tr Zz
1652 ~ Sweethearts Still
Starday 351 91 12tr Zz
1653 ~ Blue Ridge Mountain Favorites
Cattle 264\D 02 26tr Zz
1654 James Lynch Interstate 40 (signed) + F Jimenez, Wylie G JL 0357 96 10tr Zz
1655 Kenny Lynch Very Best of
Marginal 001 87 25tr Zz
0858 Megan Lynch & Bill Evans Let’s Do Something... - bg
(d) N&F 8 09 11tr Zz
1656 Richard Lynch A Better Place + Billy Yates, D Frizzell MOD 51163 15 12tr Zz
1657 ~ Mending Fences + Rhonda Vincent
(fc) Fence Row 17 12tr Zz
1658 ~ The Last of a Dying Breed - Keepin’ It Country
(fc) 13 10tr Zz
1659 Janet Lynn Girl You Left Behind - Texas Ctry Soul
Austex 00152 97 11tr Zz
1660 Loretta Lynn The Gospel Spirit
MCA 02908 04 14tr Ss
1661 ~ Country Music Hall of Fame
MCA 10083 91 16tr Ss
1662 ~ Full Circle
Legacy 68962 16 14tr Zz
1663 Loretta Lynn White Christmas Blue
Legacy 40262 16 12tr Zz
1260 Tracey K Houston Salute to Loretta Lynn
Songbird 07-01 CD-R 06 10tr Zz
2531 Lori Winfree - songs of Loretta Lynn
Badger 2005 04 10tr Zz
1664 Jackie Lynton Why Not Take All of Me? ca 1960 Diamond 010\UK 97 28tr Zz
1665 Johnny Lyon Wynn Stewart Favorites, vol 1
Nu Country 021408 07 14tr Zz
1666 ~ Wynn Stewart Favorites, vol 2
Nu Country 021408 07 14tr Zz
1667 Jeremy Lyons Make It Better - singer-sw + Eilen Jewell
(fc) 14 11tr Zz
1668 ~ & the Deltabilly Boys Count Your Chickens
La Red Hot 1113 99 15tr Zz
1669 Eden MacAdam-Somer & Larry Unger Through Many a Land - male/female
acoustic oldtimey/eclectic duo + violin, guitar, banjo (fc) BlackSocks 31 15 14tr Zz
1670 Julie McAlevy A Big Step to Take - country singer
KMA 01 10tr Zz
1671 Terence McArdle You Better Believe It! - blues guitar Barkwood 1001 03 14tr Zz
1672 Leon McAuliffe Tulsa Straight Ahead - ca 1950 (d) BearFam 16987\D 09 31tr Zz
1967 Darrell McCall, C Potter & T Booth Survivors Heart of Texas 4149
12tr Zz
1673 Mary McCaslin Broken Promises - singer-sw + Jay Ungar Philo 1160 94 13tr Zz
1674 ~ Old Friends + Winnie Winston, Jim Ringer
Philo 1046 96 10tr Zz
1675 ~ Better Late Than Never + Joe Craven, Barry Phillips
MMM 001 06 12tr Zz
1676 ~ Way Out West - 1973 + Jay Ungar, Abby Newton
Philo 1011 98 11tr Zz
1677 ~ & Jim Ringer The Bramble & the Rose
Philo 1055 00 12tr Zz’
1678 McCormick Bros Hot Bluegrass Rhythm (+ Rockabilly)
BB 9027\D
20tr Zz
1679 Del McCoury Don’t Stop the Music - bluegrass
Rounder 0245 90 14tr Zz
1680 ~ A Deeper Shade of Blue
Rounder 0303 93 14tr Zz
1681 ~ Band The Cold Hard Facts + Jerry Douglas
Rounder 0363 96 13tr Zz
1682 ~ The Family
Ceili 2001 99 12tr Zz
0811 ~ & Steve Earle The Mountain
Glitterhouse 453\D 99 14tr Zz
1683 Alan McCulloch Hey Mr Sunshine - country singer
CD-R 00 13tr Zz
1684 ~ & Friends If It Ain’t Broke + steel, dobro, mandolin, fiddle
10tr Zz
1685 Jason McDaniel Man in the Black Hat - country singer-sw CJJM 695 95 12tr Zz
1686 J P McDermott & Western Bop Last Fool Here Shower-Tone 1003 05 12tr Zz
1687 Carrington MacDuffie Kiss Make Better -female singer-sw (d) PHd 04 18 13tr Zz
1688 Kate & Anna McGarrigle Matapedia
Hannibal 1394 96 10tr Zz’
1689 ~ Heartbeats Accelerating
BMG Sp Prod 86942 90 10tr Ss
1690 Sean Patrick McGraw Songs for Saturday Night
Seanigan 05 12tr Zz
1691 Edna McGriff Start Movin’ in My Direction - The Bell Recordings, Plus 1954-59
(d) Bear Family 17276\D 12 29tr Zz
1692 McGuire Sisters Sincerely
Jasmine 657\UK 2CD 06 59tr Zz
1693 ~ The One & Only - 3 Albums + Singles
Jasmine 838\UK 2CD 17 60tr Zz
1694 Sarah McLachlan Mirrorball: Complete Concert (d) Arista 87284 2CD 06 23tr Zz
1695 Tommy McLain Sweet Dreams
Ace 285\UK 90 20tr Zz
1696 ~ The Cajun Rod Stewart - Crazy Cajun Recordings
Edsel 613\UK 99 21tr Zz
1697 Big Dave McLean Faded But Not Gone
Black Hen-CRS 75\NL 14 12tr Zz
1698 Scott MacLeod Old Soul
(sc) Can 09 10tr Ss
1699 ~ Flicker and Fade
(fc) Can 14 13tr Ss
1700 Jesse McReynolds & Virginia Boys New Horizons Pinecastle 1135 04 14tr Zz
1701 ~ & Friends Songs of the Grateful Dead - A Tribute to Jerry Garcia & Robert
Hunter + David Nelson, Stu Allen
Woodstock 33 10 13tr Zz
1702 ~ & Charles Whitstein Tribute to Brother Duets
Pinecastle 1145 05 12tr Zz
1703 Johnny Madara Best of, 1957-72
That Philly Sound 116 CD-R 10 30tr Zz
1704 Taj Mahal Maestro
Heads Up 3164\EU 08 12tr Zz
1705 ~ The Essential
Columbia/Legacy 74500\EU 2CD 05 36tr Zz
1706 ~ Trio Live Catch - live 2002 + Kester Smith, Bill Rich (d) T&M 026\D
14tr Zz
1707 ~ & the Hula Blues Band Hanapepe Dream
(d) T&M 017\D 01 11tr Zz
1708 JD Malone & the Experts Avalon
It’s About Music 0222 CD+DVD 11 18tr Zz
1709 Man About a Horse - acoustic gtr, bass, banjo, fiddle, mandolin (d) 17 10tr Zz
1710 Brian Mann Travelling Light (signed) - country songs BMM 0505\UK 05 21tr Zz
1711 Mann Sisters It Ain’t One Way - country duo
Intersection 005 94 10tr Zz
1712 Zeke Manners & his Gang The Golden Age of
Cattle 230\D 00 27tr Zz
1713 Barb Marchuk Here I Am + Mike Headrick, Jim Unger Ctry Disc 1013 00 11tr Zz
1714 ~ Words + John Hughey, Joe Caverlee
Country Discovery 1049 03 15tr Zz
1715 Margaritaville Cafe Late Night Menu - Jimmy Buffett, Bill Wharton, the Survivors,
Deanna Bogart, Amy Lee, Little Nicky & the Slicks
MCA 10824 93 20tr Zz
1716 Wil Maring The Turning of a Century + Rob Ickes, Stuart Duncan, Chris Jones,
Doug Knecht, Colm O’Tuama, Mark Stoffel
Roan Pony 1309\D 01 12tr Zz
1717 ~ An Ocean from Home + Jens Krüger
Bear Family 16233\D 97 12tr Zz
1718 Mike Marshall Gator Strut + Tony Rice, David Grisman Rounder 0208 87 14tr Zz
0249 ~ & Darol Anger The Duo
Rounder 0168 05 11tr Zz’
1719 ~ & Chris Thile Into the Cauldron
Sugar Hill 3967 03 11tr Zz
2305 ~ Live Duets - Mandolins, Mandola & Mandocello
Sugar Hill 4010 06 11tr Zz
1720 Benny Martin Lover of the Town
Red Sundown 1936 97 12tr Zz
1721 ~ The ‘Big Tiger’ Roars Again, Part 1 + Tom T Hall, Earl Scruggs, John Hartford,
Del McCoury, Jim & Jesse, R Skaggs, Bobby Osborne
OMS 25010 99 15tr Zz
1722 Mac Martin & Ed Brozi Sun Racer & Other Tragic Ballads - The Shadyside
Sessions + Bob Artis - duet singing + gtr & mandolin (d) Patuxent 207 10 21tr Zz
1733 ~ & Buzz Matheson Echoes of the Past
White Oak 104 98 21tr Zz
1723 Terence Martin Sleeper - singer-sw
Good Dog 0004
12tr Zz
1724 ~ The Last Black and White TV
(d) Good Dog 007 10 10tr Zz
1725 ~ Waterproof
Good Dog 00 11tr Zz
1726 ~ Even Trade
(d) Good Dog 006 08 12tr Zz
1727 ~ Lost Hills
(d) Good Dog 0005 05 12tr Zz
1728 Mas! A Caribbean Christmas Party - music from Haiti, Trinidad & Tobago,
Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, Guadeloupe RykodiscArchive 10150 92 9 tr Zz
1729 David Massey Until the Day Is Done + Jay Byrd, Casey O’Neal
13tr Zz
1730 Thierry Massoubre Behind the Strings - bg guitar + Christian Séguret, Jefferson
Louvat, Helmut Mitteregger, Phil Rosenthal (d) Acoustic Music 1573\D 17 15tr Zz
1731 Masters Family Back in the Good Old Days
Cattle 327\D 06 24tr Zz
1732 Johnny Mathis Chances Are: Early Hits
Jasmine 570\UK 2CD 10 52tr Zz
1733 Buzz Matheson & Mac Martin Echoes of the Past
White Oak 104 98 21tr Zz
1734 Karen Matheson Time to Fall
(sc) Vertical 002\UK pr 02 12tr Zz
1735 Peter Maunder Listen to - country singer 7 Misty Mountains 06 CD-R 02 15tr Zz
1736 Romi Mayes Lucky Tonight - singer-sw
Me&My 1045\NL 11 10tr Zz
1737 Ken Maynard Sings: The Lone Star Trail - The Story of Hollywood’s First Singing
+ 78-page booklet (d) Bear Family 16861\D 09 8 tr Zz
1738 Sarah Gayle Meech One Good Thing - singer-sw + steel, fiddle (fc) 12 12tr Zz
1739 ~ Tennessee Love Song
(fc) 15 15tr Zz
1740 Johan Meijer Liedermannen - Deutsch/German
(d) Nederossi\NL 12 18tr Zz
1741 ~ Hondsdraf: Meijer Zingt Gundermann - Nederlands (d) Nederossi\NL 08 17tr Zz
1742 Ken Mellons - ctry singer + John Hughey, Hank Singer Epic 53746 94 10tr Zz
1743 ~ Where Forever Begins + Al Perkins, Carl Jackson
Epic 66965 95 10tr Zz
1744 ~ Sweet + Scotty Sanders, Earl Scruggs, George Jones
Home 03 12tr Zz
1745 ~ Rural Route - ac/bg + Darrin Vincent, DA Bradley, D Rigsby, Rhonda Vincent,
S Gulley, V Gill, Ron Stewart, R Ickes, A Steffey
Jukebox Junkie 10 12tr Zz
1746 Meteor Records Complete Blues, R&B & Gospel Ace 1090\UK 2CD 06 54tr Zz
1747 ~ Rockabillies - Brad Sugs, Steve Carl, Jess Hooper
Ace 484\UK 93 24tr Zz
1748 ~ Complete Rockabilly & Hillbilly Recordings
Ace 885\UK 2CD 03 42tr Zz
1749 Micky & the Motorcars Raise My Glass + Marty Muse (fc) BR 0554\D 11 11tr Zz
1750 ~ Across the Pond - Live from Germany
(fc) Blue Rose 0661\D 15 12tr Zz
1751 ~ Live at Billy Bob’s Texas
(fc) Smith 5050 CD+DVD 09 12tr Zz
1752 ~ Naive | Which Way from Here
Blue Rose 0496\D 2CD 09 24tr Zz
1753 ~ Hearts from Above
(fc) Blue Rose 0640\D 14 12tr Zz
1754 Bill Miller Raven in the Snow
Reprise 45991 95 13tr Zz
1755 ~ Loon, Mountain &Moon: Native Am Flute Songs Vanguard79567\EU 91 9 tr Ss
1756 ~ The Red Road
Warner Western 45324 93 11tr Zz
1757 Frankie Miller Blackland Farmer - ca 1960 Starday rec Gusto 0838 08 10tr Ss
1758 ~ Blackland Farmer: The Comeback + W Myrick Cowboy Capital 931 99 10tr Zz
1759 ~ Live at the Louisiana Hayride - 1959-60
Heart of Texas 4127
16tr Zz
1760 ~ The Family Man + Bobby Flores, Justin Trevino Heart of Texas 116
14tr Zz
1761 ~ & Jimmy Eaves Singing Gospel Music the Country Way
Pureco 01 10tr Zz
1762 Scott Miller & the Commonwealth Citation - s-sw
Sugar Hill 4009 06 12tr Zz
1763 ~ Thus Always to Tyrants
Sugar Hill 1066 01 12tr Zz
1764 ~ Upside Downside
Sugar Hill 1074 03 12tr Zz
1765 ~ Reconstruction - Live at Down Home, Johnson City Sugar Hill 1068 07 20tr Zz
1766 Miss Leslie Lucky + ‘Cowboy’ Eddie Long steel (d) Zero Label 0105 13 13tr Zz
1767 ~ & her Juke-Jointers Turn Around (The Preview)
5 tr Zz
1768 ~ Honky Tonk Revival
Zero Label 0101 05 13tr Zz
1769 ~ Honky Tonk Happy Hour - Live
Zero Label 0102 06 19tr Zz
1770 ~ Between the Whiskey & the Wine
Zero Label 0103 08 13tr Zz
1771 ~ Wrong Is What I Do Best
Zero Label 0104 09 14tr Zz
1772 Waddie Mitchell Buckaroo Poet
Warner Western 45325 93 11tr Zz’
1773 ~ Lone Driftin’ Rider
Warner Western 26934 92 14tr Zz’
1774 ~ Live + Norman Blake, Don Edwards, Rich O’Brien Shanachie 6030 98 15tr Zz
0827 ~ & Don Edwards Bard & Balladeer, Live from Cowtown WW45783 94 14tr Zz
0828 ~ Prairie Portrait + Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra Shanachie 6046 00 16tr Zz
2411 Frank Wakefield A Tribute to Bill Monroe
(d) Patuxent 227 11 16tr Zz
1958 Melba Montgomery & G Pitney Being Together | + Sequel 892\UK 99 22tr Zz
2413 Leon Morris & Frank Wakefield - bluegrass
(d) Patuxent 283 16 14tr Zz
1775 Moon Mullican 22 Greatest Hits
Deluxe 7813 86 22tr Zz
1776 ~ (2on1) I’ll Sail My Ship Alone | Mr Honky Tonk Man T-Bird 0008\UK 10 24tr Zz
1777 ~ Showboy Special: The Early King Sides - 1946-47
Wesa 800\UK 00 23tr Zz
1778 ~ Moon’s Tunes: Chronological King Rec, v2 - 1947-50 Wesa 911\UK 01 24tr Zz
1779 ~ The Old Texan
King 628 87 16tr Zz
1780 ~ Moon over Mullican: Definitive R&R Collection
Encore 04\EU
29tr Zz
1781 ~ The EP Collection
See for Miles 705\UK 00 26tr Zz
1782 Jimmy Murphy Electricity - LP + live bonus tracks
Sugar Hill 3890 99 16tr Zz’
1783 ~ Sixteen Tons Rock ‘n’ Roll - 1951-56
Bear Family 15451\D
16tr Zz
1784 My Darling Clementine How Do You Plead? - male/female ctry singer-songwriter
duo - Michael Weston King & Lou Dalgleish
(d) Drumfire 006 11 13tr Zz
1785 The Mystix Live - Rhythm & Roots
(d) Mystix Eyes 16 19tr Zz
1786 Nashville Mandolin Ensemble Gifts - Christmas
Columbia 67799 96 10tr Zz
1787 ~ Bach > Beatles > Bluegrass - Butch Baldassari (d) SoundArt 1258 03 15tr Zz
1788 ~ Plectrasonics - Rob Haines, Fred Carpenter, John Mock CMH 8010 95 12tr Zz
1789 ~ All the Rage: MandolinEnsemble Music 1897-1924 NewWorld 80544 98 14tr Zz
1790 Nashville New Faces World Tour Tomorrow’s Stars Today - Dina Coffman,
Kimberly Dahme, Jack Gafford, Mark Hatt
Rotation 0829 99 12tr Zz
1791 Rick Nelson Best of, 1963-75
MCA 10098 90 15tr Zz
1792 ~ Sings ‘For You’ - Decca LP + bonus tracks
MCA 30491\EU 93 20tr Zz
1793 ~ (2on1) Rick Is 21 | More Songs by Ricky + bonus tr Hoodoo 263464 13 30tr Zz
1794 Tracy Nelson Victim of the Blues
Delta Groove 143 11 11tr Zz’
1795 ~ You’ll Never Be a Stranger at My Door + Fats Kaplin MerLess 0219 07 11tr Zz
1796 ~ Move On + D McClinton, M Muldaur, B Raitt Rounder-CRS 3143\NL 96 10tr Zz
1797 ~ Best of Tracy Nelson/Mother Earth
Reprise Archive 46232\EU 96 17tr Zz
0303 ~ & Irma Thomas & Marcia Ball Sing It!
Rounder-CRS 2152\NL 98 13tr Zz
1798 Willie Nelson Crazy: The Demo Sessions - early ‘60s Sugar Hill 1073 03 15tr Zz
0460 ~ & Larry Butler Memories of H Williams Sr
BSW 001\D 00 10tr Zz
0461 ~ Memories of Hank Williams Sr, vol 2
BSW 002\D 00 10tr Zz
1799 ~ & Family Live
Columbia/Legacy 512253\EU 2CD 03 31tr Zz
1800 ~ & Friends Live Dallas Texas KAFM Radio Show Hotspur 1010 2CD 15 46tr Zz
1801 ~ & Merle Haggard Django & Jimmie
(fc) Legacy 93782 15 14tr Zz
1802 ~ & Sister Bobbie December Day - Willie’s Stash, vol 1 (fc) Leg 17012 14 18tr Zz
1803 ~ & Curtis Potter Six Hours at Pedernales
Step One 0084 94 12tr Zz
1804 Jim Nesbitt 20 Original Hit Recordings
Lost Gold 3208 98 20tr Zz
1805 Steff Nevers Closest to My Heart
AGR Television 220455\EU 09 13tr Zz
1806 ~ Ain’t No Bad Life - country singer
AGR Television 220684\EU 11 13tr Zz
1807 New Country Rain Rattle ‘n Clang
Adeyx 8991\CH 98 17tr Ss
1808 ~ No Mistake, That’s... Blue S’Grass
Adeyx 5991\CH 95 13tr Ss
1809 ~ Hey Mister!
Adeyx 1991\CH 91 13tr Zz
1810 ~ Morning Train
Adeyx 2002\CH 02 15tr Ss
1811 New Dimensions Best of - 1963-64
Sundazed 11036 96 22tr Zz
1812 New Grass Revival - Sam Bush, Courtney Johnson Hollywood 307 92 10tr Zz
1813 ~ Anthology - John Cowan, Bela Fleck
Capitol 94624 90 10tr Zz
1814 ~ Barren County - Curtis Burch, Sam Bush
Flying Fish 70083 92 9 tr Zz
1815 ~ (2on1) Fly Through the Country | When the Storm Is Over FF 70032 91 20tr Zz
1816 ~ Hold to a Dream - Bush, Fleck, Cowan & Flynn
Capitol 46962 87 10tr Zz
1817 New River Train Together Again - Austrian/Czech bluegrass band A
12tr Zz
1818 Aaron Newman & the OK Caravan + fiddle, mandolin, lap steel (d) 14 10tr Zz
1819 Mark Newton Living a Dream - bluegrass
Rebel 1744 98 12tr Zz’
1820 ~ Charlie Lawson’s Still + Mike Munford
Rebel 1773 01 12tr Zz
1821 ~ No Boundaries
Rebel 1795 03 12tr Zz’
1822 ~ Hillbilly Hemingway - producer Carl Jackson
Rebel 1819 06 12tr Zz’
1823 ~ Follow Me Back to the Fold: A Tribute to Women in Bluegrass + the Whites,
Kristin Scott, Lynn Morris, Louisa Branscomb, Gloria Belle Rebel 1764 00 13tr Zz’
0844 ~ & Bill Emerson A Foot in the Past...
Pinecastle 1074 97 12tr Zz
1824 Nice Boys from New York Countrytime + Joe Goldmark steel
90 15tr Zz
1825 ~ Hotel Bretton Hall - Kevin Traynor, Andrew Morse
NBFNY 6 07 16tr Zz
1826 Nite Spot Blues Hot Western Swing from the SW, 1929-41 - Bob Dunn, Ross
Rhythm Rascals, Ocie Stockard, Lew Preston
Krazy Kat 20\UK 98 28tr Zz
1827 Nitty Gritty Dirt Band & Guests: Will The Circle Be UnBroken - the famous
1972 3LP-set
Disky 870432\NL 2CD 96 38tr Ss
1828 ~ Vol 2: And the Circle Will Continue...
Universal 12500 89 20tr Zz
1829 ~ Vol 3: Mother Maybelle
| Capitol 40177 2CD 02 28tr Zz
1830 Jody Nix The Fiddle Man (signed) - ctry singer/fiddler + steelguitar
08 12tr Zz
1831 ~ Twin Fiddles Turn Me On
Hillside 2104 10 12tr Zz
1832 ~ Choose the One You Want (signed)
10tr Zz
1833 ~ Bright Lights & Country Music
Hillside 2107 11 12tr Zz
1834 ~ Play Me Something I Can Swing To
03 12tr Zz
1835 Dick Nolan Pretty Girls of Newfoundland
Condor 4418\Can
15tr Zz
1836 ~ The Family Bible
Condor 4412\Can
15tr Zz
1837 Randy North Sings Hank Williams
CW 845\Can
12tr Zz
1838 Novellas Letters Home
Refinery Town 0001 93 14tr Zz
1839 Nu-Blu Nights - bluegrass
(d) RS 0002 pr 10 12tr Zz
1840 ~ The Blu-Disc
(fc) Pinecastle 1176 11 12tr Zz’
1841 The Nutmegs Story Untold - 1950s
Relic 7038 92 18tr Zz
1842 Mollie O’Brien Things I Gave Away + Tim O’Brien
Sugar Hill 3919 00 10tr Zz
1843 ~ Big Red Sun + Peter Rowan, Robin & Linda Williams Sugar Hill 3885 98 12tr Zz’
1844 ~ & Tim O’Brien Away Out on the Mountain
Sugar Hill 3825 94 14tr Zz’
1845 Tim O’Brien & Darrell Scott Real Time
Howdy Skies 1003 00 13tr Zz’
1846 ~ Live: We’re Usually a Lot Better Than This
(sc) Full Light 12 13tr Zz
0363 Rich O’Brien & Norman Blake Be Ready Boys
Shanachie 6043 99 16tr Zz
1847 Dave O’Connor - country singer
Lampco 393 08 11tr Zz
1848 Paddy O’Connor Group & Singers Riverdance
MCD 001\EU 99 12tr Zz
1849 Doye O’Dell Bath Tub Blues - 1947-49
Cattle 250\D 01 27tr Zz
1850 Laura Oden Alchemy - singer-sw + banjo, steel, piano
(sc) 13 10tr Zz
1851 Odetta Christmas Spirituals
Pläne 883990\D 88 13tr Zz
1852 ~ Gonna Let It Shine: A Concert for the Holidays
MC 0055 05 16tr Zz’
1853 Oh My Darling Sweet Nostalgia - female bg/ac band (d) OMD 04\Can
10tr Zz
1854 ~ In the Lonesome Hours
(d) OMD 02\Can
10tr Zz
1855 ~ Venez Danser
(d) OMD 05\Can 12 6 tr Zz
1856 OKeh 18000 Series Vol 1 - Helen Carter (4tr), Sammy Barnhart (8tr),
Billy Ray (6tr), Jimmy Haynie (8tr)
26tr Zz
1857 ~ Vol 2 - Carl Butler (12tr), Ace Ball (8tr)
Hillbilly Res 057\UK CD-R
28tr Zz
1858 OKeh 18000 Series Hillbilly - Onie Wheeler, Webster Bros, Link Davis,
Joe & Rose Lee Maphis, Bill Morgan, Carl Butler
Cactus CD-R
28tr Zz
1859 OKeh for Rock ‘n’ Roll - Derrell Felts, Skee Bros, Llloyd Fatman, Hurricane Harry,
Fred Darian, Duke Stevens, the Marquees, the Honkers
OK 56304 93 28tr Zz
1860 Lowry Olafson Days That Disappear (signed) -s-sw River81037\Can 00 11tr Zz
1861 Old 97's Early Tracks
Bloodshot 066 00 8 tr Zz
1862 ~ The Grand Theatre, vol 1
(fc) New West 6190 10 12tr Zz
1863 Old-Time Mountain Guitar 1926-31 - Bayless Rose, John Dilleshaw, Melvin
Dupree, David Fletcher, Lowe Stokes, Sam McGee
County 3512 98 18tr Zz’
1864 Carla Olson Reap the Whirlwind
Watermelon 1026 94 9 tr Zz’
1865 ~ Within an Ace
Watermelon 1011 93 10tr Zz’
1866 ~ Have Harmony, Will Travel, vol 1
Continental Coast 3006 13 12tr Zz
1867 ~ Carla Olson
Still Sane 7\D 89 12tr Zz
1868 ~ Wave of the Hand - Best of
Watermelon 1046 95 16tr Zz
0572 ~ & Gene Clark So Rebellious a Lover
Razor & Tie 1992 92 14tr Zz
1869 On Bended Knee Birth of Swamp Pop - 1955-61 - Labels: Goldband, Ace, Excello,
Judd, Trey, Swallow, Jin, Nasco, Viking, Venus
GVC 2033\UK 2CD 12 65tr Zz
1870 One Horse Town Dawn Will Deliver - fem s-sw duo Bunkhouse 001 06 13tr Zz
1871 Open Road Lucky Drive - bluegrass
Rounder 0562 05 13tr Zz’
1872 ~ ...In the Life
Rounder 0542 04 13tr Zz
1873 ~ Cold Wind - producer Sally Van Meter
Rounder 0510 02 13tr Zz
1874 Roy Orbison (2on1) Vol 1: Sings | Hank Williams the RO Way TNT 91 22tr Zz
1875 ~ (2on1) Vol 2: Cry Softly Lonely One | Milestones
TNT 91 22tr Zz
1876 ~ (2on1) Vol 3: There Is Only One RO | Many Moods
TNT 91 23tr Zz
1877 ~ (2on1) Vol 4: Sings Don Gibson | The Great Songs of
TNT 91 21tr Zz
1878 ~ (2on1) Vol 5: The Classic RO | Memphis
TNT 91 23tr Zz
1879 ~ (2on1) Vol 6: The Orbison Way | The Big O
TNT 91 24tr Zz
1880 ~ (2on1) Vol 7: The Other Side, vol 1 & 2
TNT 91 19tr Zz
1881 Orion Some Think He Might Be King Elvis
Bear Family 15548\D 91 27tr Zz
1882 Brothers Osborne Pawn Shop + Lee Ann Womack
EMI 11571 16 11tr Zz
1883 Osborne Brothers When the Roses Bloom in Dixieland Pinec 1026 94 12tr Zz
1884 Osborne Jones In the Moment - singer-sw duo
(sc) Lowbrow 14 12tr Zz
1885 Peter Ostroushko Live at the Fitzgerald - Heartland Holiday - Christmas
& other songs for the season
Borderland 01 05 14tr Zz
1886 Brother Oswald - 1972 + Norman Blake, Tut Taylor Rounder 0013 95 15tr Zz
1887 Elayne Otterson Deep in the Ì of Country
EP 831 94 10tr Zz
1888 Sam Outlaw Tenderheart - singer-sw
(fc) Six Shooter 0106 17 13tr Zz
1889 ~ Angeleno + Ry Cooder, Gabe Witcher
(fc) Six Shooter 094 15 12tr Zz
1890 Jim Owen Sings with Friends & Heroes + Mel Tillis, Ferlin Husky, Tommy Cash,
George Hamilton IV, Johnny Russell, Barbara Fairchild
CD-R 03 22tr Zz
1891 Josh Owen Fixin’ to Begin + fiddle, steel, banjo Piney Woods 0101 03 12tr Zz
1892 Buck Owens & the Buckaroos In Japan! - 1967
Sundazed 6103 97 17tr Zz
1893 ~ Live in Scandinavia - 1970 + Buddy Alan, Hagers Sundazed 11166 08 20tr Zz
1894 ~ Live at Carnegie Hall - 1966
CMF 012 88 12tr Zz
1895 ~ In London - 1969
Sundazed 11095 05 18tr Zz
1896 ~ Country Hit Maker #1 - 14 Owens tr + C Copas, T Hill Ember 126\UK 99 21tr Zz
1897 ~ Bound for Bakersfield, 1953-56: Complete Pre-Capitol RockB 3028 11 24tr Zz
1898 ~ Honky Tonk Man: Buck Sings Ctry Classics - 1972-75 Omnivore 52 13 18tr Zz
1899 ~ Hot Dog!
Capitol 91132 88 10tr Zz
1900 ~ Act Naturally
Capitol 92893 89 10tr Zz
1901 ~ Kickin’ In
Curb/Capitol 95340 91 10tr Zz
1293 Kenni Huskey Tribute to My Second Dad... Buck Owens
Recall 06 11tr Zz
1902 Happy Birthday, Buck Texas Salute to Buck Owens - Doyle Holly, Ray Benson,
Flaco Jimenez, Rosie Flores, Lloyd Maines, Albert Lee Tx Round-Up 02 22tr Zz
2056 Don Rich Sings George Jones + Buck Owens
Omnivore 50 13 14tr Zz
2057 ~ & the Buckaroos Country Pickin’ - Anthology
Sundazed 11091 00 24tr Zz
1903 Vernon Oxford (2on1) By Public Demand | I Just Want to Be a Country Singers
+ 9 bonus tracks
Morello 43\UK 15 29tr Zz
1904 Ozark Mountain Daredevils Best of/Millennium Collection A&M 3326 02 12tr Ss
1905 Pahinui Brothers - Hawaiian
Panini 82098 92 11tr Zz
1906 Palmer Divide Radio Singles - bluegrass
PD 003 pr 08 9 tr Zz
1907 Kelly Pardekooper House of Mud - male s-sw (d) Trocadero 20312 02 13tr Zz
1908 ~ Yonder + guitar, National gtr, steel
(fc) Leisure Time 11 11tr Zz
1909 Jonathan Parker Back to Earth
8 tr Zz
1910 Noel Parlane Can I Count on You + steel, dobro, fiddle
Hawk 196 95 14tr Zz
1911 Gene Parsons Melodies + Herb Pedersen, P Bensusan Sierra 6010 95 10tr Zz
1912 ~ In Concert: I Hope They Let Us In (signed)
StringBender 002 01 17tr Zz
1913 ~ Kindling Collection (signed) - Byrds Era, Kindling Album & Flying Burrito Bros Era
+ Ralph Stanley, Gib Guilbeau, V Clements, Cl White
Sierra 6007 94 22tr Zz
1914 ~ & Meridian Green Live from Caspar
StringBender 003 01 12tr Zz
1915 ~ Birds of a Feather
Sierra 6004 92 11tr Ss
1916 ~ & Joe Craven & Bill Douglass Bluegrass Season’s Greetings Christmas + Will Siegel dobro
StringBender 103 02 16tr Zz
1917 Dolly Parton Coat of Many Colors - 1971
Buddha 70903\EU 99 10tr Zz
1918 ~ Jolene - 1974
Buddha 96752 99 10tr Ss
1919 ~ Ny Tennessee Mountain Home - 1973
RCA/Legacy 81529 07 12tr Ss
1920 ~ Sha-Kon-O-Hey! Land of Blue Smoke - Celebrating the 75th Anniversary
of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
(fc) Dolly 09 8 tr Zz
1921 GM Paterson Real - country singer-sw + Jimmy Mattingly
Can 06 13tr Zz
1922 Patuxent Banjo Project Best of Washington DC, Baltimore MD, Northern VA &
Southern PA - bluegrass & oldtime
(fc) Patuxent 250 2CD 14 40tr Zz
1923 Patuxent Partners Seven or Eleven - bluegrass
(d) Patuxent 185 09 13tr Zz
1924 Ellis Paul Live - singer-sw
Philo 1229 2CD 00 27tr Zz
1925 ~ A Carnival of Voices
Philo-CRS 1191\NL 96 11tr Zz
1926 ~ Translucent Soul
Philo-CRS 1200\NL 98 11tr Zz
1927 ~ The Speed of Trees
Philo 1242 02 12tr Zz
1928 Leon Payne I Love You Because - ca 1950
Bear Family 16195\D 99 30tr Zz
1929 ~ Lang-Worth Sessions, vol 1
Hillbilly Researcher 059\UK CD-R
29tr Zz
1930 Leon Payne Long Way Back to the Bandstand
US of Texas 0003 01 13tr Zz
1931 The Pearls Here Come
Onyx 2003 98 22tr Zz
1932 Herb Pedersen Southwest - 1976
Line 9.00929\D 90 10tr Zz
1218 ~ & Chris Hillman Bakersfield Bound
Sugar Hill 3850 96 13tr Zz’
1219 ~ At Edwards Barn
Rounder 0652 pr 10 15tr Zz
1933 Harvey Perdue The 20th Century Tribute to the Kings of Country Music +
Carol Lee Singers, Four Guys
ACE 1150
10tr Zz
1934 Brett Perkins Last Bus Home - singer-sw
Works of Heart 090762 99 12tr Zz
1935 ~ & the Pawn Shop Preachers Put a Fork in Me, I’m Done (sc) WoH 17 12tr Zz
1936 Tony Perkins The Prettiest Girl in School - 1956-57
Él 135\UK 06 27tr Zz
1937 Anita Perras Way Beyond the Blue - ctry singer Savannah 9839\Can 93 11tr Zz
1938 ~ One Smokey Rose - Greatest Hits Collection
3KO 3203\Can 97 14tr Zz
1939 ~ Touch My Heart
Savannah 9834\Can 89 10tr Zz
1940 ~ Think Again
Pine Ridge/Comstock 10317 04 10tr Zz
1941 Peter, Paul & Mary (2on1) Debut Album | Moving + Hoodoo 263505 14 27tr Zz
1942 ~ Discovered: Live in Concert
(fc) WB/Rhino 546160 14 13tr Zz
1943 David Peterson Comin’ On Strong - country
Necktie 1946 09 18tr Zz
1944 ~ & 1946 In the Mountaintops to Roam - bluegrass
05 14tr Zz
1945 Bobby Peterson Quintet Irresistible You - Piano Rock
Relic 7138
25tr Zz
1946 Kelly Joe Phelps Tunesmith Retrofit
Rounder 3249 06 12tr Zz
1947 ~ Western Bell
(d) Black Hen-CRS 0053\NL 09 11tr Zz
1948 ~ Brother Sinner & the Whale
(d) Black Hen-CRS 70\NL 12 12tr Zz
1949 Webb Pierce High Geared Daddy
Bear Family 16790\D 08 32tr Zz
1950 ~ The Wondering Boy (The King of 50s Country)
Edsel 639\UK 00 24tr Ss
1951 ~ King of the Honky-Tonk, Original Decca Masters 1952-59 CMF0019 94 18tr Zz
1952 Caught in the Webb Tribute to Webb Pierce - Del McCoury, Guy Clark, Robbie
Fulks, Rosie Flores, George Jones, Kevin Welch
Audium 8146 02 21tr Zz
2346 True Brothers Sing the Hits of Webb Pierce
Thunderbolt 8001
12tr Zz
1953 The Pines Tremolo - male singer-sw duo
(d) Red House 222 09 10tr Zz
1954 ~ Dark So Gold
(d) Red House 247 12 10tr Zz
1955 ~ Sparrows in the Bell
(d) Red House 201 07 10tr Zz
1956 Pipedown First Measure - Scots/Irish folk group
Greentrax 220\UK 02 12tr Zz
1957 Gene Pitney Hits & Misses - ca 1960
Bear Family 15724\D 93 26tr Zz
1958 ~ (2on1) Ctry Side | & M Montgomery Being Together Sequel 892\UK 99 22tr Zz
1422 ~ & George Jones
Bear Family 15790\D 94 31tr Zz
1959 Robert Plant & Alison Krauss Raising Sand (d)Rounder-Decca 9382 07 13tr Zz
1960 Planxty After the Break - 1979
Tara 3001\Irl 92 10tr Zz
1961 ~ The Woman I Loved So Well - 1980
Tara 3005\Irl 92 8 tr Zz
1962 Royce Porter & Friends Texas Teenage Bop - 1950s El Toro 1054\E 12 33tr Zz
1963 Kenny Post Hey Driver - country trucker songs
BSW 3115 98 10tr Zz
1964 ~ Coast to Coast
Crystal Hill 9608 97 10tr Zz
1965 Curtis Potter Walking on New Grass
StarTex 1003 03 12tr Zz
1966 ~ When the Neon Lights Come On
| Hillside 0901 08 12tr Zz
1967 ~ & Tony Booth & Darrell McCall The Survivors Heart of Texas 4149
12tr Zz
1803 ~ & Willie Nelson Six Hours at Pedernales
Step One 0084 94 12tr Zz
1968 Prairie Oyster Blue Plate Special
Arista 40042\Can 96 12tr Ss
1969 ~ What Is This Country?
ViK/BMG 62408\Can 98 13tr Zz
1970 Prairie Oyster String of Pearls: Gr Hits Collection ViK/BMG75639\Can 00 14tr Ss
1971 ~ Different Kind of Fire
RCA 2049 90 10tr Zz
1972 ~ Everybody Knows
RCA 61013 91 10tr Zz
1973 ~ Only One Moon
Arista 19427\Can 94 12tr Zz
1974 ~ Oyster Tracks
RCA 10233\Can 86 9 tr Zz
1975 The Pretenders Last of the Independents
Wea 95822\UK 94 13tr Zz
1976 ~ Pretenders - 1980
Sire/Real 6083\D
12tr Zz
1977 ~ Packed!
Wea 71403\UK 90 11tr Zz
1978 ~ Learning to Crawl - 1983
Wea/Sire 23980\UK
10tr Zz
1979 John Prine The Missing Years
Oh Boy 009 91 14tr Zz
1980 ~ In Spite of Ourselves
Oh Boy 019 99 16tr Zz
1981 ~ Lost Dogs + Mixed Blessings
Oh Boy 013 95 14tr Zz
1982 ~ German Afternoons
This Way Up 514860 87 12tr Zz
1983 ~ Live
Oh Boy 005 88 19tr Zz
1984 ~ Souvenirs: 15 New Recordings of Classic Songs (sc) Ulftone 023\D 00 15tr Zz
1985 ~ Fair & Square
(d) Oh Boy 034 06 14tr Zz
0919 Jeffery Foucault Sings the Songs of John Prine (d) CSC 1053\NL 09 13tr Zz
1986 The Prisonaires Just Walkin’ in the Rain
Bear Family 15523\D 90 26tr Zz
1987 ~ Only Believe... + Marigolds (4tr), Solotones (6tr) - Unissued & Rare
Nashville Vocal Group Recordings
(d) Bear Family 16893\D 11 28tr Zz
1988 Chuck Prophet Age of Miracles
(d) New West/Blue Rose 6062\D 04 11tr Zz
1989 Rex Pruitt Pretty Good Guitar - singer/guitarist
(fc) MissyAnna 08 12tr Zz
1990 Psycho Sisters Up on the Chair, Beatrice
(d) Blue Rose 0664\D 15 10tr Zz
1991 Psychograss Like Minds - Anger, Marshall, Grier, Trischka SH 3851 96 13tr Zz’
1992 Dwight ‘Whitey’ Pullen Sunglasses After Dark
Hydra 27127\D 04 26tr Zz
1993 Chuck Pyle Camel Rock - songs + guitar & fiddle Bee ‘n’ Flower 1004 95 13tr Zz
1994 ~ Step by Step - singer-sw
Bee ‘n’ Flower 1002 90 14tr Zz
1995 ~ Keepin’ Time by the River
Bee ‘n’ Flower 98 13tr Zz
1996 ~ Endless Sky + Tim & Mollie O’Brien
Bee ‘n’ Flower 1003 93 12tr Zz
1997 Quartette - Cindy Church, Colleen Peterson, Sylvia Tyson & Caitlin Hanford +
mandolin, fiddle, piano, accordian, steel, dobro
Round Tower 79\Irl 96 14tr Zz
1998 Quebe Sisters Band Timeless - Grace, Sophia & Hilda Quebe play fiddle
& sing + guitar & bass
(d) FiddleTone 11 14tr Zz
1999 ~ Every Which-a-Way
(d) FiddleTone 13 12tr Zz
2000 Queen Ida Cookin’ Zydeco: Queen Ida Compendium Edsel 8042\UK 02 18tr Ss
2001 Queensberry Rules Take Your Own Roads - folk trio Fellside 227\UK 09 12tr Ss
2002 Rob Quist Living Wild & Free - country singer
94 10tr Zz
2003 ~ & Great Northern This House of Memories (signed)
91 12tr Zz
2004 Radio Sweethearts Lonesome Blue - country - John Miller, Brian Taylor, Malcolm
McMaster, John McCusker, Francis MacDonald
Shoeshine 002\UK 00 15tr Zz
2005 ~ New Memories - steel, fiddle, mandolin, guitars
St Roch 1003 96 12tr Zz
2006 Ragnar Honky Tonk Memories - country singer from the Faroe Islands +
Mike Headrick, Don Helms, Joe Caverlee
Country Discovery 1036
16tr Zz
2007 Railroad Songs & Ballads Library of Congress Archive Rounder1508 97 22tr Zz
2008 Missy Raines My Place in the Sun - swing/bluegrass bass MR 1001
11tr Ss
2009 ~ & the New Hip New Frontier
(fc) Compass 4604 13 10tr Zz
2010 Bonnie Raitt Streetlights - 1974
WB 2818
10tr Zz
2011 ~ Nine Lives
WB 25486 86 10tr Zz
2012 ~ Home Plate - 1975
WB 2864
10tr Zz
2013 ~ Every Road Has a Silver Lining
(d) HEN 043 2CD 02 18tr Zz
2014 Boots Randolph Yakety Sax!
CBS Sp Prod 44356 88 12tr Zz
2015 ~ Sentimental Journey - 1973
CBS Sp Prod 44357 88 12tr Zz
2016 ~ Country Boots - 1974
CBS Sp Prod 44358 88 12tr Zz
2017 ~ Yakety Sax
Bear Family 15459\D 89 26tr Zz
2018 Rare West Coast Surf Instrumentals - Surfmen, Strangers, Lancasters,
Davie Allan, Playboys, Gary Usher, Storms
Ace 806\UK 01 24tr Zz
2019 Angie Raulerson Average Girls - country singer AR-Comstock 20029 06 13tr Zz
2020 Charlie Ray & Linda Plain as Dirt - country duo
CD-R 12 12tr Zz
2021 Wade Ray Idaho Red
TRG 505107\EU 96 30tr Zz
2022 ~ Idaho Red - 1950s RCA & Fabor rec
(d) Bear Family 17219\D 12 30tr Zz
2023 Real Gone Aragon Roots, Rockers & Rockabillies - Rudy Hayden, Stripes, Patty
Surbey, Les Vogt, Keray Regan, Evan Kemp
Bear Family 16348\D 03 28tr Zz
2024 Real Gone Girls Early Girl Rockers - Acorn Sisters, Anita Wood, Patty Wheeler,
Evelyn Hopper, Linda Hall, Sandy Paget
Collector 4473\NL
32tr Zz
2025 ~ More Girls - Linda Manning, Lola Angle, Holly
Collector 4480\NL
30tr Zz
2026 Red Clay Ramblers A Lie of the Mind - oldtimey
Rykodisc 10034 86 14tr Zz
2027 ~ (2on1) Merchants Lunch | Twisted Laurel
Flying Fish 70055 91 25tr Zz
2028 Red Molly James - female acoustic folk/oldtimey trio
(d) 10 13tr Zz
2029 ~ Light in the Sky
(fc) 11 14tr Zz
2030 ~ The Red Album
(fc) 14 13tr Zz
2031 Lula Reed I’ll Drown in My Tears: King Anthology 1952-55 Ace984\UK 03 24tr Zz
2032 Sean Reefer & the Resin Valley Boys Texas Hill Country
12tr Zz
2461 Paul Wheater A Musical Memory of Jim Reeves LCY 112\UK 2CD-R 00 36tr Zz
2033 Keray Regan - Canadian country singer
Rosedale 495\Can CD-R
14tr Zz
2034 ~ More
Rosedale 503\Can CD-R
12tr Zz
2035 Harvey Reid & Joyce Andersen Great Sad River Woodpecker 115 01 13tr Zz
2036 Paddy Reilly Gold & Silver Days - Irish folk
RTE 144\Irl 2CD 91 25tr Zz
2037 John Renbourn Palermo Snow
(d) Shanachie 78065 11 10tr Zz’
2038 ~ The Lady & the Unicorn - 1968-77
Transatlantic 625\UK 03 10tr Zz
2039 ~ Traveller’s Prayer
Shanachie 78018 98 10tr Zz
2040 ~ & Stefan Grossman Keeper of the Vine - 1970s/80s Shan 97028 99 15tr Zz
2041 Reno Brothers Drawing from the Well - bluegrass + Sam Bush, McCoury Brothers,
Suzanne & Sydney Cox, Russell Moore, Scott Vestal
Webco 0153 96 12tr Zz’
2042 Paul Revere & the Raiders Like Long Hair
Flash 40
16tr Zz
2043 ~ The Legend of Paul Revere
Columbia 45311 2CD 90 55tr Zz
2044 Malvina Reynolds Ear to the Ground (d) Smithsonian-Folkw 40124 00 23tr Zz’
2045 Rhythm Rockers Soul Surfin’ - 1963
Sundazed 6028 94 14tr Zz
2046 Rhythm Train Back on Track
Elite Special 73644\CH 04 17tr Zz
2047 ~ Bad to the Bone: Hillbilly, Rockabilly, Country
K-tel 101273\CH 08 13tr Zz
2048 Tony Rice - bluegrass
Rounder 0085 87 12tr Zz
2049 ~ Cold on the Shoulder
Rounder 0183 85 11tr Zz
2050 ~ Native American
Rounder 0248 88 11tr Zz
2051 ~ Me & My Guitar
Rounder 0201 87 12tr Zz
2052 ~ Plays & Sings Bluegrass
Rounder 0253 93 13tr Zz
2053 ~ Guitar
Rebel 1582 91 8 tr Zz’
2054 ~ California Autumn
Rebel 1549 90 12tr Zz’
2055 ~ Crossings - bg gospel
Mountain Home 0105 94 12tr Zz
0364 ~ & Norman Blake 2 + Doc Watson
Rounder 0266 90 13tr Zz
1057 ~ & David Grisman Tone Poems
ACD 10 94 16tr Zz
2123 ~ & Peter Rowan You Were There for Me
Rounder 0441 04 10tr Zz’
2183 ~ & Ricky Skaggs Essential Old-Time Ctry Duet Rec Sugar Hill 3711 00 10tr Zz
2056 Don Rich Sings George Jones + Buck Owens
Omnivore 50 13 14tr Zz
2057 ~ & the Buckaroos Country Pickin’ - Anthology
Sundazed 11091 00 24tr Zz
2058 Cliff Richard Cliff Richard | When in Rome...
EMI 80429\UK 2CD 92 27tr Zz
2059 ~ Established 1958 | Best of
EMI 80450\UK 2CD 92 28tr Zz
2060 ~ 32 Minutes & 17 Seconds | When in Spain...
EMI 80423\UK 2CD 92 26tr Zz
2061 Chris Richards Tumblers & Grit + Lloyd Green st (d) Lake Effect 901 04 11tr Zz
2062 Simon Richmond Kiss You All Over - country singer-sw
UK 92 11tr Zz
2063 ~ Honky Tonk Ballroom
WeepingTree 397 97 11tr Zz
2064 Ride Daddy Ride Vintage Songs about Sex, 1927-53 - Fats Noel, Blind Boy Fuller,
Eddie Miller, Floyd Dixon, Cannons Jug Stompers (d) Buzzola 011\UK 05 18tr Zz
2065 Ride Daddy Ride & Other Songs of Love - Todd Rhodes, Wynonie Harris, Lil
Greenwood, Dorothy Ellis, Fluffy Hunter
Charly R&B 272\UK 91 21tr Zz
2066 Rachel Ries Without a Bird - singer-sw
(d) SoDak 001 07 10tr Zz’
2067 Rig Rock Deluxe Salute to the Am Trcuk Driver - D Walser, Shaver, B Owens,
M Stuart, S Earle, N Lowe, K Willis Diesel Only-CRS-Upstart 025\NL 96 16tr Zz
2068 Steve Riley & the Mamou Playboys Happytown Rndr-CRS 6098\NL 01 11tr Zz
2069 ~ Bayou Ruler
Rounder-CRS 6083\NL 98 13tr Zz
2070 ~ Dominos
(dual-disc) Rounder 6112 CD+DVD 05 15tr Zz
2071 Jim Ringer Waiting for the Hard Times to Go Folk-Legacy 47 CD-R 02 14tr Zz
2072 ~ Best of - The Band of Jesse James
Philo 1202 96 17tr Zz’
1677 ~ & Mary McCaslin The Bramble & the Rose
Philo 1055 00 12tr Zz’
2073 Riverside Country Band + Kim Wesley
Tune 860043\B
13tr Zz
2074 ~ Good Friends
Tune 860091\B
14tr Zz
2075 ~ Travelin’ Band
Hawk 101\D
15tr Zz
2076 The Rizdales Radio Country
TNT 004\Can 07 14tr Zz
2077 ~ Bar and Lounge
Willyboy 002\Can 04 13tr Zz
2078 ~ How the Marriage Ended!
TNT 005\Can 10 13tr Zz
2079 Marty Robbins Rocks
(d) Bear Family 17245\D 12 30tr Zz
2080 ~ Musical Journey to the Caribbean & Mexico Bear Family 15571\D 91 25tr Zz
1354 Frank Jansen Sings the Hits of Marty Robbins Starsound 45916\NL 05 14tr Zz
2081 Texas Jim Robertson Wedding Bells
Bronco Buster 9007\D
20tr Zz
2082 ~ The Golden Age of
Cattle 228\D 00 24tr Zz
2083 Lonnie Robertson Lonnie’s Breakdown - Classic Fiddle Music from Missouri +
Paul Jones, Troy Wilson, George Rhodes, Art Galbraith Rounder 0375 96 34tr Zz’
2084 Dana Robinson The Trade - folksinger-sw + Lui Collins, Rose Sinclair, Robert
Bowlin, Viktor Krauss, Rob Ickes, Dar Williams
Threshold 006 00 12tr Zz
2085 ~ & Susan Robinson ‘Round My Door
(d) Threshold 0089 08 12tr Zz
2086 ~ Big Mystery
(fc) Threshold 0910 09 11tr Zz
2087 ~ American Hornpipe
(d)Threshold 1012 12 14tr Zz
2088 Rock & Roll with Piano Early - Jimmy King, Danny Mote Coll4453\NL
25tr Zz
2089 ~ Vol 2 - Pat Minter, Joe Moon, Dave Carlson
Collector 4437\NL
25tr Zz
2090 ~ Vol 3 - Johnny Buckett, Sonny Knight, X Lincoln Collector 4445\NL
30tr Zz
2091 ~ Vol 4 - Lee Elliott, Stan Ross, Blackwell Twins
Collector 4455\NL
30tr Zz
2092 ~ Vol 5 - Russ Brian, Straight Busters, Bennie Hess Collector 4462\NL
30tr Zz
2093 Rock ‘n’ Roll Music Die Klassiker - C Berry, E Cochran, Everly Bros, N Sedaka,
D Shannon, B Vee, W Harrison, R Valens, P Anka Big Beat 90101\D
20tr Zz
2094 ~ Doo Wop Ohne Hip Hop - Penguins, Falcons, Platters, Moonglows, Fleetwoods,
Sonny Till & the Orioles, Lee Andrews, Dells
Big Beat 90102\D
20tr Zz
2095 ~ Downtown Girls & Uptown Ladies - W Jackson, C Francis, Shirelles, Shangri Las,
Little Eva, Dixie Cups, Chantels, Chiffons, B Lee
Big Beat 90103\D
20tr Zz
2187 Rock-a-Tunes Hank Smith Presents - ca 1960 BonniePearl 1060\Can 97 12tr Zz
2096 Rockin’ Country Style 1956-62 - Tommy Carpenter, Jimmy Ringo, Larry McGill,
Carl Sauceman, Slim Edwards, Ch Rife, Bill Browning Classics 756\S
30tr Zz
2097 ~ Vol 2 - Clyde Arnold, Billy Nix, Cal Maddox, Bob ButlerClassics765\S
30tr Zz
2098 Jimmie Rodgers (ca 1930) RCA Country Legends RCA 65129\EU 02 17tr Zz
2099 ~ Famous Country Music Makers
Pulse 326\UK 99 20tr Zz
2100 ~ My Old Pal
Living Era 5058\UK 89 18tr Zz
2101 Memories of Jimmie Rodgers -Dwight Butcher, B Kincaid, Enneth Houchins,
Mrs Jimmie Rodgers, H Snow, E Tubb, J Reeves BearFamily 15938\D 97 28tr Zz
2102 Songs of Jimmie Rodgers A Tribute - David Ball, Dickey Betts, Bono, Iris DeMent,
Alison Krauss, Bob Dylan, D Yoakam, J Garcia Egyptian/Col 67676 97 14tr Zz
2103 I Am Sad & Weary Jimmie Rodgers Revisited - J Skinner, M O’Day, L Frizzell,
W Pierce, Gr Jones, W Jackson +55p booklet (d) Bear Family 16673\D
27tr Zz
0288 Yodeling Gene Autry - The Life of Jimmie Rodgers
BB 9017\D
20tr Zz
2104 Jimmie Rodgers (50/60s) It’s Christmas Once Again Coll Choice 409 03 12tr Zz
2105 ~ Collectors Gold: Secretly - 1958 album + 17 bonus tr Globe 25020 93 29tr Zz
2106 ~ Complete US & UK Singles As & Bs, 1957-62 Acrobat3127\UK 2CD 15 45tr Zz
2107 ~ (2on1) Number One Ballads | TV Favorites, vol 1 WestSide 879\UK 01 24tr Zz
2108 ~ (2on1) Sings Folk Songs | At Home with
Collectors’ Choice 2135 10 24tr Zz
0246 Al Rogers | Tom Anderson 2 Short-Lived HillbillyCareers Cattle319\D 06 24tr Zz
2109 Ed Romanoff Orphan King + L Campbell, C Cashdollar (d) Pinerock 18 13tr Zz
2110 Ronny Meine Grössten Erfolge
EastWest 73836\D 91 20tr Zz
2111 Tamra Rosanes Gentle Fire - country singer
Medley 6393\DK
12tr Zz
2112 ~ Footloose
Medley-EMI 7896592\DK 93 13tr Zz
2113 ~ Pleasure & Pain
CMC 6244\DK 99 16tr Zz
2114 ~ Very Best of - 40th Anniversary Album
EMI 4044912\DK 2CD 12 44tr Zz
2115 Peter Rowan Bluegrass Boy
Sugar Hill 3859 96 12tr Zz’
2116 ~ The Free Mexican Airforce
Roots Collectables-CRS 002\NL 09 17tr Zz
2117 ~ Reggaebilly! + Jerry Douglas, Stuart Duncan, Eddie Adcock
99 10tr Zz
2118 ~ All on a Rising Day
Sugar Hill 3791 91 12tr Zz
2119 ~ Dust Bowl Children
Sugar Hill 3781 90 12tr Zz’
2120 ~ Bluegrass Band: Legacy + Jody Stecher, Keith Little, Paul Knight + Del McCoury,
R Skaggs, Gillian Welch, D Rawlings, Tim O’Brien (fc) Compass 4543 10 13tr Zz
2121 ~ & the Red Hot Pickers: R Greene, T Trischka, A Statman SH 3733 95 10tr Ss
0764 Peter Rowan & Jerry Douglas Yonder
Sugar Hill 3847 96 12tr Zz’
2122 ~ & Don Edwards High Lonesome Cowboy +T Rice, N Blake Sh6058 02 11tr Zz
2123 ~ & Tony Rice You Were There for Me
Rounder 0441 04 10tr Zz’
2124 Joe Rucker Untangle My Mind - country singer
Cloud 0601 06 18tr Zz
2125 ~ Nashville Scenes
JWR CD-R 01 11tr Zz
2126 Ruthie & the Wranglers Someday
Lasso 72332 03 13tr Zz
2127 ~ Wrangler City
Lasso 02282 96 13tr Zz
2128 ~ Life’s Savings
Lasso 08102 98 11tr Zz
2129 Bobby Rydell All the Hits
Eclipse 0247\Aus 93 30tr Zz
2130 ~ (2on1) Forget Him | We Got Love
TNT 92 24tr Zz
2131 Sacred Voices An A Cappella Gospel Collection - Skaggs & Rice, D Lawson, New
Grass Revival, Front Range, D Rigsby, T&M O’Brien Sugar Hill 3898 99 15tr Zz’
2132 Sage & Sand Vol 1: Let’s All Go Wild - R&R, Rock-a-Billy, Ctry Bop, Hillbilly & CtrySwing - W Pullen, T Atchison, G Fields, L Barron
TRG 930701\EU 94 30tr Zz
2133 ~ Vol 2: Let Me Slide - D O’Dell, S Blythe, R York
TRG 930702\EU 95 30tr Zz
2134 ~ Vol 3: Rock Me - T Goddard, K Starr, J DeShannon TRG 930703\EU 99 30tr Zz
2135 Doug Sahm Live
Bear Tracks 943401\D 88 15tr Zz
2136 ~ aka The Texas Tornado: Get a Life
Munich 505\NL 98 10tr Zz
2137 ~ San Antonio Rock: The Harlem Recordings, 1957-61 + Pharaohs, Mar-Kays, Dell
Kings, Knights, Spot Barnett, Jimmy Dee, Red Hilburn
Norton 274 00 18tr Zz
2138 ~ & Friends: Best of the Atlantic Sessions - 1973
Rhino 71032 92 19tr Zz
2139 ~ & his Band: Inlaws & Outlaws: 1973 Radio Broadcast AllAccess0115 13 14tr Zz
2140 ~ & Sir Douglas Quintet Best of, 1968-75
Mercury 846586 90 22tr Zz
1568 Last Real Texas Blues Band Featuring Doug Sahm Antone’s 0036 94 16tr Zz’
2141 Salamander Crossing +T Furtado, D Grier, M Flinner SigSnds 1228 95 11tr Zz
2142 ~ Bottleneck Dreams + Tim O’Brien, Colin Linden Sign Sounds 1244 98 12tr Zz
2143 ~ Passion Train + Brooks Williams
Signature Sounds 1234 96 10tr Zz
2144 The Salty Dogs Autoharpoon
Big Bender 07 12tr Zz
2145 ~ & Friends
04 10tr Zz
2146 Santo & Johnny Sleep Walk - guitar & steelguitar Eclipse 0647\Aus 92 30tr Zz
2147 ~ Santo & Johnny
Globe 1002/19 94 31tr Zz
2148 ~ Encore: The Best of the Rest
Jump-O-Rama 1023\D 94 31tr Zz
2149 ~ (2on1) S&J | Around the World + 11 bonus tr
Canadian-Am 1002
35tr Zz
2150 Sawmill Road Fire on the Kettle - bluegrass
(d) SMR 102 09 14tr Zz
2151 Claudia Schmidt - traditional & original songs
Flying Fish 70066 89 10tr Zz
2152 ~ Bend in the River - Collected Songs + JJ Farley, Beausoleil, the Violent Femmes,
Peter Ostroushko, Dean Magraw, Sally Rogers
(d) Red House 254 12 16tr Zz
2153 ~ New Whirled Order
Red House 275 14 13tr Zz’
2154 ~ Essential Tension
Red House 38 91 12tr Zz
2155 Darrell Scott The Invisible Man
(d) Full Light 0601 06 12tr Zz
2156 ~ Family Tree
Sugar Hill 3894 99 12tr Zz’
2157 ~ Modern Hymns
Appleseed 1111 08 12tr Zz
2158 ~ Aloha from Nashville
Sugar Hill 3864 97 11tr Zz’
2159 ~ Theatre of the Unheard
Full Light 0301 03 12tr Zz
2160 ~ Live in NC + Danny Thompson & Kenny Malone
Full Light 0403 04 9 tr Zz’
1845 ~ & Tim O’Brien Real Time
Howdy Skies 1003 00 13tr Zz’
1846 ~ Live: We’re Usually a Lot Better Than This
(sc) Full Light 12 13tr Zz
2161 Kenny Seratt Best of, vol 1
Hillside 1001 09 17tr Zz
2162 ~ Best of, vol 2 + Curtis Potter, Leona Williams
Hillside 2105 11 15tr Zz
2163 Del Shannon (2on1) Live in England | Music Plays On BGO 280\UK 95 28tr Zz
2164 Helen Shapiro Sensational - The Uncollected
RPM 151\UK 95 24tr Zz
2165 ~ At Abbey Road, 1961-67
EMI 93452\UK 98 28tr Zz
2166 Shelton Brothers Down on the Farm - 1930s
Cattle 241\D 01 25tr Zz
2167 ~ Joe & Bob: A Hillbilly & Western Swing Legend
Cattle 258\D 02 26tr Zz
2168 ~ Bob & Joe: Collection of Song Hits + Curly Fox
OH 4201 CD-R 02 24tr Zz
2169 J Shogren American Holly - singer-sw
(fc) Jaha! 08 17tr Zz
2170 ~ Jahamericana
(d) Jaha! 07 14tr Zz
2171 ~ Bird Bones & Muscle
(fc) Jaha! 10 15tr Zz
2172 Shurman Inspiration
(d) Blue Rose 0575\D 2CD 12 22tr Zz
0468 The Sidekicks Pickin’ on Chris Cagle: A Bluegrass Tribute CMH9105 05 12tr Zz
2173 Jim Silvers Music Makin’ Mama from Memphis Bear Family 15555\D 91 25tr Zz
2174 Paul Simon aka Jerry Landis Work in Progress, vol 1 Bonus 777\D 95 34tr Zz
2175 ~ Work in Progress, vol 2 - early 1960s demos
Bonus 778\D 94 34tr Zz
2176 ~ Work in Progress, vol 3 + Art Garfunkel
Bonus 779\D 94 33tr Zz
2177 Wade Sims Big Tomato Two Step
Country Discovery 1015 00 12tr Zz
2178 ~ Wade Henry Sims: Rumors
Country Discovery 1105 14 10tr Zz
2389 Daryle Singletary & Rhonda Vincent American Grandstand UM 011 17 11tr Zz
2179 Ricky Skaggs Kentucky Thunder
Epic 45027 89 11tr Zz
2180 ~ (2on1) Waitin’ for the Sun | Highways & Heartaches
Gott 025\UK 05 20tr Ss
2181 ~ (2on1) Love’s Gonna Get Ya | Comin’ Home to Stay T-Bird 010\UK 11 22tr Zz
2182 ~ & Bruce Hornsby
Legacy 06686 07 11tr Zz
2183 ~ & Tony Rice Essential Old-Time Country Duet Rec Sugar Hill 3711 00 10tr Zz
2184 Hank Smith Country My Way
Bonnie Pearl 1000\Can
10tr Zz
2185 ~ & Wild Rose Country In Concert
Bonnie Pearl 1040\Can 95 13tr Zz
2186 ~ Touring International
Bonnie Pearl 1020\Can 95 12tr Zz
2187 ~ Presents the Original Rock-a-Tunes - ca 1960 B Pearl 1060\Can 97 12tr Zz
2188 Soda Pop Babies Teeners - Judy Harriet, Kay Gramm Classics 715\S
28tr Zz
2189 ~ Vol 2 - Vonnair Sisters, Joan Proctor, Kitty Ford
Classics 737\S
30tr Zz
2190 ~ Vol 3 - Varetta Dillard, Betty Barnes, Linda Laurie
Classics 746\S
30tr Zz
2191 ~ Vol 4 - Margie Hobbie, Patsy Ann Noble, Marci King Classics 753\S
30tr Zz
2192 ~ Vol 5 - Cathie Taylor, Alma Cogan, Angel Sisters
Classics 760\S
30tr Zz
2193 ~ Vol 6 - Helen Shapiro, Claire Therese, Jodie Sands Classics 767\S
30tr Zz
(Vol 2-6 each have app-40p booklet with extensive information & pictures)
2194 Amy Speace That Kind of Girl - singer-sw
CSC 1113\NL 15 12tr Zz
2195 ~ How to Sleep in a Stormy Boat
CSC 1096\NL 13 11tr Zz
2196 Amy Speace Songs for Bright Street
(d) Wildflower 1309 06 13tr Zz’
2197 ~ The Killer in Me
(d) Wildflower 1325 08 12tr Zz
2198 Chris Sprague Hammer Down! - truckin’ songs
18 Wheeler 1001 05 14tr Zz
2199 ~ Diesel Made for Two: 18 Wheelin’ Truck Drivin’ Songs Sonic050\NL
18tr Zz
2200 ~ & his 18 Wheelers Miles Away
(d) Spinout 044 11 18tr Zz
2201 Spring Creek Way Up on a Mountain - bluegrass
(d) Rebel 1832 09 12tr Zz
2202 ~ Hold on Me + Sally Van Meter, Jayme Stone, Gabe Witcher
(d) 11 13tr Zz
2203 Clyde Stacy Hoy Hoy - 1957-63
(d) Bear Family 17152\D 11 22tr Zz
2328 The Standards aka Tony & the Holidays - ca 1960 Crystal Ball 1051 03 27tr Zz
2204 Ralph Stanley Back to the Cross
Freeland 638 92 12tr Zz
2205 ~ Classic Gospel + Roy Lee Centers, Whitley & Skaggs Freeland 646 96 17tr Zz
2206 ~ Christmas Time
Freeland 639 93 11tr Zz
2207 ~ Almost Home
Rebel 1707 92 12tr Zz
2208 ~ Saturday Night & Sunday Morning +TT Hall, V Gill, B Monroe, A Krauss, E Harris,
P Loveless, R Skaggs, Judy Marshall, D Yoakam Freeland 9001 2CD 92 31tr Zz
2209 Starday Hillbilly Vol 1 - Cecil Bowman, Tommy Castle, Fred Crawford, Gene
Tabor, Don Payne, Mary Jo Chelette, Al Petty
Cactus CD-R
32tr Zz
2210 ~ Vol 2 - Sonny Burns, Arlie Duff, Chuck Mayfield
Cactus CD-R
33tr Zz
2211 ~ Vol 3 - Ken Clark, Orville Couch, Dick Stubbs, T Castle Cactus CD-R
32tr Zz
2212 Lucille Starr The French Song
A&M 69832\Can
17tr Zz
2213 ~ Back to You
Sweet Lake 90151\NL 90 12tr Zz
2214 ~ (2on1) Lonely Street | & Bob Regan as Canadian Sweethearts Side by Side,
Pop & Country + 8 bonus tracks
Collectors’ Choice 074645 04 29tr Zz
2215 Canadian Sweethearts Eeny Meeny Miney Moe
Hydra 27106\D 98 30tr Zz
2216 Richie Stearns & Rosie Newton Tractor Beam + violin & banjo (d) 13 12tr Zz
2217 Steel Toe Cowboy Puttin’ the Hammer Down - country
DGG 1733 00 10tr Zz
2218 The Steel Wheels Live at Goose Creek - bluegrassy
(d) GC 0010 10 17tr Zz
2219 ~ Red Wing + Robin & Linda Williams
(d) 10 14tr Zz
2220 Christopher Paul Stelling Labor Against Waste
(sc) Anti- pr CD-R 15 10tr Zz
2221 April Stevens Teach Me Tiger! + Nino Tempo
MAR 086\B 97 30tr Zz
2288 ~ & Nino Tempo Sweet & Lovely: The Early Years Jasmine 964\UK 17 33tr Zz
2222 Shakin’ Stevens Now Listen
Sony 90012\EU 06 12tr Zz
2223 ~ Tiger
Big Beat 791469\F 88 20tr Zz
2224 ~ Merry Christmas Everyone
Epic 469260\UK 91 12tr Zz
2225 ~ The World of - Blue Swingin’ Mama
Trace 0401042\NL 92 20tr Zz
2226 ~ & the Sunsets (2on1) How to Be Awarded 2 Gold Records by Major Record
Companies & Not Be Paid a Penny in Royalties - 1971/2 RR 0501\EU
24tr Zz`
2227 Wynn Stewart Come One - 1950/60s
(d) Bear Family 17252\D 11 32tr Zz
1665 Johnny Lyon Wynn Stewart Favorites, vol 1
Nu Country 021408 07 14tr Zz
1666 ~ Wynn Stewart Favorites, vol 2
Nu Country 021408 07 14tr Zz
2228 Cliffie Stone The Versatile Country Performer
Cattle 282\D 03 20tr Zz
2229 ~ Sings: The Grunt Song & Other Country Classics Jasmine 3533\UK 03 22tr Zz
2230 ~ Radio Transcriptions 1945-49 + Harold Hensley, Armstrong Twins, TE Ford, M
Travis, Eddie Kirk, Red Murrell, Jack Rivers, Tex Atchison RFD 08\UK 91 19tr Zz
2231 Pop Stoneman Gospel Music Treasures
King 0529
14tr Ss
2232 Stormin’ Norman & Friends Asbury Park Then & Now Ivory 204 2CD 08 45tr Zz
2233 Ove Støylen It’s About Time (signed)
Kultur & Spetakkel 0502\N 05 12tr Zz
2234 ~ Dusty Boots - country singer-sw
Kultur & Spetakkel 0303\N 03 12tr Zz
2235 Eric Strickland Revelate
11tr Zz
2236 ~ & the B Sides I’m Bad for You
12tr Zz
2237 String-a-Longs Wheels: Original Norman Petty Masters Ace 390\UK 93 28tr Zz
2238 ~ The Tex-Mex Teen Magic of
Ace 1144\UK 07 26tr Zz
2239 Stroatklinkers 25 Joar
(d) SCR 79\NL 2CD 16 25tr Ss
2240 Strong Women Rule the World - Jano Brindisi, Margo Hennebach, Annie Gallup,
Robin Greenstein, Kate MacLeod, Mindy Jostyn
Brambus 80\CH 96 15tr Zz
2241 Jimmy Sturr & his Orchestra I Love to Polka
Rounder 6067 95 13tr Zz
2242 Kristina Stykos Wyoming Territory - singer-sw
(d) Thunder Ridge 13 12tr Zz
2243 Candy Sue - country singer
KMA 1018 01 10tr Zz
2244 Sullivan Years Country Classics - L Lynn, J Cash, B Owens TVT9448 93 16tr Zz
2245 ~ R&B Revue - BB King, B Diddley, B Benton, Platters
TVT9447 93 13tr Zz
2246 ~ R&R Pioneers 1955-59 - B Holly, F Lymon, T Edwards, Champs, JL Lewis,
B Haley, G Vincent, L Price - all from the Ed Sullivan Show TVT9446 93 17tr Zz
2247 Sun Gospel - Sam C Phillips, Howard Seratt, Brewsteraires, Song Fellows, Rudi
Richardson, Prisonaires, Evans Family Singers Bear Family 16387\D 00 32tr Zz
2248 Sun Rockabilly - E Peterson, Ch Feathers, S Rhodes Charly8181\UK 96 31tr Zz
2249 Ellen Sundberg Black Raven (signed) - singer-sw (fc) Rootsy 080\N
10tr Zz
2250 Sundown Pete & Margie Lane
Rosedale 430\Can CD-R
16tr Zz
2251 ~ Under New Mexico Sky
Driftwood 05 00 20tr Zz
2252 ~ In El Paso + Arriba Juarez Mariachi, Midnight Strings Driftwood 90
12tr Zz
2253 Sunny Cowgirls Long Five Days
Compass Bros 027 06 13tr Zz
2254 ~ Summer - female country duo
Compass Bros 070 10 13tr Zz
2255 ~ What We Do
(fc) Smash 005 13 14tr Zz
2256 Sweetback Sisters Looking for a Fight
(d) Signature Sounds 2038 11 13tr Zz
2257 ~ King of Killing Time
(d) Signature Sounds 2088 17 10tr Zz
2258 ~ Chicken Ain’t Chicken
(d) Signature Sounds 2022 09 13tr Zz
2259 Swinging Steaks Sunday Best
Blue Rose 0311\D 03 13tr Zz
2260 Keith Sykes All I Know
| Mad Jack 04 04 14tr Zz
2261 ~ It’s About Time
Oh Boy 010
10tr Zz
2262 ~ Don’t Count Us Out + John Prine, Iris DeMent, R Crowell Syren1967 01 14tr Zz
2263 June Tabor Aleyn - British folk singer
Topic 490\UK 97 12tr Zz
2264 ~ Aqaba
Topic 449\UK
12tr Zz
2265 ~ A Quiet Eye
Topis 510\UK 99 12tr Zz
2266 Ronnie Tango Outta Nowhere
Inversion CD-R 09 6 tr Zz
2267 Brett Taylor Countryside + Mike Johnson, A Haynie Taylor’s Row 01 97 10tr Zz
2268 Taylor County Ctry - Jimmie Fletcher, Paul Huffman, Starlight Sisters, PL Busby,
Gene Dunn, Dean Beard, Curtis Potter HillbResearcher 066\UK CD-R
30tr Zz
2269 Eric Taylor Scuffletown
Eminent 26001 01 11tr Zz’
2270 ~ Resurrect - singer-sw
Munich 504\NL 98 11tr Zg’
2271 ~ Eric Taylor
Watermelon 1040 95 12tr Zz’
2272 Larry Joe Taylor Heart of the Matter - pr L Maines
Boatfolk 10015 00 10tr Zz
2273 ~ Coastal & Western - pr L Maines + Gary P Nunn
Campfire 20011 94 10tr Zz
2274 ~ First Row, Third Coast - prod Lloyd Maines
Boatfolk 10011 97 10tr Zz
1058 Martin Taylor & David Grisman Tone Poems II
ACD 18 95 19tr Zz
2275 Meagan Taylor & Jason Coleman Revival
MTJC 001 07 11tr Zz
2276 Vernon Taylor Daddy’s Rockin’ - new recordings
Run Wild 905 99 12tr Zz
2277 ~ There’s Only One... Your Lovin’ Man - 1957-59
Eagle 90120\D 95 29tr Zz
0843 Wayne Taylor & Bill Emerson Appaloosa - bluegrass Webco 0146 94 13tr Zz
2278 Teen Dream Time Dreamy Teen & Pop Sounds 1959-67 - The Guys - Terry
Philips, Arena Twins, Frankie Little, Tommy Sands
RRR 1023 08 32tr Zz
2279 ~ Vol 2: The Guys Meet the Girls 1959-66 - Lynda Layne, Judy Bates, Christy Allen,
Lamar Morris, Kenny Rossi, Ronnie Savoy, Buddy Greco RRR 1024 09 32tr Zz
2280 ~ Vol 3: High School Heroes & Campus Cuties 1959-64 - Bobby Pedrick, Betty
Jayne, Morey Carr, Diana Darrin, Benny Atkins, Clairette RRR 1026 09 32tr Zz
2281 Tejas Brothers
Smith 7109 08 11tr Zz
2282 ~ Rich Man
Smith 7146 11 13tr Zz
2283 ~ Live a Little More
NoNo 2019 13 12tr Zz
2284 Owen Temple Mountain Home - singer-sw
(d) Blue Rose 0538\D 11 10tr Zz
2285 ~ Dollars and Dimes
(d) El Paisano 0181 09 11tr Zz
2286 ~ Stories They Tell + bonus live CD
(d) Blue Rose 0618\D 2CD 13 28tr Zz
2287 ~ Right Here and Now
El Paisano 0177 02 12tr Zz
2288 Nino Tempo & April Stevens Sweet & Lovely: Early Yrs Jas964\UK 17 33tr Zz
2289 Tennessee Gentlemen Carolyn’s Dream - bluegrass
CD-R 99 10tr Zz
2290 Al Terry Hickory’s Cajun Hillbilly
Ace 1159\UK 07 26tr Zz
2291 ~ The Early Years
Hillbilly Researcher 029\UK CD-R
26tr Zz
2292 Texas Sapphires Valley So Steep - producer Lloyd Maines
Stag 06 12tr Zz
2293 ~ Roadhouse Gems - Live at John T Floore Country Store Stag 012 07 19tr Zz
2294 Texas Unplugged Vol 1 - TC Taylor, Mike McClure, Deryl Dodd, Ed Burleson,
Becca Dalrymple, Terri Hendrix, Tommy Alverson
Palo Duro 0701 04 12tr Zz
2295 ~ Vol 2 - Rusty Wier, Derailers, Dale Watson, J Bush Palo Duro 0702 06 12tr Zz
2296 Jimmy Thackery & the Drivers Inside Tracks - blues TelArc 83683 08 10tr Zz
2297 Hans Theessink Songs from the Southland
Minor Music 8011\D 03 14tr Zz
2298 ~ Lifeline + Holmes Br, Linda Tillery, Jon Sass (d) BlueGroove 9020\A 98 14tr Zz
2299 ~ Call Me + Colin Linden, Rick Danko, Terry Evans (d) BlueGr 4020\A 92 12tr Zz
2300 Chris Thile Deceiver
Sugar Hill 3976 04 10tr Zz’
2301 ~ Not All Who Wander Are Lost
(advance) Sugar Hill 3931 01 12tr Zz
2302 ~ How to Grow a Woman from the Ground
Sugar Hill 4017 06 14tr Zz
2303 ~ Leading Off... + B Berline, P Wernick, John Moore Sugar Hill 3828 94 13tr Zz
2304 ~ Stealing Second + S Bush, R Barenberg, D Grier
Sugar Hill 3863 97 14tr Zz
1719 ~ & Mike Marshall Into the Cauldron
Sugar Hill 3967 03 11tr Zz
2305 ~ Live Duets - Mandolins, Mandola & Mandocello
Sugar Hill 4010 06 11tr Zz
2306 Irma ThomasLive! Simply the Best
Rounder 2110 91 14tr Zz’
2307 ~ The Story of My Life
Rounder-CRS 2149\NL 97 11tr Zz
2308 ~ After the Rain
Rounder 2186 06 13tr Zz
2309 ~ My Heart’s in Memphis: Songs of Dan Penn Rounder-CRS 2163\NL 00 13tr Zz
0303 ~ & Marcia Ball & Tracy Nelson Sing It!
Rounder-CRS 2152\NL 98 13tr Zz
2310 Joe Thompson Family Tradition - Afr-Am fiddler
Rounder 2161 99 14tr Zz
2311 Linda Thompson Fashionably Late
Rounder-CRS 3182\NL 02 10tr Zz
2312 Richard Thompson Mirror Blues
Capitol 81492\UK 94 13tr Zz
2313 ~ Front Parlour Ballads
Cooking Vinyl 325\UK 05 13tr Zz
2314 ~ The History of - Watching the Dark
Hannibal 5303 3CD 93 47tr Zz
2315 ~ Amnesia
Capitol 48845 88 10tr Zz
2316 ~ Sweet Talker - Original Music from the Movie
Capitol 94490 91 11tr Zz’
2317 ~ & Linda Pour Down Like Silver - 1975
Hannibal 4404
8 tr Zz
2318 ~ I Want to See the Bright Lights Tonight - 1974
Island 160\UK
10tr Zz
2319 Beat the Retreat Songs by Richard Thompson - REM, Bonnie Raitt, Los Lobos,
June Tabor, Maddy Prior & Martin Carthy
(fc) Capitol 95929 94 16tr Zz
2320 Paul Thorn Pimps & Preachers
(fc) Perpetual Obscurity
13tr Zz
2321 ~ What the Hell Is Goin On?
(fc) Blue Rose 0577\D 12 12tr Zz
2322 The Three Pickers Earl Scruggs, Doc Watson & Ricky Skaggs - live recordings
+ Alison Krauss, Richard Watson
Rounder-CRS 0526\NL 03 23tr Zz
2323 The 3 Tenors of Bluegrass Wiseman, Silvers & Osborne CMH 8530 00 15tr Ss
2324 Jordan Tice Long Story - bg + N Pikelny, Andy Hall (d) Patuxent 176 08 10tr Zz
2325 ~ Horse Country + Mike Witcher, Brittany Haas
(d) Patuxent 286 16 11tr Ss
2326 To Joey, with Love Original Movie Soundtrack
(d) Provident 0214 16 10tr Ss
2327 Today’s Christian Favorites - Mark Farner, Kim Boyce, Edin Adahl, Russ Taff,
Billy & Sarah Gaines, Bryan Duncan, Halo, Kim Hill
Arrival 60312 92 10tr Zz
2328 Tony & the Holidays aka The Standards - ca 1960 Crystal Ball 1051 03 27tr Zz
2329 Frank Torres Texas Lonestar Alley +J Trevino, Bill Lister HoT CD-R
12tr Zz
2330 Town Mountain Leave the Bottle - bluegrass
(d) Pinecastle 1180 12 12tr Zz
2331 ~ Live at the ISIS
(d) 14 10tr Zz
2332 ~ Southern Crescent
(d) LoHi 001 16 12tr Zz
2333 Artie Traum Cayenne - acoustic guitar
Rounder 3084 87 12tr Ss
2334 Happy Traum I Walk the Road Again (signed) (d) Roaring Stream 05 05 13tr Zz
2335 ~ Just for the Love of It
(d) Lark’s Nest 15 14tr Zz
2336 Geronimo Treviño III Live from Kendalia Halle
Half Breed 1093 97 16tr Zz
2337 Justin Treviño Before You Say Amen -ctry gospel Heart of Texas 115
14tr Zz
2338 Rick Treviño Dos Mundos
Sony Discos 81105 93 10tr Zz
2339 ~ Nuestra Tradición
Norte 711842 07 15tr Zz
2340 Katie Trickett Let Your Heart Run - country singer Via Marina 0331 97 12tr Zz
2341 ~ The Next Time + Byron Berline, Augie Meyers
Demon 768\UK 95 9 tr Zz
2342 Billy Troy Country Boy
Legend 80012
11tr Zz
2343 ~ & Prime Meridian
BMG 572223\CH 95 11tr Zz
2344 True Brothers Heritage Not Hate
Big Mama 4388 CD-R 08 10tr Zz
2345 ~ 90 Proof Whiskey: The Songs of Hank Williams Jr BM 4686 CD-R 09 10tr Zz
2346 ~ Sing the Hits of Webb Pierce
Thunderbolt 8001
12tr Zz
2347 ~ (2on1) Sing: Early & Rare, vol 1 & 2 + B Atkins TB-True Bros 0002 98 26tr Zz
2348 ~ Wanted: Country Outlaw Tribute
Big Mama 3697 CD-R 05 10tr Zz
2349 ~ Hymns & Other Songs We Wrote Ourselves
TB-True Bros 74489 03 16tr Zz
2350 ~ Country Gold
TB-True Bros 74487 02 13tr Zz
2351 ~ & the Countrymen The Third Man
TB-True Bros 8012 01 15tr Zz
0279 ~ | B&M Atkins Back to Back - Duets: Bluegrass Gospel
TB 74491 04 16tr Zz
2352 Tryckster When The Stone Is Exposed - ac folk
Fellside 150\UK 99 15tr Zz
2353 Michelle Turley Dance with Me Tonight -ctry sngr+steel, fiddle Victorio 09 14tr Zz
2354 Crosby Tyler Lectric Prayer + Sara & Sean Watkins (d) Bohemia2192 10 10tr Zz
2355 Sylvia Tyson Gypsy Cadillac
Round Tower 65\Irl 94 12tr Zz
2356 UK Teen Sound Rarities Hideaway Heaven Presents - Marty Wilde, Grant Tracy,
Lynda Graham, Tony Sheveton, Josh Hanna - early 1960s RRR 1015
34tr Zz
2357 Under the Double Eagle Greatest Western Swing Bands of the 1930s, vol 1 Milton Brown | Bill Boyd (9 tracks each)
RCA 2101 90 18tr Zz
2358 Carrie Underwood Some Hearts - country singer
Arista 71197 05 14tr Zz
2359 ~ Carnival Ride + Aubrey Haynie, Paul Franklin
Arista 11221\EU 07 13tr Zz
1669 Larry Unger & Eden MacAdam-Somer Thru Many a Land (fc) BS31 15 14tr Zz
2360 Uprooted Best of Roots Country Singer-Songwriters - R Fulks, K Willis, A Rigby,
T Russell & I DeMent, W Hancock, Paul Burch
Shanachie 6031 98 14tr Zz
2361 Keith Urban Greatest Hits
Capitol 07685 07 18tr Zz
2362 ~ Be Here
Capitol 63566 04 14tr Zz
2363 ~ In: The Ranch
Capitol 97847 04 14tr Zz
2364 ~ Golden Road
Capitol 97644 02 12tr Zz
2365 ~ Love, Pain & the Whole Crazy Thing
VK 10549
16tr Zz
2366 Sally Van Meter All in Good Time - bluegrass dobro Sugar Hill 3792 91 11tr Zz
2367 Dave Van Ronk Somebody Else, Not Me
Philo 1065 99 10tr Zz
2368 ~ Sunday Street
Philo 1036 99 11tr Zz
2369 ~ On Air - 1993 concert in Bremen, Germany
(d) T&M 041\D
15tr Zz
2370 Michael Veitch Wake Up Call - singer-sw
Burt Street 109 17 5 tr Zz
2371 ~ NY Journal + Shawn Colvin, Susan Werner
Silverwolf 11006 98 9 tr Zz
2372 ~ Southern Girl
Silverwolf 1026 00 13tr Zz
2373 Le Vent du Nord Tromper le Temps
(d) Borealis 214\Can 12 13tr Zz
2374 ~ La Part du Feu -trad ac folk music from Québec (d) Borealis 199\Can 09 13tr Zz
2375 ~ Les Amants du Saint-Laurent
(d) Borealis 169\Can
13tr Zz
2376 Mack Vickery Live at Alabama Women’s Prison BearFamily 16994\D 08 13tr Zz
2377 The Vidalias Melodyland
Upstart 014 95 11tr Zz
2378 ~ Stayin’ in the Doghouse
Upstart 034 97 12tr Zz
2379 Rhonda Vincent One Step Ahead
Rounder-CRS 0497\NL 03 12tr Zz
2380 ~ The Storm Still Rages
Rounder-CRS 0474\NL 01 13tr Zz
2381 ~ All American Bluegrass Girl + D Parton, B Osborne Rounder 0580 06 12tr Zz
2382 ~ Good Thing Going + Keith Urban, Russell Moore
Rounder 0592 08 12tr Zz
2383 ~ Sunday Mornin’ Singin’ Live! - Radio Sampler
(t) UM 006 CD-R 12 5 tr Zz
2384 ~ Back Home Again
Rounder 0460 00 12tr Zz
2385 ~ Only Me (CD1: Bluegrass, CD2: Country)
UM 007 2CD 14 12tr Zz
2386 ~ Christmas Time
UM 009 15 12tr Ss
2387 ~ Beautiful Star: A Christmas Collection
Rounder 0575 06 12tr Ss’
2388 ~ & the Rage Ragin’ Live
Rounder 0553 05 21tr Zz
2389 ~ & Daryle Singletary American Grandstand
UM 011 17 11tr Zz
2390 Virginia Cutups (Alvin Breeden) Yesterday, 50 Years Ago FC 002 98 12tr Ss
2391 ~ Bluegrass from the Heart of Virginia
Fayette County 003 00 12tr Zz
2392 A Vision Shared: Folkways Tribute to Woody Guthrie & Leadbelly - Bob Dylan,
Arlo Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Doc Watson, U2
CBS 460905\EU 88 14tr Zz
0906 A Vision Revisited: Folkways - Pete Seeger, Woody Guthrie, Leadbelly - The
Original Performances
Buda 82454\F
18tr Ss
2393 Volebeats Ain’t No Joke
Gadfly 251 99 15tr Zz
2394 ~ Solitude
Safe House 2128 99 12tr Zz’
2395 Redd Volkaert Reddhead + Buzz Evans steel
(d) Telehog
14tr Zz
2396 ~ Telewacker + Jim Murphy, Randy Kohrs
HMG 3002 98 14tr Zz
2397 ~ No Stranger to a Tele + Norman Hamlet steel
HighTone 8129 01 14tr Zz
2398 ~ For the Ladies
| HighTone 8173 04 12tr Zz
2399 Patricia Vonne + Jon Dee Graham
CoraZong 255070\EU 04 13tr Zz
2400 ~ Guitars & Castanets
| CoraZong 255080\EU 05 10tr Zz
2401 The Voxpoppers Wishing for Your Love - 1956-62
Hydra 27149\D 14 26tr Zz
2402 Adam Wade Very Best of: The Writing on the Wall Collectables 7587 04 21tr Zz
2403 Hannes Wader Zehn Lieder
Pläne 88773\D 95 10tr Zz
2404 ~ Singt Bellman: Liebe, Schnaps, Tod + Reinhard Mey Pläne 88790\D 96 15tr Zz
2405 ~ Mal Angenommen
Pläne 88936\D 06 10tr Zz
2406 ~ Wünsche
Pläne 88863\D 01 12tr Zz
2407 Waikiki Sundowners Hulas, Rags & More
BR 161\D 16 11tr Zz
2408 Waikiki 12 De Mooiste Muziek uit Hawaii
Vivace 417\NL 90 15tr Zz
2409 Frank Wakefield That Was Now... This Is Then!
Rosewood 62096 96 15tr Zz
2410 ~ Ownself Blues + M Cleveland, A Blaylock, M Munford (d) Patux 182 09 13tr Zz
2411 ~ A Tribute to Bill Monroe + Tom Ewing, M Delaney (d) Patuxent 227 11 16tr Zz
2412 ~ & Taylor Baker & Friends
(d) Patuxent 247 13 16tr Zz
2413 ~ & Leon Morris
(d) Patuxent 283 16 14tr Zz
2414 Wendy Waldman Letters Home
Cypress 661114 87 10tr Zz
2415 Sammy Walker In Concert
Brambus 16\CH 90 13tr Zz
2416 ~ Old Time Southern Dream - folksinger + gtr, banjo Brambus 62\CH 92 12tr Zz
0848 Scott Walker (of the Walker Bros) The Early Years Acrobat 4214\UK 05 18tr Zz
2417 Robert Rex Waller Jr Fancy Free
(d) Western Seeds 11
13tr Zz
2418 Steve Wariner Faith in You + Clint Black, Garth Brooks Capitol 23503 00 13tr Zz
2419 ~ Two Teardrops
Capitol 96139 99 15tr Zz’
2420 ~ Burnin’ the Roadhouse Down + Garth Brooks
Capitol 94482 98 12tr Zz
2421 ~ Drive
Arista 18721 93 10tr Zz’
2422 ~ I Should Be with You
MCA 42130 88 10tr Zz
2423 ~ I Got Dreams
MCA 42272 89 10tr Zz
2424 ~ Laredo
MCA 42335 90 10tr Zz
2425 ~ I Am Ready
Arista 18691 91 10tr Zz
2426 Waterson Carthy Broken Ground - Norma Waterson... Topic 509\UK 99 11tr Zz
2427 ~ Common Tongue - ...Eliza & Martin Carthy
Topic 488\UK 97 13tr Zz
2428 Doc Watson (2on1) The Essential
Vanguard 45-46 86 26tr Zz
2429 ~ My Dear Old Southern Home
Sugar Hill 3795 91 13tr Zz
2430 ~ Trouble in Mind: Ctry Blues Collection, 1964-98 (d) Sugar Hill 3966 03 17tr Zz
2431 ~ & Merle (2on1) Then & Now | Two Days in November BGO 297\UK 95 25tr Zz
2432 ~ & Richard Watson Third Generation Blues
Sugar Hill 3893 99 14tr Zz’
2433 ~ & Frosty Morn ‘Round the Table Again
Sugar Hill 3935 02 16tr Zz
2434 ~ & David Grisman Doc & Dawg
Acoustic Disc 25 97 14tr Zz
2435 Del Way Just Who I Am - country singer
Gospel Choice 1013
13tr Zz
2436 ~ Crazy ‘Bout You
Gospel Choice 1007 95 10tr Zz
2437 ~ Calvary’s the Reason Why
Gospel Choice 1004
11tr Zz
2438 Bob Wayne Outlaw Carnie
People Like You 11 12tr Zz
2439 ~ Bad Hombre
People Like You 17 13tr Zz
2440 ~ Back to the Camper +Elizabeth Cook, Red Simpson People Like You 14 12tr Zz
2441 ~ Till the Wheels Fall Off + Hank 3
People Like You 12 13tr Zz
2442 ~ Hits the Hits
People Like You 15 13tr Zz
2443 Kevin Welch
Reprise 26171 90 11tr Zz
2444 ~ Beneath My Wheels
Dead Reckoning 0014 99 12tr Zz
2445 ~ Life Down Here on Earth
Dead Reckoning 0003 95 10tr Zz’
2446 ~ A Patch of Blue Sky
(d) Music Road 008 10 10tr Zz
2447 ~ & the Danes Millionaire
Dead Reckoning 0021 01 12tr Zz
2448 ~ & the Overtones Western Beat
Reprise 26823 92 12tr Zz
1454 ~ & Kieran Kane & F Kaplin Lost John Dean (adv) Comp 4429 CD-R 06 11tr Zz
2449 Speedy West Steelguitar Transcriptions
Bronco Buster 9054\D
22tr Zz
2450 ~ & Jimmy Bryant There’s Gonna Be a Party
Jasmine 3515\UK 00 30tr Zz
2451 ~ SW & JB Meet in Hollywood
Cattle 339\D 09 30tr Zz
2452 ~ Bustin’ Thru - Flippin’ the Lid + Kay Starr, Tn Ernie Ford, Ella Mae Morse, Tex
Williams, Eddie Kirk, Marilyn Tuttle, J Shepard (d) BearFamily 17335\D 13 34tr Zz
2453 Western Box Turtles - Danny Smith, Tom Schwark, Mark Hembree
10tr Zz
2454 ~ Streamline
Carapace 0001
12tr Zz
2455 ~ A Little Bit Later On...
Carapace 0002
13tr Zz’
2456 Paul Wheater Mister Lonesome
LCY 122\UK CD-R 12 10tr Zz
2457 ~ To My Loved Ones (signed)
LCY 114\UK CD-R 98 13tr Zz
2458 ~ September Song
LCY 121\UK CD-R 11 12tr Zz
2459 ~ How Great Thou Art (signed)
LCY 115\UK CD-R 99 15tr Zz
2460 ~ Sings Hank Williams’ Country Classics
LCY 125\UK CD-R 16 12tr Zz
2461 ~ I Won’t Forget You: Memory of Jim Reeves
LCY 112\UK 2CD-R 00 36tr Zz
2462 When the Sun Goes Down Secret History of R&R - Vol 1: Walk Right In - Milton
Brown, Leadbelly, Julius Daniels, Deford Bailey
Bluebird 63986\EU 02 25tr Zz
2463 ~ Vol 2: 1st Time I Met the Blues - Victoria Spivey, Frank Stokes, Bo Carter, Lizzie
Miles, Sleepy J Estes, Edna Winston, J Rodgers Bluebird 63987\EU 02 25tr Zz
2464 ~ Vol 3: That’s Chicago’s South Side - Sam Theard, Pine Top, Joe Pullum, Amos
Easton, Speckled Red, Washboard Sam, Y Rachel Bluebird 63988\EU 02 25tr Zz
2465 ~ Vol 4: That’s All Right - Piano Red, Tampa Red Bluebird 63989\EU 02 25tr Zz
2466 White House - bluegrass
Pinecastle 1131 03 12tr Zz
2467 Terry White Sings Wanda Jackson
Rarity 192525\NL 96 20tr Zz
2468 ~ Sings Brenda Lee
Rarity 192546\NL 98 20tr Zz
2469 ~ Sings Hank Williams
Rarity 192584\NL 00 20tr Zz
2470 Whitehorse - male/female country s-sw duo (d) Six Shooter 066\Can 11 8 tr Zz
2471 ~ Leave No Bridge Unburned
(d) Six Shooter 091\Can 15 11tr Zz
2472 Chris Whitley On Air - guitar & vocals
(d) T&M 043\D
18tr Ss
2473 Dwight Whitley Brotherly Love + Mike Johnson, H Hester Neon 4101 95 14tr Zz
2474 ~ Nothin’ But a Woman + Don Rigsby
Thunder Bay 990901 00 10tr Zz
2475 Whitstein Brothers Sweet Harmony
Rounder 0344 96 13tr Zz
2476 ~ Sings Gospel Songs of the Louvins - 1969
Rounder 0308 94 10tr Zz
1702 Ch Whitstein & J McReynolds Trib to Brother Duets Pinecastle 1145 05 12tr Zz
2477 Wild Jimbos - producer Sam Bush
MCA 10279 91 10tr Zz
2478 ~ Two
Resounding 506
10tr Zz
2479 Jess Willard Honky Tonk Hardwood Floor -ca 1950 BearFam16256\D 00 28tr Zz
2480 Mark & Sherry Willhoite Walk Across Texas - country
Giant 4255
10tr Zz
2481 Andy Williams The Cadence Collection
Recall 200\UK 2CD 98 40tr Zz
2482 ~ I Like Your Kind of Love - Great Hit Sounds Jasmine 692\UK 2CD 11 57tr Zz
2483 Hank Williams Rare Demos: First to Last
CMF 067 90 24tr Zz
2484 ~ Complete Mother’s Best Recordings... Plus! Sampler of 16-Disc Collector’s
Box Set
(fc) Time-Life pr 10 26tr Zz
2485 ~ No More Darkness
(d) Trikont 0311\D 03 27tr Zz
0460 Larry Butler & Willie Nelson Memories of H Williams Sr BSW 001\D 00 10tr Zz
0461 ~ Memories of Hank Williams Sr, vol 2
BSW 002\D 00 10tr Zz
1147 Ronnie Hawkins Sings the Songs of Hank Williams Edsel 387\UK 94 12tr Zz
1372 Waylon Jennings Ol’ Waylon Sings Ol’ Hank (Williams)
WJ 1001 92 12tr Zz
1837 Randy North Sings Hank Williams
CW 845\Can
12tr Zz
1874 Roy Orbison (2on1) Vol 1: Sings | Hank Williams the RO Way TNT 91 22tr Zz
2460 Paul Wheater Sings Hank Williams’ Ctry Classics LCY 125\UK CD-R 16 12tr Zz
2469 Terry White Sings Hank Williams
Rarity 192584\NL 00 20tr Zz
0935 H Williams Jr & Connie Francis Great Ctry Fav Bear Family 15737\D 93 14tr Zz
2345 True Bros 90 Proof Whiskey: Songs of H Williams Jr BM 4686 CD-R 09 10tr Zz
2486 Hank Williams III Risin’ Outlaw
Curb 77949 99 13tr Zz
2487 ~ Lovesick Broke & Driftin’
Curb 78728 02 13tr Zz
2488 Jett Williams That Reminds Me of Hank
93 10tr Zz
2489 ~ I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry
JW 515 96 11tr Zz
2490 ~ You Are on My Lonely Mind
JW 412 99 13tr Zz
2491 ~ Honk!
Adjett 07 13tr Zz
2492 Leona Williams I Love You Because
Heart of Texas 113
12tr Zz
2493 ~ New Patches
Heart of Texas 4135
12tr Ss
2494 ~ & Merle Haggard Old Loves Never Die
Bear Family 16411\D 01 28tr Zz
2495 Lucinda Williams - 1988 album + 6 bonus tracks
Koch 8005 98 18tr Zz
2496 ~ Essence
(d) Lost Highway 170197 01 11tr Zz
2497 ~ World Without Tears
(d) Lost Highway 170355\EU 03 13tr Zz
2498 ~ Sweet Old World + Byron Berline, Gurf Morlix
Chameleon 61351 92 12tr Zz
2499 ~ Car Wheels on a Gravel Road
Mercury 558338 98 13tr Zz
2500 ~ Happy Woman Blues
Smithsonian-Folkways 40003 90 11tr Zz
2501 Paul Williams Complete Recordings 1: 1947-49 Blue Moon 6020\E 99 24tr Zz
2502 ~ Complete Recordings 2: 1949-52
Blue Moon 6021\E 99 26tr Zz
2503 ~ Complete Recordings 3: 1953-56
Blue Moon 6025\E 01 27tr Zz
0963 Roger Williams & Amy Gallatin Something ‘Bout You
(d) HAR 6 07 14tr Zz
2504 ~ & JD Williams Williams Squared - bg dobro, mandolin
(d) HAR 8 12 14tr Ss
2505 Ron Williams Natural Thing
Black Patch 9010 04 12tr Zz
2506 ~ Texas Style + Leona Williams
Heart of Texas 122 07 12tr Zz
2507 ~ The Longer You’re Gone
Ah-Ha 5103 09 12tr Zz
2508 ~ Foolproof
LoveShine CD-R 13 12tr Zz
2509 Tony Williamson Sessions at McBane Mill -bg mandolin Bonfire 8003 03 12tr Ss
2510 ~ Trio Winter Wonderland - oldtime/bg Christmas Copper Creek 0200 04 12tr Zz’
2511 ~ RIFT: Push on Thru
Mandolin Central 0044 05 12tr Zz
2512 ~ & Gary Williamson My Rocky River Home Mandolin Central 0003
14tr Zz
2513 ~ Let Us Cross Over the River + A Haynie, R Ickes Doobie Shea 3003 99 17tr Zz
2514 Hal Willis Coast to Coast - country singer + dobro, fiddle
Sims 205 95 10tr Zz
2515 ~ Santa’s Clones - 10 New Original Christmas Songs
Pearl 99 10tr Zz
2516 ~ Better ‘n Ever + Vassar Clements, Buddy Emmons
14tr Zz
2517 ~ A Cut Above + Buddy Emmons, Tommy Jackson, Ch McCoy Pearl
15tr Zz
2518 Billy Jack Wills & his Western Swing Band There’s Good Rockin’ Tonight
- 1950-57
TRG 505105\EU 96 27tr Zz
2519 ~ Crazy, Man, Crazy - 1952-54
Joaquin 2505 99 17tr Zz
2520 ~ Ft Tiny Moore & Vance Terry - Sacramento 1952-54 Joaquin 2503 96 19tr Zz
2521 Bob Wills (2on1) 24 Greatest Hits - 1977
Polydor 827573
24tr Zz
0225 Nolan Bruce Allen Salutes the Bob Wills Era, vol 1 Glad Music 7033 02 22tr Zz
2522 C B Wilson Loving a Lifetime + Doug Jernigan steel Door Knob 1064 99 10tr Zz
2523 Sean Wilson Nashville Country
Music Box 1077\UK
20tr Zz
2524 ~ Turn Back the Years - country & Irish songs Prism Leisure 422\UK 92 18tr Zz
2525 ~ Vol 9: 32 Great Songs - Sing Along with - medleys
SW 1009\UK
9 tr Zz
2526 ~ Vol 4: Forever and Ever
SW 1004\UK
15tr Zz
2527 ~ Vol 10: 50 Super Songs - medleys
SW 1010\UK
10tr Zz
2528 Jesse Winchester Gentleman of Leisure
Sugar Hill 1062 99 14tr Zz’
2529 ~ Third Down, 110 to Go | Nothing But a Breeze Disky 2102\NL 2CD 89 23tr Zz
2530 ~ Love Filling Station + Andy Leftwich, Russ Barenberg, Jerry Douglas, Bruce
Dees, Guthrie Trapp, Mark Fain, Claire Lynch
Appleseed 1116 09 12tr Zz
2531 Lori Winfree - songs of Loretta Lynn
Badger 2005 04 10tr Zz
2532 Ben Winship & David Thompson Fishing Music: A Collection of Acoustic Folk,
Blues & Swing + T&M O’Brien, Mike Dowling
(d) Snake River 116 03 16tr Zz
2533 ~ Fishing Music II + Rob Ickes, John Lowell
(d) Snake River 123 09 16tr Zz
2534 Wishbone Ash Millennium Collection
20.4038-MI\D 2CD 99 22tr Zz
2535 A J Wolf Original Country Music from Nashville
MSP 1940389\DK
10tr Zz
2536 Peter Wolf A Cure for Loneliness
(d) Concord 38953 16 12tr Zg
2537 Jon Wolfe Almost Gone - country singer + steel, fiddle
12tr Zz
2538 ~ It All Happened in a Honky Tonk - Deluxe
(d) Warner 532862 12 15tr Zz
2539 ~ Any Night in Texas + Sunny Sweeney, D Dugmore (d) Fool Hearted 17 14tr Zz
2540 ~ Natural Man - Pat McGrath, R Hajacos, M Johnson (d) Fool Hearted 15 13tr Zz
2541 Bob Woodruff Desire Road - country singer-sw
Curb-Imprint 037 97 12tr Zz
2542 ~ Dreams & Saturday Nights
Asylum 61590 94 11tr Zz
2543 ~ The Year We Tried to Kill the Pain
(d) Rootsy 079 13 12tr Zz
2544 ~ The Lost Kerosene Tapes, 1999
Sound Asleep 021 11 11tr Zz
2545 Milton Wooldridge Singing ‘Old Guitar’ & a Variety of Original Country Songs +
Two Christmas Songs
Jacilyn 99 11tr Zz
2546 Jeff Woolsey The Real Me - country
Shuffle One 16 14tr Zz
2547 ~ My Last Night in Town
Shuffle One 13 14tr Zz
2548 ~ & the Dancehall Kings
Armadillo 07 12tr Zz
2549 ~ Live from Pearl’s Dancehall & Saloon
Shuffle One 11 22tr Zz
2550 ~ Double Live at the Western Club
Shuffle One 2CD 17 28tr Zz
2551 Bob Wootton The Man Behind the Man in Black
10tr Zz
2552 Jimmy Work Making Believe - 1940/50s Bear Family 15651\D 2CD 93 48tr Zz
2553 Darryl Worley + Steve Hinson, Aubrey Haynie DreamWorks 02322 04 12tr Zz
2554 ~ I Miss My Friend + Rob Ickes, Bryan Sutton
DreamWorks 50351 02 12tr Zz’
2555 Johnny Worth Complete Embassy Singles 1958-60 Acr3077\UK 2CD 12 38tr Zz
2556 Bart Alan Woytek Reckless Hearts + S Garrish, R Hajacos PVI 799 99 10tr Zz
2557 Link Wray Hillbilly Wolf - Missing Links, vol 1
Norton 210 97 21tr Zz
2558 ~ & the Ray Men They’re Outta Here, Says Archie (d) Rollerc3032\UK 04 25tr Zz
2559 ~ & the Wraymen Slinky! - Epic Sessions ‘58-61Sundazed11098 2CD 02 46tr Zz
2560 Curtis Wright - country + Larry Franklin, Rob Hajacos Liberty 97825 92 10tr Zz
2561 ~ Curtis Wright - bluegrass + Rob Ickes, Aubrey Haynie Voxhall 12004 16 13tr Zz
2562 John Lincoln Wright That Old Mill
Northeastern 5003 90 13tr Zz
2563 ~ & the Sour Mash Boys Honky Tonk Vérité
Lincoln 002 91 14tr Zz
2564 Wylie (Gustafson) Christmas for Cowboys
Two Medicine 1107 07 10tr Zz
2565 ~ Glory Trail: Cowboy & Traditional Gospel Songs
(d) WG 9840 96 14tr Zz
2566 ~ & the Wild West Show + Merle Haggard
Dixiefrog 8436\F 95 14tr Ss
2567 ~ Cattle Call
Two Medicine 0600 96 10tr Zz
2568 ~ Get Wild
Cross Three 9405 94 14tr Zz
2569 ~ Bucking Horse Moon
DualTone 01259 06 14tr Zz
2570 ~ Sky Tones: Songs of Montana
(d) Two Medicine 1112 12 14tr Zz
2571 ~ Raven on the Wind
(fc) Hi-Line 45568 11 12tr Zz
2572 ~ Way Out West
Rounder 3152 97 12tr Zz
2573 ~ Paradise
Rounder 3178 01 12tr Zz
2574 ~ Ridin’ the Hi-Line
Rounder 3168 00 15tr Zz
2575 ~ Hooves of the Horses
DualTone 01163 04 16tr Zz
2576 Tammy Wynette Christmas with
Epic 69526 98 10tr Zz
2577 ~ Sometimes When We Touch
Epic 983398\UK 94 10tr Zz
2578 ~ The Definitive Collection
Epic 494355\EU 99 27tr Zz
2579 ~ Stand By Your Man
Koch 7946 97 11tr Zz
2580 ~ D-i-v-o-r-c-e
Koch 7945 97 11tr Zz
2581 ~ Inspirational Favorites
Ranwood 8273 98 12tr Zz
2582 Steve Wynn Here Come the Miracles
(d) Blue Rose 0237\D 2CD 01 19tr Zz
2583 ~ & the Miracle3 Live Tick
(d) Blue Rose 0394\D 2CD+DVD 06 21tr Zz
2584 ~ & Dragon Bridge Orch Live in Brussels (fc) BR 0471\D 2CD+DVD 09 20tr Zz
2585 “X” Hillbilly - Terry Fell, Zeke & Red, Dalton Boys, Happy Wainwright, Geer
Sisters, Bonnie Owens, Maybelle Seigler, May Hawk
Cactus CD-R
30tr Zz
2586 Bobby Yates Weary Blues - Real Country
Rave 2010 CD-R 07 10tr Zz
2587 ~ From the Swamps to the Heavens + J Rivers, D Helms R2011 CD-R 10 15tr Zz
2588 Trisha Yearwood Songbook: A Collection of Hits
MCA 70011 97 12tr Zz
2589 ~ Where Your Road Leads + Garth Brooks
MCA 70023 98 11tr Ss
2590 ~ Prizefighter: Hit After Hit
Gwendolyn/RCA 24522 14 16tr Ss
2591 ~ Thinkin’ About You + Emmylou Harris, Vince Gill MCA 11244 2CD 95 18tr Zz
2592 Yonder Mountain String Band & Benny Galloway Old Hands + D Anger, Jerry
Douglas, C Driessen, T O’Brien, D Powell, Sally V Meter Frog Pad 01 03 13tr Zz’
2593 York Brothers Hamtramck Mama - 1940s
Cattle 251\D 01 27tr Zz
2594 ~ Long Time Gone - King & Deluxe Acetate Series
Ace 1103\UK 06 24tr Zz
2595 ~ Early Favorites, vol 1
Old Homestead 4324 CD-R 07 24tr Zz
2596 ~ Best: Detroit in the 40s & 50s - Boppin’ Hillbilly
Collector 2861\NL
28tr Zz
2597 Rusty York The Cincinnati Fireball - 1959-64
GeeDee 270103\D 94 25tr Zz
2598 ~ Sings Country Like Crazy - 1960s
Jewel CD-R 07 16tr Zz
2599 ~ Rock and Roll Memories - 1956-67
Jewel CD-R 07 15tr Zz
2600 ~ & the Kentucky Mountain Boys Early Bluegrass - late 1950s, early 1960s +
Jimmie Skinner, Willard Hale, Curly Tuttle, Billy Thomas Jewel CD-R 02 28tr Zz
2601 Adrienne Young & Little Sadie Art of Virtue - oldtimey
(d) AB 05 15tr Zz
2602 ~ Plow to the End of the Row
(d) AddieBelle 04 14tr Zz
2603 Faron Young Complete Capitol Hits
Collectors’ Choice 27313 00 41tr Ss
2604 ~ Live Fast, Love Hard - Original Capitol Rec 1952-62
CMF 020 95 24tr Ss
2605 ~ (2on1) This Is | Hello Walls + 6 bonus tracks
Hoodoo 263574\EU 17 30tr Zz
2606 Roy Young Rock ‘Em - ‘59-62 Complete Singles Coll AngelAir 399\Uk 12 18tr Zz
2607 ~ Best of 50 Years - r&r-blues singer/boogie-w pianist AA 296\UK 2CD 09 27tr Zz
2608 Steve Young To Satisfy You
Line 9.00143\D 89 10tr Zz
2609 ~ Switchblades of Love
Watermelon 1016 93 10tr Zz
2610 ~ Solo / Live (signed)
Watermelon 1004 91 13tr Zz
2611 ~ Honky Tonk Man - 1975
Drive Archive 41060 94 12tr Zz’
2612 Rebecca Zapen Nest - folk singer/instrumentalist
(d) Bashert 004 11 13tr Zz
2613 Martin Zellar Born Under
Rykodisc 10318 94 10tr Ss
2614 Jimmy James Zubrit Don’t Rain on My Party - country s-sw
ACR 98 13tr Zz
British Archive of Country Music
BACM has released over 600 CD’s with
rare and old country music, on good quality
black plastic CD-R’s. Below some of them..
BACM heeft tot nu toe ruim 600 CD’s
uitgebracht met zeldzame en oude country,
op zwart plastic CD-R’s van goede kwaliteit. Hieronder een deel ervan...
Captain Stubby & the Buccaneers
1940s 25tr
Hank Keene & his Gang Featuring Georgia Mae
1930s 43tr
Martha Carson I’ll Shout & Shine: Old Time Gospel +J Roberts ‘49-57 25tr
Ted Daffan Gonna Get Tight Tonight (prev unreleased)
1941-45 24tr
Wade Ray Things I Might Have Been
1951-55 26tr
Ozie Waters ft the Plainsmen It’s Indian Summer
1944-47 26tr
Hugh Cross Old Time Music from the Smoky Mountains
+ Mary Cross, Riley Puckett & Clayton McMichen
1927-30 20tr
Earl Heywood Memories of - Canada’s #1 Singing Cowboy
1950s 26tr
Texas Jim Robertson Vol 2: Put Your Arms Around Me 1940s-50s 25tr
Pine Ridge Boys Mississippi River Blues
1939-41 23tr
Rex Allen The Arizona Cowboy - Sky Boss
1948-57 24tr
Skeeter Hubbert & his Cowboys Featuring Ezra Paulette &
Charlie Quirk Give Me a Horse and a Saddle
1940s 25tr
Eddie Miller & his Oklahomans Release Me
1940s-50s 27tr
Morris Brothers Zeke & Wiley - Salty Dog Blues
1938-45 24tr
South of the Border - Jim Reeves, Ed McNeely, Dwight Butcher,
Wade Holmes, Hank Snow, Buddy Walker, los Rancheros 1930s-50s 25tr
Grady Martin & the Slew Foot Five Cornstalk Hop
1951-57 28tr
KTSP Sunset Valley Barndance - Al & Hank the Dakota Ramblers (9tr),
Chuck Mulkern (9tr), Frank & Esther (11tr)
1940s 29tr
Leon Payne Great Texas Songwriter: Lost Highway
1941-57 24tr
Stuart Hamblen Vol 2: Prettiest Girl in Town
1929-49 23tr
Homer & Jethro Vol 3: More by the Legendary Ctry Comedy Duo ‘50s 29tr
Smoky Dawson Remembering: Australian Singer/Songwriter 1941-53 23tr
Luke Simmons & Blue Mt Boys I Like My Music Country Style 1950s 25tr
MGM Classic Country Music - Bob Riley, Ted West, Jimmie Williams,
Jerry & Sky, Rita Faye, Slim Carter, Sam Nichols, Jimmy Swan 1950s 27tr
Walter Hurdt & the Singing Cowboys
1937-40 29tr
Red Kirk The Voice of the Country
1949-55 20tr
Judy Martin & her Mountain Rangers ft Red Foley Vol 2 1930s-40s 27tr
Jimmy Newill & his Texas Ramblers Fav Cowboy Songs 1930s-40s 26tr
Stu Davis Canada’s Cowboy Troubadour: Take Me Back 1940s-50s 25tr
Sue Thompson Angels Cry
1951-54 24tr
Dick Thomas Sioux City Sue
1944-53 22tr
Tex Fletcher Lonely Cowboy - Complete Decca Recordings 1936-38 22tr
Art Dickson Singin’ on the Range
1930s-40s 26tr
Hoyt ‘Slim’ Bryant & his Wildcats Vol 2
1940s 30tr
Denver Darling & his Texas Cowhands Vol 3: Cowboy Jack 1940s 25tr
Kenneth Houchins Yodeling Drifter: Old Time Singing&Playing ‘32-34 23tr
Ernest Tubb The Texas Troubadour: Just Rollin’ On
1944 22tr
Jules Allen The Singing Cowboy: Complete Recordings
1928-29 22tr
Roy Rogers King of the Cowboys: A Lonely Ranger Am I
1938-52 24tr
Jimmy Dean Find ‘Em Fool ‘Em Leave ‘Em Alone
1950s 26tr
Wilburn Brothers Teddy & Doyle: The Knoxville Girl
1955-58 26tr
Charlie Herald & Roundup Rangers Canadian Cowboy Group 1930s 25tr
Reg Lindsay The Late Great - When the Wagon Was New
1950s 24tr
Tabby West Chat Chat Chatanooga + Texas Bill Strength
1950s 24tr
June Carter Hillbilly Favourites + Homer & Jethro
1949-56 27tr
Billy Strange Catsup & Honey
1951-55 23tr
Leroy ‘Happy Fats’ LeBlanc & his Rayne-Bo Ramblers
1938-49 25tr
LeGarde Twins One Little Letter
1951-56 29tr
Hoyt ‘Slim’ Bryant & his Wildcats Vol 3
1940s 33tr
Denver Darling & Tx Cowhands Vol 4: Out in the Great Alone 1940s 27tr
Texas Jim Lewis & LoneStar Cowboys NewYork & Hollywood‘37-39 26tr
Milo Twins Swamp Woman Blues
1930s-40s 32tr
Lynn Russwurm’s Canadian Country Vol 2 - Hillbilly Jewels, Orval
Prophet, Terry Roberts, Mighton Bros, Eddie Mehler
1950s 26tr
Dave Denney It’s Nobody’s Fault But Your Own
1945-54 27tr
Eddie Noack Have Blues Will Travel
1949-59 29tr
Tim McNamara Cowboy Troubadour: McNamara’s Rodeo
1950s 26tr
Deuce Spriggins Down the Trail to San Antone
1945-47 26tr
Oklahoma Ed Moody Down the Trail to Home
1945-47 20tr
Bar X Cowboys Complete Recordings, vol 1
1937-41 26tr
Jesse Rodgers Songs of the Hills and Plains
1935-55 24tr
Texas Rangers Vol 1: The Early Years
1934-42 28tr
Merle Travis & Tex Ann Wild Goose
1946 28tr
Betty Amos Yesterday’s Sweetheart
1953-56 27tr
Art Gibson Featuring the Mountain Melody Boys
1946-49 27tr
Rudy Sooter Won’t You Be My Buckaroo
1936-50 29tr
Ambrose Haley & his Ozark Ramblers
1930s-50s 25tr
Tommy Hill The Life That I’m Living
1952-55 26tr
Leon Payne The Lang-Worth Transcriptions
1948-53 27tr
Jack Kingston The Canadian Playboy: Pickin’ & Singin’
1951-57 28tr
Adolph Hofner Swing with the Music
1938-55 28tr
Benny Martin The Big Tiger: Just Me & My Fiddle
1950s 25tr
Dude Label Classic Country Music - Bob Manning, Dub Adams, Dixie
Harper, Otis West, Art Davis, Loyd Weaver, Stoney Carlisle 1947-50 30tr
Goldie Hill Vol 2: It’s Only a Matter of Time
1954-60 26tr
Hank Harral, the Plains Riders & his Palomino Cowhands ‘40s-50s 26tr
Texas Ruby & Curly Fox We Meet Again Someday
ca 1940 24tr
Hugh & Shug’s Radio Pals (16tr), Shug Fisher & the Ranchmen Trio
(9tr) & Hugh Cross & the Smokey Mountain Ramblers (2tr) ‘30s-40s 27tr
Hardrock Gunter That Bouncin’ Man from Alabam
1951-55 26tr
Redd Harper Remember the Alimony
1940s 27tr
Jerry Irby & his Texas Ranchers (14tr) & Link Davis & his Bluebonnet
Playboys (15tr) - Texas Swing
1940s 29tr
Mac Odell ft Little Addie The Old Country Boy
ca 1950 26tr
Bar X Cowboys Complete Recordings, vol 2
1941-53 26tr
Buddy Starcher Battle of New Orleans
1946-59 25tr